T PAGE SIX" A DRUG CLERK Made $9,000 Profits in Gov- ernment Deal. STORY OF BIG. MONEY WAS TOLD TO PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE, It Equals Anything Pulled Off In The Dealing. Of One Man With a Gov- ernment .epartment, (Special to the Whig) Ottawa, March 2% parliament .in the Public Committee this morning were ed with a story of big and rapid profits, whith taken on thé percen- tage basis, will probably equal any- thing pulled off in the, dealings of one man wi.h a government depart- ment. B Account regal Powell stated to the commit- Mémbers of Charge That American Officer Unlaw- | fully Searched German Ship. i Seattle, consular complications here wera further aggravated to-day by the of Dr. Wilhelm Mueller that a States Capt. £. 'M. of the coast guard ser- vice, recently boarded and made an unlawful search of the big German steamship Saxonia, pow interned in Fagle Harbor, Puget Sound. The in- formation was conveyed to Dr. Muel ler by Capt. E. Haller. Capt Lightenberg, in charge of the guard cutter seout, says Capt. Dunwkody boarded the Saxonia merely to make a social call, afiuirs charge Lpited otlieer, Dunwoody, > Ben a ee a TS ITALY IN WAR. Although the press despateh es conveyed no information, it 4 was stated this afternoon that private wires from New York declaved that Italy had de- clared war, andl that she would take her place with the Allies. As a result of the war it was reported that wheat had taken a drop of 215 cents per bushel, + * + » * * tée that though he was only a clerk in the drug store of W, ¥. Garland, M.P., for Carleton, and was only earning $15 ag week, he had netted $9,000 in straight profits from a $40,000 order for medical supplie which he had providéd to the gov ernment in the capacity of Ottaw: agent for Bauer and Black, Chicag He declared that lie had now $6.23 in the bank and that there wa $2,000 coming to him. froin the gov ernment. This made a total of $9, 000 profits, or about 28 per cent Some of the goods, however, he declared, had been purchased in Ot- tawa, afd on these he made fifty per cent. profit. Mr. Powell said that he had discussed the matter of pro- fits with Mr, Garland, but could not remember exactly what conclusion was arrived at following the discus- sion. stil THAW WILL WAIT LONG. Hearing of Habeas Corpus Applica. tion About April 29th, New York, March 22. Harty K, Thaw and his attorneys appeared he- fore Supreme Court Justice Bijur in response to the writ of habeas corpus seeured to prevent Thaw's return to Mattewan. Justice Bijur adjourned the hearing until March 29th, and an- nounced that on that day he will further adjourn, the matter until April 5th to permit the lawyers to submit briefs... On that date another | adjournment will be taken until April | 12th, when the Thaw lawyers will | ask for amore time in order ta prepace their papers. This will bring = the | matter up to April 29th, on which | date Thaw's lawyers announced, they | will be ready to proceed with a trial] by jury to test Thaw's sanity. Fighting Near Dixmude, (Special to the Whig. Amsterdam, March 22.--A series of engagements bétyeen British and Germans alon; the Yser, near Dix- mude, is proceeding, following an unusually heavy bombardment all Sunday afternoon Aviators on hoth sides are displaying greatest ac- tivity. "Cedar camphor" at Gibson's. Three hundred German infantry-! men were driven mad at the battlel of Neuve Chappelle. Lavander camphor" at Gibson's. | Guards, FREPPEERD LRP PREP PERLE N RES THE STRIKING. DOCKMEN, Return To Work On Appeal By Lord Kitchener. (Special to Whig.) Liverpool, Eng, March 22 The striking dock men, who for the see-| time within the past few weeks de- layed the sailing of many ships from Liverpool, to-day returned * to 'ork Their action resulted from an appeal made by Lord Kitchener himself NEW CHIEF OF STAFF | OF BRITISH ARMY Major-Gen. Sir William R. Robertson Fas Been Appointed (Special to the Whig.) London, March 22.--The naming of Major-General Sir William R. Robertson as Chief of General Staff of the British army to suéceed Ma- | jor-Gen. Murray was received with| popular appraval here to-day, | though the néws was surprising. Gen. Robertson rose from the ranks. | He was first a trooper In the Six} teenth Lancers, where he served for | ten years, afterwards gaining a com- misgion in the Third Dragoon i As Quartermaster-Gener- al of the British Expeditionary force | that landed in France last fall, Ris | efficient work aroused the admir- | ation of militiary critics. A month after the expeditionary forces land- ed, he was temporarily commissioned Lieutenant-General. . ' Brockville, a UN.R. train and | the | Peter Swarts, moulder, was struck by FURTHER COMPLICATIONS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915. READY TO PAY WELL DARDANELLES. OF Allies Have Amply Provided For Cost | Of Victory--The British Casualties | Number Sixty-One, London, March 22.--The Admiralty to-night made the following ap- nouncetnent : "Unfavorable weather has inter- rupted the, operations in the Dar- danclles, and as seaplane reconnais- sances have not beén possible, the amount of damage done to the forts by the bombmedment of the 18th can- not be ascertained great expectations should, however, he based on this, as owing to the losses caused by drifting mines the attack was not pressed to its conclusion on that day. "The power of the fleet to domin- ate the fortresses by superiority of fire seems to be westablished. Various other dangers and difficulties will have to be encountered, but nothing has happened which justifies the be- lief that the cost of the undertaking will exceed what has already been ex- pected and provided for, "The British casualties in the sonnel are sixty-one men wounded and missing. "The total casualties among the of- ficors of the British ships engaged 1a the fighting in the Dardanelles last Thursday, when the Irresistible and Ocean were sunk, were four killed and two wounded on the Irresistible and three killed on the Inflexible. "A casualty list of the men shows that twenty on board the Inflexible and four on the Irresistible | were killed." "No per- killed, War Tidings. Since the beginning of the whr the Jritish army on the continent has lost 1,543 officers killed, 2,833 wound- ed, while 705 have been reported missing. casualty list of 5,081 men. Provincial authorities in Austria have been mstructed by the Minister of the Interior to grant no exemp- tions from the Landstrum 'levy cept after a most rigid investigation in order that no man capable of army service may be wverlooked, The commander of the Anglo: I'rench fleet in the Adriatic Sea, have been notified by their govern- fnents that the transportation of goods of any kind to or from ports on the Austrian coast is prohibited under ' the terms of the allies' mew naval policy and that steaniers carry- ing such cargoes are to be seized. ------ i at ---- Woman Editor Dead. New York, March 22.--Mrs. El- len Heney, editor of a woman's ma- gazine published in Detroit and writer of short stories, plunged five storeys from her room to her death at her home here yesterday. She was delirious from typhoid fever at the time and made her way from her i bed: to A window. during a brief in- [ terval in which her nurse had left|# flagh she few to tell thé military | thé room for medicine. "Lavander camphor' at Gibson's. At the police court on Monday a This gives a total officers | ex- | AGENCY THRUST ON HIM. Member Gave His ( Terk an Order . i forth $18,000. SEAL March 22. The German FOR THE CAPTURE OF STRAITS! Ottawa, March 22 --The first day Accounts dis- A of probing by the Public Committee into army contracts closed a well-developed scandal. new clerk from the drug store of a Conservative member of Parliament got an order through that member for some $18,000 worth of field dress- ings, at a profit of from 40 to 60 per cent. : The clerk, a young man' of twenty-five, who came from ville at the beginnipg of August and entered Garland's service, is E. Pow- ell. of Bauer & Black, and its Toronto agent is a. Me. Shaver, The : latter first: asked Mr. Garland to take the agency, but that it had better be put in the name of Powell, The law forbids a mem- ber of Parliament to pérsonally anything to the Government. whole matier was fixed up with Pow- ell in ten" minutes' conversation in the drug store with Messrs, Garland and Shaver. There said to Powell about prices - to be charged or abot profits to be made, The order, however, was immediately put through in his name, at prices which, according to the Auditor- General, netted from 40 to 60 per cent., although Garland represented to the Militia Department that the prie- es dgarged would net only "5 per cent. As a result' of these represen tations, and in the hurry, the counts were passed to the amount of some $18,000, When the Auditor: General came to look over the wills an objection 'was immediately lodged, and the Militia Department is now trying to get'a refund of $3,601 from DESCLAU ON TRIAL FOR ARMY THEFIS | { } { Paymaster Charged With Sty- plying Army Food to. Ger- | man Female Friend. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, March 22.--France Des- claux; former paymaster treasurer of the entire French army, to-day went on trial before the first coun- cil of war, ¢harged with appropria- ting military food supplies and sending them to his beautiful Ger-| ! man 'friend' Madame Bechoff, pro- prietor of the most elegant of all about | Kempt- | The (Chicago drug house is that'! he and Shaver decided was nothing | As near perfection as you can get in ' this world. fae- | CHASE & SANBORN r= Powell so far without success. | IN STOCK Pratt's Animal Regulator. Pratt's Poultry Regulator. Pratt's Baby Chick Food. Pratt's Lice Killer. Satisfaction guaranteed these goods or money back. For sale by J. R. B. Gage, 234 Montreal St. BRAND on 'WE NOW HAVE [INTE on The International Limited - Phone 549, | Shoes For Men ETT 2 fl You will find in our stock the very latest styles in Gents' Foot- wear in all the popu- lar leathers. § Styles to suit all tastes at prices to. fit all purses. ! We carry the best MONTREAL BRAY Clostt, Peabody & Co. lnc, Makars, Sales Dept. Moatrea) wearing -and most perfect fitting shoes on the market to-day. Shoe - Store SE a "NORMAN?" Th: NEWEST RAILWAY SYSTEM Double Track Route 1. Daily 120 pm, 30 pan, br 41 pom. 55 p.m. WESTBOUND . Kingston » Toronte ... Hamilton Ar. London ... . Buffalo .. ,Detrolt ov. Ar. Chicago . Ke ves 3X 8.190 pm, « 3:55 pm, $09 am, The International Limited --No. 14 Daily EASTBOUND . Kingston . Ar. Ottawa .. . Montreal .. , New York 1:08 pm, 6:30 p.m, 5:45 pm, $ a.m .v 0 am, es 1340 am, ++ 5:05 am, . Hartford « 8:31 am, For full particulars apply J, P, TAN. LEY, Railroad and' Steamship Agent, cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. LIL PAcCiFic | Improved Service | | OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Low farés to California, ace count Panama-*acific : national kxposition. | Particulars from FF, CONWAY, ©, | PA Clty Licket Office, eprner Prin. tekn and Welllugton Streets. Phone | 1107, --_] { Inter. WILTON | (CANADIAN SERVICE) Sailings from Halifax to Liverpool | ORDUNA (15,500 tons) Mar. 2201 | ORDUNA (15.500 tons) Apel 1040 Local Ticket Agént, or THE A ROBERT, WEFORD. CO LAMITED. General uelitn, 50 Kix Sb. East, Tor. | ow | AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. Phone 1177 rge W. Boyd, » 89 Earl Street. | Parisian 'dress 'making establish-j ments. y | Desclaux's delinquency is alleged | to have existed almost from the be-| | ginning of the war. All went well | for months. Then pretty Madame! | Rivet, femme de chambre to | dame Bechoff, received a letter from | her husband at the front. He had {not eaten for twenty-four hors. In| | authorities, and France was shaken | | by the biggest scandal since the | Caillaux affajr. Madame Bechoff's {trial is to follow the verdict in' the] thrown down a thirty-foot embank- | citizen was charged by his son-in-law | Desclaux case. ment. and 'a shaking-up. "Spring tonics" at Oibson's, i The British steamer Cairntore was | torpedoed Sunday _ -aftérnoon . ff | Beachy Huard, in. tite Engligh Channel, | and sank. "IHer crew escaped. I He escaped with a few bruises | with the theft of furniture, but the! : | case was dismissed. "Film packs" at Gibser's. Indication of active participation in the war are fast accumulating in aly... . Kodaks at Gibson's. | FATE OF STRAITS IN BALANCE, Ma- | { | American Embassy Approaclied To | | - Save Comstantinople. i London, Mapeh 22.--With the [Russian Black Sea fleet reported | knocking at the door o° the Bosphor- | us and the six allied battleships re- | inewing the bombardment of the { Turkish positions on the Dardanel- | | les, the fate of the straits is to-day { hanging in thre balance, according to | opinions freely expressed in Louden. | Nevertheless, reports "rom Turkisls | sources still profess supreme cons | fidence in the impresnability of the | defending forts, which, it is claimed, | have successfully sustained a bom- | bardment over 21 days. While Turkish official repofts lew Ld Eggs 25¢| Every Egg Guaranteed. CHOICE BEEF, LAMB, MUTTON AND PORK Si ALWAYS IN STOCK. rloin Steaks . Round Stedks T. B. Steaks . : RKER A man in lowa got a guarantee on & cheap roofing, But when he BUILDERS ! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time Barrack Street. 1 Dining Room Furniture {minimize the effect of the bombayd- i ment and declare that = Coustanti- | nople is not afraid. Intelligence | received from other near eastern points sets forth that negotiations !aiready have beea begur With the American embassy to act as an in- termediary to save the Ottoman capital from the guns of all the al- lied warships. : i ¢ "MARRYING COUNT! PARDONED [Von Muller Was Sentenced To Eight (ears For Bigamy, ---- out Pgun ~ Coffee, Madam! = * Here's ¥ of . All the latest designs and em Same Drug---Different Form More and more, it is becoming eonmmon knowledge that an Sui of eoffee or tea contains from 1 1-2 to 3 grains of Ful. __ Because of this drug, tea and coffee 5% ] Inishe vars ete In ACHE 3 Yours Jor oly, Buffets; $15, $20, $23 and up. ap THE ert Li | eater § Don in he | BEER Ex. Tables, $10, $12, $15 {and up. _ Chairs, $1.59, $2.50 and CA ---- ap. hx { Trenton, N.J., March 22.--Emil | Karl Von Muller, known as marrying count," sentenced in 1910 to serve eight years in prison for Sigamy, hag been pardoned by the State rd of Prison In . He -was arrested in Los pho og shod Ing his marriage to Miss Pearl Wood, daught f wealthy grocer, was said to be his ningt Sie ordinary caffeibe, an irritating .. and depressed. As a drug, caffeine has medicinal value, but only when ad- - ; ministered by a Rottipetent physician. : rine miprity 2on If constant use of tea or coffee, with its drug content, agrees tvith why keep right on--no one should objeet. . dO ATL Ta a . thousands of people have rid themse bles, and experienced wonderful improvement in de # Good trams house on Division 8 house for & FO rhe dni de A ASO SS yi on es cnn are er rt ee ATIC | in the cub instantly, with hot water, 30¢ and 500 |. eithes way, and cost per eup is about the : Ee ----