Sad ¥ + v HOWICURED MYCATARRH TOLD IN A SIMPLE 'WAY Without Apparatus, Inhalers, Sal- ves, Lotions, Harmful Drugs, Smoke or Electricity. HEALS DAY AND NIGHT It Is & new way. Its something ab- solutely different. No lotions, sprays or sickly smelling salves or creams. No atomizer, or any apparatus of any kind. Nothing to-smoke or Inhale. No steaming or rubbing or injections. No electricity or vibration or massage. No powder; no plasters; no keeping in the house. = Nothipg of that kind at al wa Something new and different, some- thing delightful and healthful, some- thing instantly successful. You do not have to wait, and linger and pay out a, lot of money, You can stop It over mgnt---and I will gladly tell you how FREE. 1 am net a doctor and this is not a so-called doctor's prescription-- but I am cured and my friends are eure ed, and you can be cured. Your suffer- ing will stop at once like magic. 5 . I AM FREE « YOU CAN BE FREE My catarrh was filthy and loathsome. It made me il. It dulled my mind. It undermined my heath and was weak- ening my will. The hawking, cough« ing, spitting made me obnoxious to all, and my foul breath and disgusting hab- its made even my loved ones avoid me secretly. My delight in Nfe was dulled and my faculties impaired. I Knew that in time it would bring me to an untimely grave, because every mo- ment of the day and night # was slow. iy yet surely sapping my vitality: But 1 found a cure, and I on ready to tell you about It FREE. Write me Promptly. RISK JUST ONE CENT Send no money. Just your name and address on a postal card Say: "Dear Sam Katz: Please tell me how you cur- ed your catarrh and how I can cure mine" That's all you. need to rv. 1 will understand, and I will write to you with complete Sinformation, FREE, al once, Do notelay. Send postal card or write me a letter to-day. Don't think of turning this page until you have #sked for this wonderful treatment that can do for you what it has done for me. SAM KATZ, Room F2629, 142 Mutual St, Toronto, Ont. AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. / Phone 1177 eorge W. Boyd, Earl Street. » EN mt i aa PEG PIC PIEPER PEPE IPOP # MEAD STUFFED FROM _ CATARRH OR A COLD ® Gaps Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. Tit ARGASEOBIISTOOPE EDO Instant rejief--no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the alr passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely, No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, head- ache, dryness. No. struggling for breath at night; your cold or ca- tarrh disappears. ® Get a small bottle of Kly's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptie, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas- sage of the head, soothes the inflam ed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed- up with a cold or pasty eatarrh. aaa a ail oa ¥ a , b . , b 4 . ; p | ANNOUNCEMENT 1 The spring season for lad. jes' tailoring has arrived, I | am better prepared than ever before to give perfect satis« faction to my customers. Low. est prices obtainab! fm: | -- CLARENDON, March 16.--8ilas Moss is home from Renfrew. .Miss Annie Lorn- ner, Lodore, is visiting her Aunt, Mrs. Robert Leshman. Miss Martha Leshman is sewing 'st Lavant. Miss Maggie Campbell visited friends at Mississippi over Sunday. Miss Myrtle Lershman has returned from visiting friends at Ladore. Levi Hawley, Shar bot Lake, called on Clarendon friends to-day. W. D. Hartwick fs spending some time with Kingston friends. 080 STATION. ---- ; March 18.~Some have tapped their sugar bushes but the sap bas not run much yet. Robert Paterson has | i | '.| team, winners of the South | tenac division for. the Edwards tro- { that games are won on the ice and returned from the lumber camp. Mrs. Tricky and family returned to their | home yesterday after spending some | time with friends here. All a sorry to hear of the death of Henry Bourlt's 'ttle boy, Elsia, who' died of diphtheria, on the 8th inst. Miss Edpa Swain returned to ber home in | Kingston after spending the = winter at Joseph A. Bourk"s. Ross Me- Pherson and © Robert Paterson are sawing wood for 8. C. Dourk, . MCLEAN. March 18.-- Mrs. Vaavolkenburg and daughter, Phyllis, Moseow, have réturped home after spending a few days 'with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. William Rawley gave a party for their son and a pleasant evening spent. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Goudy, Moscow, are visiting friends here. Miss Annie Kirkham has returned. after spending some time in Kingston Mr. Carroll, Syd- enham, paid' the school a visit re- cently... R. Wagar, Wagerville, with his sawing outfit, made the rounds of this neighborhood: last week. # WILBUR. ' J. A. Roche, C.P.R. despatcher, Toronto, is visiting" his home here for a few days. Mrs. John Richard- gon, who has been visiting in Kings- ten for the past week, has returned heme after spending a short time with the latter's parents here. Miss Annie Thurston had the misfortune to fall and put her elbow out of Joint this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Thurston, Porcupine, is vis- iting the former's parents here. Harbert Paul, Lower Lavant, pur- chased some cattle from Robert Richardson recently. H. McVeigh, Oso, spent the week-end at A. Rich- ardson's. 8. Jackson and his father spent Sunday at William Thomas's. 4 PUIVNA. March 15.~Some of the farmers have started to tap their sugar bush- es. W. Davy and F. Kellar have BY a {in the game, scoring two © | goals, | checked back well | cleared fast and broke up many dan- | gerous rushes, i l while the famous "Mike" played purchased a new evaporator. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kring, Ompah, are mov ing to the village, Ernest Lemke lost | a valuable horse recently. Mrs. Wil- Ham Sallans, sr., who has Been ser- iously ill, is convelscent. Miss Fan. | MacNuely, Calabogie, spent a nie Elkington is very ill. Mrs, John Haines, who has been for some time, is able to be out again. E. Watson and Miss M. Morrison, Ompah, also Mr, and Mrs. W, Clement and chil- dren, Ardock, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Card on Sunday. Messrs. Er vin and John Albert made a business trip to Parham recently. Miss Mary Albert was the rrest of her grand- mother, Mrs, C, Sills, Parham, fora few weeks, ARDEN, . March 16.--The tea meeting held ib the village hall, on Friday night was largely atte and a success. Mrs F. Files, Ottawa, and Mrs. 7T. H. Hall, Rawdon, are, visiting = their mother, Mrs. James'! Willinus, here. Miss Laura Urozier left on Thursday for Tweed, where she has secured a fosition, Mes. Hilton, Williazta Hi rs. B. Detlor spent Friday at "Hill crest Place," the home of Mr. and Mes. B. R. Newton. Mrs. P. Files, the Misses Muriel and Genevieve Detlor and Bessie: Williams spent y evening at D. Hent's. | L. WINSTIN. 159 Wellington St. PHONE 993 & IF BACK KURTS USE n Post, Ardendale, visited at Mountain | Were. jiresent at. the' te meeting ~ at | Lancaster's house, and .J. Fairbanks to R. J. Carson's house, { WOLFE ISLAND. March 18.--The Wolfe Island hockey Fron. phy, having won from Cataraqui by default, on Monda} met the fast Verona team, winners of Northern division, at the Queen's covered rink, and upheld the honor of South Fron- tenac- by defeating Verona 4 to 3. The county boys nstrated that they have plenty of speed and stick- handling ability. The game was al- so very clean, only two penalties be- ing handed out to each team for minor offences. The clubs realize not son the penalty bench. For the winners every man played a good game and it would be un- fair to mention the work of any one in pwrticular, unless perhaps the work of R. Spoor, the sixteen-year-old ro- ver, who gave a wonderful exhibition of stick-bandling; and was% always of the whole forward * line and the defense The Horne, in goal, was caol, and stopped many hard ones. For the losers, Williams at point and Barnett at centre were the best, a strong game in goal and stopped many hard shots. "Bouncer" Brouse, senior Frontenaes, handled the game faultlessly. The scorejat the end of the first period was 2 to 1 for the winners, and at the end of the second per! iod 3 to, 2, so that the winners led | all the way, and 'from the showing they make, it will take a good coun- try team to beat them. The teams : Verona--Goal, Williams; defense, | Smith and Williams; rover, Trues- dale; centre, Burneti: lofi wing, Trues: dale; right wing, Williams. Wolie Island---Goal, Horne; defense, Spoor and Cummins; rover, Spoor; centre, Crawiord; left wing, Davis; right wing, Ryan. Lanark FALL RIVER. March 16.--Some people have commenced making maple syrup. A. few of the people are hauling hay. John Conroy and mother made a fly- {ng trip to Maberly 6h Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Crowe called on a few of the peo- ple here on Tuesday, and held pray- er meeting in the evening, when a large crowd gathered. Mrs. R. Gray, ; Shatbot Lake, visited friends here, recently. Mre. Alexander Buker,' Perth, at T. Burke's; My. and Mrs. FooAvmetrong and family spent San- day at Sharbot Lake; Thomas Palm- er at W. Palmer's. FLOWER. Mareh 17.--Mrs. J. Jackson and Misses Sadie Jackson and Borne | few ays last_week in the village. Miss es E. VI Cameron and C. M. Jack- | son are able to be around again af- ter their .recent illness. Mr. anu Mrs. Adbert McGonegal and Mrs a »" | Robert McCGonegal attended the fu- eral of their cousin, Miss Florenc) McGonegal, who was buried at Cala bogie on the 17th, Mrs. John Clelland. Clyde Forks, spent a 'few days last week at Albert MeGone- gal's Mrs. A. Spence and two child ren sre visiting with Halls Mills! friends. Mrs. Peter Gray and Mrs. | H. B. Gray, Clyde Forks, visited Flower friends Sunday. James E. Boyd spent a couple of days lasc week with friends here. Miss Mamie Deachman gave a birthday party to a number of her friends on the Sth. Joseph 'Majedu and family have moved to Barryvale. Edward Closz spent a day or so this week with Nis son, John, at Lanark. Eddie Closs visited at Lavant last week. Mrs. Mcintyre and grandchild, Arn- prior, are visiting Mr. and Mrs Howard MecGonegal. - Mrs. Marshal Jackson returned to Flower Wed. nesday, from a visit at Calabogie. 2 ACHED FOR "ne" June Smith's Falls, whither he had beea 'terday. /hopes are entertained for her | NEWS GATHERED OVER NEAR COUNTIES ew Tee SSeS Sees Allie Napier, Canonto, is visiting at Benjamin Closs'. W. J. St. Pierre, | Caponto, is spending a few days with his parents here. ' Mehsrs. A. and F. St. Pierre have returned home from Clarendon. A number of the young people spent Sunday ev- ening at R. Cameron's. Miss Stelia Mills, Clyde Forks, visited at Ben- jamin Clcss' recently. James Me- Goneégal lost one of his horses ti's week. Thomas Ferguson, Thurlow, made a business trip to Flower Monday. Leeds ATHENS, March 17.---An enjoyable Shamrock hox social was held last night in the vestry of the Methodist church un- der the auspices of the recently or- ganized Bluebird Mission Circle. The room was beautifully decorated with festoons of green and white crepe |* paper. A cleverly drawn blackboard sketch further emphasized the St. Patrick's Day notes. An excellent programme, was rendered and at about ten o'clock the contests of the beautifully decorated boxes were in- spected and rapidly disposed at the young ladies dispensed -ecups of tea as an accompaniment to the lunch. March 18.-- Lenten services were canducted last night in Christ Church by the rector, Rev. W. G Swayne, who has returned from called owing to the death of father, Samuel Swayne, a nonogen- arian native of Cofinty Wexford, Ireland. \ hs . RIDEAU LAKE ITEMS March 19.--The ice in the lakes is very good yet owing te the coid nights and north winds. Farmers are cutting -and splitting wood. Wood sawing machines run vs gas: line are operating in this vicinity. Quite a number have tapper their sugar bush. Sap runs good. Suga: parties are all the rage now. Quit: a number from here attended the tea meeting in Desert Lake Method dist Church last Friday night. J. 1. Anglin, manager at the mica mines, occupied the chair, Miss Kate Noo- nan has returned home from Co- balt, Miss Nellie Sehan, is visiting at Watertown, N.Y. Blake Nellis had the misfortune to have his fing- er badly 'bruised at the mines yes- William Corey has a new fiddle. George Lee spent Sunday at L Perth Road. Harvey Perrymare, of the mica mines, spent Sunday at El- gin. Daniel Bruster and Benjamin Vermfrsh spent Sunday ht Bedford Mills. Misses Rath and Nellie Noon- an, Miss Sadie Anglin, Miss Malvills and Mrs. MeChance visited at the mines recently. Charles McChance has completed his wood contract at the mines. William Perryman, Wil- liam Corey, William Mulville ana John Antoine spent the week-end in Kingston. ~ Hillon Green went to Westport' to-day on busiess. Pat} rick Sehan was in Kingston re cently. William Green's house was burced down last week. The loss is partly covered by infurance. | LONG POINT. 3 March 15.--8Some here have tap- ped their trees but as yet there has been little sap gathered. W. Wilson made ,a business tpip through here to-day. Miss Sara Ann Bryan very ill of pneumonia and sjight recov- ery. Ashur Lee, Herbiner, N.Y., who was called to Brockville last week owing to the serious illness of his fa- ther, came out here Friday and spent the week-end at Charles J. O'Con- nor's. George W. Lee is ill in St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville Miss ' Gertrude Kelsey, is spending. this week with friends in Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. James Townsend visit- | = ed friends in Seeley's Bay last Sat- urday. Mrs. W. Plunkett visited friends at Sweet's Corners for a few days last week. Isaac LaRose pent | Monday in Broekville. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ross - Vanorman,iSand Bay, Miss Elva Vanorman, goretown, at James Kelsey's; Mr. and Mrs. RB. Andress, Marble Rock, at Harry Bever's; Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, Seeley's : Bay, at Miss Susan Seabrook's; Mrs. i A. J. Flood, Delta, and Percy Flood ! at Charles. O'Connor's; C. A. Lee, Herbiner, N.Y... at Orval Hall's; | Clarence Snider, Lansdowne at Timo- thy Beven's; Joseph Mooreland and little daughter, Mary, Sweet's Cor- uer's, at John Mooreland's. ; CEDAR VALLEY, March 16.--Several of the resi- dents have , and report an ex- cellept yield. * The airship reer over or around her last night caused much excitement. Several were out with their rifés shots" were fired in this vielnity du ron un have commenced to cel Ain becn placed on the ¢lub house. Chas. 'went to Toronto about have been in very poo? condition but it is hoped that a layer of stone will improve them. A couple from here were taken for {I spies in a nearby village last week, but fortunately were recognized by friends before anything happened to them. The Sewing Circle is pro- gressing very favorably. On Satur- day last they met at the home of Mrs. Sarah Skip and made many rolls of bandages. Visitors: Messrs. Thomas Pike, Colorado, and John Deny's, Montreal at A. J. Rodgers; Mrs. M. Myers and Miss Mulville at James Ralph's; Miss Sullivan at Elgih. Prince Edward BLOOMFIELD. March 18,--Mr. Potter, Newmarket, | who bought Alexander Tait's bakery business, s arrived here and assum- ed control = Alexander Tait and fain ily have moved to Wellington. Ed- ward Bull has purchased of the Do- minion Canners, the farm formerly owned by R. Cooper. Alonzo Weeks has bought a new Ford car." No can- ning factories are to be operated here | this season. 8. Blakely, Picton, was through here -looki for eream for his butter plant at Picton. | Lennox & Addington | | VENNACHAR. March 16.--The stage made its first trip from Plevna to Denbigh on wheels to-day. The genial stage diiv- er B.D: Lloyd, has secured the mail | route for another term of four years. | Mrs. 8. Card, who has been nursing her mother for the past month, has returned to her home at Verona. ! Farmers who have tapped their sap bushes report a poor run as yet. W, | H.. Sallan, has returped from visit- ing friends at Plevna. BATH. March 18.---Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Rowse have returned from their visit with friends in Toronto and Adol- phustown. Mrs. William Tuchett, Buffalo, N.Y. is visiting friends here after an absence of four years. Mr. and Mrs. GLA. Wartman also Miss Hattie Wartman are visiting friends in Collins Bay. Some af the farmers near the village are sowing this week. Mr. Yoemans, Toronto, conducted the services in the Metho- dist church here last Sunday evening. The play given in the village hall on Friday evening last by local talent drew a crowded house. Over $100 was realized, % -- -- , ODESSA. March 17.--Ihere passed away at the age of eighty-five years, an old! avd respected resident in the person' »f Dow' Rabegck. In religion he was a Methodist. The funeral was held from the residence of his son, and the | service was conducted by Rev. MrA | White, Wilton. There is left to mourn' his less, Jour sons, two daughters and three brothers : Gee, Watertown, NY. Archibald, Ottdwa: Simon, Yanker; Hiram. Sydenham, and Orange, at this place. The daughters are, Mrs. Riley lee, 'loronto, and Mrs. John Manker, of this place. The pall-bear- bearers were his four sons and kis sonsinlaw. The remains were placed in Wilton vault to await interment in the spring- Deseronto DESEROXTO March 18.--Word was received by friends this morning from Ttirontoed . that br. Passmore bad died. He two weeks: ago to undergo an operation. Mrs. | Passmore went to Toronto on Tues y 'evening to be present with th: doctor before, undergoing the op- eration. He is 3 widow, two sons in Toronto, and two daughters, Mrs = Harris, Si. tharines, and one a migsionary in China. The late Dr. more con- ducted a successful drug store ad: Joining hié residence, corner df St. George and. Thomas streets. Hg. will be greatly missed in town and; church, he being an elder in the » of the Redeeri- or and always a help in all its work. in politics he was a liberal. The fx neral" will _be held from the resi te OT his son, Henry, Toronto, on turday. : mission' has An interesting held In St. Mark's Church by Bishop Bidwell, Kingston, and on Sunday a : survived By Rit' @ KINGSTON al The Dorenwent Co. of Toronto Limited, Can- la's foremost hair- | zoods establishment, § will display and demon- strate a sample stock of the 1« bs latest wpees and ud men, at The Hotel Ra hair-goods fashions for ladies, and wigs for ea AIA. SE EP KEENE BA Aki ndolph on Friday, March 26th" FOR LADIES: Dorenwend's Transformation by i overcoming every defect of vour own hair will as- 8ist you to appear at your best, always. Nwitehes, Braids, Pompadours, Wavelets, 'ete., of the finest quality hair and unsurpassed workmanship. are invited to inspect these goods, : A A rai GENTLEMEN! ARE YOU BALD? A Dorenwend Art Hair- toupee will make von appear years to your health and comfort, a younger SLE and will prove a benefit 5 Da You tla ata na Indetectable, Featherweight, Hygienie.. Have a Demonstration of what it will do for you. REMEMBER THE DATE: FRIDAY, MARCH 26 PROF. DORENWEND WILL BE HERE IN PE Se ------ TOMATO KETCHUP te rms TRI CANADA CHOICEST RED RIPE HOME GROWN LLL I 0 IHR bi 5 TTT < 4 TI i