~ TOP NATL.Y RRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S FORCING DARDANELLES ) JOHN LAIDLAW & SON s | EIGHT STUDENTS TO GO To MiS- | WILL BETTER BUSINESS CONDI! ! SION FIELDS, Baseball Match Between '17 and '15 ! «=The Athletic Committee Reports a Balance of $224.04. The Missionary Association held its annual meeting. many drawbacks the year has been a good one. The new executive has been elected, and the association .s looking forward to another goo year. Eight men will be sent 0 * ty the association to the mission tield this year. The new executive is as follows: Hon, Pres., Rev. J W. Mc- Intosh; Pres. J. D. McCrae; vice Pres:, -P. C, Covernil]; nnance sec., H. J. Caverhill; Corr. Se¢., H. Aus- tin; Rec. Sec., Miss K. Holland; Alumni Sec,, R. M. McMullen: Treas., J. G. Laing; critic, A. D. Matheson; reporter, J. H, Curry; librarian, C, McKee; convenor Home Mission Committe, Miss A. Sillers; Membership Committee, C. L. Jer- frey; associate, Miss Jessie McAr- | thur; Foreign Missionary Convenor, Miss Vera -Allen. has The coming out time for Spring--a day when everyone, be hie saint or sinner, likes to be togged out in the best he can afford. Unusual values such as are "now here offer many men a' chance 10 be better dressed this Easter than ever before-- and at less cost. Let Us- Help You There is- a certain dash, snap, style about . the clothes for men at this store that is hard to describe--harder vet to get away from after you see them. Artistic touches plus sat- isfaction, quality that makes you smile every time you think about your new suit. Special styles for stout men--extra long sleeves and legs for tall men. $15.00 and $18.00 Come and get acquainted. Hockey sticks have been put up for another season. But 'tis Just one thing after another. On the lower campus the lovers of baseball | may be seen prancing around the diamond. An interesting baseball match between "17 and 156 arts was played in which the Sophs. proved too much for the seniors. Redly i pitched a good game for '15 but the i Sophs, showed real ability at the bat and won out by the cricket score {of 17,to 12. The teams were: '15--Mellville, c; Reilly, p; Keill, 88; Holmes, 2b; McDonald, rf; Pil grim, cf; McIntyre, If; O'Meara, 3b; Countryman, 1b. '17--Zacks, ¢; Zeron, P; Rappelie, $8; Scott, 2b; Maitland, rf: Craig, of; Edwards, If: McKercher, 3b; Sutherland, 1b, . The University Athletic Commit tee has been successful in bringing down a balance of $224.04 for the year. Considering what the com- mittee has been up against this year his 3 eminently satisfactory | Mr. Dawson, however, whose salary was last year increased to $800, on- ly took $250, This reveals the spirit of Queen's when one of the men will for a sentiment sacrifice the major | portion of his salary. The new com- mittee is as follow: J. Kearney, I C. A. Crawford, Roy Merrill, Fred- j erick Paynter, Lee Dodds, William Orr, Roy Smith, M. Joslin. A. D = Eien a Matheson, J, Skelton, W. Kirkpat- rick, J. M, Farrell, T. M. Asselstine, and Miss Garrison. Fe vo ' | Livingston's 4 Brock Street. A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Walk The new editor-in-chief of the Journal is J. 8; McCormack. "Jim * is a quiet modest fellow and should {make a good editor. G. E. Snider. B.A., has been appointed editor of of music and drama. The Late Mrs. H. Ryder, Another of Frontenac's oldest and if | most respected residents has, passed if away in the much loved widow of the if | late Henry Ryder. 'Mrs. Ryder liv- l} ed to the great age of ninety-five years, always enjoying the best of if | health, until within ta few hours of § her death, when she passed peaceful- ily away at the residence of her son, § | Robert Ryder, Dufferin. The de- | ceaced lved for a great many years Extra Value In i. » 8 i a . ; 2 H \ 3 1 3 : tin Storrington, but of late yeirs in 3 | the township of Pittsburg. She leaves | 4 |'a large circle of friends in both com- g lf munities. She i © if daughters and four ¢ons, fie : 5 umber of grand children, several O-INi i ' i Death Of Bowmanville Lady. h On Friday afternoon, Miss atrice il AT ; | Fry, Bowmanville, passed away in 4 . { hospital after being ill for three i ' » EL 9 4 | weeks of pneumonia. The deceased J WAL D RO N S : Mrs. Thomas H: Fry. h . : . ion she was an Anglican. Besides f ¢ Sa her parents, a brother survives. Un i . turday afternoon the remains were : / ain Cashmere 'great-grand children and | Breat-great-grand children, {was born' at Bowmanville forty-one Jars ago, and was the daughter of , and finishad seainless foot yaedbiens-feet, IN Vomen oed_aboard the G.T-R. train by R. oJ. Reid, undertaker, and transferred take place, . Tate Blake M Napanee. 1s at the General Hospital . friday night, and the remains were transferred to Napanee on Sat- Women's Plain and Ribbed Gash. Hose = Knit to form without a beam, spliced ankle and 'triple soles, ; ; : 83c or 3 pairs for $1.00. Extra Fine Cash. Hose, in ribbed and - plain, best English makes, all sizes, ~. Rus nad el (e86 and. B0e, Cotton. Hose, in weighs suitable for ; this Season's wear, . tw --~--- i a a oop Sit In spite of | is survived by five a large | the two | ~ 270. in re | , Where interment. will | Blake Mowers, aged sixty-five years, | Dal 1 ged «Ice cream bricks," at Rev. A. W. Stewart, Batter: is visiting Friends or beuanpioms te ol pile Ssmngeutnts for TIONS IN EUROPE, | Says E. W. Waldron, Who Has Re-!}! turned From a Trip Abroad -- English People Not Afraid of Ger man Submarines Everything seems to depend the breaking through the Dardanel- on Ji {les, is the opinion of W. Waldron, ! Ji European buyer for R. Waldron & { Sons, who has just returned from England. The reason that Russia Was not so active at the first of th: campaign was the lack of ammui' | J tion, he says. Russia has plent; of men, horses and food, but | clothing and ammunition. France has the machinery for waking a- munition, but requires food-sty!:. lass | J + When the Dardanelles are broken Hi through, which is now only a mat Ji ter of days,' fhe manufacturers .f J France can be exchanged for the row! Hi material of Russia. Despite the submarines Mr. Wal-| H dron says troops are being moved § in. large numbers to France from | England. The able to travel sibmarines are only Ji about ten miles an'} hour under water and fifteen above | §i water. The troop ships are never! caught, because from the time they leave the Epglish dock till their ar- rival at Havre, they run about twenty miles an hour. ines are useless when over 1000 The submar- | Ji yards away, and it is only the small Jl merchant ships that are caught. The public in' England are not greatly alarmed by the submafine menace, he says: , The troops are all sent to Havre, as this is the base o" supplied, Bou-| logne is nearer to England, but too closé to the. German line, and is only used by soldiers returning oun! furlough. Any factory that is making goods for the soldiers has the "right of way' over everything, says Mr. Wal- dron. There are large numbers of | ships Jving at the docks with mater- fal for the uee of the British publie, | but the material for the war-supplies comes first, and for weeks at a time it ig impossible to move any of the material to supply the British public as the trains are being used by the authorities for the moving of troops and supplies. : At the first of February, the pas- | senger service wag greatiy\cut down And now only the through trains keep a constant service, . The public in Canada need not ex- pect to be able to buy linen goods at the same price from now on. Rus- sia used to make all the coarser kinds and Belgium and Ireland thei finer kinds. None of these countries | are making any now. i The cost of living in 'England has adyalced, but it is not now as high as it is in Canada or the United States, In good restaurants it is | possible to buy a steak for one and three pence (about thirty cents) and this would cost double that amount in New York City. i | England has 2,000,000 men how | drilling, and getting ready for the Ji | front. Every person seems willing to enlist, and there are large pla- Ji cards everywhere asking for men. | Of courte, there are large numbers | ji of men who cannot leave 'their posi- i tions without stopping the business machinery, but everybody seems an- xious to go. ; * {_ There are over 20,000 Boy-Scouts | being uced as messengers and for ! other purposes in and around the offices and hotels amd in fact they are everywhere, They have 'done an enormous amount of work that | Would otherwise have ! men who have gone to the front. rer emp THE WHIG'S JUMBLE. A General Reviey of Country k and Local News. "Ice cream bricks," at Gibson's. Mrs. Anthony Woods, Lanark, | died of pneumonia, aged 79 years. "Blood . Tonic Pillss"* - Gibsons. Shoulder braces, abdominal sup . ports after opérations, etc. Phone! Dutton's, "Yee cream bricks" at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Tobey having | dizposed of their farm property at Bongards; purpose living retired a {mile west of Picton, towards Bloom- |feld. : | "Blood Tonic Pills." Gibson's. i i Robert Kelley, Picton celebrated | his ninety-firet birthday Wednesday | March 10th, matic trouble h : good health. z "Abiiohd Cream," al Gibson's. |/ Boys' strong hose, 260. Dutton's. { Daniel Hutchinson and family ; have moved from the D. Burlingham | farm on the Bloomfield road a short distance from Wellington, to the Benson farm in F ensctid "For that feeling" buy a: ing tomic at Waele hn) Blakely has purchased Se the nion cheese fae y r ¥, Trin th R District | J | to be done by '§ [| | | fi [| i Special ToNigh From 7.30 To 9.30 We always. make it worth while to come for any special offering advertised and to-night what is offered means a considers : able saving in price for those thrifty enough to take advantage. 180 Pairs Women's Black Cashmere Stockings All we could get was 480 pairs and we would gladly have taken 10 times the quantity if they were to be had. A genuine "Llama" cashmere, the maker's name on cach pair, sizes 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2, 10 in, Special To-night 23¢ a Pair 2 pairs for 45¢. 137 Pairs Men's Black Cash- mere Sox Seamless féet, a genuine "Llama" Cashmere, each stamped. Sizes 10 inch--10 1-2--11 ineh. Special To-night 23c. 2 pairs for 456. ' pair: - Worth Coming For To-night . Our Display of NEW SPRING SUITS NEW SPRING COATS NEW BLOUSE WAISTS NEW SKIRTS. 7 You will find many novelties here now and we invite. vou to come and see these even if not pre- pared to buy. . KID GLOVES in tans, white, black, greys, sand. putty, $1.00, * WHITE WASHABLE KID GLOVES . deen. $1.00, $1.26 WHITE WASHABLE CHAMOISETT . shades. Special 7