THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915. Guy Standing, the popular actor, who left the stage to join the Brit- ish forces, has been made anaval lieutenant, Colien & Harrie, according to re- port, are contemplating a large re- vue for early next season, in which Raymond Hitcheock will. vo the prin- | cipal figare. lita Jolivet has been engaged Tor the role of "Hedwig' in the second company of "War Brides," which is being formed to present the piece in the cities which are clamgring for a view of the play. MOST PERFECT MADE THE INCREASED NUTRITI- OUS VALUE OF BREAD MADE IN THE HOME WITH ROYAL YEAST CAKES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE TO THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE "Class," a new one in four acts, | by -Allan Lowe, is one of the tenta- tive productions of the next few ! months, It is stated that either Frank Keenan or Wilton to assume the star role, TO GIVE THIS IMPORTANT ¢ Jouoiy home, eg be the title FOOD of the musical comedy soon to 10 iu THE ATTENTION 'staged by F. Ray Comstock. Joseph HIT IS JUSTLY EN- W. Herbert and Jerome Kern are the TITLED. l'muthors. In the east are Lawrence HOME BREAD BAKING RE- Cros¢mith, Misses Adele Rowland DUCES THE HIGH COST oF and Mollie King. LIVING BY LESSENING THE AMOUNT OF EXPENSIVE MEATS REQUIRED TO sSUP- PLY THE NECESSARY ROUR- ISHMENT TO THE BODY. E, W. GILLETT Co. LTD. TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL Louis Nethersole, manager for Doris Keane, has returned from | Europe with the announcement that Miss Keane has fully recovered her | health, and will make a spring tour Next {in this country in "Romance." | season she will have a new play. ! -- The music halls of Paris have not all been clored, but they have been | sobered by the war, and their moral tone has immensely improved. Le > - Figaro sald one day recently: "It ie Qosssssssssansnassananas. | the time fon the music halls to be made over. Let them bring out all HUDSON BAY IN. [B the old French songs, the songs of SURANCE CO. glory and victory.' Head Office - - Vancouver, B.C, Sone day an enterprising manager Security to polieyholders will revive an old" success without 079,441.00, | telling the public that it is old. He A STRIOTLY CANADIAY will change the name and lay the COMPANY. scene of 1914, and if the dramatic Parkes, MeVittie & Shaw, 'reviewers can only be persuaded to Managers ' for Ontario, keep the secret, the New York pub- . 26 Wellington St. East, Toronto, lie will thoroughly enjoy as a novel- Ont. ty what it would not tolerate as a re- J. R. C DOBBS, vival.--New York Evening Post. City Agent, Kingston ~-- AAA At. Prt ari JE Bdward H. Sothern says that his, wife, Julia Marlowe, has no intention Bho ith of ever acting again. Although her { health is much improved, she is not entirely well. Sothern himself is | done with acting. He has agreed to' FITS Cured, acne some motion-picture money + By TRENCH'S REMEDY for acting ferninst a camera in sev-+ The Famous Home Treatment eral of his romantic roles, and when " for Epilensy and Fits. | he finds a play that suits him he ecommended by Clergymen of ail' oo] y i i Be rE a aan of All De. will return to the theatre in. the life. | Over 1,000 unsaliciped Testimonials in one yQar. CONVINCING © TESTIMONY Has been given by people in every walk of life. Those Interested should write Granville Barker and Lillah Me- Carthy have announced their inten- tion of presenting in New York and elsewhere outdoor performances of three Greek plays. The season of classic dramas, which instudes "19- S hegenia in Tauris," "Trojan om- on I oa, Chuubers, emt | en," and *"Alcestis," will begin at the Limited, Dublin, Ireland. close of their Teperiory Sugugement at Wallacks'. at once, Pamphlet containing proof positive post free from TRENCI'S REMEDIES, LIMITED, The players at "the Grand Guignol, the famous "theatre of thrills" in Paris, intended to reopen the house for -their own benefit, giving a per- centage of the profits to the families of their mobilized comrades. It will be interesting to see if the real hor- rors of war have killed interest in theatrical horrors. The Grand Guig- nol gained fame by presenting pro- grammes of short play¢, part of the most intensely tragic and horrifying sort and a contrasting part of highly humorous Tarces. pig | The Welsh Guards have a fnel marching song ready for them in, "Land of My Fathers." This, ac- cording to Sir Ernest Clarke, is the oldest Welsh melody extant, having been composed in 795. "After many hundred years, Evan James, an ob- secure schoolmaster, wrote some words to it, which have come to be : 3 adopted as the Welsh national an- We can make it worth while--when you're ready gage us, ' We are simply takin this method 10 got oe ulnted, That We wre Expe Pluinbh- ern and Steam Fitters, you ean | easily lemrm by Investigation, i i DAVID HALL, y i 6 BROCK STREET, Your to an INN AA NAAN AN NSN NN PRODIGIOUS POWER OF SMALL ANIMALS If Man Were Relatively As Strong he Could Life Locomotives, If men were but as strong as -ters they COUN DerTorin prodistor es. i Por the muscles with wlhich a good, big oyster holds its shell crosed will | support a weight of 37% pounds without opening. A man with the same relative strength could life" a SALTS IF BACKACHY pile of locomotives, £ AND KIDNEYS BURT]..5ix soe eae i to. hn i h Ee aott of Stop eating meat at TOF i hi clam foun n the terranean p ating m is ors -- ex YORE | hat will support 492 times its own sn" weight. This is equivalent to a 150-| When you wake up with backache Pound matt halivg vp T5500 pounds 51 and dull misery in the kidney reg-|°F 36% tons =e Na . figures are ti those ose of the the Bo glan naturalist, Felix has made any pgen ments on the strengt! animale. To test shell wi: the thar he hum 4 shells Plays, Players And Playhouses just as eRectively as a middle-aged | aud, and Minna Gale Haines will re- t situation. their feet at the strains of the Welsh | BLINDED IN THE AIR. Guided To Safe Landing By Dying Lieutenant, . The following remarkable narra- ; live from Paris of an air reconnais- sance in Flanders by a lieutenant ob- server, with a sergeant as pilot, was issued by Reuter's Agency last night, It will be noted that no date or place is mentioned. When over the German lines, the pilot said, "a shell better directed To than the others burst Maude Ehurne, the Toronto girl, Nene with a terrific Ju ver. ou who created much laughter in the moment I believed my brain had role of the slavey im "A Pair of burst. 'Are you all right, mon lieut- Sixes." plans to organize her own epant?' I shouted, but received no stock company for the coming sum- reply. Believing that he had not mer, in order that she may play a heard I repeated the question, this number of parts that she prefers (ime opening my eyes, but not only rather than to play a series of char-| gid I receive no reply but Saw noth- acter roles which the managers in- ing but blackness all round me." sist on her playing. This very clever "Guided by noises below I turned actress refuses to become known as i; the direction in which I hoped to a "type" actress, and will not eon- | peet comrades. I continued in this tinue to play slayey parts just be-| direction approximately for two mi- cause she scored a big hit in a char- | nytes, when to my astonishment the acter of that sort. She is a mistress | )joutenant called out. 'Look out, of several dozen Walects, and, when man. Go up, go up.' Quickly 1 twist- necessary, can play an ingenue role | ed raising the plane so quickly that the machine shot up, at the same time tearing away the weather-vane " Ww | from a steeple on which the machine s "A Celebrated Case" has been had just escaped destruction. select by Charles Froham and 7 Tha ; '" David/ Belasco for the "all-star" re- | cai Nsank you, mol Hentenant, 1 vival \they will make this spring, | pot see. But vou are wounded?' Mr. Belasco is at work on the manu- | «yee he answered, 'I fear seriously, script, making the few changes nec- phen' seeing I was turning my ly essary for the contemporary stage,| on our lines he said. 'Make a half and the production will be made as turn to the left. More to the left soon as possible. Otis Skinner will | gy. That's right. Straight ahead play Charles Coghlan's part of Jean | oy» Soon a fresh hail of bullets Renaud. Nat C. Goodwin will be warned me that we were again above seen in the role of Dennis O'Rourke, | the German lines. Helen Ware will be Mareline Ren-! "ry oe minutes later the voice of the observer called 'That's it. Here we are. [I see our men down there waiting for us. Shut of the spark and volplane gently down. I heard no' more, but soon after at the end of a spiral our ldnding wheels grated on the ground." : There was a murmur among the Bertha Mann, who knows whereof sf 2040 who were looking 2 the the speaks. "When I am asked by nk 2 4 aspiring stage recruits how best to jiindaene, Lhrong plat Beprived of succeed in their profession, I tell | oo "8", lieutenant, wh eh He o85 them to join a good stock company | yore pe 0 SHARE ©'had just and forget how to complain for three | = 5, asl, tresses feel that they are. <capavie NERVOUS DISEASES IN THE SPRING of tackling the Bernhardt, Duce, Fiske, or Anglin roles. That is a 'Cured by Toning the Blood and Strengthening the] Nerves. good sign. It means that they are| It is the opinion of the best medi: just beginning, and then they should start all over again, and when they jreach that point the second time, | and the stage manager agrees with them, they are ready to become sup- porting members of dramatic com- panies." cal aufhorities, after long observation -- that nervous diseases are more com- Canpn Hanney, who is the author mon and more serious in the spring of the clever satirical comedy, | than at any other time of the year. "General John Regan," and who is Vital changes in the system, after in close touch with London .theatrie- long winter months, may cause much cal affairs, raid: "When I left Lon- more trouble than the familiar spring don there was a quite extraordinary | weakness and weariness from which What with the soldiers most people suffer as the result of in: bome on furlough, the country peo-|door life, in poorly ventilated and oi- ple flocking to the city, and the peo- | ten overheated hulldings. Official re ple at large hunting for amusement cords prove that in April and May to take their minds away from the | uralgia, St. Vitus' dance, epilepsy horror of a country at war, the thea- | ;n other forms of nerve troubles are tres were Blied. Ald the Days that | a4 their worst, and that then, more were best patronized were light pro- ar 43 i dustions of American origin or of the {than any Other Sone, . blood-making, the American school like 'Peg 0° My |" oo Ging Dnic. is. ee | The antiquated custom of _ taki Heart' and 'Potash & Perlmutter." | 1 og purgatives in the spring is useless for The purpose that these entertain- | ments serve is a good one. They | lhe system really needs strengthen- keep the people from thinkinmy and |ing, while = purgatives only gallop if they thought too much all Lon- {through the _ bowels, leaving them don might go mad." { weaker, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are A the best medicine, for they actual "Few English Tories in London |ly make the new, rich, red blood that can have anticipated that the day |fwds the starved nerves, and thus would come in a London theatre cure the many forms of nervous dis- when they womld rise solemnly to orders. They cure also such other forms of spring trouble as headaches, says [poor appetite, weakness in the limbs, | as well as remove unsightly pimples land eruptions. In fact they unfail them. At a mass meeting in Wales to celebrate the end of the South Af- rican war very few knew 'God Save the King," but 'Land of My Fathers' was rende red with jmmense enthus- iasm.' maid. turn to the stage to play the Duch- ess, Elita Proctor Otis, Florence Reed, Veverly Sitgreaves, and Fred- eric de Belleville will be others in the cast. These be sane words uttered by! song, 'Land' of Our Fathers." "" a London letter. "The war, however, | is working wonders; and this has] happened at the Haymarket Theatre [ingly bring new health and strength at the matinee given by the Denbigh- [to weak, ured and depressed men, shire Society. As the strains burst | women and children, forth from the orchestra, up we all| Sold by all medicine dealers or by got, Welsh and English, Scots and! mail at Hc. a box or six boxes for Irish alike; and there we stood sol- | 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi. emnly honoring a melody which, un- | cine Co., Brockville, Ont. til the war broke cut, and Wales 80 | splendidly showed how local and Im- | perial patriotism can dwell together, | we had associated with the narrow- est of nationalism. Thanks to Ger- | many, we know better now." | orn SWAYTHLING'S [Made Mascon Of Duchy Of Lan- i caster.--~Big Banking Family. | Edwin Samuel Montagu, M.P., " {who has just been promoted to the beams as big as himself. | chancellorship of the Dutchy of Lan- Prof, -Flateau fastened crabs ve-i caster, is.a brother of. Lord Sway- curely, hung a balance to their mov-|thling, and the second professing able claws, and teased the EE to obtain a seat in the present until they opened and closed their! Liberal cabinet, the other Hehrew claws, This proved that the force! member thereof . being his cousin, the nip-ef- Herbert Samuel, former reaches 414 pounds, depending, course, upon-the-size-and-spectes crab, a general average being 30 The real patronymic of the new times the weight of the crab. 'A | chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 150-pound man gripping a dynamo-| is not Montagu, but Samuel. The meter with his good right hand will family was founded by his grand- rarely register more than 100 pounds | father, a watchmaker by the mame or two-thirds of his own weight. { Louis Samuel, who kept a small he were as strong as ab he could Shop in Liverpool. His son Moses register 2% tons.--New York World. | moved to London, married the dau- | Ehter of Louis Cohen of the Stock | Exchange, and eventually -establish- -a-banking house BROTHER Ente an a of | general, and now president of the 16- of reat "board: -- * sible have dome more | of tof creat- You may Sour street, 4 ing enemies. £5 In 1894, on being treated a baro- "can be ma ade 100 "rig net, he obtamed st license of the --Bsciptine to bring goed rete rb | Gained 3( 30 Lbs. in Few Weeks | Never Felt So Well {long before the constitution ofthe the prope crown to change his name to Monta- gu, and in 1907 was raised to the peerage of Lord Swaythling, both hereditary honors being confgrred upon him in recognition of his very large contributions te-the;" Liberal party funds. His younger brother, however, de- clined to change his name, and his two sons are Herbert Samuel, of the local Government board, and his bro- ther, Sir Stuart Samuel, present head of the family banking house in Lom- bard street, and who received a bor- onetcy four years ago. In 1913 Sir Stuart was deprived of his seat in the House of Commons as Liberal member for Whitechapel and fined to the tune of some $70, «.) for having, in spite of his bein a member of parliment, undertake business as a banker, and especially as a bullion broker, for the office of the secretary.of state for India, at Whitehall, where his cousin, Edwin Montagu, the newly appointed chan- cellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, was then under secretary of state. An English law, enacted in the reign of George 1II., declares any- one engaged in business with, or tak- ing any contract with a Government department, to be incapable of sitt- ing and voting in the House of Com- mons. It was shown during the course® of the prolonged legal pro- ceedings in court, that the India offi- ce in London had purchased through the firm of Samuel Montagu & Ce. an immense quantity of silver for the purpose of Indian currency, and had also acted for the department in a number of other transactions, such as, for instance, the brokerage of Indian treasury bills. It was only because it was shown that the Indian Government had not suffered by the transaction, and that the firm of Samuel Montagu & Co., had not exacted any heavier remun- eration for its services than would have been demanded by other bull- ion brokers and bankers, that Sir Stuart Samuel, the head of the con- cern, was allowed to offer himself for re-election by his constituents, after he had paid his fine. Owing to the scandal in connec- tion with the" affair, Edwin Samuel was shortly afterwards transferred from the India office, to the financial secretaryship of the treasury, and now is promoted to cabinet rank. The chancellorship of the duchy of Lancaster is more or legs of a sine- cure, although it carries with it a salary of $10,000 a year. It is usual- ly held either by one of the older statesmen whe has no longer the strength or inclination to undertake the arduous duties of a secretary of state, but whose support and whose advice at the council board of the administration it is considered nec- essary to retain, or else it is aesign- ed -to some man in the prime of life, for the purpose of enabliftg him to devote all his time and energy to the enactment by Parliament of some particular measure. The chancellor of the duchy takes precedence immediately after the chancellor of the ex¢cheque, and be-' for tlie Jord chief justice of England the former Sir Rufus Isaac, who is also a professing Jew. Formerly the chancellorship was wholly in the gift of the rovereigm, to whom the duchy of Lancaster belongs, inde- pendently of Parliament. In several Instances it was granted by the mon- arch for life, a notable instance thete of being the great Lord Ashburton. But for the last half century or more it has always been treated as & pure- ly cabinet office, and the chancellor regarded as part and parcel of the administration. It may be as well" tp explain that the royal duchy of Lancaster is in no sence limited to the county of Lan- caster, but comprises much land also in 'the counties of Leicester, Lincoln, Derby and York, gs well as in 20 ot- her counties in England and Wales. In fact, the duchy of Lancaster has very little to do with the shire of Lancaster. There was a house of Lancaster present duchy, and when the house secured the possession of the crown of England, on the depogition of Richafdl 11, and its chief proclaim- ed himrelf sovereign, as Henry IV. he realized that the retention of the throne by his dynasty might live as that of some other usurpers, Accordingly he set to work to ac- cumulate as much landed property as possible, converting it into a great family entailed estate, ro that if he lost thie crown he might at apy rate remain one of the greatest territor- ial magnates of the realm. When his grandson, Henry VI., who caused perty to be continued tat "parcel" and to be vested in himself and NE heirs, kings, of England; forever, but under a separate govern- ment. from the other dominions n- herited by the crown. The revenues of the duchy, now amounting to about a million dollars per annum, have always been paid to the reigning sovereign as suth, as the monarch's peresonal possession, independent of the control or super: vision of parliament, on the under- however, --in-- Lombard fgranding, 7 that the revenue belongs to him as king of England, sre he to Jose throne -he would, also facto forfeit all right tq any income from the es- tate known as the duchy of Lancas- ter. It may be recalled that Queen Vie- toria, when she traveled abroad in- cognito, usually. made use of the tit- le of Duchess of Lancaster, and that the present king, like his father, Ed- ward VIL, following, her. example, styles himself Duke of Lancaster | issue, when Traveling 'abroad Incognito. ; siinsenaciai asimi * ot To ction Wait mons The. to the full term tary Mite, and let the Boy den Government! Zo io the ca my in oe autumn of 1916. Robert Borden bal wisbadl thon 1s. take Leurierim to take Laurierism at its werd, The Opposition campaign for a gen- eral elertion on the dreadnougat hi same opposition would d dl its sins If veat ©; - - p- _PAGE THIRTEEN. \ =\ Waller Daker & Co. Limiled "IDEAL BEVERAGE or \ HIGH GRADE AND GREAT NUTRITIVE VALUE ABSOLUTELY PURE AND DELICIOUS i lo Limited gi HTT Made in Canada by DORCHESTER, MASS. MONTREAL CANADA NOW 1S THE TIME _ Fa place your order Monument, and by your order with us Fo are guaranteed first class work, Prompt delivery and mode rate price. A call of inspec tion invited, J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy St Phone No. 1417. for a dacing ETB aT CHICKEN-MOCK TURTLE 1&7 RIEL PEA - MULLICATAWNY 1CENTS PER CAN that so many women suffer from ----are often due to a congested state of the liver--the body's filter. hat