Ag Asa, ARAL | MARBLE HALL Pure | Ice Cream i ~Theafres and Shops. of Japanese | CERTAIN RIGHTS IN MANCHURIA --MIKADO SOFTENS DEMANDS igreement Reached On Five Points In Bulk or Bi Packed Were Stoned By Mobs, and delivered io any par : ' 2. Mare 3 Mv the 'city. GEORGE MASSOUD, y the Chinese min Phone 080, 238 Princess St. | reng-Hslang, and Eki Hioki I " a ? : Japanese minjster, at the confe ia hich was held at the Japanese esterday. Japanese minister re uffered slight injuries by a fall barge, and his condition did permit hin to go te the Chinesr eign office, and for this rea meeting was transferred to t tion, All the articles concers Manchu |ia. China agreed to the following stipulations: First--The Japanese Government's consent shall be obtained before a loan is made with a third power in- volving the pledging of local taxes in South Mai™huria, Second---The Japanese Govern- ment's consent shall be obtained! whenever permission is granted to a subject of a third power to build a railway, or when a loan is made with a third power for the building of a railway in South Manchuria. Third--1If the Chinese Government {in South Manchuria employs advis-| ers or instructors for political, finan- cial or military purposes the Japan- ese Government shall first be consult- ed. Fourth--The transfer of the Kir- | in- Changchun Railway to Japanese control for ninety-nine years. The fifth article was proposed by China and provides for the continu- ance of such treaties as are not affec- ted by the present treaty. foreign BIE MEV PEmCI REMEDY. Hor MoT - " | i HERAPION WEBAL $0CCERS, CORE H KONIC W RIDNEY, BLADDER, CRInARY DISLAS PILES. SiTHER 50. DRUGGISTS or X § 4 CTS FOUGERA Co, #0, BEEKNAS ST. NEW YUR A or L¥ MAN SOS rare, WRITE Yok PREZ 800k 10 La. La CLESE RO. Co, HAVERSTOCK RD, HAMPITRAD, Lowoow, ENG. THERAPION EASY TO TEN HERAPION F227 LASTING CURR. BRE THAT TRADE MAKXED WORD 'IHERAPION 18 OF WRIT GOVE STAUP SFPIXED TN CLL AANITNE PACKETS ption *.0. Used so Fresch Hosp tals with The nn, EN AAA Nl SP A Quickly break up the most ob if stinate case of cold or grippe. i} They are sure and Harmless. 25¢. Box. Dr. Hickey's Speedy quickly "touches the tickle" and loosens up the hardest cough. It is so good and so different from the vest that the total sales equal all other local cough mixtures, 25 cents. These two splendid prepara. tions we have so much confi dence in that we are willing to refund the price if they are in any way ansatisfactory, Try them and save doctors' bills, At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays, Core Discuss Mongolia Later, The Japanese have conceded the point of separate discussion regard- ing East Mongolia and South Man- churia, which are combined in their! ligt of demands. In the Manchuria group, the immi- | gration and land ownership clanses have not yet been settled, but defi- nite progress has been made. This Is the case klso with respect to the mining clause, The Japanese Government has de- finitely withdrawn what is known as "Article 3 of the fifth group," name- | ly, the demand for a joint police ad- ministration of "important places" throughout China, and has also indi- cated its willingness, it is announced to withdraw one or two other articl- es from this go-called general group. | The Chinese Government has re-| ceived advices confirming the report that 600 additional Japenese troops have arrived at Teinan, making a total of about 2,000. Boycotts by the Chinese on Japan- ese goods are reported from several | places in the South, where it .is con- sidered that the Chinese are most | {likely to get beyond the Govern-! ment's control. A Shanghai dispat- | | ¢h says that roiting occurred within | | the foreign settlements Monday night | Japanese theatres and shops were! stoned. The foreign police were eall- ied out and made some arrests, SYNDICATE CANNOT Fi, CONTROL STOCK. a a0 A e OUR GLASSES BRING RELIEF es strictions placed upon financial opera- | KEELEY Ir M 0 D 0 tions by the British Government will | oy «Wale prevent control of the Union Oil Co., Restrictions Prevent Deal Going Through, Cal., British Big Los Angeles, March 25.--Re- | OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 228 Princess Street, 8 doors above the Opera House. | 25 Childrens {of California, from possing into the | hands of an Englis rlatements here to-day. Negotiations prebably «ill He con- ! sented by Andrew Weir, of Liverpool, will be given a block of stock equal to the amount of money that has (actually been paid into the treasury of the Union Oil Company. This | amount was said to be 'approximate- Hy $2,400,000, : Several London financiers, , headed iby Earl Grey, composed the symdicate {which more negotiations for the purchase of the 'oil company stock. ---- ; - {COAL HAULING AND RAILWAYS. {What 5c Per Capita Per Anniim At 2 50 E 9 { - Means to Railroads { . Chicago, March 25.--H, coal i ® aC | one of the most PIA be alt ! ugene GG. Me- es the railroads do. ed | Aulifis, gencral coal agent of the St. | i Lolis and San Francisco railroad, do testified at the Int Commerce Ages 5 to 9 Years, | ied at re erstale the forty- i : ee i R >a The railroads ate asking for an:in- crease in the rate on coal aver- aging 7.95 cents a ton from mines in Worth. from $3.50 ih "vere Lal Ses to $5.00 Each | abla'(o add $1,098 ir an Shades Blue, Re | intame. and Mixed Tweeds ®on- the oh | shout five cents a year { i i One i CNA CES PIN, | marriage of their | Ontario. | to publie opinion n | liquor isswe out of politics, and will syndicate April | Ist, at which time opeions held hy | { London financiers expire, according to | cluded, it was stated at the annual | meoting of the company, April 15th, | whereby the British syndicate repre- | than a year ago began | 36,129 to their annual | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH GOSPEL ON. THE WAR. tifies Right Of the Sword, German Bishop. Mareh, 25 London I, and the following are statements, according to y Ws! lospel as nal love. among 5 true, no pleasure in the acre of but the ; of the Gospel is not a toward men, it is 1 ce toward God Rel ganda by means of arms is for i with the cry, lay your grins, the Gospel h do, since it reserves for § 1ority the right to appeal io the sword "Nowhere do the Ccspels says, the peace pro di falsely as- sert, that peace has precedence be- fore war. In the light of the Gos- pel the fable of eternal peace ap- pears as a superstition. The Gospel has in the whole course of the his- tory of the world never represented war as anything but an inevitable fact. "The present war, then, does not mark the collapse of Christian order of the world. When the Gospels say: 'If thou art smitten * on the right cheek give the offender also the left cheek," they do not mean it in the sense that if fomebody wishes to take from thee, East Prussia to give him also West Prussia." gage of in- mankind a me naticns, rice as a is Gananoque ar 25 March ~The ice has left the Railway Wharf, and the major part of that in the bay has also gone, opening the way for navigation at least three weeks ahead of last year, Arrangements are being made by the Fire Brigade to put om th: Home Minstrel Show, in Napanee as a firemen's benefit shortly after Eas- e r. Miss Wilhelmine Pennock enter- tained a large number of her young friends at her home King street east on Monday evening, in honour of her birthday. She was assisted by her mother, Mrs Sterling D. Pen- nock, and the Mesdames William Belfie and A. D. Brown assisted in the tea room. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin A. Bleakney| have made announcement of the daughter, Miss Beatrice Bleakuey, to Austin B. Col pitts, at thelr home Elmira, Ont, on March 17th. The family is well | known to Gananoque residents. Mr and Mrs. Colpitts visited here for a few doys during the past week as | Buests of Mrs. William "Carpenter, Charles street. Major 8. A. McKenzie, who been spending several weeks Kingston, has returned to town. has in| Is Not Desirable. Toronto Telegram (Conservative). Hon. W.' J. Hanna is workmg on the lines. of a4 poor model when ho | tries to fasten any imitation of old { country agencies for dealing with the liguor traflic on the license system of A commission irresponsibls! will not keep the prove the ruin of the Government | | which creates such a commission. Hon. W. J. Hanna must improve on the present pattern of an authority that is to exercise a centralized com.' trol of the liquor traffic. Centralized control is desirable. Such a commis- sion as Hon. W. J. Hanna proposes to create is not desirable. A sad incident occurred on Friday, when Mrs. «Wilson, wife of James Wil- came to Carleton Place from Mont- real, took a dose of ecarholic acid, { and before anything could be done to oliset the effects death resulted. Mrs. | Wilson was thirty years of age. {| Mr. and Mrs. | Carleton Place, announce the engage- i ment of their daughter, Margaret { (Pearl), to John Albert McEwen, | M.D., the marriage to take place | April 14th. : In Brockville on Tuesday Fdwhrd | Charlton and Mrs. Minnie Arnold, ihoth of Lyn, were mmrried. Re FOOD QUESTION I Settled WIth Perfect Satisfaction. {It's not an easy matter to satisfy lall the members of the family at meal time. as every housewife knows, And when the husband can't ea: ordinary food without causing trou- ble, the food question becomes (doubly annoying. A 'lady writes: eid 'My husband's health was pogr, he had no appetite for anything 1 could set for him, it seemed. : "He sullered severely with stomach trouble, was hardly able to work, wis taking medicine continually, ang as soon as he would feel better would 80 to work again only to give up in a few weeks. ' Days son, an English family who receatly |'§ Duncan Hamilton, | FARMER KILLED WOMAN \ TRAGEDY NEAR BROCKVILLE ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. Grant Kilborn Pulled Shotgun On Mrs, Janes White, Who Was Mov- ing Out of His House. a $ March = 25.--A terrible! od yesterday morning a north-west of tha town Kilborn, a wellknown ged farmer, shot and kill- James White, a resident of » locality for many years. bite family and Kilborn oc » same hous, Kilborn be nz The White family were when the tragedy oecur- clier White was outside some furniture on a waggon. s i was doing some chores, leav- iw Mrs. White, her daughter and Kilborn in the house. As Mrs. White was passing from one room she ig acrces Kilborn with a shotzun s hands. Immediately there was a report and Mrs. White fell to the flcor with the contents of a shell in her abdomen Kilborn, who 4 1 was arrested later, says he did not know the gun was loaded or that there 'was such a thing as a shell in the house. le bore no malice or ill-will - tewards the Whites, he states. Mrs. Male, daughter of Mrs. White, | the only eye witness of the affair out- side of. Kilborn, says that her moth- er and- Kilborn had been having some words. Suddenly, she says, Kilbérn appeared from his part of the house, and, aiming the gun at her mother, pulled the trigger, Mrs. Male says Kilborn returned to | his room. When her brother, Jonas, came in, Kilborn threatened him. He wrested the gun from the' assailant and locked him fa his room. "Mrs. Male also states that her mother told her aiter the 'shooting that Kil- born said he was going fo shoot the old man, meaning her father. The late Mrs. White was about six. | ty-five years of age. She was born and resided in Elizabethtown © town. | i ship all her life. FARMERS TO GET BINDER FOR THEIR WHEAT CROP Money To Finance Movement Of Si- sal Will Be Taken To Mexico By American Warship. Washington, March 25.--An Am-| erican warship will take to Yucatan money to finance the movement of | Mexico's sisal hemp erop, needed to | make twine for binding the enormous ! wheat crop to be raised by farmers | of the United States this year. The | money will' be advanced to the hemp | growers, and is in vaults in Galves-| ton, ex., but until to-day no safe | means of getting' it' to, Mexico had | been found. } Secretary Daniels agreed to permit | the nse of a warship for the purpose | after hearing a statement by Edward | €. Heidrich, jr., of Peoria, I1l., re-| esenting the tiral purchasers, wha! outlived the difficeities that had | been encountered. It is probable! that a gunboat or destroyer now in| Southern waters will transport the money. a | Discussing the Mexican situation | generally to-day, Secretary Bryan commented on conditions with a ref- teration of the declaration that reco-| grition of any faction had not been considered by this government, He spoke hopefully of the plans to in- sure transportation of sisal and an- nounced receipt of an official expres-| sion of regret by the Zapata Govern- ment. for the murder of an Ameri- can citizen, John: B. McManus, in| Mexico City. * |. Napanee | March 24.--Napanee is likely to | have another meving picture house. Michael Maker, dry goods merchant, is_behind the venture, John Fennell has bought the pro- | perty on Dundas street, in which | he has carried on his business, The | former owner was Mrs, BE, Bufritt, | Toronto. Badan Division court %as held yesterday mortting. Judge Lavell, Kingston, | presiding. Ove case heard was that of the Merchants' Bank of Canada. primary creditor, P. G. Garrison and H. W. Huff, primaty debtors, Court | [Napaned, No. 30, Independent Order | of Foresters, garnishee, and Max Fox. This was § complicated ease | arising out' of the labifty of the Order under eertain clauses @f its by- !laws with respect. to the payment. tof the amount of on policy fssuexf by | it. - The court was adjourned until | the next sitting for further gvidence. The inspector for: the Underwriters Fire Imsurance i town yesterday testi of the fire crowd witnessed- firemen on an imaginary fire at the | of Dundas and Centre streets. Ris. Saul "and Conger have se- cared a contract from W. J. Nor mill to i 'street with brick. rect his new house: on | 25, 1915. s { 1,500 New Easter Waists at very special . t prices will be ready for your inspection to-morrow. taster Fashions in Waists A wonderful showing of Spring's newest creations. * Crepe de Chene In black, white and colors--authentic new styles priced from $4.50 to $10.00. Jap Silk Waists A good heavy weight silk at $3.00. Habutai waists from $3.00 to $4.50, in black and white, ~ New York Lingerie Waists The largest and most attractive display we have ever had--yes, ever?. . All sizes--fifty different styles to choose from, priced at $1.00 on up to $4.50. Special Sale of Navy Blue Serge To-morrow 500 yards All-Wool Navy Blue Serge--full 50 inches wide; 50 Cc regular price 79¢ yard. To-morrow. ...... DAVIES' Special for This Week The Wm. Davies' Co. Limited, Phone. 697. Stomach "Troubles Due to Acidity SO SAVS EMINENT SPRCIALIST So-called stomach troubles, such as in, digestion, wind, and stomach-achs are fu! probably pine cases out of ten sim Iy | evikienee that fermentation is taking | place In the food contents of the stomach, causing the formation of gas and acids. Wind nds the' stomach, and causes that full, eppres-. i the fermenting tion is unnatural and is not only unnatural, but #10 or ny Big Discount Off | Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 94 . . . '. 45King# NOW IS THE TIME To place your order fora Monument, and by placing your order with us yon are guaranteed first class work, Prompt delivery and mod e- rate price. A call of inspec- tion invited. 3. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy St Phone No. 1417. THERE IS A DISTINCTIVE QUALITY APPEARANCE About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinctive as the' quality of their contents. GH SUN-KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. ~~ GEO. EOBERTSON & SON, LD. _ __ | | Phone 1177