PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 23 1015. ~~ i The British Whig DOWN WITH TIPS. At a meeting of the Trades and] Labour Congress, in" Montreal, the fv 1 I 7 a) 9 ! Hl ] Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO,, LIMITED. i Q. Eliott .. .vsv.. President A. Gull question of tips to waiters was dis- cussed at considerable' length, the! views expressed by the representatives of the Waiters' Union being that the waiters wanted a decent wage paid for the work they were .engaged in and the system of tipping abolished. | The request of the union that the Council draw the attention of the De- partment of Labor to the fact that salaries of waiters in certain hotels | in the city had been reduced to al most | some action be taken to remedy mat | ters was agreed to by the Council. The tipping nuisance, (and it is a | nuisance of considerable proportions), | is apparéntly encouraged by the em- | ployers, in hotels and trains at least. | The men are not able to live on the | petty salaries they are paid. They | are forced to look to the people they | | serve for the revenue they must get, | { and they are really to be excused for | | making their presence and wants #0 | | clearly known. . | | What can the Labour Department | {do to abolish it? Anything? It! SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Edition) One year, delivered in city ...... One year, If pald In advance .... One year, by mail to rural offices Ona fear, to United States ...... §3. ix and three months pro rata. fRemi-Wsakiy edition) One pear, to United States ...... $1. Ix and three months pro rata, Attached 1s one of the job printing offices in Canada. TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE HM. KE Smallpeice 32 Church St. U. 8. REPRESENTATIV New York Office Ls best Obi Frank R. Northrup, Manager cago bun 3 a ani R. Northrup, 2 Bue Tr Manager A VERITABLE SINK HOLE. "Vileariier camp is responsible for most of the troubles that the war has brought upon Sir ' Robert Borden. Fven the mischiei-making powers of Hon. Sam Hughes were enlarged hy 1.00 | ences of the tip system. 225 Fifth Ave. | | may help to enforce the imposition, and make W mordé obnoxious, but the | remedy lies- with the employers. They must pay their help, sufficiently to en- | able them to avoid the unseemly experi- -------- THE SENSITIVE BRITISH. In England one man was 'paid a | commission on the timber he pur- | chased for the Government, and the | Qlice of Works assumed that it had | made a pretty good bargain. 'The | country, however, demanded the can- | cellation of the contract, and on the | ground that the arrangement was not | a business one. | "We are supposed to be enjoying a { political trace," says Truth, "and all | attacks on the Government are ex- | posed to the stigma of being unpa- { triotic. This imposes on the Govern- a , vanishing .point, and that ju EFF 2P REP PFR PF IEPPIIIIPNS | WAR BULLETINS. It is officially reported at Petrograd: that Germans burned to death ten Russian prisoners in Suwalki. nearly plunged Britain and . Fraoee into war, was recently mide a bri: gadier-general for gallantry, and one of the first to send congratulations was Lord Kitchener. Teaching Economy. (Ottawa Journal.) Sir John Maedonald at coniedera- tion wished to compel 'the Provinces to keep their hands in their own poe kets and pay their way out of their own resources, by direct taxatiom or otherwise, as the States of the Am- erican Umion have to do. That, he thought, was the way to teach them economy---and without doubt he judged wisely. NGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARS ACO + Police constables say that two gas lamps should be kept lighted all night on Obtario street, between Brock street and Cataraqui bridge. Ald. D. A. Givens will {remain in Arizona, for some time. The work af pulling down Chalmers Church has commenced. : Fight policemen reside in Rideau ward. . Several : aldermen suggest that some of these he removed to the low- ér end of Uataraqui and Frontenac wards. It "was questioned whether the Council owned' the police consta- bles. Hdd they not the right to lo- cate where they liked? The alder- | men admitted they had, but in the city's - interests suitable arrangements should Be made to have a man .in that section--either living there or performing duty 'there. Central News, London, says the Italian Gevernment has cut off railway communications with Germany via Switzerland. Official reports from Petro- grad say actions are pending all along the Carpathians, and reinforcemen's are being sent. The British steamer Concord was torpedoed by a German submarine in the English Chan- nel. All the crew were res- cued. ) A Rotterdam despatch says Zeppelins have orders to drop bombs upon all vessels in the North Sea regardless of nation. ality. Germans were driven back after five unsuccessful at- tempts to regain lost ground at Les Eparges. Eight more wounded Cana- dians have arrived at Shorn- cliffe military hospital. The French battleship Jau- reguiberry has been sent to the Dardanelles to replace the dam- aged cruiser Ganlois. PRP PPPPPP OPP PEP P RP RPT RRP RRR P IPE I PPT Reed GEE IILI PILL I APE P LAPP EPI IE EPRI ELA E RIES | THE REICHSTAG HEARS THAT GERMAN GENERALS ARE! f BARBARIANS. i Socialists Attack Military Leaders | | For Declaration of Reprisais On Russia--Wild Scene In Chamber. | London, March 22.--A wild scene oceuwrred in the German Reichstag Saturday during the second . reading of the budget, according to a Berlin telegram received by Reuter's ' Tele gram Agency by way of Amsterdam. The tumult wae" aroused by a speech See Our Dandy {, $4.00 Shoes. $1250 Suits Expert tailoring, 'clever designing, new patterns, new models. Fabrics are fine qual- ity English and domestic Cheviots and Tweeds. Two and three piece Suits; plain or cuff bottoms; sizes 33 to 44. Length--3014 inches Vent--No Lapel--Semi-Soft Roll Lined--Full Back--Semi-Form Pockets--Flaps See Bibbys' Duke Overcoats, $15.00. See Bibbys Gloster See Bibbys Chamberlain Overcoats, $10.00. Overcoats, $12.50. . A A Mt A AN A AA OA PAN a A ANN MN Se the 'possitiltities + of = Valeartier, Val. | meat the reciprocal obligation of bow- cartier was a sink hols for this coun. | "8 to the general, opinion when it try's money. Valcartier wags the scene | has become maniieat, andl i. has ben of absolutely wasted weeks in the | made as manifest * in this case as it } delivered by George Ledebour, a so- cialist deputy, who protested against "the military administration trymg to Germanize portions of French terri- lives oi this country's soldiers." The Telegram and Sam Hughes have brok- ¢n the truce.--Toronto Telegram, Con- servative es me senenthnssn A CHANGE MUST COME. Hon. Arthur Meighen is dissatisfied with the prison system. It does not reform anyone, and for the reason that there is not work fo» the con- viets, and they spoil by enforced iidle- ness. Mr. Meighen admits that there _are obstacles in the way. "I'hey are political in 'their character. = Prisons are managed by politicians in the Governnient. They are administer, by politicians 'appointed by: their Ciovernment. They are run so that the politicians outside of the prisons will not. be alfected by them. The result is a condition: of life that is not elévating and that cannot con- tribute to the betterment of the con vite. A Commission would be an improvement, a Commission that is absolutely free of all: political influ. ence, and that will be permitted to . work out ite plans without interfer- ence. A high-minded and independent Commission would: make the desired ange, or a warden who has the power of Mr. Osborne, of Sing Sing prison would do it. This reformer of men is making a great experiment in prison management, and if he - suc- ceeds \his methods will be forced upon others who are in similar positions. Sr TOO MUCH LAW. Sir James Aitkins, at a meeting of the Canada, Bar Association, empha- sized a great truth, mamely, that there is too much law of a kind, that the statutes are 'twmbersome and "wordy, and that it keeps the judges busy} in tryiog © to interpret them. Courts and went carclessly om; Ds mpus on both, to the + dismay of the bewildered lawyer and a helpless people. Great points were left). underidedl, trivial ones received elaborate judgments. The remedy was to write the pripsiples now settled by decision or . statute in s wellar ranged code. Reduction of the law 16 a Jorm of statute seemed the most pd | respect of its war contracts, there Legislatures, he said, can be decently, When the time .ig | not. suitable for the public washing of dirty linen, it only becomes more | necessary that the process of purifies | tion should be performed privately | and with the utmost possible expedi- | tion." If the Canadian people, and Cana- dian politicians, were only as sensi tive with regard to Government con- tracts the Auditor-General's Depart- ment would not to-day be in the teonible it is with regard to the pur- chases of the 'Militia Department. Had Canada the system of Britain, in would be no them, ' The War Office is alive to the neces- sity of supervising billeting contracts and others Bf the same nature, and touring inspectors look into all the contracts made by local military au- thorities. "The taxpayer may take it that his interests are héing pretty closely looked after, where the spend: ing of money is entrusted to regi- méntal officers," adds Truth, and it is an independent critic of the Gov- ernment. Touring inspectors! They are not used in Canada. The Militia Department assumes to direct every- thing from Ottawa, and we know the result. scandals, or fewer of EDITORIAL NOTES. Przemysl is as, difficult to pronounce as it was to capture. St. now Having added two canons, - George's cathedral is surely well fortified. The war is taking a goodly of the men Kingston sent forth fight in freedom's cause. Canadian blood is being freely shed on tl --of France and po Belgium, but it is not being shed in vad SE ------------ Why should not some of the spoils 2 frater- 'mot toll to should k ={for the purpose of identifying their Sf | tory, from which arises on the part {of Alsace-lswraine a desire for | French rule." The statement was received with angry outbursts on the part of the deputies, some members shouting : "What about the party of peace?' Continuing, Herr Ledebout said + "1 endorse everything said in praise ° of {our brave troops and their ¢omman- ders, but in political performances the military authorities are not up to | date, 1am horrified te, Iasi that for . obech. {every German village bur by the Byron de. Rhee { Russians three Russian villages shall: AN ORGANIZED GANG 1 ! 5 oF] = | "This is barbarism," ited Dr | Or River Burglars 'Captured' At! Karl Liebnecht, nother ee | [puty, while from the right came three Ogdensburg, N.Y. ¥ Brockville, March = 23.---The re-|ind t protests, one = member | cent capture of the Ogdensburg po- shouting: "We won't pérmit the su- lice, of a waggon load of house fur-| preme military authorities to be thus | nishings looted from summer cot-| attacked. <A tages along the River St. Lawretice, - When ordér had been temporarily has led to the discovery of an or-| restored, Herr Ledebour 'continued : | ganized gang uf river pirates who "Such a measure strikes mot only at | have committed various depredations| the Russians, but at the Poles and | on both sides of the border and] Lithuanians, on whose co-operation | have a long list of crimes to their! we must count." » credit. The activities of the gang This statement resulted in 'a remew | ranged from the burglary of post!ed disturbance afid cries of '"'Finish!" | offices in small places to the, looting | the deputies springing: from: ' their | of summer cottages, with g side line seats and excitedly shouting for or- | of robbing freight trains of cattle. |der; the vice-president of 'the House ) Jedlorday it was Siscqvered that| in the meantime having lared that e fine summer homes of Messrs. | epiticism of the a inistration | W. E. Brough, J. A. Hutcheson, | was pg pmb sim - K.C., and E. P. Hartney, (Ottawa), | Encouraged by members of his.ewn on the river bank just above Brock-| party, who shouted, "Speak up in the ville, had been broken into and rob-| nae of your party," Herr Ledebour | bed of contents, while considerable, n¢inued : "The German policy must | damage was don® by smashing doors, such that these peoples will see in and windows. The largest haul Was! Germany a shield to and a safeguard | Bade from the cottage of Mr. i heir' iresdom. 'Ae a Socialist and Brough, whose loss is quite heavy. {as a German patriot I believe T ought | The gang conveyed their loot in| : : i to emphasize this. I have done this | N olen boats 10 a point above Ogdens-| beloved 'father | and arranged with a riverside i" the interest of Node i nd and of Europe." of loud opposition erties - THE ROBECH SMILE. This fs Rear-Admiral de Rohech, the Irishman of Bwedish descent who has succeeded Carden in control of the Dardanelles tight. He is a brother of farmer for a conveyance to haul the| Ledeh g00ds into the city. e farmer . th i became, suspicions of 'the strangers, | Ha ance an y telephone notified the Og] i" i densburg police of their movements; The leaders of the various parties The officers at once got busy and Protested against the remarks ambushed thé waggon When it' ap- PY Deputy Ledehour, proached the city, capturing two! Herr Groteben, of the. Centre party, men, while two others escaped. said that if the military authorities den 3 an sians' actions, to take the: * severest ia Pe a pienis Dir i ME 1g Bibbys : 78, 80, 82 Princess St. toed Tos be | Colored Tops Are Fashion's Decree + A The women who want the newest styles in Foot- wear are wearing colored top shoes op 4 | | | | i i We are showing a complete line of these new Styles, , Made on the newest shapes with plain neat toes and the latest style of heels, in the new grey and sand shads T. J. LOCKHART, Bank of Montreal Building, Kingston, Lal 1| $5.00 and $6.00 Room | J. I. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes. town American officers visited Ee ; Which are. pernissably, under: infers: gations into the work of the ganz| which are permi in . on this side of the river. They wera, tional law, they shouM not be hindedy accompanied. on their return to Og-|ed by the representatives of the peo densburg by Messrs. Hartney and ple. "Minister of the Brough, who will inspect the loot Delbrueck in the present situation if he repMed asserted that he would not be worthy to Herr Ledebour's Speech. "For every one present to-day, the min- ister, "this hour will be bitten ad 'memories. At the Brough cottage a quantity of valuable silverware was found piled up on the floor ready for re- among his Jimoval and it is supposed that the! 3 must have been disturbed or Barber, two men under arrest, 7 | have confessed to the burglaries, but | other are expected. uhderateod has 'I prisoners extradited for trial her. = s criticism is unconstitutional. and i the orm oud © dined most. 2 _ The estimates of the ministeries 3 & mi E It is orities will endeavor to have the MORE ABOUT DACIA DEAL Eel hit i You had better' get your order in mow for your Everything is goi we are selli | (Sey icycles for the rest of this month. at the old prices. DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE. Massey Bicycles are the best wheels made: If you doubt his; ask any of the 369 riders of Massey wheels inf in. 4 You may need | them in to-day. ; f repairs for your ofd wheel. Bring .