» Roses, good Aw y fo THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURD DAY, MARCH 20, 1915. _____ PAGE Seri a aa ar meee FINANCIAL MATTERS oN > o 9 : 0 | | NOTICE. To | with | } 1% | mans | i t A SPLENDID WAY TO ONE'S WEIGH Wap: REDU ---------------- A Somme Dining Room Furniture All the latest designs and Kindly I - COHEN, i 267 Princess Street. Phone 851 he recommendatiogs OXO CUBES a tea ~--unifare all Ladies : prepared for the coming season all the latest | goods for | | LADIES TAILORING. Prices lowest in the éity. Guaranteed good fit and ip. call at CE HUDSON BAY IN. SURANCE co. Head Office - - Vancouver, N.C. Security to policy iplders $979,441.00, i Ont, J. R. C. DOBBS, City Agent,- Kingston, Buffets, $15, $20, $23 and up. . Ex. Tables, $10, $12, $15 and up u 'Brick or 'ments, Chairs, $1.50, $2.50 and P R. J. Reid, Leading Undertaker. house EEE ee ASSIMILATED wwwwwewwes | 3 g feanans uy ¥ wh 0X0 can be one of is stron ee meeeesamenmmni | We ave fully B| styles and work T| So much has dlready | | Land FO much more is ¢ h heardson both sides of ol the new wa Vix Bayanets," song, ' that the asked as to who 'I Who have given (his to { Examination digelose; | bef i re might have been expected | men who made it are wave [the song itself, ot Of service to the en F rate Aabbine 8 is The writer of the words, William joiy von 'or afd. Pitts, is a member of the 48th nt oon receipt' Highlanders in Torontd, Canada. Add DL Little Drug Co, Geoffrey O'Hara, the composed, is of M » Can a family whose outstanding profes. sion for many years was war. He is descended on his fat John O'Hard, Lora Kilmaie, Ireland; her on Queen's Elizabeth army, A STRICTLY CANADIAN Arthur Dobby, | paver COMPANY Sarolia in 17 it 2 i Vitra a A grandfather was Lieut. Parkes. --yisis =a a, British: Army through the Peninsula: 26 sllington St. Bast, Toronto, War. He had eight med government of Portugal made Asst. Adjt. Genera es tish forces in Canada in As been employed on a bythe Uaked States go York ¢ ers, Fix Bayonets." "B® Wave beén 'intereste ¢olonel then, under Wel the head of the 47th Re. ty morning, charge hillside, to the ace war-ery from 600 : tus which so completely su deceived a large encamp French army, that they dered more eighteen officers. fessed that they the poise, rounded by a "reat host my, and that there was be done but eapitulate The pr enticated, I have sin e than once, exerted a ence, you may be sure, Its effect is two-fold, of On the advancing SOLDIER 18 SOLDIER, Sir John French's list ~-- F/IGHLA as patriotic as with long aspire behind them. Ty his mother's glde from John Dobbs, a granddaughter of Hugh O'Neill, the "fighting Earl of Tyrone.' lant service and was knighted by the Mr. O'Hara, who is more or less of of a cosmopolite, 'and his conmection with its efforts 'to pre-~ gerve the musical traditions of the Red Man, was interview ity by a metropolitan newspa- per man, who asked the composed how he happened to write * Highland- music," replied Mr. O'Hara, since 1 first heard, as a boy, of a famous exploit of my g er in the Peninsular War, strong, at the Break of da d down a' steep ompaniment of a than 2,500 men, and had thoumpht from that tey were being sur- ""This"Story which 1 heard n the impressionable period of and the records of which, me of the value of the army, and alse up- been heard, ertain to ba the Atlantie, Highlanders, ° Question is are the men the nation Just what that the generations 's side from raweley of an officer jr who niarried ' Their sen nor of North O'Hara's the ol. in dals for gal and was 1 of the Bri- 1827, recently special mission J vernment in ed in New d in martial 'ever the story randfath- He was a lington. At glment, 6.0 ¥, on a mis- ty throats, rprised and ment of the all surren- isoners con of the ene. nothing to childhood duly auth- seen more erful influ- to convinca War song. course, up- Mask the quiver along the fined See the fire-tipped weapons shine; There's a mighty dia The command rings Highlanders--Fix bay "A broken cause and a wasted land; An Empire sunk like But the pibroch screams like an angry thing, And the rising war notes seem to sing Highlanders --Fix Bayoaers! J (REFR, Ase crouching again But see the rush of 3 hundred clans: Charge Highlanders--Fix Bayonerst El TE (ogg BUY 6 we jon the. foe, the value of pn recently, in my vajo Indians fg government, 1 terest in their records of ihe phonograph wh ed in Washing MY. ig ste Ss O'Hara t ry, a seq showed another bis hospitality distinguished p the offiders This interesting I. O'Hara Depy ind Comfnerce signed by eight after; at the Ba desperately en prisoner hy upon he commanding f Soult. Col Soult, who gav and treated him wounds. ered as He had ' Sr Britisher oq ding for his the needful j aging, and t rived. Marshal proval of the all the plum pute th it of his Secoteh- The song has Kingston, the PRIVATE OR OFFICER. Sir John French Recommends the Man in the Ranks for Honors Same as Generals. of names of "afficers and men whom he recommenda for promotion or reward for, t | and distinguished i {Carters & | Teamsters eral staff are included in the t, and there are 2% names from the Re aed od, ih mgabara. of 'orps, say other branches of service repre- A noticeable feature' of the Hak fs the way in i - Whatever you are gone, soul, And Y ou . shall the their And stand by NDERS/ FIX BAYONETS/ Rate of blade on rifle seeel | : Flashiag of fire as the muzzles feel The grip $éyhar fierce unbroken clasp,' Terror of demb in that grinding rasp. T.08% 18 the hills, the chaquering fos, ui did at Prestonpans, have taken great in- ich are now preserv- ton." which Hlustrates excellently well the vast difference in the spirit with Which the old time wars were fought, and that. which now per- vades the despe Europe. 'Arter gade of Fren O'Hara, "by a « nerve and battlecry, risoners thanking him for what he the Possession of m een officers. it so happened 'that Col, O'H wounded and him sent "the manifesto who turned out to be the afterwards worlds famony "Marshal : O'Hara They bocame fast friends. nel was the recipient of av, tion, and rapidly recovered 'hristmas Day approached te undertake, in the absence ual to the task of making an Eng kind hosts. He obtained ngredients by skilfyl for. he famous pudding was duly served when the festal day ther officers * were profuse in their ap- O'Hara afterwards confessed that ond "was the worst," Mr. O'Hara expressed gratification at his efforte to reproduce the spir- orchestréd by a Hollander, whole is published by Italigns," Tense success, by J. A. W. Craig, of the officers of the 21st nadian: Overseas Expeditionary Force, Loyalty, Margarét" E. Sangster, In the year that is Lift up your brow in sun, % s Be loyal snd brave, 1 pray. Bo. trueto--the best that i in your re] 80, as beaut; seasons roll, See your dremms grow real, 4 Be true, and dave for the right, my _-- 'and dad. no' bl ear no and ne ) In this brief all hastes to an H but above i af, out. a clarion calf: onets! - 4 house of sand, w The Mineral Wealth Of Nova Scotia tops of g6ld bearing ore. vineial ailties on coal the sum of $704,158 14,639 employed in the colleries. AIN) for another blow,' RULER 0 that I well know lartdal music, Very Stay ameng the Na- r the United States war songs and made striking ones on the old another interest- uel or the forégoing, rate combatants jn capturing the bri thmen," said Mr. 'combination of Trish by grandfather side of the Irishman, ind entertained his 80 well that a manifesto had done. ument is now in y brother, F. C. ty Minister of Trade at Ottawa. It is Not long ttle of the Pyrennes, ara was self tak- Where- to the of the French, none other than doc the French Ticer was brought to m a special tent a brother officer. The eolo- ery -stten- from his sufficiently recov- e hi of oth torr? the lish plum pud- ar- Soult and his bro. delicacy, but Col. of lings ever made that Trish ancestry in i : 8 1 United States + for the 1914 fiscal war song, were meeting "with such year amounted to $3,500,000. This approval. "It is really a song o the $i; (he second surplus since 1836, Allies," said he. "The weiter of the The total deposits of Canadian words is a Canadian, 1 am Irish, { banks at the end = January . were with Scotch admixture; the song was and the been sung, with im- t made by Regiment, Ca- in the years 'that yours to-day. ithe light of the Philippine products, there are now products ready for shipments. stock of Riker-He Limited, $10,000 to $15,000, changed Limited." of pig iron Corporation ger year ago and increase pany, New York, has called out tention to an item which we lished they reported a deficit o last copied from an erro culated agencies of New York city, is, are pleased to learn, incorrect, stead of au deficit pany, dividends jor aside a very considerable depreciation, were 396.61 to their surplusaaceount., recent advance in Maple Leaf Milling com- mon from 28 to 42%, a gain of 143 points, has started a rumor that | the stock is to Bo on a 4 per cent, dividend basis, by insiders who understand t tion of the company. ending pected to be about double vious vear, represented 3} floating debt of nearly $3,000,000, and unless this is much reduced, a end policy is hardly looked fox. affairs of the com by Sir BD. ¢. lock and Hedley Shaw, : Financial News. Russia has" ordered 46,500 tons of steel, valued at $2,000,000 from the Cambria. Steel Co., manufacture of shrapnel. pany of Canada, been incorporated $1,000,000. ed Deé. lst, shows $3,466,287, cent: on the preferred stock. #996,877,000, or $7,000,000 in excess of any January return Mor the past five years. sales last year were $93,678,812, réduction of $10,000,000 over pre- vious year; but profits were sufficient to meet all dividends. rear is officially 354,000, a8 compared with 08,40 000 in 1913 and £96,077,000 in 1913, This was the smallest output since 1908. railway will recommend to. the stack. holders posal for the taking over of moet. allway Tiny | within tho, one {are zone. For 1914, Halifax, Mareh 19. The mineral wealth of Nota Scotia is clearly shown by the Yeport of the JDepart- of Public Works and Mines of th: Nova Beotia Government, wiica jas! just been issued During we past | Year Nova Scotia prodoced 3095 164 tons of coal, 33 15 tons of limestone, 283,340 tons OF gypsum | 1,400 toms of barytes, and 13,156 The Pro-| Government obtained in 1o07-{ men and 865 horses wanes | ---------- Trade Pract igally Paralyzed He states that 10,000 tons of such Increased Drag Capitalization, Ottawa, March 19.--The capjtaf geman Drug Stores, has been increased from and the name is to "Tambiyn Drug Stores, Dominion Steel Corporation Montreal, March 19.-- The output by the Deminion Steel in February was lar. the similar month a showed 5 pereeptible over January of this year than in An Underwood Surplus. The Underwood Typewriter Com at- pub stating that £ 8148 904 fo; item, which neous report, one of the on Wareh 4th, year, This 'was eir news we In for 1914 tha com- paying their regular the 'year, and Putting sum for able to carry $17, through alter Dividend Hardly Likely. Toronto, March 19. <The but this is doubted, The buying, is said to be largely he 1- For the Be rings are ex- the ~ pre: 1913 the earnings on the common. there was a. heavy Maveh 31st en In A year ago divid- The pany are controlled Cameron, Cawthra Mu- to be used in the The United Shoe Machinery Maissonneuve, with capital . com- has of American Woollen Co., for year end- profits increased This js equiit to 6.97 per The surplus in postal revenue in the United States Rubber Co ny's a The world's uetion of gold last estimated at £91,- The a of the Detroit United Tn . tance of the city's, the accep: The Established over THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B, C of Banking Perieet Safety. Quick Assets. Reliable Service We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT [o) en THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Forty-one Years } t wy $11,560,000 13,575,000 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be One Dollar. JOINT ACCOUNTS An I OE HS Ss) I US A IAEA Sl members of 3 family will be found romveniernt Fither person (or the sur iver) moe anerate the secoupt. KINGSTON BRANCH, - IS MILD, PURE, Just the 'Beverage for the busy man:-- 1 rests the nerves and ensures sound steep. If not seld in your neighbortood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON «+ B®" Special arrangements for direct shipment to ? private consumers. ra : P 'Had Office: TORONTO Makers of Tires far Automobiles, Motor Habber Belting. Packing, i abl the oor love] ou tani. us st. of ite 3 thet is from Sana ae gross revenue is down 7 per EE 3 a Ai weird of shame. : Kore Montreal =Tramw amways company re Ist te por cent. It is stated both gross Eli Interest is credited half yessly, * RUBBER Truck ose, Heels, Muts, opened with an initial deposit of account in.the nemes of twe E. E. NEWMAN, Manager, epeRe---- APPETIZING RE Double Track Rout Washington, D.C., March 19 ERR AT Portiand ashington, D.C., Marc 9. Ar. P : Secretary Redfield has made public K I N G S T O N B R A N C H ' an Baan i a cablegrom fron Governor-General M Ar. Hartford Srredanncsranes 8:31 a.m Harrison, in -which he st that} H, E. Richardson, ny = LEY Ralltond paar Apps J. P. fas L . BY, i'r P Agent, a ree ne | Manag or | LEY, Rall ahd" SE States is practically paralyzed for a SR NANA rrr lack of ships on which do . export NA An -------------- hemp, sugar, coppra = and other CANADIAN PACiFic Improved Service | TORONTO: MONTREAL, OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Homencekers' excursions to West. ern Canada each Tuesday, Marek to October, : Particulars from ¥, CONWAY, © PA, tin wicket Office, sorter Prin. Save an 'elllugton Streets. 1197, a TY i a es ---------- CANADIAN NORTHERN NIGHT TRAIN Between Toronto and Ottawa Dai ily DAY TRAINS TO Toronto and Ottawa Eve KIBESION. .\.osuui...: 345 pm Ar. Ottawa (Cen, Station) 7.06 pm. Kingston . .... 5 pm Toronto vase nassas RAE Pam, {Dally except Sunday) For "tekets and all information apply, M. C. Dunn, City Ticket Agent, or RH. Ward, Station CANADA , Bicycles wind C Hing, ands ea Clen, wh Spe ag eialties. EN Lt Pr, Sailings from Ag TIER | o& AAA goo 5 ORDUNA. (15,500 tons) Mar. 2201 ORDUNA (15,500 tons) April hth Loesl Ticket Agent, or T' ndORRT REFORD. CO Limrren, General Agents, 50 King St. East, Tore onto 40 Hours Emi Resthul Isles of Summer Loveliness 8.8, "Bermudian", fastest, most fuxurious steamer, Innding pane sengers without transfer, Sails from New York every Wednesday, 1 The International Limited -- No 1. Daily ; WESTBOUND 0 Lv, KX t + 12:20 pm, 7 Ar. Toruntc 4:30 p.m, X Ar. Hamilton 5:41 pom, Ar, Londen .. T:66 p.m Ar. Buffaio ,. 8.10 pum Ar. Detroit ... 9:58 pm AR CRICABS «.vicinasivnerin. 5:00 am 'The International Limited --Na. 14"aily i EASTBOUND Lv. Kingston | Ar. Ottawa .., | Ar. Montreal .