INSURANCE Real Estate Investments J. 0. HUTTON 18 Market St. i m----. Sure Way to Regain Robust Bloom of Youth A smooth, velvety. delicate peach-like Creator's most « ks over, lustre soft skin, with a one of he When the first blush o beautifol tint and sati rarely seen. #low to preserve that's the question. Famous experts abroad long have ordinary mercolized wax works won- ders in this direct] It actually gives ff new surface skin, restoring that marvelous color and soft- ness in a re le manner. An ounce of this wax, procurable at any drug-store Will convert a freckled, worn-out or discolored ecom- plexion one of captivating lovell- ness in thap two weeks. No spe- cial ski necessary in applying the wax, it cold cream morning To remove wrinkles, or formation, a face bath made by dissolv- ing 1 ox powdered saxolite in. % pt. witch hazel will be found wonderfully efMicacious. This tones up relased skin, causing it to remain firm and smooth. Son et emai. are and washed off in the delay their es The camera and photogra. if phic demonstration booked at Best's for to-morrow has been postponed till I} | street, { Mrs. We Pierre Hughes. This will enable us to make fuller and better arrange. if 'this 'fine display and demon. § } stration. fl © Al welcome. Remember the date, March 25, 1915, - At Best's 1 the last f with Nre. I G. Bagart, Wellington this | them | beauty | known that! faded, | being smeared on at night Hke | ahh SL arn mE DAILY BRITISH Hubert Ryan, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Lilian sfundetl, rroi L. w. ull, Prof. F. OG. Gummer, Major W. Sears, W, Sears, jr., and sir Medill, Miss Aird, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Lillian Mundell, Brock street. Mra. Schmidlin, Toronto, will leave for bogland with her huspand, Cap- tain Schmidlin, when the latter, who wad one of the finest battalion ser- geant-majors the Roal Military Col lege has known, goes with the Ihird- Lontingent. Mrs. A. Lincoln Stadler, New York, is kiero for a few days visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Ruight, AT ce street. Rex. Calvin, Ottawa, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Calvin, hing street. Miss Lille Murray, FrontdBac street, went to Ottawa on Menday. Miss Agnes Johnston returged from Gananoque, on Monday, after spend- ing the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. * Johnston. Miss Trixie Sanderson returned to Montreal on Monday, after spendi a week with her parents, Mr. oa Mrs. George Sanderson, street. - Miss Helen Campbell, Family street entertained at -a on Th vitérnoun, when her guests were Mrs. William Steacs, Miss Norah Macnes, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Charlie short, Miss. Isshelle Waldron, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Eleanor Phelag and Miss Purothy Carter (Montreal). Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Margaret Maclen nan (Toronto), and Miss Lillian Mug dell at the tea hour, 8. 8 bridge sday Capt. and Mrs. P. FE. Prideaux, King street, will entertain at supper to-night after the performance of "The Message from Mars.' The guests will include Mr. and Mrs. F Hubert Ryan, Mrs. Herbert Wood, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Lillian Mundell, Professor and Mrs, Gill, Captain and - Mrs, = Scott, Mrs. * ee Dickerman, Miss Phyllis Knight, | Miss Aird (Toronto), Messrs. McGill,| _ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shuttle-| Sears, W. Sears, and C, F. Gummer. | YOrth are the guests of Mrs. C. W * - -> | Belton, Alfred street. : th will return to Miss Annie Minnes, Bagot street, WOT entertained -fnformally on Tuesday! /® London this Johnson Mr. Shuttle- | his regiment! week and | Mrs. i] i evening in honor of Miss Margaret Shuttleworth will remain: here While i i her husband is at the front. Maclennan, Toronto, and Miss Adal s x | | Petrie, St. John. Miss Flora and Miss E » "ee ' Ganan-| | «Miss Hilda: Hague, 1 Riveisity ave-| oque, spent Saturday with friends in nue, entertained informally at . tea hour on Monday, for Mrs. J, do! the | Gordon Stark-and Cedric Gibson, | Mille Burpee. > . * ananoque, are in town for a few i Miss Millie Ferris, Stuart street, | days. Miss Margaret Maclennan, . who, will receive on Friday afternoon, and | has been the Suaat ol oie] Jiund- | i 3 . f * V " Mes. J-ds Mille Burpee, who is her Earl street, will leave to-morrow for! guest, will receive with her. her home in Toronto - » * >» OQ. - Mrs. De Pencier, Gananoque, is | the guest of Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, | King street, on Friday | Alfred street. = Miss' Helen Uglow, Barrie street, | Miss Freda Burns, ' Frontenac feturned from Napanee on Tuesday | street, entertained at tea on Tuesday | Where she has been visiting Dr. and | {in honor of Miss Ada Petrie, St.| YTS. R, Bomthstall Bh Tomas Jolin, [spent the week-end in town. : Mrs. I. Vandresser, Stuart street, | Miss . Kathleen Fairlie, = Brock! will receive on 'Thursday of this week, | Street, : Fw Montreal. he guest of} and not again 'this season. 1 : ood han Faure, hy . -. . - 's $ i Mrs. Ernest Sparks, 193 Johnson | Ott@wa last week to attend. the ex- | street, will receive on Thursday, and i Seutive DL; the. National uot again 4 ON: | honor at a reception given by Miss Mrs. John Calvin is-in town for a few days, and 'will receive with Mrs. Calvin, 131 afternoon, & . . . » Gananoque March 17.--Aneother aged and highly esteemed resident of this see- tion passed to rest on Monday in the person of Alexander C. Jackson, ! at the family: residence "eon Oak street. Deceased had been ailing for some considerable length of time. He had been a resident of Ganan- oque for several years, previous to which he had farmed in Leeds town- ship, a few miles west of the town. He was a man of genial disposition and made friends with all he met. Besides his widow, tliree sons, Rob- ert, Gananoque, Frederick, Leeds township and Walter with the First Overseas Contingent, and one daugh- ter, Mrs. Grice, Leeds township, sur- vive him. The funeral was' held this afternoon to , Willow Bank cemetery. Gananoque Coun¢il, No. 284 RT. of T., held a social entertainment' last 'evening. The programme con- sisted of solos by the Misses Mar- jory Newton and L. Erlen Hurd, and | the Messrs. George Gibson, J. @. + Lawson and George O'Brien: read ings and recitations by Messrs. Frank Wright, Gordon EB. Hurd and Mrs. C. H. Hurd. Light refreshments were served. Zn George Blackhurst, a well-known sident of - Wellington . street, taken seriously ill at his home on Monday evening and is in a very cri- tical condition. 3 The second week of special ser-| vices in Grace Methodist Church | started last evening, with the pastor Rev. Melvin Taylor in charge. The| services have been well attended. The Mill street plant of the Steel | company of Canada has been coms pelled, by rush orders for military equipment for the French Govern- ment to run overtime. They run nightly up to nine o'clock. The young son of Mr. Neal, pro- prietor of the Gananoque Tile Yards, -is very ill at his home on Stone street. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Johnston, Smith's Falls, located here for the past month, left on Monday for home. Percy Moore, Bmith"s Falls, located here since last fall, return- | ed home yesterday in company with | Mrs. Moore. I ---------- Mrs. S. son. ' . 2 A. E. Marty at A. Aykroyd, 100 Frontenac + | street, will not receive lagain this sea- | APartments," on Saturday. the "Kensington! FROM ACUTE NEURALGIA The Bishop of Ontario hnd Mrs. | | Mrs. | will leave for her home in St. | week-end with Mrs. Thomas Donnelly, if | University avenue. Ww. B. ments, so that more can see Hi | ff Ms. S. Birch, Bagot street. ff Alived, street, who will shortly move ae » 'Lennox Mills, Bishop's Court, are Mrs. J. Donnelly will receive on | FPEnding some time at Mount Ciem- Friday, March 19th; and not agaip|®ns, Mich. this season. ! $ v8 Seis. { Mrs. R. J. McKelvey and Miss Ger. Petrie, who is visiting] trude McKelvey, Bagot street,' have! Hooper, Princess street, | returned from Montreal, after a visit John! with Mrs. Gilbert Johnston. { R..W. Segsworth, Toronto, was in Johnson | town for the weekiend. guest of | Miss "Pet" Deacon, Brockville, is the guest of Miss Carrie Bajus, Ri- deau street. { Canon W. F. FitzGerald is spending | a fow days in Ottawa this week. V. Mudie, Gananoque, was i town yesterday. Rev, J. G. Dunlop and Mrs! Dun | Yop, who have been visiting Mrs. R.! E. Aiken, Collingwood street, will | leavé for Newmarket on Thursday. * - Mr. gud Mrs. A. T. Smith, 70 Close | avenue, Toronto, formerly of Kings. ! ton, apnounce the engagement of their daughter, Edith May, to John W. Storer, Clevelind, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. .E. W. Storer, Toronto, | Miss Ada Vere on Monday. Miss Sybil in Ottawa, Kirkpatrick, the Miss Florence Bissonmostte has return- ed to Stirling after spending the in| the 'his mother, Royden Birch, Toronto, spent week-end in town with Mrs. J. F. Singleton, formerly of : to Ottawa to reside, will receive for timé to-morrow afternoon, street. » - . - Dr. BE. H. Young, Rockwood Hos | pital, returned from Toronto at noon - and ' -------- * - Cored Through the Use of Dr. ' a williams' Pink Pills. Neuralgia is not a *disen seit: . jg only a symptom. It is the surest, | sign that your blood is weak, watery | and impure, and that your nerves are literally starving. Bad blood is 'the | ons cause--good, .rich, red blood its only cure. There have the real reason why Dr, ion Pink Pills cure neuralgia. They are the. only | medicine that contains, in obrreoct | proportions, the very elenients need. | ed to make new, rich, red blood. | This alone reaches the root of the | trouble, soothes the J nerves, | drives away the nagging, stab- | hing Jain. and brace up your health | in ot Waye. Mr. M. Brennan, an | oX-nergeant of the 2nd Cheshire Regi. | ment, now a resident ' of Winnipeg, | Man., says: "While serving with | my, regiment in India, on a, hill sta: | tion, I contracted a severe eold | which brought on acute neuralgia, 'at STEACY MERCHANDISE IS BUILT UP TO SUITS AND COATS DOWN TO A PRICE! 3% In Springtime' Smartest Styles A great diversity of models; many copies and adaptions of the most suecessful Paris and New t York creations. Demi-tailored, tailored and novelty suits in every fabric and color approved by fashion. SUITS FROM SUITS FROM SUITS FROM $11.50 TO $16.50 $17.50 TO $30.00 $32.50 TO $50.00 COATS FROM $ 7.50 TO $27.50 A STANDARD NOT NEW MILLINERY. A display of notable interest, featuring many new individual models which have just been received fro.a new York. HATS from $2.50 to $5.00 and $6.50 to $15.00. STEACY' DAVIES 'Two Specials All THIS WEEK Smoked Breast Bacon PECTION WE CORDIALLY INVITE INS AND COMPARISON THERE IS A DISTINCTIVE QUALITY : APPEARANCE oo 2 / About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinctive as the quality of their contents. SUN-KIST Seeded and: Seedless Raisins. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. The Popular Drug Store. Open Sundays, Whole or vo. to-day. the marriage to take place early ip | times lasting for three weeks. 1 was Miss Kathleen Carruthers, who is vistiing Miss Evelyn Ross in Mon- treal, is expected home on Thursday. Kingstonians who will appear in the "Message From Mars," in Brock- {ville on Friday, evening, include | Captain and. Mrs. P. .E. Prideaux, | | Mrs. Herberk- Wood, Mr. and Mrs. | i "TZ" GLADDENS April, | eqnstantly suffering. almost every | | month in tne year for over seven | A | years, the pain being sometimes 80 | 3 {severe that I wi I was dead. On | my return-to England 1 seemed to | {get mo better, though I spent large | | sums of momey for : medical advies | { and medicine. . Then I came to Ca- i nada, sod about a year ago saw | the advertisement of Dr. Filliame® | {Pink Pills in a Winnipeg paper, Al! { though ¥ had begun to think . my { | oof {a daiv trial. I was suffering from ter- | rible pains when 1 began taking the | i Pills, but before the second boxiwas | i finished the pwin began to dnp | | pear, and. under.a further wse of the | { Pills-it- disappeared' entirely, and I | -| have not shad & twinge of it : during | | the past. year. Only those 'wha have i | been: afilicled with the terrible. pains | { of neuralgin can tell whut a hless- - ingDe. Williams' Pink Pills have been | | to me, aud you may be sure I shall | cine dealers or by mail at 50¢. a box * {or six hoxws fo from 'The Dr, | Williams' Medicine. Co., { Ont. 5 . {LNG fa '| Lv. Ig Sliced, 17¢ Liver, 5c Cut Davies' Co. Limited, Phone. 597, i well, In | a plaited" is | hip, ex Brockville, |.coat and new coat my ing to the bottom of the top is covered | 'Well Understood. it sot in over each | NOTICE Having decided to stay at my present place of busi- ness, all orders placed now | for monuments to be erected in the spring will have my [in | bést attention. J. E. MULLEN Princess and Clergy St reets. : Cor. Phone No, 1417. OUR FRESH GROUND CO¥. FEE AT #40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order aud be convince NOM NE GHOCERY Electric Fixtures off . ¥ i Hanufacture; we 'have them, Fin Slioeh at | sis jour made in Canada's largest \ ; Fa % Ao