PAGE FOURTEEN ---- it A A EIA, Ee « oan THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, [aassssssssscnastsens NEWS GATHERED OVER NEAR COUN TIES | "+ Frontenac 4 BREWERS MILLS 23 Quite a few farmers vg maple syrup. A number young pe attended the dance in Sceley' on the eve ing of the 17th M is BR i and Josephine spent last i week in the city John Todd, who has been i recover ing. Mrs. D returned 2 from visitln s in Kings- ople the WILBUR. March 21.--J. FE. Boyd, Wilbur, gone to Jweed as night Miss Hilda Jacob visited Boyd on Sunday. Miss Etta Rich ardson has gone to work at Mrs. FE J, McFarlane's, Lavant. Misses Mary Thomas and Clara Tes Visited Mrs, W + Rache one day last week. Miss Mag gie White, was working at Cally bogie, returned home for a few da John Paul, Lower Lavant, spent Sup day at W. W. Roche has uperator. Miss Ethel who ECHO LAKE. March 22 Mr. and Mrs. 8. Goudy visited here Sunday Remains o the infant daughter of Arthur Buek ley were buried to-day Mrs A Buckley has received 'word of the death of her father, Wilson Cronk, Firth Lake Robert Hamilton and family intend going over to the United States to live, Marcus Swit zer and McMalion were at TT. y on Sunday; Damon and Wella Goodberry at W. Wagar's: Mr. and Mrs. A. Wagar at W. Hick's. ARDEN. March 25.~Rev. Mr Sromwich, Sharbot Lake, conducted the services in the Methodist chureh-here on Sun: day evening last. His subject was "Temperance and Moral Reform." Migs Lonise Lutz, Oso, is visiting her gister, Mrs.' W. Loyst. Ross Alex hander has returned home from the west, where he has spent the past two years. The Misses Annie Cen dron and Genevieve Detlor were gnests of Miss R. Barr at Mountain Grove on Saturday. The Misses Bessie Wil- liams and Bella Post, Ardendale, were the guests of the Misses Detlor on Friday last. Mr. Lansbury has been unable to «hold weekly servioe for some time past, owing to the' bad condition' of the roads. The farmers have all tapped their sugar bushes, but as yet the flow of sap has been comparatively small, DEAD CREEK. March 22.--Death visited this neich- borhood and' took Ross Shorits, thir ty-one years old. Deceased had been a sufferer for shout three years. Death came as a relief on Friday ht, March 19th. The funeral was held on Sunday to the Methodist Church. Friends present from a dis- tance were: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kellar and Mr. - and Mes. Shortt, Mountain Grove. The sur- vivors are his mother, two sisters and five brothers. William Pipe and family are mov: ing to their new home here. School has started once more, and is pro- » @ressing micely, with Miss Cowan, Tweed, as teacher. The tea meeting | on the 16th: was fairly well attend. | od, considering the had $4 wps realized. BARRIEFIELD, March 24.--The ladies of St. Mark's Church sewing clase meet every Wed: nesday at the Rectory. G. who has been ill, is recovering, and Mrs. ¥. Monk and family Sunday at her mother's, Mrs. Le Heup. Miss L. Pugh, city, visited at | Mr. and Mrs. Knight's, at Pines." Mrs. Alexander has left for Portsmouth to attend her father and mother, My. and Mrs, Ford, who are hoth quite vith ; ied, the 7 infant do of. Mr. and te. 1. Wood, Mrs. Coldbam, who ha been very ill for the past week, in around agnin, Mrs, Birtells, city, visiting at + Mes. "Hutlon's;, has re- turned home. I. Turner Leader spent Sunday st T. Mes. Lea Miller ne NM». spent Maxam's to iller, city, spent Sunday at 'N, p-- CATARAQUL March 26.--The funeral PA = DOUBLY A PEER. Gen Lord Falmouth H Has Been Given a Coleneley, General Lord F Sw "Just heen appointed to the coloneley of his ds, Ti succession 10° the late Lord General William Seymgur, re-| ceived his first commission in that the | a a of the Wilson roads]. and | spent Muller, | "The | aud A. | late Mrs. H., J. Simpson took place yesterday from her home here, Can- on Forneri, St. Luke's Church offi- ciatéd, and Rev. L. M. England as- sisted The pall bearers were de- ceased"s husband, H. J. Simpson, her only son, Harold, her brother br. Northmoere and her brother-in- law, Mr. Weld. The village - and vicinity are feeling the shfdow cast by the sudden death of Mrs, Simp- son The circumstances are made more sad by the condition of John Simpson, who is in a very weak stat: of health. Mr. and Mrs. King, Rideau Ferry, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Holleford, Mrs Martin, Mrs. Davidson and Mr. Genge, Kingston, were some of the relatives who were present at the foueral. Mr, and Myps. John Baker's Baby, Gordon, is in' Kingston Hos- pital very ill of pneumonia. Mrs R. Gardiner entertained a few of her friends on Wednesday evening. Miss 1. Counter, Kingston, has been visiting friends here. {eeds ATHENS. March 21. --Farmers in the vicinity have tapped their sugar woods. Mrs . 4: Rowsome, who for the past twenty-five years resided on a farm two miles away, has decided, since the death of her a month ago, to live has taken up resi dence daughter, Mrs. E Chinera. husband here, so with her ELGIN. Miss Kerr was to her home at Greenbush hy death of her father. Mr. and Pierce, boro, wore guests and Mrs larl. Mrs. MH. S. Davison and Mrs. Gi. W. Earl spent Sunday at Smith's 'Falls. Miss McCornish was 'called home by the illness of her mother: Rev. Mr. McFarlane and (i. F. Warren have returned from To ronto. Miss J. Hamilton, Lyn, was guest of Mrs. Bracken. R. Wright was in the village with: his car. George Howard, Jr., ill of typhoid, is reported better. Mrs. A. D. Delong is 'sutfering. from pneu- monia. March 22 called the Mrs. of Nr, LYNDHURST. March 24. --Those who have sugar bushes have tapped but do not report a very large run of sap. G. C. Roderick is doing a rushing busi- ness in his mill. He has the con- tract to furnish material for five ho ses near Seeley's Bay. There passed away a very much respected lady, the widow of the late Malvin Lalley, after a long illness of heart trouble. She leaves one son to mourn her loss. Visitors : Mrs. Mary A. Carroll, Phillipsville, is visiting friends here; Mygs. James Simpson, Seeley's Way, is calling on old friends here; Mrs, Robert Moulton, Berryton, is -- spend- ing a week with her father, R. R. Tate. SAND BAY, March 25. The farmers ara tapping their sugar bushes. Miss Vera McDonald has réturned home after visiting at Austin. O'Hearn's,| | Wilstead. Miss - Beulah Webster the week-end at George Miss Mamie McDonald is visiging at John Burnash's, Kilbur-| nie." Miss Ethel Running is con valescent, Visitors: Lottie at John | Slack's. Mrs. T. Dier and Miss McDonald's; Mies Lena Burpash, Kilburnie, at JA Lappan's; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Me- Donald and John V. Lappan at Char-| les McDonald's; Mr. and Mrs. J. J Lappan visited friends in Trevel-| yan. Migs Sadie McDonald has Ie turned home after visiting at | Deir's, Gunanoque; Mr. and | James Dier, Gananoque, at | Lappan's; Mrs. Clow and Lam, at J. J. Lappan's. TAYLOR. A number of the young | Mrs. Almer Nellie, March 24. { people spent a pleasant time at the + | hom Wiliam Anglin last Tiifter veturn with his bride. "x of Ntnnley has moved isto-the -Borhood to take dharge of T, Ang: lin's factory Jor this season. The! ; startod for her home at Grvee has rented the Rujtle farm, A few of the loesl farmers havé pur- chased automobiles. M. J. Ogerady bas returned home after spending a week at Warburton.® W. Jackson has returned from the western provinces, where he has been engaged for the past four years. Visitors: Mr. and ' Mrs. Darling, at E. Moore's; E. and sister, at 1. Sly's: J. who spent 'the past Falls, has returned George Met alpin O'Haren week at Jones' LANSDOWNE. March 24.--Miss Mayme Donovan left ou Saturday for Toronto to take a situation as stenographer. The Lansdowne Cheese Factory opened for the season on Tuesday, with Mr. Sallhouse in charge. 8. C. E. Dixon wert to Brockville on Mon. day to fulfil n large contract for papering and decorating. Miss Lena Brimley, nurse-in-training at Torvon to, is spending a couple of weeks among friends. A couple of weeks ago each mem- her of the Home Guard was pleas antly surprised by the gift of a regu latiofi militar® cap from Senator Tay lor on behalf of himself and Hon. W. T., White Mr. and Mrs, Fred McConnell are rejoicing over the ar- rival of a daughter on March 12th Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Warren, Sault Ste. Marie, are spending a' week vieiting friends here Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Kendrick and daughter, Lynd- hurst, called on friends Saturday week 4 An enjoyable entertainment was given im the Town Hzll last Wednes- day and Thursday in aid of the Home Guard fund The hall was packed and many were turned away The play. "The Traitor," was re- markably well put on. The orches- tra rendered some very fine selec tions, led by Mrs. Sallhouse, and F. Mitchell and Mr. Mooney gave vocal solos. Hy request the entertainment will be repeated on March 24th. James Tedford had the misfortune to have shoulder broken receni- ly Mrs. W. H. Tedford returned on Monday from Gananoque where she spent a week visiting at Mrs. Thomp- son's Mrs. J. H. Warren and in- fant davghter returned from Kings- ton on Tuesday. Mrs. Snell was the hosters at a Ladies' Aid tea on Fri- day and Saturday afternoons. Mr. and Mrg. C. M. Quinn, Toronto; ave here attending the funeral of the; latter's father, the late Joseph! Cooke, Rockport. his Lanark | ey i MABERLY. March 24.--The farmers are tapping | their sugar bushes and getting ready | for sugar-making.: P. G. McGregor | has leased his grist mill to an old | and experienced miller. The mill is being removated and will soon be | ready for operation. The Red Cross! women of Maberly purpose putting on a play in the near future, entitled, "The Ladies' Aid Meeting at Mohawk | Cross Roads." A quiet wedding was solemnized at Sharbot lake on Friday evening, the contracting parties being Miss Mary | Sergeant and J. Conroy, Sunnyside. Rev. Mr. Williamson officiated. Miss Ada Morrison spent a week | with her sister, Mrs. Millikin. My. Mitchell, 1.PY.8., visifed the school on Tuesday. Miss Anderson, Perth, | spent a few days at Jobn Duffy's, | Miss Cora Buchanan has returned | from Earlton. Miss Sadie Duffy has gone to Perth to visit. Mrs. John! Morrow is Visiting friends in Smith's Falls. | Lennox & Addington VENNACHAR. "Mm. S. Maroh 23. Card, who | Verona last. | wos called baek--te- bed of her mother, Mrs. John Ball, (8c. There are "mother's {nam "and sister, Sweet- were | recovery. OG. A. Lillie, who | railway, | to 12e. small _hopes--of- of. Outs, $1 pork; from Yew od al renewing old 'acquaintances, hawy re- turned to their home in Alberta. Miss Grace Holmes : accompanied them. Born to Mr. amd Mrs. J. D. Cowan, a daughter, on the 20th ult. BATH. March 25,--Miss Mary Keller met with a serious accident on Sunday last. = While coming from Sunday School she slipped and fell on the sidewalk not far from , her home, cahsing severe bruises on her hip. The primary room of the Public School is getting up a concert in ths Masonic Hall on Saturday night in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund, Much sympathy is extended to Dr. Northmore in the loss of his sister, Mrs. Simpson, Cataraqui, who died on Tuesday of this week. DENBIGH March 23.--Joseph Adams, Jr. Kingston, who enjoyed a couple of weeks visiting with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams, and with other "friends in the village, left last week again for the city, accompanied by his mother, who bad to go to the General. Hospital, where she had a successful surgical operation perform- ed on her. William Rabm, who since last fall was employed near Arnprior, has arrived home to assist his father on the farm. Michael Ready, who has been engaged as a cook in a large lumber camp in New Ontario since last fall, bas also arrived home to stay with his family until the spring lumber drive commences. Wil- liam Rodger, another native of Den- bigh, who was foreman in the same camp, is also expected to arrive to spend a few weeks here before the driving commences. TAMWORTH. March 24. --H. Lockerage intends to put up a summer cottage at Beaver | Lake. Mr. Murphy, of Clio, Mich., is visiting friends here. Messrs, Mc- Cabe and Shaver, Napanee, are here papering and painting Dr. Wilson's huse. George Pearson, Lethbridge, a delegate to interview Sir Robert Borden and cabinet concerning. the Old Man River Irrigation project, stopped off here to visit his father and sister ror a few days. He left here over thirty yeard ago. The remains -of the late Mrs. Mur ray Stinson were brought home from Kingston, where she had gone a few weeks ago for treatment, J. A. Hunter has bought the Jate John Stinson's farm. The house on the same farm was burned on Friday last. The cause of the fire is unknown. Alta., STELLA. March 22.--The roads are again getting in good condition. Very little | driving has been done on the 'ice in the past week, as it is not consider- | ed safe for travel. Farmers are look- ing over their seeding machinery, and putting it in shape for spring op- erations, . The fishermen are getting their boats and nets in readiness for the opening. T. Smith bas lengthen- ed his beat by four feet. Benjamin | Wemp and William Brown, who have been seriously ill for some time past, are slowly improving. A. MeAllist- er, Kingston, was over the island last week buying calves. A number | of farmers in this vicinity have lost cows lately. March 23.~Friends on Amherst ls- land will be pleased to hear of news from a former resident, William Al len, now of far-off Grand® Prairie, Northern Alberta. Mr. Allen, with {his wife, moved to the west about five his wife, moved to the west about five years ago, settling in the Peace Riv- er county. A letter received from them states that since' last spring they are eighty-five miles pearer the but it still means a drive of 170 miles to get to the end of the steel. It also states that the crops in general were not as good there as | last. year; and potatoes a failure. { They are selling at $3 a bushel. Pork j¢ 10c. a pound and beef from 10c. a pound. Oats sell at 20c. to 25c. a bushel; good clean wheat. 81 a bushel; barley, 35¢. a bushel i were wheat and barley, 230. to 20c. Su. gar is now $20 a ewt. The settlers are pow going more into stock-rais- | Farm owned by Michael Featherstone | 0alled to the burial of their mother, | ing, consequently the drop in. price is now own by Mr. Jodey. a a A i ai NANA, has been Admiral Sir Edward Bosca« the celebrated naval command far 'ot the first half of the 18th ecen- tury, te whom Great Britain owes the acquisition of Madras, Sunred from the French in India, the capture of the fortress of | he and of the sland of Cape Breton, on this side of the Atlantic. French by Admiral Sir Edward Bos- tawen, about 200 years ago, and which having been brought home by! as tropies, were set up in front of the | mansion; with their muz- zles buried a couple of feet or so in the ground. There they have remain- | ed ever since, a landmark of the Bri- tish metropolis. x i | Known among his contemporaries as i My, | early in February, and who have been | of meats. ¢ AAA At be right, in spite of Pope; but what=} ever is is. That is the main point. And it is every man's job to accept 'the is-ness and get down to business. Most men have had the-wiong lo- cation, have taken up the wrong pro- ® Ta ove--the in youth, have not married the wo- man ideally suited to them, have not MARCH 21, pls. TTession, have failed to improve t dpporinnities for education they had | Z 7'-> that has Black Cats in it All kinds of tedium may be. relieved by a really good smoke -- "Trench Duty," either in war or peace, is made less irksome by smoking Black Cat Cigarettes ~10 for 10 Cents Your day's battle of work Cat. will be fought more cheerfully if you smoke an occasional Black This mild, sweet smoke is so all-satisfying, that you'll find it as prominent in the ° Officers' mess, as in the Camp canteen, Take as YOUR base of supplies for Black Cais, any cigar store in Canada. Do youn know the lat obtainable by sen Montreal. zone geography, slip now enclosed in Black Cat packets, est news from the front? There's a new kind of War Game, ding 30 Black Cat coupons to Black Cat Headquarters, More than a game--hecause it teaches lessons in ware and the strategy and tactics of war. See for full MADE IN LONDON ENG AND IN MONTREAL particulars of Profit Sharing Gifts. ing of 'Eddy"s washboards that to make a success of wash-day."" Mrs. fibreware. ware? Newlywed says: i "Fibreware is made from extreme heat. All in one solid apart. No chance of splinters, better and is light to carry. always take into neighbor, Mrs. Wisonightor Says "I should have told you the other day when I was speak. an indurated fibreware tub to hold your clothes if you want "I've heard of Eddy's indurated What's the differenc consideration," it is just as necessary to have e between fibre and wouden- compressed fibre, baked at piece, it cannot warp or fall Wears much longer, looks The latter point you should concludes Mrs. Wise Wolfe's im oles (ouLanps oa) Australia alone consumed nearly 2,000,000 Bot. ties lait year, for ge ; The most healthful spirit obtain- able and the very bes: stimulant neral use. As a pick-me- up tonic and digestive, Wolfe's Schnapps is always opportune, exercising the most beneficial ef- fect upon the liver, kid- neys and other organs. Obla ami Retail Stores, finishes. up. inabic af all Hotel. and up. 'SOWARDS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps ~ SOWARDS ining Room All the latect designs and Buffets, $15, $20, $23 and Ex. Tables, $10, $12, $15 - Chairs, $1.50, $250 and ap: -- R. J. Reid, Leading Undertaker. inn JAS. McPARLAND Distributor - MADE IN CANADA "Nothing to Eat but Shredded Wheat," would be a i i A ee, Le ie vests aud putes no hardship to the man who knows the nutritive | quad, Shey are of two clisstne. One' © value of this whole. wheat food. and tells its woes, and whistles and = contains all the body-buid maictiald in the whole wheat bie. fam. The nichest famops corps just half a eentury ao. | X rynock Dick, he is remembered by He is doubly a peer of the realm. ull Sailors as Old Dreadnought. N Phe eo For while he is the seventh hold | present Lord Falmouth has| 'ead the world. _ of the viscounty of Falmouth, creat.| devoted much of his time in recent The perfect people work for them, ed at tthe begining of the 18th cen- | Jean to wireless atlegraph', and it|Tunning errands and counting col- e through his mother th great es Tresothaen, A { owner of the barony. of Le Per in a the that Marconi has his are always true. the oldest but one ine such peer- wireless station in England. roll, dati eo nl a: 8 racing stud is xem n of King ig castle, his place gince which Lord Falmouth en Kent which has been in his family tates have Ee the poses. | SI Ei and 18 as this: § 8 w hs to apis. Dascavwen, wr * Kingerat, Sik | "The truth is simply what will born vie oud. Ha stes, ha Work. Among his most famous stors | Hie Harvester, have heen, Whatever ik wit arily | | Tara pa eldest surviving {How's Thi ee never made mistakes, who had his chance thrust on him who was en- dowed and all that; he is the man who had no chance and was Dot gifted but who took the raw material of lite and fate as he founa it and greatest ologi but the Ton he could do in defining truth w pities itself. = The other plucks up, H R prepared in a man in the forgets it, takes the situation as it country cannot bu or more is and makes the best of things. . The genius is met the man who nutritious. Two§ ke 2 complete, y-to-serve. Cu more wh it is ready-cooked and read eon with Rondt detichams fot meal ns» substitute for white flour MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS. ONTARIO Office: