YOUR BANKING SERVICE. All who have will find the » most satisfa of y hate Ver nature, t The Bank d by of 1p-t 0 date equipment 0 nable The Bank anking Transactic IN C CORPORATED and ex- Toronto to provide adequa Te BA NK c OF TORONTO end office = TORONTO, CANADA n ital 5 5,000, 000 Heserved Funds Pald-Up Cup BIREL "PORE: 'resident. "He Aderson, Cok A. } F - 868402501 2nd Vice-Tres Goode "ol. "Meighen 8 John Macd Thos. F < National Bank Market Square Kingsto i GEORGE B. McKAY, TE j Brick and Tile Anyone requiring Brick or Tile would do well to crder How. We have a quantity on hand for early spring use and can fill all orders promptly: Kingston ic Yai, A.NEAL, Phone 13% DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Brick house, 7 rooms, furnace, lights, gas for cook-| Lot has a frontage of 66 feet;| ing, verandah, garage. good loc: ition. Price $3,800 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 56 Brock St. J. Diver Beyresentative. EYESTRAIN CAUSES HEADACHES Blurréd vision, and weak, watery! Feves. Phone 68. ted by our eyesight specialist, H. . Brown, Oph.D., will remove the| ® and give clear, comfortable vision. (Guaranteed glasses at $2, -$3 and $5 complete. RODGER OPTICAL PARLORS. We examine eyes free. 347 King Street. We grind the glasses. Second Hand Automobiles for Sale GREAT BARGAIN, Ford 1913 Touring Car, fully equipped, in good runuing order, electric light, -new tires. 1 Reo 1912 Roadster, fully equipped, in good running order, tires in good condition. We would be pleased to demonstrate either of these cars to interested parties. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited 210-214 Wellington Street Phone 454 USING SOAP SPOILS THE HAIR Soap should be used very spar- ingly, if at all, if you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared sham- poos contain too much. alkali, This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoa- nut oil (which is pure and greaseless) it's cheaper and bet- ter than soap-\or anything else you can use. Orie or two teaspoonfuls will} cleanse the hair and scalp thor- oughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of. rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive ofl. "The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp . the hair fine-and silky, bright, lustrous. fluffy and easy to You can get mulsified cocoanut tow | ounces will apply every member of the family for months. Spring Time is Kodak Time Our stock of Kodaks and! Cameras aa." price from | $1.00 to A full and complete line of | Films, bea Packs, Photogra- | Bhie Papers, and Photo Sup- | plies.' 1 | care and dispatch. We develope and print with Eyeglasses or spectacles fit-| @ LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS °OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity --=What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Woodbury Facial Soap." Gibson's. J. M. Farrell went to Toronto Wed- pesday noon. "Spring Blood Tonics." (Gibson's. The Ontaric Government will make the usual grents to fall fairs "Jee cream bricks," Gibson's. William Swaine, piano 'tuner. received at MeAulsy's. "Phone "Joe cream bricks," Gibson's. Plosnbing, tinsmithing and heating. Prompt attention. W. CU. Bennett, 91 Princess street. hone 1033, "Moth Camphor," at Gibson's. City 'Fnaineer McUlelland. lit on Tuesday night for Toronto, to attend the Ontario Good Roads convention. "Woodbury Facial Soap." Gibson's. H. Cuaningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me- Auley's Book Store, "Flake Camphar,' * at Gibsons. Reserve April 7th.for.1. O. F. nual entertainment. { McGregor and Harvey Lloyd. "Jee. cream bricks," Gibson's. Miss Duff, Kingston, will shortly enter at 'the Toronto General Hospital as nurse-in-training. "Flake Camphor," Mrs, Mary A Orders O64. an- at Gibson's. McManus, 121 Bagot . street, was removed to the Hotel Dien in James Reid's' ambu- lance on Tuesday evening. 'Cedar camphor." Cibson's, W. H. Wyllie, laspector for the Chil dren's Aid Society, returned Wednes- day morning from Toronto, wheréd he placed a fifteen vear-old girl from Sharbot Lake . in the Alexandria School for Girls. "Double strength camphor balls." (Gibson's. On "Tuesday might, Thomas W. George Wood, the five-months-old son | of Mr. and Mrs. William Wood, pass: {ed away at his parents' residence, Barriefield. 'lhe funeral will be held on Thursday. "I avander Camphor," Gibson's. Dr. Harold Williamson, Port th ur, formerly of Kingston, has applied | to be attached to the Queen's Sta tionary Hospital at the front. He was formerly a lieutenant nadian Army Medical Corps. "Spring Blood Tonics." Gibson's. The police received a hurry-up call { on Tuesday afternoon to look for a | lost boy. The youngster, about four years of age, gol away from his | home unknown to his mother, { lad returned while the search was on. "lee cream bricks," Gibson's. Lady Gibson has received a cable [ fro Col. Carleton, formerly Com-| { mandant of the Royal Military Col- lege, saying that her son, Colin Gib- son, is very much better and is be- ing sent over to England to recup-! erate. TO PRESENT PRIZES. | | The Gifts Will "Be 'Handed Over Op Monday. | pm [a the Kingston Curling Club matchs {es will be presented at the rink | Monday, at § p.m. The awards are: | Clb Championship Trophy--Skip W. IR. Sills, | prizes to members of winning | Messrs, | Sills. rink, Beaupre, Lambert, Smith and | fd. Al Hooper, R. J. McKelvey, |W. Watts and W. G. Anderson. 2nd Prizes, Club Honspiel Skip H. | { D. Bibby, No. | Reid, H. Steven- on and T. La 3rd Prizes, Club Bonspiel-Skip R, F. McFarlane, H. Douglas, F. C, ackson and FL A. Stone. 4th Prizes, Club Bonspiel--W. | Baillie, W. H. Montgomery, F. { Beckwith and G. Nicol. Whig Bonspiel Cup--Skip R. N. H. R. BR ® | McFarlane. } i Ogilvie Shield--J. M. Elliott. MP after forty years pet i t ion. . Stewart p--Won "outright. by Donald Mac all after twenty years | competition. Roo kwood Tankard and 9.C. i dent, | Reid, com- W. R. Givens. a dns Baseball Season At Hand. and the coming of mild weather, the baseball season is in the minds of the fans. The kids in the schools are already playing baseball at recesses in the school yards, the students at Queen's are Playing on the lower parade unds. in the pear future will numberof citizens at on their evening. Unlike soccer, not interfered with. the. the chances io splendid season. The V 3oxias, A and Ponies have aif ast vear's players, ~list of fe "laze a long onics." Dian ged aah, Sirs Hear Donald! Helen Duff, daughter of Col. Lower in the Ca- The! The prizes won during the dion on | together } with individual | M. | Carruthers" Medal-Won outright by | Senior C. | league Trophy--To the presi- | With the close of the hockey season | campus, and § he soldiers arg Flaving | | rhonth ] ! RAND TONIGHT 57 le noon and Evening | PONY INUOUS PERFORMANCE. 2.30 P.M. AND 7.39 P.M. Feature Vaudeville Acts. Famous Players Films, 5 Reels, Florence Reid in "THE DANCING GIRL." And other Photo Plays. New Programme Monday sud Thursday Prices: Mat. 18e, any seat. Evening, 10¢; reserved Se Auction Sale March 26¢h, 10.30 am. + 1189 King street West piture, i eloth, iron mata resses, range heat- extra, { Friday, Miss Ruoed f ail Ks. "WILLIAM BLRRAY | First jugertion, le a word. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1915, ! =====2 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY Gi i | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| FOUND FOR BALE. Each son- AT 610 ny ISION J THE UPTOWN PHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, Cos) insertion thereafter, go Bley i and second- little. Once, 25¢; three times, $00 | Minimum charge Rand and cheap one week, $1.00, 20e: three es hi gt re ae ------------ one mouth. y l duc 1 1 X ace JMEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO mW Rae: aix, B11. wth. $2, Priced duck 3 Zauge. piu Goldman. 3¥71 Div'sion St. HELP WANTED. tically new, for sale at half price Giuns of all makes repaired. C. A. EE e Jones, phone 1284. y SULKIES, Ap riages, prices, AN 4DYT OF 5 WORDS OR LESS Tark's. Aare ls head. costs 265¢ for one night, or §0c for three. secutive sent a word. for { gh- GO-CARTS wl reasonable Phone 705, | worMwITH PIANO, ALMOST NEW CAR a Notice meeting of Frontenac; lor Club will be held at otel, Saturday, March 27th, Stevenson, of Ancastor, will nepting. All parties in- "pL sted to be present. . FH, WILMOT. Secre Cut This Out How To Make Graham Bread 4 cups Giraham Flour. 3 rounded temspoonfuls Baking Powder, 1 level teaspoonful salt. - cups milk. Yix nod put in a warm place for thirty minutes. Bake in a sow oven for one hour. Egg-0 Parisian Ladies" Tailoring W. D. Rich, Manager. High Class Suits made to order Golden Lion Block, Opposite Post Office. A NEW CEREAL : Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal in is not en hat es ae wo It dea ae | cereal or made in pan-cakes. 'rial size .. tegular size ... i FENWICK, HENDRY & 00. (Dintribators.) 1,000 Tins BELGIAN PEAS: 4 Tins for 25¢ o 3c 25¢ 25¢ GORDON'S GROCERY, 149. Montreal Street Phone 88. Canned Corn Canned Tomatoes . .3 Canned Pumpkin ..3 for | 1st Prizes, Club Bonspiel--Skip wl 10, 0 Ry SE NEW | a wo CH GRAIN DESTROVED. BE i : Ee R i i { { | Mundus Loses Contents Of Its Lar-! gest Storages, London, March 24.--A\ despatch to the. Morning Post from Budapest | says: { "The assurances of the local au- i GENERAL |SALESMEN mi {AN PEEEIEEIEIS Pr Prive reasonable and terms eas) Write to Box 1242, Whig office. A AND SIX & for $28.50; week QW Princess street, ' FIRST-CLASS TOOL MAKERS, TO LET "Goon STORAGE FOR FURNITUR WARES. Apply Electric Co. Peterbaro. General] clean and. dry. McC MAID FOR GENXERSL HOUSE Street. OWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me- work. References required. Apply after 8 pm. to Mrs, Rodger, 16% Cann's Real Estate Agency, §2 Division street. Brock St, SERVANT, for chamber work references. more, 307 KE, ETUC, ann, 3% Brock | DOURLE-SIDET $5 cash ar Lindsay, Ltd V OTRO. ec A Te r 121 A BROWN MARE, 4 YEARS OLD, AY and sound, gobd for farm or city #i Apply Kingston Mattress Compan} 556 Princess street. OFFIC rs IN CLARENCE ST. bers. Apply to Cunnin Mudle, 79 Clarence St BRICK HOUSE, NO. containing eight Possession May Miss O'Brien, 67 = = CHAM- PRINCIPALLY gham &' Must a Apply at the Avon- William street. WANTED FOR AUTO. Compressed-Alr Sprayers stock. Libera: Cavers Bros, Galt 33 DIVISION ST, 3 ous (modern) Apply to ¢ aton St, West UPRIGHT WALL SHOW CASE, TENT awnings, fishing tackle, ate REverythine must be sold by Jul 1st. Lease expires, Frank W Cooke, 39 Clarence street. tie and choice nursery terms. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 2%9 Queen St. Phone 526d. STORE ON WELLINGTON formerly occupied by Mut Ass'n Co. Possession at once. ply C. Livingston and Bro, A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AM) | a number of first-class heaters « H low prices; also a big stock of tur niture, J, Thompson, $33 Princes St. Phone 1800 INTELLIGENT PERSON WAY | earn $100 monthly corresponding | for newspapers: no canvassing Send fer particulars. Press Syndi- | cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y, TREET, | 1 Life ApD- SALE OF BICYCLES -- SCoUT Mm cycles, $27; Pastime Bicycles, $3 Perfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfec Cushion Frame, $50: fitted with 3 speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 3% Ring street. WANTED. AT 341 JOHNSON STRERT, CORNER | of University Avenue, rooms suit- able for light housekeeping. All modern conveniences. Apply 337, Johnson Street - -- By the Manufacturers Life In- surance Co. general agent Kingston tity and county of Fron- tenac A splendid opportunity for & the right man to build up a per- manent business. Previous experi- ence not necessary Office and & stenogranher provided Apply to & M. G. Jolinsion. manager for r Fast- & ern Ontario, 5% Brock King- & stan HOUSE, CHESTNIY i improvements EARL ST, $3,650, BRICK VENEER HOUSE, PATRIOKS street A snap to a quick buyer} $1,800; all improvements SOLID BRICK i street, $2,100; CLLINGTON ST, ae a thern Express BRICK HOUSE, « . containing eight rooms. Pos- session 1st May Apply C, Living- ston and Bro Ww ROUGH CAST HOUSE, rxiversim | avenue, § rooms, $21.50 : FIGHT ROOME fassssssssssssssrosssrered Divi ah alows at |} rent rd. Avpy Ine, MODERN ner Quebec and Also a few bhun- w_ Park, not yet W. Boyd, 106 _. [Sedan street: STUART STHERT FRAME HOUS i , $2,000. improveme: TEACHER WANTED. TEACHER WANTED FOR S§, S. No. - Barrie. Dutles to commence or] nous 12th. Salary $300 per year. 'Apply to Willlam Head, Secretary-Treas- | urer, Cloyne, Ont. . RRICK, an NEW, FRONTENAC 300 QUEEN STRE improveme nts, " hei waier furnace, gas for et Ring, separate bath and 3 AMAA and car line R ent $20 a me mih. Possession May 1st Inquire on premises | poERTY ORGAN, MAH six octave, 12 stops, POSITION WANTED. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de- sires position. Would accept any kind of remunerative job. Good references. Apply in first instance to Box 1167, care Whig "THOMAS ORGAN, nut finish, 11 WAL PIAND CASE, stops, 00 ORGA Ns MAHOG. $47. { w ALNUT CASE, 13 THAT BRIGHT DESIRABLE HOUSE; 257 Brock St, cor. Clergy St, 10 rooms, hot wat er heating, electric light, lawn, ete; also brick house, 107 Clergy Sw, 1 rooms and bath- | room. Anply 249 Broek St FIRST WHITE FRAME HOUSE, 163! Stuart street, west of lower Uni. versity A ue. Six rooms and attic Electric Hght; newly clean ed, calsomined and painted. Small verandah upstairs and down. Pos. secession at once. Key next door, | 165 West. Apply in mornings. CORNWALL & co. any casg 11 stops, ORGAN, $33.00 PIANO, COTTAGE SIZE, THE for summer cottage. In ex cellent condition, $75.00, Terms on any of the above nents §5 cash and $3 per month, indsay Ltd, 121 Princess street. KARN stops, office. WANTED GENWRAL YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. Apply Mrs. L. C. Lockett, 23 Sydenham street. FOR MAY ist, BY BUSINESS MAN and wife, private board, with sit- ting room; central. Apply to Box 322, Whig. i |CosToNERS. I PAY THE HIGHEST A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE. prices for new and second-hand | moved to 258 Princess Btreet. furniture. All kinds of furniture, | clothing, boots, tools, etc, to sell. SPARKS AND SPARKS, Drop a card and I will call. 8! lington St. (over Shapiro, 45 Princess street. { Phone 346. ARCHITECT GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR | DR. 5.8 NASH, DENTI DR. T. A | ry NEWLANDS & § cloth and have it made up Into up- { entén, ass stant, Th Prince cess | tects, «tc. OM to-date sults. Prices and w workman | Street. Phone 735. Phone 61. Ee 's H. SIMPSON, a Bly | . instru § Cc. Wi FOR SALE OR TO LET. ACRE FPARM, NEAR GL uvaun i nile, good building and orchard; sis) miles from city. Apply to R. BH Fair, Kingston Station f DENTAL "carnovakye). »). | N, ARCH ces, 208 Bagot Si ji DENT. | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER P Joway. | ist, corner Prince Bagot | chants' Bahk Building, ecorne by's | Streets. Entrance on Bagot Street. | Prock and Wellington streets v TOP a can W ! DE - Ji TELEGRAPRY, i and aera SL niles 2 Head of Aled, Street. moderate, Fhute notice Borers Gall fu Brock street, near BUSINESS NOTICES: {For MOVING, PACKING OR U NPACK. | ing pianos, furniture and | heavy or light team work promptly | 8! done, apply to Rotert Henry, 46 Albert street. Phone 1365, | | FURNITURE REPAIRING AND uP. ! | sosErm BUSE, 4 CHESTNUT ST, AND | holstering of all kinds. House | P. O'Brien, stone cutter, have re-| and antique furniture repairing al opened the quarry on Stephen St Specialy, also French polisher. Cat, building and rough stone ar ork can be done at home or at promptly supplied at reasonabl summer residence. Drop a card prices. or call J. H, Walker, 39 Princess Street. UPHOLSTERING. AVINE, UPHOLSTE! ing and carpet 1. 6 G, RE. path s ti D rk ard | 'e888 renovating. r a oa or call 218 Bagot Street. op 3 | yow IS TRE TIME TO SMARTEN up. Fressiog, Repai ring and eanin, Gentlemen's own ma terial gate: and style -right Prices moderate. A trial solicited Address 208 Alfred street (on the | . ear track), Frank Owles, Tailor. PERSONAL. HA OLES, W AIR, HATER An ent | FINANCIAL ----re-------- NTENAC LOAN AND INVEST} ment Socléty; 'neorporated 1863 } resident, Colonel Henry R., Smith M oney Issued on city and farn propéfries, munic'pal and counter | depenture deposits receive lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, § Clarence Street. BUSINESS CHANCES [ANYONE AN a mail or bust ARYANS, Send for eacock. ¥ a NG. { CAN 4 1 i thorities that a sufficient supply grain has been obtained were short- | { lived, as fires within two days have | destroyed three of the largest grain 1t is alleged that these | | fires were sot by Serbian inendiariss. | | All the remaining storehouses are! | now under heavy guard. i CANADA SENT $800,000. i i { | storehouses. Up To January's End. { Havre, March 24 --<Statistics con- cerning the relief afforded the inha- | Belgium up to thé énd of | the month of January give the total of STORM S |p: A, CoO Contributions To Belgium's Reliet | FTUANY Toa pron. LONDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Company. Avail 1H assets $61,187,215. In addition +} which the policyhelders have fo security the unlimited lability o city property, insured at lowes possible rated Before renewing old or Eivimg new business Be rates from Rrihge Strange Agents. Phone DANCING. New York. hath TN a ne pn Sep fe oh Hus - By EE ence St, Kingston. Et. REMOVED, ates given on old or new {er work. Ralsing or C el uildin lar, per athott, phone 1268. ar » MD.C. MW, (FORMERLY OF he i ¥ hein , Surgery, #3 Wellington St » POLSON, M.A, ormer house su Exe. ear, nonsend i. ESTIM. carpend moving 19 Pat. fire Tra CATERING t 'Waltzes a Phone 120. Cne-5iep, of contributions. of money and pro- visions as follows: Great Britain, | $920,000; from New Zealand, $500, 000; from Australia, $500,000; from Canada, 330¢.900 i from the United States, $6,200,000; and from Spain and aly, $20.000 each. gegrigain 1E result § the fall of Liege, Namur, Ant Ma and other fi rp: Missed, present time we entirely fail ow much we should a 'many. i Ooany gove.-- of. G. H. Stout. y ae At Pacific rallway, has ictures accepted the Re soi § of British A Art yal Facial Soup. i