? PAGE FOURTEEN WAR SONGS ENTHUSE MEN | ENGAGING IN STRUGGLES British Soldiers Take Ditties With Them Laurie" Favorite as in gagements The Lond Hiden The. British soldi¢ ing on the Continer I their congs with them Ane song men ng cn around the army trenches is often childish doggerel Natienal songs, f#fm and hymns forees fers to sing Crimean war, wher was his LK . The Fren and Belgian soldier have a warm spot in their hearts for the "The Regiment of Meuse," Even the mall France ging this when they are play ing at soldiers, puffing out their chests. and 'tramping with eoldierly gait threugh the streets And since the present war thi heard coming from the ranks Frengn and Belglan soldiers Fhe French soldier course, forgets his beloved "Marseil jase," but this he keeps for his niore serious moments. For jolly and triy ial gathérings catchy songs are a good as any. Second in his magnole," brought which the tion, march and ir wp are i cmetime of love, § Lau heart is the "Car which the Freach troops back from Piedmont and was sung everywhere throug! horrors of the French Revolu It runs somewhat as follows Madam. Veto has given her word, Madam Veto has given her word, To put all Paris to the sword. To put all Paris to the sword But vain the threat she has made, Thanks to our cannonade. Then dance the Carmagnole, Hail to the sound! Then dance the Carmagnole, While the brave cannon do sound AA Pl Nit NAP, Plays, Players And Playhouses a rle-Odile," A striking movement has had its inception in Chicago under the inspi- ration of the Woman's headed by Jane Addams of - Hull House. Plans are under foot for the country-wide presenitation of Euripi- des's tragedy. "The Trojan Women," Peace Party, "as an emotional appeal In tHE Tu therance of peace. The value of the motion picture for preserving for posterity the dra- matic genius of the great stage ar- tists has been forcefully indicated hy the ferious illness of Sarah Bernhar- dt. Mme, Bernhardt was the first distinguished star of the contempors Ary S(age to record her art on the screen. Frances Starr's swéet and gympa- thetle porfrayil of the innocent little novices | in Bdward Knobjauch's "Ma a crusade for world Twitching of the Nerves... Broken-down System Now Entirely Cured--Never Used 'Any Medicine With "Such Benefit as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. en, sleeplessness and nér- oss cry often very disagreeable, be when your nervous system Wels inte such a condt = Bverybody dreads the thought of paralysis or Novonmaior ataxia. Nothing 1s worse to look forward to MRS, M'KELLAR. affected, which 1s worse. The writer of this letter Md not began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve I i 10 head off danger. and French Like "Marseillaise." | camp | Soldiers! Soldier Sambre and | boys of | Duty obey ong is often | of the { tomeq to never, of {8 | men improvi {to hold a the great benefits she obtained from + Atnie| Days of Crimean En- | In the neighborhood of Kiauchau ou will hear the Japanese "Drill" y On the march and in the this cong is always most effec- and it is also ured ae a genuine yng for the young troops: Idiers! Attention! Right turn! one, | three | Attention! Forward! - one, | two, three; mrade All three; ders obey, if would be, , keep step in marching! two, three to left! Attention! three; Soldiers, be two, tand easy' one, two you a soldier brave one, Ture one, two, oe n officer would be ready, steadfast, two, three; if you a ians have always been accus- appoint leaders for the re- singing At tines these e doggerel, which seems wonderful spell over the oldier An instance is related a x, taken place during the war tinder a terrific Tor re the shattered fragments of sian regiment effected a marve lous retreat under the guidance of the company clown, Who capered and jumped in front of them, singing his improvised refrain: Hi! foolish Turks! With vour red caps Hi! foolish Turks! With your red caps like beets, Qur Russian bravery. na Russ nental like beets. Ridiculous as this refrain may ap-|' pear to us now, it served as a rally- ing call to the Russian soldiers and stimulated them to action which sav- ed them from annihilation. -e at the Belasco Theatre, is! looked upon by New York theatre-| goers as one of the most lovable | creations on the #tage. 1 High art stuff reminds one that Granville Barker is going to build onother "Néw Theatre." The London producer has been given the commis- WON 1H revive nis oid project and the coin, it is gaid, has been pledged. Barker plans to give his produc- tions in the great universities this spring, He says he is not consider- ing the profits---perhaps there won't be any to consider, "The Peasant Girl" opened her en- gagement at the Forty-Fourth street theatre the other might, with Em- ma Trentinl singing better than ever before. The opera is another one of those musical things with lots of color, with a plot that begins over on the Hige, Danube, writes that the old trouble. brates that the cure was lasting. John McKellar, 11 Barton ptrent Hamilton, hie writes: "I was that left me with a oro dao system, 1 she was entirely cured of The last paragraph can say that I never used any medicine that did me so much good: In fact, I am entirely cured of my old trouble. The Nerve | Food mot only strengthened the nerves, but also bullt up my eystem in every way." Under more recent date Mrs. McKellar writes confirming her cure, and states that she has had inquiries from many people who had heard of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, §0c a box, LS Lor $3.60. --At-all-dealers Co Hox hospital patients bye ol oe. of Their pens Sa oud . Rit famous D.'D. D. P BRE eh and! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1015. FIELD MARSHAL Commander-in-chief of the UNDERWOOQ..4..UNDERWOOD.LN..Y, SIR JOHN FRENCH, British forces, who has been praising the Canadians for their excellent work in the trenches. NAA MN, Or tA Al ALN Nl Nth | wisE AND OTHERWISE It 4 man didn't make an oceasion- al mistake his friends would have no kicks coming, When a woman is able to some other woman jealous she real- izes that she has not lived in vain. Before congratulating yourself : when you come out on top, bear in mind that the frotli:on a glass of beer does the same. Some men find | it £0 difficult to save a little morey when single that they don't even think it worth while to try after marrying. «One Baby Boys. It's hard to think our baby kids, The cunning little friskers, In course of time will have bald And flowing Khiskers. --Kansgas City Journal lids Jone's Inventory "I see that Jones has failed. he ary assets?" "Nothing of any value; the inven- tory which he' filed with his petition in bankruptey shows he' had. 230 wedding presents," Brooklyn Citi: zen. Has A Thought For To-day. It is probable that nearly all who think of conduct at all, think of it too much; it is certain we all hink too much of sin. We are not dam- ned for doing wrong, but for nof do- ing right. Christ would never hear of negative morality; thou &halt wa: ever His word, with which He sup erseded thou shall not. To make our 'ideas of marality centre on for- bidden acts is to defile the imagina- tion and to introduce into our judg- ments of our fellow men a secret ele: ment of gusto. . .If a thing is wrong for us we should not dwell upon the thought of iti--=R. _L. Stevenson. Sure ot it. wonder what has become of the ioned dimé novel?" :remark- s Old Fogy. up fo a dollar and a ed t tall has Koi Bait," replied the Grouch.-- Cincin- | To SPRL RRquirer. A Fame Answer. | The stupid person sometimes says 'a Witty thing without knowing it. A professar in 'a medical college 'had one exasperating 'student. You see, Mr. Smith," said the to this young man one day, bu { replied the student, j You make | ; i any of the elergy the subject of this diagram limps, cause one of his legs is a trifle orter than the other. Now, what $ ould you do in such a cap?." "I should limp, too, I think, sir," with an expres- f sion of perfect innocence on his face. --Tit-Bits, 3 Convalescent At Last. Butler (to the Rev. Dr. Priestley) "No, sir, Mr. Baker cannot gee to-day. He's very sorry, in- but he's too well now to see Life. | deed, Safe. Pop: Are you sure it's safe? Johnny: Sure, dere's a ington Wares | March Kingston, 20. Meats. Beef local earcase, 1b. 10 12 22 12 08 Beef, hinds, 1b. .. Beef, cuts, 1b. . Beef, western, Ib. Hogs, live, Ib .... Hogs, dressed, 1b. . Hogs, pork, 1b. ... Lamb,by carcase 1b. Mutton, Ib. Veal, by carcase,lb. Biue-fish, 1b. Bloaters, doz. .... Cod, steak, 1b, ... Fillets, smoked, 1b Haddies, finnan, 1b Haddock, fresh, 1b. Haddock, frozen,lb. Herring fresh wa- ter, doz. Oysters, quart -... Pickerel, 1b. Pickerel, frozen,lb. Kippers, doz. Mackerel, 1b, .... Salmon, Chinook, ib. Salmon, ter, 1b. Salmon, smoked Qualla, 1b, i Salmon,Qualla, Salmon, cohos, Shad, smoked, Smelts, fresh, Trout, salmon, White fish, 1b. salt eS BOLD LD Gnas eo Poultry. Chickens, dressed 1b Chickens, livs, Dueks, 1b. Geese, 1b. Hens, dressed, Ib. Hens, live, 1b. ... ais Turkeys, 1b. 18 Dairy Products. Butter creamery Butter, prints, Butter, rolls, 1b. .. Cheese, old, 1b. .. Eggs, fresh, doz. . 2 BO LOCO Ca OD TAC Fruit. Apples, peck ,...$ Apples, Ben Davis, bbl. Bananas, doz. Cranberries, qt. Cucumbers, each Dates, 1b. Figs, 1b. .. . Grape-fruit, each : Grapes, Malaga, 1b. Lemons, Messina, dos... 000, Nuts, mixed, 1b. .. {Oranges, doz, ... Tomatoes, 1b. .. Jabbage. doz. Carrots, bush, Celery, bunch .... | Lettuce, bunch .,. Onions," green, bush, 1 10 I Potatoes, bush. Rhubarb, bunch .. Turnips, bag Barley, bush. Bran, ton Buckwheat, bush, . Corn, yellow feed, u feller Corn, cracked cwt. weighs four pounds more'n me and 'Corn, meal, cwt. . he's skated all over de pond. Thought Aud Action. We build from ' within, outward, but the outward growth alse sends down its roots within. We act according to the thoughts! we cherish, and yet It is true that our actions have their reflex influen- te upon .ourythoughts. Do you wish to be brave aud un- gelfish-? Compel yourself to act as it you were, whatever. your feeling, and your conduct will have its effect in strengthening your spirit. Do you desire to be temperate and kind in your judgment of others. Make your speech of that order, and a like habit of thought will grad L ually bec The way to get anywhere is | start Will the one step. Let me be a little kinder, Let me be a little blinder, To the faults of those about me, Let me praise a little more, Let me be when I am wedry, Just a little bit more cheery, Let me serve a little better, Those that I am striving for. to . Mink, small Flour, ewt. Hay, baled, ton . Hay, loose Oats, local bush. . Oats, Man., bush.. | Straw, baled, ton. , Straw, loose, ton . Wheat, bush. Trimmed, cured, 1b rendered, Veul. Wool, "unwashed,lb. Wool, washed, Ib. | Bears : +Eoyote- Fisher ..... Fox, large ....... Fox, medium .. 5 Fox, small ...... | Lynx rks Mink, age. eo shew Coming, Prof.P Of the well-known hair goods store, Toronto, will be in Jugs, Randolph Hotel On Tuesday, March 23 With a full line of the latest styles in hair goods for ladies and gentlemen, manufactured from the finest European Hair and perfection made. For Bald Men The Pember light weight ventilat: ed toupee or wig is the most natural substitute for your own hair ever pro- duced, also consult him about any scalp troubles. .Advice Free of Charge. REMEMBER THE DATE: Randolph Hotel, | Tuesday, arch 23rd MADE IN CANADA Are you ready ? Could you stand the physical test--the test that sets the standard for military service as well as working: efficiency ? Get in good muscular trim by eating Contains all the body-building, brain-making material in the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and 'baking. Try it for ten days and you will get a new grip on life--new vim and energy for the day's work. A Canadian food for Canadians. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT the Biscuit for breakfast with milk or cream, or with fruits; Triscuit, the wafer» toast, delicious for luncheon with butter or soft cheese; or for nny meat as a substitute for white flour bread. MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO WYO VIOYYVYUYYYVYY VEVYIYVIVIVOW