Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Mar 1915, p. 3

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$ } 1} { | [To Keep the Face Fresh, Clear, Youthful TEPER RPP R PT Rebbe bb Phd 7 he Wh 1 C Daughters, ¢ the Red week, in at the that gs many as The ladies in charge understood that everyone come. at this ¢ r, and it hoped : attend sibil wi e is Miss Beatrice street, was the gu luncheon gif 1 Thomas C. Che Lambert will ter until after A - - | The members of the || Education and their wives will | entertained at high tea, Friday e | | | | th lite In a half 1 Passes massa thing he guest of her Easter * . SPRING MILLINERY P ENING -- NOW ON "Made in Canada" our specialty, MISS HAMILTON, $70 Princess Street Phone 1267 ty. A number of informal teas have i been given this. week in-honor of Miss Pet Deacon, who is Miss Carrie Bajus' guest. » The Reading Club will to- morrow at the home of Miss Marian Leslie, meet | | John Macdonald, will not receive * » | | | 1 Ho Mrs. avenue, season. University again 'this wm : COUGHS SPASMODIC CROUP CHITIS CATARRM COLDS Miss Phyllis Knight, street, entertained at luncheon on Monday, * . ASTHMA lion wHobiNG COUCH Mrs. Farrell Kas returned from To. ~ ronto, after a short visit, and ig again at the "Avonmore." Captain = T. D. Ringwood returned hn sod off . from Toronto on Monday. simple, safe and effective treatment avoid- 1 po P ing drugs. Used with success for 35 years, Mrs. Stuart Parsons, he air carrying the antiseptic vapor, inbaled with every breath, makes breathing easy, noothes the sore throat, aad stops the enough, assuring res:fulnights, Cresolenc Is invaluabls to mothers wiih young children and 8 boon to sufferers from Asthma, Sihd us postal for descriptive t BOLD BY DRUGGISTE V4PG - C LENE CO. Leeming Miles Bldg. Monte') C. i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. { derson, Karl street, will leave on Thursday for her home in Ottawa. Miss Dorothy Cotton, in town visiting James Hen- | treal, and will go overseas { McGill Hospital Corps. Mrs. 'C. N. Perreau has returned jfrom Montreal. She spent the week- end with Professor and Mrs. Macnaughton. with the Miss Ethel Rhodes, Boston, ing Mrs. A. P. if left for home on Saturday. | Miss Hilda Kent, visiting Mrs, Aus- {tin Gillies, 'Gillies' Depot, and Mrs, i Pipon, Toronto, has returned home. Charles Shearer, Montreal, is i¥ | town for a few days. {Miss Gertrude Waffner, Princess if | street, roturned to-day after 'a pleas- lant visit with friends in Toronto. Miss Agnes McClelland has returned {to Picton, alter spending the past month visiting friends. Mrs. R. Maitland Hannaford, Mon- {treal, is the guest of Mrs. Clark Hamilton, King street. . ». - -. visit. | Amateur Snapshot Demonstration NA. NA rt i in Showing the complete pros cess of taking and making good i} pictares, Mr. Black, Bhotograph port, A UNSIGN § if GOODS, will have an exhibition || i} at Best's Drug Stove to-morrow Ji ¥). Let him clear up §i Your snap-shot troubles. i] See the latest in Cameras § and supplies, | FEW MINUTES | Everybody come, f . t jvm | t S i} Digests all fool absorbs gases and stops fermentation at once, The Popular Drug Stere, Open Sundays, ic ex- § Mrs. Elmer Jones and little Miss | 'Wonder what upset your stomach ~{=--which portion of the food 'did the damage--do you Well, don't both- jer. If your stomach is in a revolt; {if sour, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate has fermented into stubborn lumps; your lead dMazy and aches; belch gases and' acids and eructate undigested food; breath foul, tongue coated--just take Pape's Diapepsin, and in five minutes you will wonder what became of the Indigestion and distress. Millions of men and women to-day.know Ages 5 to 9 Years. ~~ Worth from $3.50 to $5.00 Each | Shades Blue, Red and Mixed Tweeds! Shdddedeb bbe * Henry Faculty of be ening, in the board rooms, by the Domestic Science class of the facul- for ! some time, left on Monday for Mon- | John | Lothrop, Union street, | NO INDIGESTION, GAS TOMACH---PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1915. Valerie Jones spent the weekend in Brockville. Mrs. Basil Morphy, D. M. Hammon guest last has returned to Torouto. . ! * -- | | i The officers and men | bout sixty-three in all), paraded | to the English church, along with the | Guard and the Pieton band, on ! Rev. F. L, Barber preach- | Mrs Week, cha busy Picton tl ») Mrs. A. Lincoln Siadler has re » it turned to New York after spending a with Dr. and Mrs Knight, Alice street. 1 J. B. Pense, West street, » Toronto on Monday to visit John Hamilton, Holle Toronto, guest h days mn town Home Sunda the mild weather people | friving 'across the ice at n on Saturday. Ship- | ginning to liven up things | here. Almost all the boats | ie harbor are being fitted out for | coming season. The Bertie CUal- | (Capt. L. L. Vandusen), is be fitted ont, A new mast is being | to replace the one lost in ai October. as Hammel, an aged and resident, of this town, ie" on. Friday "last. 'The remains yore buried to-day. The first Prince Edward county | to be killed in action was Pte. | Kern: th Spencer. His father resides in Consecon, where a memorial ser- Despite ro olpt ping is gain was Mrs at "Opter- davs this week. f Mrs of Bagot street, left vd AP Christmas; Wilkinson, the guest cn Sunday for Montreal. rs. George FE. Kidd witl receive Friday of this w not azzain thi: s ssn, Miss, Ed M tes ¥ 3 he Gore sired . in last Ih i hai Ina ny Lo Arnorior, jg ng ith Mrs irge Kidd, Gor gircet. Mrs. Odell, Ottava visiting her soh sand her sister, Mrs. HH. D. Bisby, Bareie sir home on Tuesday who has beey | respect ty returned . - 1 ay Rev, Alexander McMillan, a gaest at St. Andrew's nanse, for the weck- end, has returned to Toronto. vice was held last Sunday. Rev. GG. Mrs. Herbert Wood and her baby | ('. Williams conducted the service. | and nurse and Miss Phyvilis Knight Pte. Spencer enlisted with the (iren- went to-day to Toronto te spend a |adier Guards in Montreal. | {few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Corporal George Ittas, who enlist- Knight. On Saturday they will leave ed here with the first contingent, re- for Vancouver. : y turned to. Picton to-day. Mr. Mrs. George Ulilrieve, who spent |was very disdppointed in not reach- {the winter in Vancouver, B.(., with | ing the firing line. He is British, ber daughter, Mrs. Albert Scott, is through and through, but owing to expected in town on Saturday. the fact that he 18 a foreigner he! Rex. Calvin returnéd to Ottawa on | Was not permitted to go to France. | Monday after spending a week with Ile came within eighty miles of {he | bis parents, © Mr. and Mrs. Hiram | firing line and was turned down by Calvin, King street. the British authorities before em- . vn barking' for France. He reports well of the 16th Regiment. - Miss Flora Stewart was in 4 | from Harrowsmith vesterday. There is quite an.epidemic of Rev. M. Compton, An- measles in Picton. Over one hun- | drew's manse, has returned from Ot- | dred cases are reported in the Mary | tawa. street school. i John Nicolle and Miss Laura Ni- | The remains of the late colle, Barrie street, arrived home on | H. Morrow, Hillier, were buried on Tuesday from an extended trip south. { Saturday. Deceased was visiting i They visited the Pan-Pacific Ex- [here und was taken ill of pneumonia positions in San Diego, Los Ange- | He was thought to be doing well but | les, and San Francisco, and spent |expired very suddenly, when his nurse } some time in Salt Lake City. 'was out of the room. i The L. C. Reading Club met at| Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bristol are | Miss L. Tandy's last Monday. away in Bermuda for a month, Wal-- | Mrs. Felix Johnson, King .streei,| ter Mackenzie, county registrar, has | { has returned from a two months [been very ifl. - He is able to - be | visit in New "York, Philadelphia and out again now, Scranton. | The new organ in the Roman Ca- | Mr. and Mrs. J. D { tholic« church is to be opened on Fas: | ing Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Calvin, [given in the evening. | | 1 town 8S. J. St Georyre | Calvin visit | ter Sunday. An organ recital 'will be went to Brockville on Monday in| The present condition of affairs is | {spent a short time with Judge and|to make itself felt in Picton this year, | Mrs. Reynolds, before goirg to Otta-|Tt is' understood that all the ean- | wa. {ning factories will be closed ith | Mrs. Augustus T. Hatch, 90 Fron- the excention of the Old Homestead. tenac street, will not receive on! This will méan "hard times' for | { Thureday, March 25th, nor again! many people here, who are dependent | | this season. jon the canning industry. Mrs. J. E. Wilmot, in town with (her mother, Mrs. W. J. Mahood! | Johnson street, returned to Ottawa | yesterday. Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie street, { has returned from Hamilton, after | visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur { B, Turner who came down with her| {for a short visit. f Mrs. D. H. Dowsley and Mrs, Ken- i neth Maclaren and her children have {arrived in Ottawa from Kelowna. | Mrs. Dowsley is the zuest of her] 'daughter, Mrs. B. H. Wright. i "MY COUNTRY NEEDS ME." that it is needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin occa-| sionally keeps the stomach regulat-| ed and they eat their favorite foods without fear. 1 If your stomach doesn't take care! of your liberal limit without rebel- lion; if yeur food is a damage Rd stead of a help, remember the quick-| RES Saris a i est, surest, pd harmless relief ig] _ CORPL CAMERON MACKAY Pape's Diapepsing which costs only! With the above words on his fifty cents for a large case at drug and feeling strong as to his call stores. It's truly wondérful---it di- | duty, Corpl. Cameron Mackay, of | gests food and sels things straight, Renlrew, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. | 80 gently and easily that it is as- Mackay, aged nineteen years, a ro-\ tonishing. Please don't go on and on | bust _¥oung man, inspired with | with a weak, disordered stomach; | Christian patriotism, joined the first | it's 80 unnecessary. {contingent and after weary months | ton Salisbury Pain, over which. he | did not complain, but was a con- | istant source of comfort and happi- | {nessa to his fellows, he soon found ! the firing lime. On Feb. 95th he | iwrote home, telling of his first ex- | lips | to | Ittas | i Thursday, a few scattered showers, then becoming colder. y : NOW---now is the time to choose your Easter Suit while stocks are at their best. A Wonderful Showing of NEW SPRING SUITS | An extensive variety of stunning new models--the most distinetive showing we have ever had the privilege to offer for your inspection. : New Suits at '$11.50, $12.75, $13.50, $16.50 and $18.50. are all man tailored and made in the season' ionable fabrics and colors. Talleur and Novelty Suits Women who keep in touch with fashion will certainly appreciate the distinctiveness of our display. Priced from $22.50 to $50.00 A WORD. Easter is but two weeks away--a word to the wise is sufficient! These suits s most fash- As is usual--no charge for alterations. | - DAVIES Special for This Week 5 Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs Sate by us. Satisfaction guaran Halliday's Electric Shop | Phone 94 ea. 845 King 81. Jf NOW IS THE TIME To place your order fora Monument, and by placing your order with us you are guaranteed first class work, rompt delivery and mode- rate price. A call of inspec- tion invited. J. E. MULLEN "x Corn > 3 for 20c Peas, J for 20c The Wm. Davies' Co. Limited, Phone. 597. ! perience in the trenches. He a | expected another call and it came, {and on March 2nd he yielded up his | . life, fighting for king and country | 'he loved so much. Noble soldier! { i * "March 23. ] into the other night at the Canadian | North freight yards here, and a i of things were stolen, maost- A NE fanpacied of the local po- ----A box car was broken | You :{ brutes. = ii AL. sour neart andiomer wor i A Test Of Friendship, Just before Artemus Ward's death | Robertson poured out some - medi- | cing and ofiered it to the sick man, | + o Fom; + THERE IS A DISTINCTIVE QUALITY APPEARANCE : About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinetive as the quality of their contents. : | SUN-KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. _ GEO. ROBERTSON & sox, LTD. urged him to swallow saying : "Do, now- | > my sake. You know 1 would do anythimg for { "Would you," said Ward, fecbly, | grasping lus friend's hand for the lust | "I would, indeed," said Robertson. | "Then you take it." ! * Ward passed away a few hours afferwards = ions of ~The Bancrofts." f Authority sométimes creates human | T 987, { Drop a Telephone q lo 13 Pine street when wanting an done in the ca - | tery lie mates given on all kin | of repairs and new work: #lso - wood f Ane All i ore. o aii. ul de 1 srdery n Street. Pure, Sarsaparilla Makes Rich, Red Blood. , : Your heart works nizht and day without a pause. It is the principal organ of the cireulagion of blood. It is of the utmost f ance thai it should do its work well. The quality and of your have much Hood's hen looking for solid leather goods of Canadian then Manufacture, we : 2 C 1 en meres tan upmetaeture, ve them, made in anada 8 largest Filla makes the Working Shoes, from ................. $150 to $3.50 Fine Dress Shoes, at .................. $350 to 868 > +. See our band French Kip Boots act 'with more. it is defective in gans when |

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