2 | | The Real Secret of Rejuvenating the Facel en ------------ a SPRING MILLINERY OPENING NOW ON "Made in Canada' our specialty, MISS HAMILTON 370 Princess Street Phone 1267 Il: Short, Miss Doris |! Macnoe, Mesars. 1). Stewart, S. {and W. Kent Macnee. {fl} rane, " Mundell, Miss Nora Macnee and Miss Told In Twilight The last n \ ting of Liub on Saturday prisent i » Mildred Jones, # she, Ta Lrdson, Agn Johnston Lillie Murray, Sanderson, Grace Melelland, nC. Gildersleeve, J. « W. Brown, Whalley, De wn, Charles Elliot, Lytian Bob Richards Adams Craig, Dick Flier ried n : Mamie n, Godwin, Ross, i Layng apd Prof. Manley Baker rd dL An interesting dinner .was given e Country Chub on Saturday even- , with Mr. and Mrs, A. Dlack as chaperones. The other guests were Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss May togers, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Dorothy © Carruthers, Miss Charlie : Kent, Miss Nora Ho- Williamson, Reddy bart Newcombe, - . A Dutch Luncheon at the Country Club on Saturday had for its guests Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Sylvia Coch- Miss May Rogers, Miss Vera =| Doris Kent. a: ASTHMA COUGHS WHOOPING COUGH SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS - CATARRH COLDS u jl» Est.1879 A simple, safe and 'effective treatment avoid- ing drugs. Used with success for 35 years, ite air carrying the antiseptic vapor, inhaled with every breath, - makes breathing easy, soothes thesore throat, 82d stops the cough, assuring res fulnights, Cresoleneis invaluabls to mothers wich young children and a boon to Sufferers from Asthma. i lege, will spend the i his Day at the great many iriends at To-day was Ladies' Frontenac Club, when a members entertained their lunch. Alfred this C. de Carteret, 370 will not receive again Mrs. street, season. Mrs. D. AL will not receive aga . - Mr. Ward, attending McGill Col- holiday with L. Whiting, | & | Shaw, Johnson street, in this season. . mother, Mrs. J. Clergy street. P. C. Mahood will spend Easter in New York, Miss Marjorie Pense, West street, returns from Montreal on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. H.. C. Nickle and Master Donald, Earl street, go to Toronto on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tandy and Miss Lettice Tandy, King street, will gy to Atlantic City to spend April, Professor J. K. Robertson will | spend the Easter week-end in Mon-| { treal. Mre. Henry Wade goes to Toront) | to-morrow 25 CENTS. Last year's straw [hat, a little faded perhaps, an be made o new hat, any : color you wish, ji This color is fast, willl}! not fade or run--is easy o-apply. No odor -- 3 brush in each package. 25 Cents. At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sonduys, ! Putna Misses Edith and Annie Macpher- | son; Ottawa, will arrive this week, Messrs. George Robertson and W. Kent will leave to-morrow for York. Miss Pearl Oldreive Eastér in Ottawa with Mrs. dohn H. Byrne. Mrs. R. T. Walkem, C. Néw i will spend-| her sister, Vancouver, {Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry | | Joseph, Montreal. E. R. C. Dobbs, Hamilton, will be the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobbs, Barrie street. * 9 . 9 Miss May Gardiner, Queen's, will leave to-morrow for Smith's Falls to spend the holidays. Mrs, 8. Birch and Miss Ada Birch, Bagot street, will go to Utic a; N.X., porrow,. to visit Mr. and Mrs. Aled Birch and Mrs. Clarence O. m. Miss Charlie Shortt expects to go to Kast Orange on Friday, to visit Mrs, W. H. P. Elkins. This week several informal teas bave been giv- sien in farewell to her. EASTER Wearables ! EASTER TIES. "EASTER GLOVES 'EASTER SHIRTS EASTER HOSE \ . Hx p visly- gle ted for Migs Katherine Fairlie returseu from Montreal last Saturday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Fairlie, - Ld * Miss Ruth Mcleod, Queen's, will go to Vankleek' Hill for Faster. Mrs. Jobn Taplor, St. Paul, Minn., has been visiting her brother, ¥. C. i good trade, and will Dieet approval. 10 fat that Pld de ddd |and Mrs. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1915. the 0 for returning Prineess before street, past her * { Jeit | has d Mr Harold Donnelly Yontreal to visit I irl, en route. to her I NB in St hin, Fylith Carruthers arrived holt Cac aford and Master will be Mrs, Clark gus fi the week-end Johnston, Montreal, is up Lo spend the Easter vacy- 1 Mr. and (Mrs. William - Bail- ? Elreet, has and will spend the and Mrs. J, B. Hann tron] s for will spend Belleville Douglas Hammond, will go to Brantford to. Mr. and Mrs. AH. Addie Hume Fhs- iriends I Mrs street, in an to visit Pougla® Anglin will spend the heli- with bis parents, Dr. -and Mrs. Anglin: W. P.« Wilgar, spend the week-end VW. G Professor street, will Montreal. Colonel and Mrs cess street, Brock in H. R. Duff, Prin- went to Lindsay on Tues- day. : Miss will Otta- Mabel Roberts, Queen's, spend Easter with friends in wa. el ee Mr. and Mrs. G. Y, Chown, "Sun- nyside," left to-day for Atlantic City. 'Miss Phyllis Plummer, of Queen's, left for Chatham to spend the Easter holidays at her home, Charles livingston, Toronto, is to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street. Mrs. David Laidlaw, visiting her aunt, Mrs. Conraulus,. New York, has returned home. Migs Goldie Clarke, of Dr. C. K. Clark's daughters, is among the nurses going overseas with the Toronto Univerdity Hospital Toronto, one | Corps. Mrs. R. Stirling, Picton, and Mr. Stanley Chown, Renfrew, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Alice street, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street, re- turned from Ottawa yesterday. \ & * * Cadet Morris will spend Easter in Peterbero. Miss Helen Duff went to Toronto yesterday. Miss Mattie Robertson, Queen's, is spending the holidays at her home in Peterboro. Mrs. George Mahood, Gore street, has returned from New York, where she was a guest at her sister's wed- ding. A. W. Brown will spend Easter in Toronto. Rev. 8. J. M. and Mrs. Compton, St. Andrew's manse, have returned from Ottawa, where they spent the week-end, Rev. George Duncan, D.D., Prinei- pal Gordon's guest for the week-end, | has returned to Montreal. Miss Gertrude Low and Master Wilgar will leave to-morrow for Ot- tawa to spend several weeks with Mr and Mrs. Edward: Low. ENGLAND HAD QUIT KNITTING ---- Until This Year Women There Had Pone Little. Another thing we must keep from war time is knitting for numberless women whose hands used to he empty and idle. Until this year the Englishwoman knitted less than any other woman in the world, The Frenchwoman's needles are crossing crossing, and the ball of wool is in | her pocket; from 10 years old to the last year she knits; so does the Ger- man, so does the Belgian. The Ital- ian iz not so constant, but she, too, is expert and moderately busy. Women in England have surely re- gaiied a taste this year for that purely constructive little - labor which should remind us of the great '| wool century of England---/the thif- teenth, Then it was that English flocks. clothed France and Flanders, and people in these islands wore nei- ther shoddy nor cotton, but went A -- | warm in wool. Serr -- in ~~ yo << Walch and | sea food, all fruit exce | Compose a variet 3a TIRE 170 A MATTER OF TASTE. should Guest Praise Food Or Orna- ments Of Hostess. jestion as to whether it is OF a guest to praise in ocd of to admire an orna stess" home came up the id it was not good taste sn't. But even if it ve it is something better, and more human than ce 1 don't mean at a formal ¥, but at any iricndly 're one is one's hosiess' vell as her guest. s suppored to show hos- ward her guests. I think corresponding virtue re- est, I don't just know it, appréciation come: A good hostess gives good guest receives qusly And I congider it a part Such gracious receiving to frank- ly express appreciation how and then The ideal of breeding which holds up a varnished insensibility as the perfect manner is net a Canadian ideal, and we do ourselves and the big hearts hospitable 'country in which we are luckly enough to live an injustice when we adopt it. Don't be afraid to tell your hos- tess that you like her salad. If she sang for you, or hired someone eise to sing, you should praises this dis- play of another talent, wif ¥ou admire some ornament, say so. Few things give the average person more pleasure than to admire his possessions. He loves them not only for themselves but because they are his and any praise of them makes him feel like a cat having his back rubbed. A lumpish, unresponsive, unap-. preciative guest is one of the most dismal things in the world: When You get through entertaining one of them you feel as if you had been car- rying a mill stone around your neck. The only thing worse in the world than entertaining one of these well- { bred icicles is--well what's the only thing eyter than a kitten? KAISERIN'S FINE JEWELS gu | Wears $1,250,000 in Diamonds ani Pearls on State Occasions The German Empress is said on | state occasions to wear not less than | £250,000 worth of diamonds and | pearls The Kaiser was furious when at one great funetion the Kaiserin was outshone by the ex- Queen of Italy, the beautiful Marg herita and insisted that the empress | should almost lead herself with gems. rf One of her ornaments, by the way, Is said to be the weircle of gems which Napoleon wore in his hat, and i which was found by Bluchér's sol-| diers after Waterloo. A few extra stones are attached to her fan. and At court functions it is the duty of two p $ 10 see that none bf these fall The empress's personal lewellery, on the other hand, is said to be surpassed by that of many middle-class women in Germany; | while she ig also in ordinary life] one of the pleinest of dressers. Her Rowns, in fact have been styled by French ladies, "simply appalling." i How To Be Thin. i It is not difficult for a woman to remain slender, or, if stout, to be- come slender. The chief trouble with those who complain of corpulency and- its embarrassments is that they decline to sacrifice any of the "plea- sures" of the table. Dieting to them means starvation--cutting out one neal a day or reducing all meals and this a drastic remedy to which few will submit for a protracted per- fod. As a Matter of fact, however, starvaticn cure is upnecessary and | seldom to be recommended The best and safest way to reduce flesh is to adopt a well balanced diet that ex- cludes * all carbonaceous foods, | Starch, sugar, oil, and alcohol should be put aside by a fat person. To set an appetizing table, yet | omit these, Is mot so difficult as rqay | appear, for there remain all kinds of pt bananas, a and green 'vege- Vegetables ex- dried beans, and | From this list if is easy to y of tempting menus | Eggs also may be eaten in modera- | t tio and the amount of oil used in! salad dressing is not enough to he fattening. Soup, gravy, milk, bread, potatoes, cereals, sweelx, and alcoholic bever- ages are to be avoided. Bar these rigorously from the table and with a month you w 3810 to lose flesh. is simply a matter of elim | "YOUY dISC HIT To6ds that are | excessively fat producing, It is al | treatment that cannot fail fo reduce {your flesh if you adhere to it, and if | you Compose Your menus. with care {and intelligence you will he surpris- {ed to note how little you | thase forbidden foods after a brief me. 3 {When you have attained the | weight you desire it és not necessary #0 closely. eless, you shéuld ho on' you; F ! Tr [Tor if it is your tendency eh : bulent all such food will be fatal fo [your figure. il When. the war is o'er with its wealth of the worst that the majority of salads tables--in faet, all cept potatoes, corn, lentils. Ney worl i e'er knew, when the throbbing drun: and the fife are what will the is do? Th idk PAGE THREE = | Fresh northwest winds; snow flurries; fair and cold to-day and on Thursday. ¢ Easter Novelties Abound in All Departments of This Big Store Just Arrived Ready Shoppers Priced at $11.50, $12.75, $18.50, $15, $16.50, $17.50, $18.50, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50. Others at from $30 to $45. --=Special To-morrow . ti 18 Smart New Suits in colors Navy, Saxe, Belgian, Wet Sand, || Grey, and Black--beautifully tailored in imported se i Hed Skirts yoke--top flare effects, full 2 1.2 vards ! wide; regular $17.50 To-morrow Hundreds of New Hats at Special Easter Pri Come to-morrow and choose the smartest and the best; from $2.25 up. . ces prices range ¥ Smart Novelties in Steacy "Fashion" Waists Fresh novelties from 98¢ to $4.50, ~ Easter Neckwear An endless variety for your choosing from 25¢ up. Kid Gloves The world's best makes for Men, Women and Children. Every pair guaranteed and put up in dainty gift box if so desired. A ere Arent rb en - Steacy's rm ve J c | tric Sho eal (standard weight) 345 Pp | Fillets | Legs i Loins 4 Cops Halliday's Elec ai a Phone 94 Soa bE LC. - - 2 18¢ .. 1be ERE | Beef (excellent quality) it Choice oven roasts .16¢ | Prime ribs ©... 20c{ | Round steaks .... 20] 4l Sirloin steaks .....2% ] | : ® 5 oJ d: ° Our spring goods are ready fon vour inspection. We 'have a large assortment of fine ade-in-Canada Shoes "on the newest and best lasts for spring. Try us if you