e Road To Home Sweet Home. _., sso From The Modern Play "Experience" Words by ; : Musie by Old Road___ - back to Home - Its the out - casts So u GEORGE V. HOBART. Booth Theatre, New York City. SILVIO HEIN, 2 _ Andante. ™ Where the cv - er big Road in « Ci - ty that they call the Great White Way, : f _pock-ete. lined with: mon - cy you can walk the Great White Way, Its . v b or Seal Brand to-day. : --Have this delicious coffee ~ for breakfast to- -ing white. lights, turn the night. in - to day, But youre ve morrow. song vine: road, its an 'end-less hol - i - day. But when CHASE & SANBORN on your soul. the Old Road --_ back to Child + hood, Its the Road you want to . roam, i the stars' a - bove to walk For you want ouce more . to find, van - isked, In the cold gray dawn youll "find; fox shad - ows wn. the Road left be-hind. 3 guide you, Tts the Road to Home, : eft be-hintl,, Ito the # -------------- Copyright MCMXIVby T.B/Barms & Francis, Day# Hunter, New . NO04SO SOW ARDS Ut Right od, ites : : : : od ghts reSeried Or Bast Merit Jaseohationat Copuzight Secured, NO459, a - Se DR. JeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS S05 . Pi} for : 5 Women. $5 a Box or thresfor He seemed in such: a desperate | WaY inetaoin shrdlu cmfwyp cmfwyp | beautiful antique ottoman. On the | seem to care what Bess or her moth- WAR 1 0. at alt Drug Stores, or mailed to any ; rush T let him off there, and he hur- | MY pithy, other side, similarly sprawled. was |er thought. 1 WITHOUT COPPER.| 2 of price. Tre SooweL, | MAN', S RIGHTS ried 'around to the kennel. . Bob "Mary," 1 'whispered, "I know this Phil Bruce. Between them, curled | 1 lay awake all night and had it : Onta: never leaves in the morning without | incessant 'smokilig is a great trial !|into a ball on the velvet cushioned {out with myself. By morning the This Metal In Some Degree In Nears| 3: a tdlk to Rufus. He is EE haut Your curtains and your beautiful fur-| seat 0f a rocker, wds disreputible | supreme decision I had come to was: | he ' : ; Ir All War Material fond of that terrior. 1 suppose that's | niture (that uphols: is im 1) Bum, lost in happy cat oblivion, I|Bob was an angel; I was an old cat. | : 1 had been keeping hotse for Broth. | thie. bachelor of it, though Bob al. | know) will be ruined." Porte 1 vuippase of territyin broomatecks. | 1 went home ws-soom as 1 felt he| JhIs Jas been called 4 Bs | ams. of Bob about a year when 1 decided | Ways did have a dog as a boy. We, To my surprise Mary laughed out.| I Wad boiling. ; I Was off the Point| must have left for the office, and thei Lon not oo phaticait C 8 10 take a short holidays So 1 an-|almost clashed aver Rufus when we | right, 'For goodness sakes," she of rapping sharply on the window first thing I did was to yank all the! one.' Cut off the su y & t copper « noanced one morning at the break- | began hosekeeping, for Lob actually exclaimed, '"'are you . the same old | pane through which I peeked when |linen "shrouds" off the furniture. oor or 1at nh. a v ®t table, "I'm gommg up to the | Wanted to allow him the freedom of | bundle of orderliness." Bob's voice reached me: in the sacred room. lL couldm't find | Co comes Oi eal) - ay 8 a 4 sity today, Lob, to see Mary Pric.' the lovely new home. Of course,| Rather tartly, 1 am' afraid, 1in | "Phil," 'he drawied, "isn't: thisja sign of the celebration of the night] "This is bechuse the A 0 a5 ou , "Good for you!" Bob's smile is|L could not understand that al-| formed her that, 'at one time, she|great--Ilike old times--when we used | before, for the old dear had cleansed teh Lk the As en- the pleasantest thing you ever saw. though I am a fitm béliever in al- | had considered liness a most de- | to 'lounge before the at Mrs.| as well as 1 could myself. Then 1 Ee ou hosition, a great "How Jong are you going to stay ?" {lowing a man to have his own way in | sirable virtue, '| Brown's, dreaming? Great:dréeams, | hauled in an oM Morris chair (a| Br uh ar yo ] e Nt 8 Tuetdey morring. 1 had | his own home (so long as that way is #Oh,. forges, it !". she la "0 | en?" . i relic of the days at Mrs. Brown's), | (4 ce" projectiles fro a % oF ...An- spring season for Iad- had Till'e Onaban on Monday, snd |a right one), and I pounded away at | der must. be observed in a home, 1 | 'You bet." Phil emptied his pipe| brought pipes and the I rom ad the a m - 8 i hus. fes' tailoring has arrived. 1 wir had washed and scribbed until the it - yntil Rufus and Bum, the cat, know; so must . somet! 'else--n [into My car received, refilled and re-| basement, and. then I telephoned, lia hare base SHER opt & ins am better prepared than ever alse would the closest inopes. found: their proper places. man's rights, my déar."" She looked | lighted it, adding, ey Settled , "Yes, 1 took an early « Bol Hie gun 18 Bred ae ach. ovr] before to give perfect satis « 1am eo proud of the fact that | 1 srrived In the city early In the 2 keenly. uiely you let yout Back 10 Bis chair ine | Bem vered. on, I just wanted 10. | ine fnterior riffing of the weapon,)§ 1Action to my customers. as a housek: ent I found it quite entran-| PrOUEr smoke (a the house ?'" she d.-| ment: "And, like most dreams, mine| Bob, come home to dinper early, U0 est prices obtainable, - § poor father on NE od au ih manded. ? went up lke that, old man" He| will you? And bring Phil out. Re ng the projectile to rotate. {ita Busy s wy Pre "Bob prefers to 4 ! " It also serves another, and a very : Ne 4 oke ih the base- | threw his head back, and the coils | member! " ! : : iy streets to.Mary Price's.' But tT a i Totty. L. WINSTIN.. great- 1 1 of siioke he sen' upward slowly! 1 was quite cool and collected, 'MPOrtant purpose, Hy fs expansion nie iar Y.® | "Gee whiz I" 1 had Jim staring at | vanished: nto nothingness, but when. I heard their voices at 6 ni WN yery moment the charge I§- 150 W st. guibtise and ow Sutual sk he ane by this time, and, really, | was |° Then they were silent; 1 felt they |o'clock that evening 1 théught there | Rites, explosive gases are held PHONE 08 liv room. 1 was distinetly| pe rete "Well, 1'Il bet Wert' dreaming Acws and Sxpriepced cano within me at the 3 ng . 'e +n 3 8 few evenings ata queer, oky, sensaton. their energy 2 project rir the tata etic. spot hamet* im's voice was quéerly urmuted at inst, iy starlog into bad 1, expe " ge through the or oF a Dibce. i. rs mokh yo i i. "Indeed, you're wrong !"" 1 retorted.| came ofsthe woman in your bao} ira JE Germahy Merel hen I recovered from the fit of | | remembered I was visiting, and Phil? She was not merely a I choklbg which assailed me I found | Surbed my rising temper. = "He's| woman like mine". =. |f , hands imprisoned in Jim Price's, | home almost every evening. He loves| Phil's feet came down with a wna he was apologizing profusely Yor |it in the basement. It's warm and | bang. You're wrong. She 'was very the aWmoyance his Emoking had ic lighted, and he fools with much a dream woman. Now, see The, ents, she would be caused me. Nev. srtheless, 1 noticed dd in, and 0 here, cut it out! oth star v t! Vi : ire o trom 5 with .intense surprise that after Mary | | snjovs : ith : oke b Auather Mince, UGHER this ti aftiew Sh Tess v wie. lly But and I got down to a re ended with a triumphant BY I Deach of» Boma 5 atl 1 fire. | there are other demand: for the me- | y : ol an i IRF more insistent, and Eno: that 1s--ok hang it all, Jou hy - nptably that in comnection with -- rou Ma rr a Ty a of thei. "Don't you | PR | -ADUBItIon;- that- TT Eth o| home comforts, such as a man looks for. Why, I have you skinned a|many } 6 In our old roost at Mi h, hold on, Phil 1 the little womaal™ 2s Ie tle . ver ' } old Bob!) "She doesn't mean | to . You know, she Vell give the room a 3 'while we have the chance." 4 1 slipped away into the with a quick choking of } gr