THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, we Ty MARCH 17, 1 Je 915. -- ---- SERMON IN ST. MARY'S LJ FY - SP, PATRICK BY REY. FR. O'REILLY, TORONTO. The Cathedral Was Crowded on Wed- |; nesday Morning -- Archbishop Sprati Celebrated Pontifical High Mass, Patriek"s Day St. Mary's Cathedrs high ma Spratt, ass J. Hanley Re livered the quent one before th qualities in p pontifical "Archbishop Father A Father Meagher OReilly, Toronto, de sermon, - which was ian elo. Fhe preacher laid clearly large congregation the was observed ted and Father Telephone 489. 1e of this hallowed saint OReilly spoke about the spilling of blood protested 1 stated that terrible he in this wag strongly God il his again man to brother's . Special music we h Halligan. } Hamma's Mass of St was rendered and dt the of lertory it sang "Hibernia's Cham- pion Saint, AH Hail." During th service, various Irigh melodies « interpreted the by Deny boys' der Rev. Father splendid effect Dominie Limited. Hous Furnishings Made easy. Under one roof, you get Your choice in Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, ete. There is no trouble in harmonizing color effects and prices are lower owing to this combination, on organ MAYOR OF TORONTO Extended Greetings To The Mayor of Kingston. On Wednesday Sutherland received the telegram from Mayor Thomas 1. Church, Toronto, president of the Un- ion of Municipalities : "Many happy returns of the day to yourself, your corporation,. and citizens of the splendid city of King- ston on St. Patrick's Day. May all joy be yours, during. the balance of .the Success, prosperity, health and every | blessing. May be soon pe- { stored to our Empire and country. | Wish your administration every. suc- | cess."" morning} peace Trish Photo Play "ADMITTED STEALING WATCH, But He Repented and Returned If To The Owner. charged with stealing a vateh," said Magistrite Farrell, in police court, on St. Patrick's morn- r The magistrate was wearing a g of shamrock. - The prisoner was bert Elmer, who admitted that he had stolén a timepiece from his friend, Anthony Bibich. Ihe two were employed in the Frontenac Ho- tel, and the prisoner took the watch of his companjon"s pocket while was out of the room: for a min- He took the watch 30 a second- dealer and sold it, but think- he had done he 'went afterwards, bought it and returned it to the "You are out ne ute. hahd ing over what back shortly back again, owner." The magistrate the soner for a week to make some ghout where he had vorking hefore eoming here. The pri- soner said he came to the city to join the Canadian contingent But his wife had refused to let him undergo a necessary operation. remanded pri in quiries been IRAND MASTER Ontario East of Royal Knights' of Ireland. ELECTEI or Black Mayor |. following | and may your gitizens | year bave | } iene Gauntier, the favorite em- | tional actress appe 3 in the only Irish picture in town, March 17th | and 18th, "A Daughter Of Old Ire- { land," (taken 'in Ireland), is a three reel subject replete with dramatic | situations and heart interest. We offer it with every confidence. A fine Ethel Grandin comedy follows the | regular feature. Wonderland thea- Tables for parlor $1.50 up to $25. | tre, Wednesday and Thursday only. Beautiful New Stock To Choose, Prevost, Brock street, has this year | an extra fine assortment of tweeds, { cheviots and serges for his order clothing department. His ready- made clothing and gents' furnishing {departments are well assorted with | new goods. Linoleum, new patterns, al | Widths. Rugs, 1915 stock all in, un~ | oops usually fine selection. | Judge Denton found the) charges in Repair and Upholstering work | Connection with the Toronto fire de partment investigation proven. 3 PENY and well done. Phone 90. ! "fi pperary ice cream bricks. Gib- T. F. HARRISON - ges it CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The trial of the passport The Kind You Kave Always Bought | Hears the Parlor Suites.--Some handsome designs, mahogany finish, at $25 and $30. Our special at $48 is best on mar- | ket. You choose your own covers to | match draperies or carpets and we do the rest. ""Hudnut's | Violet ~ Perfume." * Gib- AUTO LIVERY HENRY A. GRAITAM. An Ottawa despatch to the Whig lon Wednesday afternoon stated that Henry A. Graham, Kingston, had ! been elected grand master for On- tario East of the Royal Blaek Knights of Ireland. Mr. Graham, the first Kingston { Orangeman to attain this high posi- | tion, He was born at Collins Bay, | and fis thirty-three years of age. He has filled all the minor positions fn the primary, district and county lodges. Mr.. Graham is ¢onsidered an expert on ritual and seeret work in every branch, and this was recog- nized the first time he was at Grand Lodge at Lindsay, where he was elected junior deputy grand master, and at Peterboro last year. Deputy grand master. This is the second (grand master Kingston has had in | many yeqrs, James Berney Having |'been the other, and also having been {grand master of the Orange Grand + Lodge a few years ago. POLICE WERE CALLED {When Young Woman Wanted To | Smoke In Restaurant. i It required the services of a couple | of Chinamen and two police consta { bles to keep a young woman, with al | taste for cigarettes, from smoking her | favorite weed, in a Princess strpet | | Chinese restaurant early on Tuesday | | evening. 2 'The young woman had her supper | and afterwards wanted -to buy some| cigatettes and smoke them on the | Fi ta ive | premises. In this restaurant there is i case in New York has begun. Signature of Bibby's- Garage Ey Letters to theEditor {To the Fdi- Kingston, March 17 tor) : If the osgdmzers of money campaigns were to seeure a hist of the unemployed bv individual regist- tration, when beginning a campaign, they would replize a part of the amount. needed. By saving 2e. stamps, typing, printing and envelopes. Also during can paign would obviate many inches of walking, salk- ¢ and wasted energy. In conclus- ion, they would have a concrete fjoun- dation upon which to lay the eause of the deficiency of total amount re- quired unless we do not count.--H BARNETT, One of the Unemployed. Hess square DEATH OF ARTHUR ROMBOUGH. Served as Wireless Operator on Brit. ish Man-Of-War. The death occurred in the Mowat Memorial Hospital on March 13th of | Arthur Rombough, agéd twenty-four years. He was born at Moscow, and was unmarried, being a son of the late Charles Rombough. Deceased at an early age, learned telegraphy, and also qualified as a wireless eper- ator and was exceptionally clever in | his work, He was engaged on a | British man-of-war, = but work last June. He landed at San Jose, California, and from there he came on to Kingston, and entered hospital, His mother and one | brother, Everett, Winnipeg, survive. The funeral took place on Monday, { March 15th, from the residence of | | his unele, Henry Huffman, to Mos- | cow cemetery. Rev. W. P. Wilson, | Yarker, officiated. The pallbearers { were Everett Evans, John Bell, Wil- fred, Potter, Roy Lambkins, Harry Reid and Clarence Allen, A Church Reception, | A reception was given in honor of | Rev. Thomas W. Neal and Mrs. Neal, Toronto, by the Women's As- | #ociation of Sydenham Street Me- | thodist @hurch in the Bible School | hall en Tuesday night. This oppor- | tunity was given for all the members | of the congregation to once more | have a hearty handshake with their | former pastor. The large halk was | filled, and Mr. Neal wag called upon to make a short informal address, Miss M. Shaw was in charge of the musical programme which in- cluded soles by Messrs. Harold Ang- rove and William Eva and a vocal trio by Miss I. Jenkins, Miss 1, Hoag! and Mrs. J. Angrove. Refreshrgents were served at the close of the happy gathering, ---- ely Frontenac Liberals, Attention! Elsewhere in this issued there ap- pears an announcement of the forth: coming annual meeting of the * Fron- tenac Liberal Association. This will | he held at ghe Court House, King: ston, on Thursday afternoon, March 25th, for the election of officers and the transaction . of other important business. All Liberals and { the Association, will occupy the chair jand it is expected that considerable | { business concerning™ the , Liberals of | { Frontenac will be up for discussion. The president is anxious that every | Liberal should make it a point to attend, and it is expected that the rally 'will be a most enthusiastic one. | Farm Helpers Coming, | A large number who have been working in the Ea ern Townships, are now in Montreal | and ave waiting for positions In On- | tario, evidently 'thinking that better | wages are paid in this province Shan ! in Quebec. Immigration Agent Hunter has received a letter to this efiect from. the department asking if any can be DIAC in this vicinity. Beven girls and two men have. al TT ---- failing | | health compelled him to give up his their | friends are invited. Lieut.-Col. F. K. | | Ferguson, Inverary, sthe president of | of farm helper, | Ste a Auction Sales We are now booking our spring sales." a k early and secure choice of dates. We will buy the contents of any house. Allen's 252.. 113 Brock St sign, 'No Smoking Allowed," but | OUR GLASSES SAE 1==You get the services of a registered optometrist. 2--Services of & competent Phone B® the young woman declared that she! + was not a Mason, and; therefore, did { not believe in signs; and when the Chinaman tefused to serve her with | cigarpttes, she immediately started in to rdise a fuss, which was nipped in | the bud by Constables Ti | and Nicholson, who arrived on | Scene in response to a call received { at the police station. {la matters to the constables, | stating that it was against the rules | of His" éstablishment to have smok- | ing, and" that he objected very much | to havitig the lady persist in her at- | tempts to get cigarettes. | to leave the restaurant and save for | ther trouble, and, after thinking §t all over for a few minutes, she Jnal- ly decided to leave, but whe was very woman Bere 3¢ ib fuse for an aha proftister of the restaurant ex- | ready arrived this week and more are | expected. i being brought to the city. " Consumers should look: closely at the weight of their tea and see that they are not paying for wrap per at the tea prices. "Salada" ig packed in aluminum packet and there | t18- full weight of tea inside the pae beg hh MH. Nellis, Woodstock's soli- | citor for twenty-one ears, is dead. ket. i 3 | Ca ------------ . In their own tle -way, the bine | Kingston's Famous Far aor. | 1 man That it Ww be better for her F . f i They .are all placed before | he big busi- JJ i, po | Most Important Books for Officers and Men of Overseas and Home Defence FIRST LESSONS IN WAR. By Spenser Wilkinson, nn ~r ey A AAA tA SA ari { THE IMPERIAL ARMY SERIES. \ Based om Official Manuals, Written hy Officers of the Regular British Army, embody ing the new organization and training Uni. versally used by the British Army, the Canadian Government, the Australian Government Strongly endorsed by Officers of the Canadian Forces now in the field. THE SERIES, x Drill and Field Training, Signalling, Field Entrenchments, Musketry, Camps, Billets, Cook ing, Physical Training, Waterproof Cloth Cov. ers, lustrated, to fit tunic pocket. Rrice 33¢. per copy. Mail orders filled by adding Se. for postage. ! Chiichele Prof. of Military History, In this Mite book the author explains the natmrE and use of modern weapons, the modes of operation-of the varions arms and their ors ganization up to and including the division. He alsc deseribes the condition of the. misrch and the hattle, 2 This volume will be useful and of the ut- most importance to the officers, non-commis- sioned officers and men of the new armies, and will be foumd interesting to those who, without being soldiers, are following the course of the per copy war. Cloth bound 35¢. | AA tt A aera I tnd The College Book Store | 160 Princess Street. OPEN NIGHTS. Phone 919, | The best assorted stock of this season's most 4! approved lines to be found in Kingston. Newest Style Coats, Newest Style Suits, Newest Style Dresses, ~ Newest Style Blouses. Wash Dress Goods Larger range and better values than ever be- foré. Voiles, Crepes, "Sparkle Silks, Tobrakeos, Parisian Qrgandie, Seed Vaile, Bedford ¢ 'ords, P. K.. Prints, Ginghams, ete. ete, Prices start at 10¢ a rard. Pictorial Magazine for April i | ] { Imported Gold Goods We have a shipment of Eng- ! fish Gold Bar Pins and Brooches | which were delivered to us at a great reduction. The reduced prices are still on them, and, in some cases, Brooches and Necklets can be ¢ : bought at' half their regular | | worth, | There are a few small Pla- | tioum Pieces among them at 20 Per cent. discount. Smith Bros. Jewellers Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses ARRIVED New Fashion Book ~ For 1915-1916 Furrier 78-80 Brock Se. "Heep the Wheel ~ Moving The Crops Growing, and our dolk in Kingston Now iy the time to buy Heal Fstate. [$3,600 will buy a mew detached dwelling on Beverly street, hardwood floors, furnace, KE, } High and barn. $1,100 will buy a detached dwelling on Hdvingston Ave, (ime and garde: i fn. | $2,350 will Newman & Shaw, + * The Always Busy Store FIRST DAY OF YM.C.A. CANVAS. { toes BUILDERS' SUPPLIES weet | | Resulted In the Sum of $652 Being | Secured. } Hot Bed " Our modern sash fac- torv is thoroughly equipped to give vour Téquirements prompt § Houses, to Bent; ents attention. : Place your orders {| E. W. Mu in, 3 All Kinds of Real Fitate, now, | Cor. Johnston and Division Streets, Ee] Phones SANGLINGGD, | em Tuesddy was the first day of the | + Y.M.C.A, subseription canvass, and | {most of the workers made a start]. | towards the $5,200 needed. Some of | I" the workers are engaged jn their own | occupations all day, and so are un- | { able to canvass until late in the 'ai- ternoons and in the evenings, and as | a vesult only six of the twenty pairs : _teady to make a teport ) buy a semisdetached dwelling on Garrett street, fuinace, X. light and stable, A list of goo pirchases at office, hey , and Sotusihutors are likely to be. added'sy g