PAGE TWO ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915. Se - a Troi ors, N MILITARY CIRCLES = appoisted medical officer of the QUEEN'S HAS ASKED Jhansa 261 lattery. MEKAY yi och Busters NED § i * Word received from England states A i FURS SOLDIERS AT THE CHURCHES (hat Sergt.-Major Lowery, "A" Bat- FOR.DEFINITE REPLY FROM THE J t WwW . ° ON SUNDAY. tery, R.C.Hu.., has been promoted to GOVERNMENT. 1 ates ar upiications . the rank of warrant officer. -- | : 4 Our fur storage vaults The 22nd. Battery, Kingston, Is Several members of the R.C:HA, As to Whether Its Offer of Station. §| ahd . . . Camped In 4 Park in Sussex, Eng- according to a letter received hy ary Hospital Will Be Accepted By §! - LA : being situated in a separate. land, Seized From a Former Ger. Mrs. (Gr.) Manning, are in (rum The War Office. FIRST LESSONS IN WAR. force and aries 'of the Doulinlons. Written . man Resident, ley, an English camp ground, 120 : 1 By Spenser Wilkinson, Chichele Professor by officers of the regular army. Consistent in building were not damaged miles from Salisbury. Queen's University has asked the of Military History. Invaluable for the New principle and. method with the official manuals. = 2 On Supday morning the Roman Ca --- Government to give a definite reply | 81° Armies. F'eap Svo. Cloth, 35¢. in this lit- Method of training clearly explained. Subjects tholics of "C" Battery, under Capt.! The Pipers Band of the 2lst Bat- by Friday next, regarding its offer to tle book the author explains the mature and use thoroughly considered and conveniently W. E. Steacy, paraded to St. Mary's jalion will parade at 4.30 o'clock on™ supply the personnel of a stationary 4 of modern Weapons, the modes of operation of grouped: . Cathedral with the R.C.H.A. band Monday afternoon te the City Hall, | hospital. : | the various arms and their orgafization up to | | Water-proot cloth covers: To fit in tunic I'he 'Protestant party, under Lieut. | where they will play for the ladies There are: many medical students and including the division. He also describes | | pocket, With numerous illustrations. * - Each o J. Roberts, paraded to St. George's who Kave heen so energetic is making waiting to go to the front if the of- toe condilions of 'the march and the battle: {| 38¢. met. ness as usual, Sige Cathedral on Sunday morging. supplies for the soldiers oversea. fer is accepted, and for this reason The volume will be useful to the offieers, non- | | . These books embody new organization and -- . ----- the university authorities would like commissioned officers and men of the new" ; training, 1914, m ( r Several letters and cerds have been| (apt, 4 K. Hemming, adjutant of to have the matter settled. Ac large armies, and will be found. interesting to those | | Drill and Field Training. Based on intan- I'elephone 489, W AZEON | received irom members of the 22nd | ha 21a Battalion, is able to return Dumber of hospital appointidients are who, without being soldiers, are following the | | try training, 1914 (four company orgawization.) , lattery, and the address is now giv- | aoc also in waiting, and the college ses- course of the war : Signalling. Based on wmanual-signalling will call, ~ en as "Mansfield Pafk, Brixted, Sus. , -- gion will be over in a few weeks. 1 = ast" : ai Part H, 1914. f sex, Fngland." This park was form Maj 5. W. Jomes was in ecom- The original offer was made to the "ield Entrenchments. (Spade work for ifle- erly on ted by a German who getiurn --nt DE members of (Government in October last, and ou IMPERIAL ARMY SERIES. | meh.) P ER Jor rile . ed to Germany when the war broke 3 "5, Battalion who left on Sun- March Sth the offer was again 'cabled id mon a Sal manuals For officers | | Musketry. (303 and 22 cartridge.) aut His property was promptly; "morning and visited with friends = 19 the Hritish War Oifice, on @ regniar army, the territorial Camps, Billets, Cooking, Ceremonial. J M K - Sehnd by; the militia att, for the day in that city. The Yisitars S---------- x hn Cary) Tere WY oy tle Xe were met at the station on the ar- 3 EE 0 C ay from his som, Bugler Pappiatt, states rival of the special train at 9.30, by fi x . } & : | : wat all are well. Lieut.-Col. Wilkinson, the .officers of Yd i h C Il " | Limited. -- s 41st Regime , Rebiment- | dd ! é Book Sergt Cook Pullitt, ASC, has re-| the 41st Regiment, and the Regiment ys IRATE 3 e O ge tore vv { ceived cards and letters from Sergt. |, = 7] | : There was a parade to the armour- Ni . : F000 : , ( : .}. The A & n ry Currys Nous Fld Bakery, No. 3 | io% dollowed by" church parade, with | i 16 Princess Street. OPEN NIGHTS. Phone 919. | J base § spply, CASE. Boulonge, a special military service in St. Pe- ewwe PP PPP Pooh oe oe att oe * --t France. Both are in excellent heal Hl ter's church, conducted by Rev. Can- m-- ps m-- ve! -- on H. H. Bediord-Jones. Death of Mrs. John McConnell a i = - " TT he -- e-- . - Several citiz tertained the vis- Ee aI ASE as » a Marr nh : be de, a| Several citizens entertai h 8 Th --- J FARRAR ARRAAAS LRasssnsssbaaasb bess nes Furnishings Arrangements can ma iting soldiers -at the various hotels e death occurred at her late re in any way by fire, smoke or + o oi} water. Same open for busi- smoker will be held weekly in the | . sidence, St. Mary's Avenue, Winni- | to dinner. v " : 3a A.5.C, rooms on Brock" street. . . peg, on Friday afternoon, March! | ' - --_ at | arse a a oth, of Catharine Garrett, wife of! | M ay. UO 0 e The R.S.A. practical examinations | he secrulid tar Ci . : John McConnell after several weeks'! ¢! . ade Sass: Safar ius. root, you seh} are being held this week, apd next a he 1 uting for the 7th Artillery illness. ; 'Rugs, Curtains, et There is no| eek will be used for written exam- | 25th 1 ty On ws Eo o | opine, deceased was born at Camden t wd In % 8, . = fect inations. The course finishes on |<Oth Battery, Sear as "31 Ye" | Ont., sixty-four years ago. After her ie een : | boi oie Rr Poy this April 2nd. {eruits, and the 26th Battery, 34. marriage, she lived for a number of : ' Our Pearl Rings are says that Sergt. W. J. Finney, "B I. A. Calvin, have received ecom- | spent about eight years. She is Battery, has been madé a warrant of- | jae ios n the Cunadian Engineers. | survived by her husband and four! & ficer. As he is a vewy capable offi- |They have passed the necessary ex- | daughters, the Misses Sadie, Lena, (lonsts MMuneati pa «#3 Aster tt u2 cer, his many friends will congratu-|aminations and are going overseas | Kathleen and Frankie, (Mrs. N. J | §! 1 mn tant mspec tion from the ; time the skin 1S in late him on his promotion. | with the third contingent as lieuten- | Boney, Winnipeg), also two grand . the raw pelt until it is fashioned into a, dainty | -- | ants, | children, the little son and daugh-| covering for + he 12 a bie factor i 1. Two section of the 21st Battalian | tt mn ter of Mrs. Boney. Five sisters and a Aged r the hand Na hig factor in the sue- { two brothers are also left to mourn. cess of On Monday morning at nine combination. Word received from the R.C.H.A. = M. and J. D. Calvin, sons of | ronts with the family, where she! §| With the many who view our | | |" attended the morning service in Prin | | cess Street Methodist "Church on Sun- | day morning, and heard a very in- | spiring address by Rev. H. E. Curry | on "Fellowship With God." Selos by { Miss A. Brebner and W. Mack were rendered. windows and show {ases. Prices are right. Pearls are matched and creamy, and ses | curely set in T4k Rings and it's the best (Friendship) stone. yeard at Odessa, later moving to To-| ¢! | . * First Choice | i WHIG COMPLIMENTED. { o'clock the remains were taken to FPP PPPPRPPPL PIP { St. Mary's Church where a requiem! t 8 a high mass was sung by Rev, Father { O'Dwyer and later placed in St. - Mary's vault to await burial. . .» The Late Mrs. Fife Fowler. : The death of Mrs. Fife Fowler oe- On Sunday morning, Rev, G. I. Campbell," in Queen street Methodist church, made the fol- lowing statement: "I congratulate, the British Whig on the splendid notice preceding its church notices on Saturday. I fully appreciate the assistance that the press can give to the chiairch attend- ance, and I hope that those who have not seen the paper will read it and draw attention of Four misfits were discharged from "C"" Battery on Saturday. . Tables for parlor $1.50 up to $26.| | =. or Battery will have "a | been trained in all of the differént Parlor Suites--Some handsome | : ia designs, mahogany finish, at $25 and | Pranches of artillery work. Already $30. S " + ers - Opticians Issuers of Marringe Libenses eurred at her late residence, 249 | ® B Brock street, on Saturday aftemoon, and by it Kingston has lost a high- } inches of ly-esttemed resident, and St. An- their riding is excellent. drew's church a loyal and faithful | yl member. Her husband, f King- Our special at $48 is best mar-| Driver Davis, who , deserted from "" ston's best-know : I ron ne | » id a a s best on to| the 22nd Batiery and was arrested + their friends to the notice. i oer = : . et. You choose your own covers to| | a elder in 'St. Andrew's church, and | irs fw ale : : match draperies a and we do | in Belleville, is in the cells at Tete|® ever since her marriage Mrs. Fowler | I First the rdw skins are inspeéted and specially pod will be sent i in it) sole ticular ib: ; the rest. Se Pot, ixsache, and be sam Lhas taken a deep interest in its selected from particular qualities celebrated fot 3 | prosperity. Rev. Dr. Mackie, the ! Log : . : de | Linolesm, new patterns, all! Ca DIRECT FROM MEXI00 Beier emir. was one oF Loe dears their fineness of grain, durability and great eclas- widths. Rugs, 1915 stock all in, un-| The men in "C" Battery are cer- | ' | est friends. Quiet and unostentatious tieity--none other will do in the making of the usually fine selection. tainly athletes as well as soldiers. rl in her daily life, Mrs. Fowler was be. | ai akg ( € y Beside having some good boxing tal- | yopuy p 'HENDERSON IS VISIT: loved most by those who knew her | Gloves we sell. &0 Repair and Upholstering work | ent, a strong soccer football team is i VE ~~" Abest. Tike every true woman she | | 5 promptly and well done. Phone 90. | being organized, which will, if ar- ING HIS MOTHER: | shone 'most. brightly in the home. | Perf : d Ion 0 Yours Tangements can be made, Playil gos the Situation in México Will| There her infuemcefor good was. felt | §| erfect shades in greys, browns, tans, modes, [}| : against both military and dvilian : white, black, also white with black stitching-- 8 | PEEP FEIBECL EER hED most powerfully. Her memory will | [Phe mobilization of 'the third "The Mtuation fn Wextés will hot" { 'very pair fully guaran- inant battalion bas both P\be cleared up before the termination The Late Mrs. F. Blake. t teed. Equal to most $1.25 lines. {This must be completed Ist jjof the Eurbpean war," sald John R.! On Sunday morning, after tw | : hi. teams. Not Be Cleared Up Before the Ter- be most: fondly - . x { : ! b y cherished by her son | 2th: Paris 1 # > i ys | I. F. HARRISON --- | mination Of the European War. | tad sangnies! wporioned by her son | with: Paris points and twa elasps at wrist--all {§ | : i 0 Huser bor s1zes 6 3-4 to 7 1-2--and ev | I - of April. The quartets are all [Henderson, who is visiting with his| months' illness of Bright's disease, | :s ready and the men will be brought. mother, Mrs. J. Henderson, Clergy Margaret Jane Clarke, widow of the | . - --------" AUTO LI VERY into the cities at the option of the | Street. Mr. Henderson is in the| late Francis Blake, entered into rest ur J | : . | officers nding the battalions. |cattle.and mining business in the at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. | . The 38th Battalion, Ottawa, "has | State of Sonora on the west coast of | F. Black, 25 York street. * The de | » {now 1,275 accepted recruits and the | MeXico, and in this state nearly all! ceased was born in Pittsburg sixty: » " S |39th Battalion, Belleville, 1,418 no [Of the révolitions have been origin- | six years ago, and for the past twen- | urrier | cepted recruits. Both are consider. | ated. ty-five years had vesided in Barrie- { i ¢ In the ten years that Mr. Hender- | field, with the exception of the 1 : obb: bl strength. er- | field, wit e exception of the last A Ag | from the ' various | 500 has been in Mexico there have! six months, when she stayed with | : N y Suits for Spring. 78-80 Brock St. I t ili | been many changes in the Govern- her daughter. T - é . ht Ds eGR FT hi Joent, a stronger man always con- To. rengion the: deceased was an 70; 42nd, 285; 43rd, 383; 56th, 35; | (rolling an army trying to overthrow | Anglican, and a member of St. . ' 59th, 110, and the McGill University | 'Ne réigning leader. At present Villa| Mark's Church. To mourn her loss | 2a mt OD: mae . And Carranza are the contestants. there are three sons@and six daugh- eWI; {] OUR FRESH GROUND COP. The detachments for the 30th Bat- | via® 18 & man who controls by fear, | ters : James and Frank Blake, of this ! & aw FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. tali ill bo as follows : ldth. 80: | "nd always seems to have sympa-| city; William Blake, Toronto: Mrs. ¥., SE . bE 3 Try a sample arder and be ation wi as follows : ls 7 | thizers who are also strong men. Black, Mrs, W. Murray, Mrs, J. Wil . - convinced. > 1th, oy 0th, 55 doth, Uh Mth, Carranza uses diplomacy in his deal- | son and Mrs. {. Wright, all of Ring- The Always Busy Store. 4 SOLAN 2 IR00 CERY . 0 Fil ah » 04; 40th, » | ings with his people, and although, ston: Mrs. G. Warmington and Mrs Phone 720. Pgompt Deli uction Sales «bs © be Em apm at sumo do, Hat Go roth mpd = X + : a: E a8 his' and two sist Is ive, Franci i y : 1 : We are now booking our Livats: Horsigon, Spriggs and In- | rival. | lathe af Ri "Ellon | Wage. The remains' will sha placa ILDERS' SOPPLIESeees, spring sales a. ave returned uy... alee With the present condition of Clarke, Ernesttown, and Mrs, W, ii | '® Lataraqui vault. | 8. being on the sick list. . money affairs, Mr. Hénderson said son, hingston. ! . Book earl and secure it is impossible for either side to bor- | Reta May BDocteur. M d 1 | choice of dates The 21st Battalion was engaged in | row money from the United States Toondas hiomons or" ton iced OF | The death occurred on Sattirday| ade In eats and . . company drill on Monday morging. | or Europe, and they will not be able services being held at the house hy | Morning of Reta, the infant daugh- . go 4 i We will buy the contents C= to borrow any until after the war.| Ry. Mr. Cook, St. Mark's Church. | 167 Of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Docteur; | Canada X p ; : . of any house. as. tas in Streicher boating for ihe Sytrency of Mexico is greatly de- Bgrriefield, assisted by Rev. Crozies hyd brit Dinos: Sed Nive wosks, after Groc vs i i . a » Ag, : . "brie . Ei 4 ; {the Pipers Band are being continued | D y Jover-issuliig, and this . - To your special order or de- : eries Corpl. F. C. M.C, | must be redeemed . f, : : All 's under Corpl. F Roberts, A.M.C ed before Mexico can The Mine : sign. Right } in Kington. | -- have credit with other nations. If alli : i Bean Quartered Oak | i ieut.-Col. J. A. V. Preston was in | Strong mat i§ able to prove his Josi- | ' = On Saturday morning, the death! Chairs. ifm You ean got he. busi in | | nal: LAY. tion 1b the eftent than Jt Wo) oteurred of Mid mor Si, {the city at the Unique Gro- Phone 252. 113 Brock St. possible for him to borrow money, thirty-two years, at Fy Age Oak leery and Meat Market - i Lieut. A. R. Farrell, Tweed, = has | 20d he redéoms the depreciated cur- Montreal street. She had been ail} § - a Ho Ch : ERR ee SABable of rushing 'say revorution Bright's disease. She was born tn | Cpe ni Serenata that re 8) ng any eatin | ; oh 1 ha 3 d it Wh was born in | C H PICKERING : . en ] A a ry 3 i , and in reli . FOR A BAD COLD } strong man will be able to rule Mexi- ||| 3 stun, being 2 member ot St. 490 Princess St. Phone 530 ph 4 : y i 's cathedral. She is survived The situation at present, said Mr. | : four brothers 1e = es : The surest way to stop a cold is Henderson, is Yor ach ---- a Ar ges. and to liven the liver and cleanse the and the ultimate out-come is hard : f! Minnie, Utica, N. Y.; Edna, nurse at bowels, and the Bicest eathartio to to perceive. = There is a strong pos- || i] Allendale, Ont: and' Mrs..T, Hyland, he 154] hoa Cascarets. A ty, however, of two ublies J}. os : 5 Thoinas, Wilts and Frank, Kings- |- es the sou unde: your cold may be "Ca : northern Fi . nay be gone by Carranza and the under Try our Coffee, i WANTS 10 GO TO FRONT. pat or - . 3 LB Al A a EE EE EEE