YEAR 82 5O 66 GERMANS MUST ABANDON ~ EAST PRUSSIA OFFENSIVE Owing to Pressure by British : and Russians. REINFORCEMENTS SENT FROM THE EAST TO MEE BRITISH ADVANCE, oT THE Russians Have Gained Complete Mastery in Galicia, And the Ger- mans Are Likely Sending Reins + forcements There Also, {Bpecial to the Whig.) London, March 19. A special to the Times from Petrograd says, the Russian military authorities are con- vinced that some of the thirty-three German army corps jnassed in the éastern war theatre, already have gone to Belgium or France, presum ably to reinforce the troops fighting the British. The despatch says also that the Germans probably are sending rein; forcements to the Galician theatre where "the Russians have gained a complete mastery of the situation. Everything goes to show that owing to these causes, serious German of-| fensive in East Prussia must be abandoned." A. hot artillery fire has ¢hecked two French attacks north of Mesnil in the Champagne region. Around' Verdun the French made slight gains in the Woevre Plain. On the east bank of the Meuse they, suffer#d a repulse, but fighting continues on the Meupe heights, War Tidings. Jenmark, Norway and Sweden have fade identical representations to the lied powers against the French poliey of reprisals on man commerce, according to a patch from Copenhagen. A German 'Taube horled bombs upon a funeral cortege in village of Dampiewre l¢ Bains, according to offi. cin! despatches, but did no damage. The aviator flew back to the German lines. The German liner Macedonia, which esonped from «© Las Palmas, Canary | Islands, with a (cargo of war sup- | plies, is reported fo hyve been cap- tuced at, spacby 4 Beit h oruiser. The Spanish Covernment has ordered « investigation Tato cba Shin's escape, i ------------ Anglo- Ger- des- RAPID BAND FILTER gr: Recommended For ~ Installation By Brockville Waterworks. Brockville, Mareh 19.---The spec- ial committee of the water and light departments and the Board of Health _ appointed during fhe typhoid epide- mic to consider mprovements to the . pumping plant, has recommended the construction 'of a rapid sand filt- er plant of the gravity type, at.a cost of $85,000, and that a new twenty- four-inch intake pipe to run 500 feet - into the river be purchased, the in- © take estimate being $7,000. » - In view of the early introduction of the Hydro-Electric power in Brock ville the Commissioners are going to reduce the rates, so that consumers will use considérably more current without increasing their light bills. res" CHIESA IEI EIS EEEHIRs COL. LAURIE KHLLED. (Special to the Whig.) Toronto, March 19.--A cable here to-day says lLieut.-Col. G. B. Laurie, Royal Irish Rifles, was killed in' action, ' Col. Laurie was a son of the 'late Maj.-Gen, Laurie, Oakville, N.S He attended the Royal Military College, Kingston, for eighteen months, and in 1885 was grafted a special commis- sion. Since joining the Imper- ial Army he served with the Royal Irish Rifles. PEEP PPT REPT PERT LEE EE EES LAE FE ERE EER PereP PP Ee Peer P ebb Ld bie WEALTHY TURKS FLEE. Dardanelles Attack Greatest Surprise of War, Says One, Geneva, via Paris, March 19 ty wealthy Turkish families, some of the women still veiled, arrived in Switzerland this weele by way of the Austrian Tyrol. Their baggage con- sisted chiefly of valuable jewel cases. A white-haired Turk, who formerly held 'a high Government position, said : "The Allies' attack on the Dardanelles has cused a panic in military, political and financial eir- cles in Constantinople. This was per- haps the greatest surprise of the war, especially for our kindly German directors and our little Napoleon. Enver Pasha. Learning March drd that all the armies on the fron. tiers had been recalled to Constan- ¢ tinople I did not wait for the in- evitable anakchy, but left with my | family, like' friends." Thir- on many of my WHAT BERLIN SAYS. Claims Russian and French Attacks Were Repulsed. (Special ta the Whig.) Bgriin (via wireless) March 19.-- | In the official statement ' from the war office this afternoon, it was an- | nounced that all Russian attacks be- | tween the Pissa and Crzec rivers and | northwest and west of Przasnysz| were repulsed. At some points the! German artillery fire inflicted heavy | losses upon the Slavs. No"¢hange | was reported south of the Vistula. FAMINE IN AUSTRIA. i : nig on ' "read Can No Longer Be Purchesed > In Viebna. * (Special to the W London, March 19. spatch to-day quot Wiener Journal as ine is imminent Vienna newapap: saying that bread inthe Austrian capital. Island" Visitor Dies In West. Watertown, N. Y., March 19---' ig) . Rome de- the Vienna | was quoted as | ow unbuyable | Word was received here of the death' in Chicago yesterday of Mrs. A. E. Clark," a 'well-known summer resi- dent of the Thousand Islands. Mrs. Clark was thd owner of Comfort Is-| land in the St. Lawrence and had | been a visitor at the resort for thirty- five years. Mrs. Alson Clark, a daughter-in-law, received the news| of Mrs, Clark's death and left for) Chicago. Mrs, Clark spent her early life jn Brownvifle: 4 VICTORIES FOR THE ALLIES ALONG WESTERN FRONT (Special o the Whi London, Ma 1 9.--All . ope. dm 'have 1 of Verdun. } ometal despatches to-day show progress fof The German official statement been ordered out at the Tilsit re- n" in Poland, and states that the slight gains in This y the French official a Franeo-British forward move- ment in the Lorstie region gave the Iles of ding to- ward: io, Trew Hilles Nn gy A body of German troops that remain- ed to defend the road was either annihilated or captured. | are both -stretcher-bearers. Thay show. | | quality of his own new formations, aily British hig [=] LAST ED ITION BUKOWINA'S CAPITAL IS NOW THE PRIZE For Its Psi Big Battle is Developing. 0 CROSS THE PRUTH : "THE AUSTRIANS TO ATTACK THE | MASSED RUSSIANS, KiNGsTON ONTARIO. : 1915 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, i i 1s CAN BREAK GERMAN LINE. : London, March 19.--The full i import of the British victory at uve Chapelle is only now be. Ne Tape grasped by the 3 pubs. It has greatly cheered both troops and civilians as con- 'S Arming the belief that the Gers 3 man lime be broken if the | 4 Allies care to pay the price. [4 de oan SHEP ES EP PEN ; 5 wR $ NN EE ee ----_----_. ~---- ------------ N-- | w------------. PATROLLING THE SUEZ CANAL. The picture shows a British gunboat in the famous waterway, threatened some weeks ago by & Turk- ish advane €, the object being not so magh to invade Egypt as to frighten commerce, But So Far the Enemy Has Been Re- | pulsed In Its Attempts to Throw Pontoons Across the River -- Rus. Are Still on South k Of "Institute in London | Has Shown Sous The River, } { London, March ». ~Out of 78 of state for the Imperial Treasury, Bucharest, March 19.--A big bat. cases treated at the Radium Insti- asserted that Germany, in respect of | tle Is developing for the possession | tute during the present year, nineteen her stock of gold, is better off than ©f Bukowina's capital, Czernowitz, |are described as cured, 828 im- Great Britain, France or Russia, A 8¢cording to despatches from the proved. As to the rest, the results few days earlier German. wireless! border towns to-day. { wera not apparent at the time the news stated that the 'gold reserve of | A large Austrian force advanced report was prepared. The diseases the Reichsbank on February 27th, '°Ut of Crernowitz and attempted to | treated ranged . from cancer, in which was $567.500.000. cross the Pruth to attack the Rus-|the results were varying, to spring sians massed near Sadagora. 'Their |catarrh, of which even the severest attenipts to throw pontoons across cases were cured. Superficial growths ---- | the river were defeated by the Rus-| such as birth marks of the "'port- Fifty Thousand Dollars Was Sent to stan howitzers. | wine stain" type, were rendered up- Belgians. | stilt Small body of t noticeable. On of them to get nd Ottawa, March 19.--Details as to| bank of the Pra on, ot on now, | of facial birth marke was a hotal por. special expenditures made under the itz eTROW: | ter, who had been kept out of work war appropriation act of last session because of his disfigurement. Warts were given to the House by Hon. that defied acids, quietly melied away Louis Ccderre, secretary of state, in © onder. the influence of radium. ~The reply to a question by Sir Wilfrid | { Radium Institute is maintained by Laurier. | insued a prohibiting the ex: | public a and its work. is {#xportation of pork in any form. carefully wate by The Finance Pepartment had,con- scientists. tributed $50,000 toward the Bel; ian Baron Van Den Heuvel is the new- | ily appointed Belgian minister to the A German Story, Relief Fund and $97,322 to the Hos- ti pice Canadien. Thé 'sum of $8,000 'atcan. Berlin, March 19.--The Governor extra had been expended In the offi- The French foreign office, it is un- | East Prats. in' an ofhcial Ythor of ectal ces of the Governor:General's secre- Jerstood, has decided to buy, the | gays that during the first Russian Constantinople, March 19.--The | tary for extra clerks, telegrams, pos- ©argo of cotton aboard the steam- | invasion 10,000 houses were burned, French battleship Bonver, bombarding tage, etc. connected with the war, ship Dacia. The cotton is valued | 2,000 civilians murdered and 4,000 the Dardanelles forts, has been sunk! while the Privy Council office had at about $7500000. = The disposition | kidnapped. by the Turkish forts, the War Office! spent $8,459 for telegrams and press! of the ship must be left to a prize During the second invasion, of the announced in an official: statement to-| despatches. | court, | 15,000 Evi who remained in the day. Hah sum of $6, a had been spent | Tah Dm $tenches are only | provines up to November, 4,000 had e secretary of state for the si yards from the ene An of- | bee urdered kidnapped by the The Bouvet fs one" of older French) printing and distribution of doeu- | in the Canadian Scottish writes Raion, ji ' battleships, having been built in 1896. ments relating to the war. Extra ex- | Several 'times she has béen ¢nentioned | penditures in the Railways and Can- | that a stone could be thrown across | in French and Brirish official state | als Departinent had been $60,107 | to the opposing lines. The mark- ments for efficient worlé in the bom: | for transporting goods for the Bel-! manship of the German snipers is | bardment of the Hapineud 13; 5 glan Relief Committee on Govern deadly, their bullets often finding | ouvet displaced 12,2 ons ment railways, ! the loophol and carried a crew of 605. The Con-| Canada's gift of 1 000,000 bags of | (. R sin hes. thio | Santinopls Slficial Btsttemnt carvied | flour to England cost the Depart- | counsel, has 'enlisted for active ser- mention of the fa the erew. ment of Trade and Commerce $3,- lvice, and has asked the Board of The ba ethipgs length ras an, | 098, B46, | Sotrol to release him immediately, | oh RADIUM CURES. Ee Ne yy A FAIRLY HEAVY DRAFT A A AA AP A. 2 NN PP rt Ni, A FRENCH SHIP Was Sunk in the Dardanelles on Yourstay. from Canada -during the next three ot four months, - The machinery of Militia Deparment for' raising and | FOR RTS | active sey ice equipping new units for Recent advices received from Eng- need land indicate that there will be before long for a considé®akle portion of the ten or eleven thousand cavalry troops now undéy training throughout the Dominion. In the next dfaft which goes forward it is probable that the Canadian. Mounted Wiftes will be ver presented. last week, Dr. Helfferich, secretary Will be Required From Canadd In Next Few Months. Ottawa, March 19.-With the gener al advance of the Allies in France and the consequent heavy casually lists and the need of more men ' for reinforcements, it -is eypected that there will be a fairly heavy draft SPECIAL WAR OUTLAYS. Russian forces NU TIDINGS RECEIVED AS TO THE CRAFT'S CREW, War Tidings. N It Has Been Verified That the Liner The Netherlands Government has " Nudavra Was Sent To The Bottom | In November Last By a British Ship--The Crew Was All Trans. ferred. HEROISM AT THE FRONT. Stretdher-Bearérs- Will Be Recom- mended To Be Mentioned. Belleville, Match '19.--Capt. O'Flynn, with the 2nd Battalion, Brigade, Canadian F.xpeditionary Force, writing to relatives here of | his experiences in the trenches under! fire, tells of the hergic actions of two | local volanteers * at the front in| France. *""I'wo of the Belleville hoys, | named Prince and Styles, did some fine work under shell fire. They Lirought some wounded men to safe-| ty, and one of the English colonels! stated be would recommend that they | be mentioned in despatches. They | (Special to the Whig, ) £. D.| lst | | from the vicinity of Neuve Chapelle ~The statement adds that 80,000 pri- vate apartments were oom ly pil- laged and their furniture 'conveyed to Russia by train. Austria Must Yield to ed great coolness, aml we were qu;te of them." pieces. ote yim, She. us, cota ons. Liner Navarra Son t to Bottom (Special top the Whig.) Valparaisol M 19.--Officials of | thé Britidh auxiliary cruiser Orama today confirmed the report, publish- | od in England three weeks égo, that|' {the Ormga sank the armer German, liner Navarra, formerly of the Ham-! { oad Sa Po. 5 i AT CIAR'S MIGHT North Poland is Only Point services are requirdd to act as - sistant adjutant, The firm of Hemi leten has bon} fiat is | fined 20,000 marks (85,000) for vio- lating the order of the governor- von Bissing, prohibiting pay- | gencral to creditors in England. King Frederick Augustus of Saxony | Rome, March wi IN THE RIGHT ARM = (8&pecial to ar ai table { Franz Josef returns to { trian ' districts inhabited | the newspapers Tribuas | | D'Itala asserted in vigoroys ores | to-day. ii Supplies Coal to. Dresden Callao, Peru, March 9,~+The Ger- man steamer Sierra | jo of the | North German Lloyd 1 arrived here has heen { the Peruvian auth d of the war: The | ba, it is charged, cruiser Dresden with coal. ° DAILY MEMORANDUM, Bea t 8 hand ner, tol a top Sage ns feoraner, Hockey to-night at: Wolfe Island vs. Srdneham, shamplionship. Admiksion THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Is on Sale at the "the Following City Stores? Bucknell s News Depot ' lark W. & C 'Book St r's Grocery . Callen's Grocery, C Fronten James Atkins, Ki Kingston, Was, ~~ Where. Tenton Defense Wounded in the Trenches burg-Ambrican line. off 'the coast of ~-Wiites Home, = {hank Dresden to icin the _Sesen is Stubborn. Argentine on November 11th, The Orama is i port here under- Chief-Keeper Atkins of thé pemy | Western front. Petrograd, March 19. Sectional €0ing repairs, following an engage- tentiary staff on Thursday received . US BE " successes at every point ef contact ment off the Chi Toast on Sun-| & letter from his eon, James, who "LET VS BE CANDID. from the Niemen to Bukowina®are|day, in whieh the German cruiser is at the front with the Kingston | ed bringing the Russians a great strate- | Dresden was sunk. Her officers said company stating that he had been | | gle advantage for the spring cam. | that she sighted the Navarra while wounded, but not seriously. A shel paign. | proceeding south in the Atlantic| burst in the trench, Pte. Atkins | The only point where the Ger. | seeking the German Squadron of Ad- Wak the only gne who was hit. A mans have attempted a stubborn de-| miral Von Spee. The Navarra at-| plece of the shell edtered his right | fence of their lines is across the Ri-| tempted to t was overtak-| arm near the shoulder, ver Orzyc, below Chorzelle, in North | en and sent 'bottom. | Poland, Elsewhere they are restoring i to artillery fire with evident econo- | my of ammunition as the only avail- { able method of obstructing the Rus- | sian advance without risking their infantry, The bigrest German force tn the north has its rearguard now pressed beyond its own frontier below the middle group of lakes. 4s - Owing to the strength of the Rus: sian offensive and the inadequate) ~ London Express Gives News Consors) Some Advice, London, March 19.--"There can be no question that reasonless cen- soring of messages sent by American but as he! press correspondents in London, | The | was able to write the note his. injury many of them English by birth and | Navarra's From es taken aboard could not have been serious. No oth-| practically all of them English' in} the Orama. asunities on both ers-in the trench were hurt. A tele- | t their sympathies, has not only irritat- sides were slight. [gram was received on" Thursday led America, but jt has coused it na- - i night from the militia depaninen turally to be believed that things are ; SECRET WAR | ra Cor Hed thy ag i oo or, eou be. {telling of the occurrence, but the | not going well with us, and that {letter arrived as soon as the ficial there have been many disasters we | word by cable. are eager to hide." says the Dally Ex- press in an editorial head: Let us GERMANS BADLY SHAKEN, oA candid." -------- "The corresponding interference | No Let:Up Since Allies' Delivered | D At Fortress of | Smashing Blow, : Rotterdam, March 19.--A - the German leader js unable to de- N a renting ing jo the latest tora oon ploy his ttoops, which probably num-| Be Bags. Q Bobr and Narew, Moreover, the | 19.--The Tignes thaws will: shortly drive any force larger seouti nancial than. a ng party from the swamps to the broad valley of Bobr. It will doubtless expel = the th 'German column from bombarding with letters and. cables from Ameri- ca," continues the Express, "makes it impossible for us to be sure that we have, to quote Viscount , Bryce, 'a Lowe' poary Cigar 1 Valleau's Grooesy . BORN." POYD-1In Ki i. Boyd, vie ahh a result Tob the opinion in. that country.' but the German righ gor should resitate to determine what LT allowed no real re 1 he fe is America's real mind, particularly scene of the offensive = he. to as 'Press Bureau feeds America been transferred ncrth w news and arbitrarily. decides it is able to digest." ing Sir 3 Bdwhrd Grey's re- merican notes, the Ex- '| press says: eut off Germanys supplies from America and all other neutral coun- tries. Ata, will, of course, pro-| test. We shall consider her ronest Ren J. en be @ oN g _ 4 ex- i