Frontenac GLENDOWER. March 17.-----The azsessor has com- pleted his trip. Richard Wilson is sawing wood at his home with his new engine. A number of people have tapped their maple-trees, but as yet the run of sap has been light. Mrs. Goudy preached fn the Friends' church on Sunday. Mr. Anset and C. Babcock are visiting at "A. Tim- merman's. BATH ROAD. March 17.---Roads are in a very good condition. L. Ryder is pre- paring for his hot beds. A number of farmers are drawing hay to the city. John Hyland, very ill for two weeks with 'bronchitis, Is*feeling mueclf improved A number of farmers are taking their milk to the|st, city. Miss Lottie Hyland hag spent the past few days with Mr, and Mrs. Cornelius Bridge, Collin's Bay. BELL ROCK, March 14.~~There have been different suwing machines in this neighborhood during the last week. Inspector Truscott visited the village school recently, ¢Mrs. S. Grant has returned home from a week's visit with friends in Toronto. Many of the farmers have taken up the molasses business this year, Visitors : R. W. and Mrs. J. leach, Verona, at J, Pomeroy's; Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Bradshaw, Tamworth, at J, Yorke's, GLENVALE, March 16.--Mr. Cooper and fami- ly have moved here from Harrow- smith. Fenwick Cramer has pur- chased a new vat for his factory. 'Miss Jennie Foster, who visited friends in Toronto, has returned home. J. O. Ellerbeck is attend- ing jury in Kingston this week. Mr. Blair and Mrs. Loushaw are visit- ing at H, Campsall's, Mr. and Mrs. Hull #nd son, Bath Road, made a flying visit at the Glen on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibson,. Cata- qui, spent a few days at R, B. pon's, Mrs. George Maloney has returned home. Mrs. John John Vanluven, Kingston, is visit- ing at J. Walpole's, A number hdve tapped their sugar bushes and re- port the run of sap slow as yet, PLEASANT VALLEY. March 15.--A number of farmers are g for sugarmaking., Mr. Aik. ens, Grimsby, was a guest at Ji. Whitty's. James Carr, Verona, was a Vins at Idgar Hughes'. Miss Mario Watson paid a visit to friends a polls oad, Mr.' hs. o. recent evening at T. Hillrbeok a. Miss , M, Barr spent a few the guest of Miss Tassy Barr, ore near Westport. Frederick Watson pail a visit to Cataragui quite re cently. Mrs, C. Ashley is at J. A. Hughe¥'. Mr. and Mrs, Frederick ¥ller- spent a recent Sunday at G. Ellerbeck's. A. Charbonneau was pn recent caller at) G. Barr's. Arthur Ashley and Miss Alberta Hughes spent Sunday evening nt G. Hughes'. 'March 15.--A number from here at- Be a ears 3x . ly ' 0 at tersea. remains were YiSoed in Sand Hill vault. = Mrs. Abernethy is in | Mrs. Artie Roontree are v March 16.--Jobn D. Shea is Te- building a new horse stable. H. Slu- man has returned from Watertown, N.Y, after a brief visit with friends. Hall bas home from @ General Hospital,' Kingston, af- 'undergoing treatment for leg is much improved. has left for Toronto on Tuesday as delegate to the A.O. U.W. convention! . . NEWS GATHERED leaving for her home| Perth anoque, are spending a few days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger. Miss Maggie Donevan, Es- cott, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs.'L. P. Gaving Mallorytown, spent Sunday with relatives here John Bolger has purchased from D. B. Johnston, Lansdowne the farm adjoining him. MORTON, : March 15 Mrs, F. B. Taber has returned home after spending the past week with her sister in Dela. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Bell- mays' spent a few days last week. with their daughter, Mrs. George Roantree M. E. Marsh, Kingston, made a business trip to their village last week. T. 8. Harrison, Smith's Falls; was i"the village last week in the interest of his store, C. Willis and C: R. Taber made a business trip to Gananoque last week. Mrz. Lewes Cheetcham is ill. Recent visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Robert Tate, Lyndhure and George Blackman, Sealey's ay, at J. Stewart's. Mr. and Mrs, A. Rockfield, at Mrs. J. Wil- MAPLE GROVE, March 15.~Some are tapping trees and report a goodly run of sap. Mise Edith Whaley "has gone to Kingston to resume her position as milliner, C. H. lee spent a few days with friends at Sydenham. Miss Flossie Whaley is at H. M. Woodruff's, Syd- enham. Mr. and Mrs. ¥, Wood. have returned to their home. W. R. Wil- gon has been drawing hay to Rose dale. Mrs. H. Vapluven and children are at Mrs. G. Kemp's. R. and A, lee, Sydenham, spent & few days with the former's brother, M. Lee. Mrs. P. Vankoughnett and family, at J. Whaley s; Mr. and Mrs. G, Steven- son, H. Nellis and family, P. Van- koughnett and family and Miss J. Whaley, at E.. Vankoughnett's, Mrs, M, lee, at W. W. Leo's, Sydenham; VW. R. Wilson, at M, Lee's. . WESTPORT. March 15.--On Saturday night last, a juvenile concert was given in the town hall by the little girls of 'the town, which was a great suecess. Every number on the = programme was good and 'elicited applause. The proceeds are for the Belgian Relief Fund. Mrs. Owen Martin is seriously ill at present. Mr, and Mrs, Gren- non returned on Monday rrom a vis- it with friends in Perth. WwW. J, McCann has the contract of paint- ing and decorating Notre Dame con- vent. The Misses Alguire were hos- tesses at a charming party Tuesday evening, given in honor of their guest, Miss Hopkins. Miss Dorothy Arnold, trained nurde, who spent a Watertown, N.Y., on Monday. : Miss short holiday at home, returned to Tillie Ruthven, Elgin, in the guest, of Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Forrester. Miss Edith McCann is visiting friends in \ ' ROCKFIELD. March 15.--Mr. and Mrs. Hilyard Earle and little son, Forest, visited Mr. and Mrs. Add Herbison"s at Fairfield Mast and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Booth at Lillie's last week. Miss Leafa Warren, Union Grove, is spending the week-end with her par- ents here. Mrs. Edgely, Alexandria Bay, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Ernal Herbison. Miss Elsie Herbis- on and Miss Iola Wood, Fairfield Bast, are visiting friends here, Mr. Lelie Warren is ill of grippe. Miss Arline and Master C. Hunk, Hol- land, are guests of their grandmoth- er, Mrs, Mary Herbison. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Purvis spent Sunday with their daughter, Miss Janet Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eligh, Cain- Ernal Herbison recently, Mr. and isiting at Morton, SEELEX'S, BAY. pmol 16.--Miss -M: tad, Clear is visiting friends here. . The Methodist Sunday School is being re- organized. ' The deal between | V, Rhodes. and Edward T. Moore for the ase of the ' allen Shean . and butter factory reopened 16 season's 'business last Monday. The chased by 8. Henderson, Mortes, front of Lansdowne, between: que aml Lansdowne, and will the Oe sugar | Mes. Scott's house and has taken up OVER NEAR COUNTIES 2 town, were guests of Mr. and Mrs} Lather', 4. .' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ~a % Frank Keyes and son, Gerald, Gan- tended the funeral of John Hollings- worth," Escott, on Thursday last. NEWBORO. March 15.--Benjamin, Tett, Jr., left for his home in Outlook, Sask., last Wednesday. Ernest Foster, Smith's Falls spent a few days in the village last week. Charles Staley, Smith's Falls, will shortly move here to deliver cheese-boxes for William Spicer. E. Steele, from near.Toronto, has purchased the Davidson sash and blind factory and will open for bu- sinek® this spring. Mr. Steele will move into the Bishop house opposite thie factory. Mrs. Wesley McCue, Foxfa®, Was a village visitor last Sat- urday." The hockey club will have a BOX social at the hall on St. Pat- rick's night. Mrs. W. H. Smart is in Kingston undergoing treatment for threat and lung trouble. The Womans Institute held a successful aftérnoon tea, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Whaley, on March 10th, at which #he sum of $6.60 was cleared. Twenty dollais has been sent to the elgiah cousul for Belgian relief, from, the teas held through Febru- ary. M¥s (Dr.) King will be the next teg hostess on Wednesday, March 17 and Mrs. George Bawden on March #4th, The Dorcas meeting of the Lanark FOLGER. March 16.-----Quilting bees are the order of the day, The death occur- red in Victoria Hospital, Renfrew, of Florence, (Essie) second young- est daughter of Adam McGonigal, Canonto, at the age of 24 years. Charles Stewart spent the week- end with his sister at Thurlow's V. Pragky is ill. Mrs. A. T. Stewart, spent Monday at Lavant, Mrs. R. Davis, visited Canonto friends on Monday. Rev. Mr. Samson, Plev- na, conducted service here on Satur- day - evening. Mrs. James Moore has returned after visiting her dau- ghter, Mrs. J. Burke, Pembroke. §& LOWER LAVANT. March 13.--A pleasant time was spent at J. M. Browing's on Friday night, when friends gathered anil spent the night in games and 4dan:- ing. H. Robertson is hauling wood for A. Jackson Lavant Station. Mrs. J. Dunnis confined to her ox! through illness. Mrs. Robert Reid is able to be around once more af- ter her illgyess. Mr. . and Mrs. A. Barr visited at Hopetown on Frida: Mr. and Mrs. William Swciha asd Master Morris, Dalhousis, visited nt John Robertson's. Mrs. A. Browe- ing has returned to her home at Arnprior after spending soma tims with. friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul visited at John Johnston's. Watson's Corners for a few days. James Closs has gone to work at Mr. James," Hopetown. . CALDWELL'S MILLS. March 15.--A. McDonald, Lanark, was renewing old acquaintances in town this week. Wiliam Easton, Marble Bluff, visited the parental homes, Mrs. John Clelland visited her daughter, Mrs. A. MeGonegal, Flower, Mrs. P. Gray and Mrs. H. B. Gray, visited Flower friends over Sunday. The boys turned out in large numbers to the wood bee at Charles Hutchinson's Robert Camer- on, Sr, Flower, called on friends here this week. H, B. Gray paid a business trip to Calabogie. Mrs. Fels- kié and family speat the week-end with Mrs. Lalonde. Miss Stella Mills, 15 visit Flower friends. Mrs. H. B 'Gray and Master Kenneth, are visit- ing the former's ' parents, Lanark. Wililam "Tozer spent the week-end the guest of John Gray, . SWITZERVILLE. March 16.--Sugar maki mencetl again. The WLS, held its Nord Sagnihly meeting at the ew! parsonage. A lar 'ats vi Rustell Wood. James Frink snd family have moved here, Mrs, Kingston, is visiti her Pi Mrs. PE. R Miller." 4 pe. The young people gave a literary nieeting, New! were en bas com- _at her | g s. A. Moore gave a large pariy to about fifty of her young friends. J. T. mily, spent Sunday at Parrott's." : Ad Porfsmouth.. The score was 5 to 4 in favor of the Front Road. Reeve D. Caughey, jr., attended the session of the County Council at Napanee last week. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Ada and daughter, Winnipeg, Man, FLORIDA. March 15.--J. Hunter is improving' slowly. HM. Carroll "is still confined to, Kingston General Hospital. T. Wallace spent a few days at Seeley's Jay and Elgin last week. W. L: Storms had purchased some fing Holstein cows, also a 'choice pure- bred Holstein bull, for which he pia a faney prize, RR. Martyn spent Tues- day in the city. Mrs. J... Redden, Kingston, spent a few days last week with her father, John Hunter. Miss Lottie Mariyn is spending a fow days with her sister, Mrs. BE, Lucas, Maple avenue. Visitors: B. vey, at Mr. Yorke's, Westbrook; C. at H. Shellington's, Odessa; C frey, Hartington, at J. i. S. Martyn, Maple Grove, at . tor's, EVERGREEN VALLEY. March 17.--Mr. and Mrs Freder- ick Robertson went to Kingston last Monday to bid their two Sons a final good-bye. The sons have join- ed the 4th Hussars for overseas ser- vice and have been sent Petawawa Camp for training. Spring will be welcomed by many on account of the scarcity of fodder. William Hogle, Sharpon, while walking over to inspect his meadows last Satur: day, the 13th o® March, saw a little grass bird. He found its nest with three eggs, This surely is a token of an early spring. Miss Eliza Smith is making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Levi Storms, Verona. Miss Iva Milsap is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. By- ard Parks, Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton's youngest son is suffering from an attack of pneu- monia. ENTERPRISE EAST. March 14.--The remains of the late Mrs. Samuel Cameron and Miss Mary Kennedy were placed. in the vaults here during the past week. James Foster visited at' John Kel- 1y's recently. Miss Mary Campbeil spent Sunday there. Glenford Ren- odin has been for a few days in Erinsville. Miss Anpie and Thomas Perro spent Sunday at A. C. Finn's. Miss Lauretta Finn has gone to Pet- erboro, where she will spend some time. P. Kelly and J. Kenny were in Tamworth on Sunday. Miss Kath- leen Clair was in Napanee a couple of days last week. Miss Annie Finn, visiting her sister, Mrs. James Evans, - Moscow, is home again. Miss Sadie Kelly, Tamworth, spent a Sun- day recently at her home here. SELBY. March 16. --The ladies of the Red Cross Society met in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday and packed another bail for the soldiers. +The next nmieeting will be held a week from next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin entertained a few of their friends last Wednesday night. A Wood had a bee on Tuesday, sawing the wood for the church. C. T, An- derson has 'moved into Miss Sex- smith's house. Mr. Tammon, the new marchant, comes Wednesday to take up residence here. R. W. Paul made a flying trip to Toronto last week on business. Visitors: Miss M. Danison at home; Mr. and Mrs. G. Arnold at C. Arnold's; Mrs. H. Mar- tin and H. Hudgin's; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine at Rev. Mr. Cooke's; Mr. and Mrs. F. Sexsmith at T, Bd- gar's; Mr. and Mrs, Rook's at J. . | Gomis', ODESSA. March 17.<Fhe Glenvale Hockey Club played a game with the Odessa boys on the foal rink, 'The score was 5 to 1 in favor of Odessa. Miss Anglin, Westhrooke, spent the week-end at RR: W. Anglin's. Mrs. W. A. Baker is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. G. Hamm, in Xingston. Dar- rell Robson spent : Sunday at G. D. Simpkins'. Rev. Dr. Baker, Belleville, took of the services in. Meth- odist church on Sunday last, in the absence of bs Tucker, who is in To- of wed FRIDAY, MARGH 19, 1915, S ro LAL | the auditors report be 4 i Harris Company gave a free diner in Conseécon on Thursday to thos: that had pew machinery deliversd to Consecon. Several from this lo cality brought Lome wago uloads It 'looked like business and work. About fifty men sat down to a boun- tiful spread prepared by Mrs. Ward. Wilfrid Maryin, Wellington, was re- newing old acquaintances in this vicinity last week, after spending a year in, the North West. Mr. ond Mrs. Royel Hick spent last Friday at Oscar Beuem's.near Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Weir have moved from Mrs. Davern's farm onto J. R. Mar- vin's farm. Miss S. Stewart, through illness, elosed the school on Thurs- day and went tg hér home near Hil- lier. © A doetor was summoned and found her suffering from * grippe. Word came this morning that sha would be able to resume her work in a few days. Miss Esther Fa! and Miss Winnifred Pearce \cam: home on Friday from Picton high school ill 0 fmeasles. Mrs. James tending the funeral of her Mrs. McKim, Plainfield. § Hastings TWEED. * March 15.--About, 3.30 a.m., from an unknown cause, fire broke out in the Evaporating Plant here, owned by R. J. Graham, Belleville, result- ing in the complete destruction of the buildings and machinery, as well as two 'days' output of evaporated po- tatoes, and two car loads of pota- toes, which had just arrived for evaporation. This plant had heen doing this business for the past three months, giving employment to nbout twenty hands. The loss is about $7,000, with no insurance. The farmers in the surrounding country are tapping their trees, in preparation for making sugar. Miss Kathleen Geary, formerly of Stoco, arrived in Tweed this evening, after an' extended visit in Chicago. The building now occupied by, the Tweed Advocate has lately been purchased 'by D. A. Morrison, who in- tends continuing his business on a larger scale. The committee in charge of the St. Patrick's Day concert, to be held in the Opera House, Wednesday even- ing, are putting forth every effort to make the event successiul. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will hold & Shamrock supper on Wednes- day evening, from five to eight o'- clock. A. J. Fitzgerald has moved into his new residence on West Metoalfe street. iss Mnv MeMahon, Rev. Father Quinn's .uece, returned to sister, weeks' visit at the Presbytery. Township Councils PORTLAND. Harrowsmith, March 15.-- Mem- bers all present. Minutes of last meeting adopted. »W. W. Asseltine presented a petition asking to have that portion of Con, 9 from Lat. 16 inclusive to the western boundary, changed from Polling Sub. Div, No. 6 to No. 4. Moved, Smith, Thomp- son, that the petition be granted. Carried. ' | On Motion, Vannest-Smith, a by- law was passed granting the Oak Flats and Verona Rural Telephone Co., the privilege of erecting poles and stringing wires on the follow- ing highways. From Verona to Archie Wilkin's and from. Archie Wilkin's to First Lake Road. On motion, McKeever-Smith, a by-law was passed granting the Verona and Desert Lake Rural 'Telephone Com- pany the privilege of erecting poles and stringing wires on ' the High Falls to Loughboro Boundary. On motion, McKeever-Thompson, Frank Wallace was appointed im place of Thomas Cowdy, resigned, to enforce the local option by-law in Township of Porland. : L. H, Ruitan presented a bill for damages for water overflowing land The Auditors' report was presented, showing statement Of cash, assets and liabilities of the township on December 31st, 1914, as follows: = 1546.93 ($6,405,12 ei County rates for 1914 ...$6,785.16 Due county for charity... 143.3) f Due ~ county for repairs Long Swamp . . 55.01 Dye county good reads ov- - erdraft CR sede rae 3,563.83 Township accounts pay- rable. ..... 78 ty cies $2,940.66 , ed, McKeever Thomoson, that adeoited. Car- Lo: for position . township was reeeived W. W. Assellting Boyd has returned home after at-' Cleveland "last Wednesday, after a six "SI ESR 4] Useful for Over, 500 Purposes EATS GILLETTS LYE stirs coe pti mi AUTOMOBILES AND FOR HIRE. Phone 1177 George W. Boyd, 89 Ear} Street. - Carters & Teamsters I 'Good frame house on Division improvements, good stable and poultry houses, good IN STOCK Pratt's Animal Regulator, Pratt's Poultry Regulator, Pratt's Baby Chick Food, Pratt's Lice Killer. Satisfaction guaranteed these goods or money back For sale by J. R. B. Gage, 251 Montreal St, oR )1AB = The very best for use JOHN LA B it WE NOW HAVE Phone 3549, rm ATT'S STOUT "Made inCanada" ; Table Salt | Be practically patriotic, See everything you buy -- whether $1,000 -- is "Made ia Canada" house for a $2 550 '.. ? teamster, Price Brick honse near Princess Stroet, nine rooms, improve. ments, furnace, gas and electricit $3.400 f | EEE HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance 'Office 177 Wellington St. all in ill-health znd convalescence © "Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America = ; at World's Fair, 1503 : PURE --SQUND-- WHOLESOME BATT, LIMITED, LONDON, Agent, 339.341 CANADA Joy King St. East, Free "REGAL" Salt is made: +. In Canada by Canadians, and it is an ideal Salt for the table be- cause it stays dry and free running the year round. - costs 10c. or 151 TT Os EE Er CC = I | a goods does not "D. & A" or the "La Diva" thousands of women wear them. The D & A" and the "La Diva' are made by the Domini finest corset factories in the world, Hi iii] [EEX Go elsewhere--if you find oy i ct LL 8 W758 RASETY ion Corset Co., in one of the 715 148.904 ce Suge 01d st lending grocers. in 10016, 25 1h, bags, also in § ib, and Z Ib. cartons, . Mody MONTREAL. CARRIAGES NN Et tt NN