" "Easter Our Inspiration" Rev. Douglas bLaing, First Baptist Church, The Easter-tide comes in upon us with overflowing in- spiration and Christian people. The gloom, the "depression, the hopeless- ness which weighed upon those who stood by the cross of our blessed Redeemer as He yleld- ed up His spirit, has forever passed away. Christ has triumphed over the marshalled opposition of His foes The enemies of Christ under the leadership of Satan gloat- ed over their supposed triumph, when they had secured Christ by betrayal, had succeedgd in His arrest, and had overawed Pilate to glve sentence that He should be crucified. They supposed their triumph com- plete 'when the Roman centur- fon, who was charged yin Jia execution, pronounced m dead. They took no .chances, however, regarding the possi- bility of His desciples stealing the body mand reporting, that He had risen from the dead. Therefore the great stone which clos- ed the entrance to the new tomb in which lay no other remains was sealed with a Roman seal and the tomb guarded by a band of Ro- man soldiers. How complete they judged their triumph! But God laughed at their boagted success! On the third day, according to the Scriptures, and fccording to Christ's own predic- tion, how easily He triumphed over all! He rose victoripus over death and the grave! His enemies, Who had congratulated them- selves on their success, were thrown into a state of panic and con- fusion over their complete defeat! This is only an illustration of the great and blessed truth that right shall ultimately triumph over wrong. Ohrist rose in triumph over all His enemies, over death and the grave. Christ 'who rose victorious, has been exalted to God's right hand, where He will re- main until every enemy is made the '"'foot-stool of His feet." In this is our glorious hope. Our Christ can never fail. Our Christ shall ultimately triumph, and"reign in righteousness over the innumerable company of His redeemed people. In this assurance we rejoice, hope to all above Easter message, was received at The kindly contributed by Rev Laing, toe late an hour to be included with church messages on the special Kaster page. It is therefore be lished separately, and will, we trust, be considered hy part of the special contributions. Ea Douglas ther ing pub- our readers as a A A tN A NNN NEN NN ENON tl NNN NN | Capt. C. J. Estes, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., has been appointed cepsus enu merntor for Jefierson county, New Ydrk State. The will be paid $10 a day. Clayton, N.Y, election on April 10th, corporate limits. It is desired to put the Mona tank outside the limits 80 that it can get a liquor licénse. is to have SAVE YOUR HAIR ! IF FALLING OUT OR DANDRUFF---25 CENT DANDERINE Lgdies! Men! Here's the -- surest dandruff cure known. ine to-night---now--any time--will surely save your hair. Danderine from any drug store or| toilet counter, and after the first ap- plication your hair will take on that | Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff--that awful seurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair ofits Iiisfre, It¥ Strength and its very life; eveninally producing a feverigh- ness and itching of the scalp, which if hot remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die--then the . hair falls out fast, A little Dander- beautiful. It will become wavy and | fluffy and have the appearance of abundance; an Incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after just a few] weeks' use, see a lot of fine, downy hair---new | hair--growing all over the scalp. TRCTRRRNTSC. VANIER FRET Fo 1 Parlor Suites, not old, but 1915 designs--new ideas in _ covers, new and shapely frames. own caver to harmonize with draperies and carpets, and we do the rest, $23, $28, $35 up to $150. Rugs, all the latest British designs and color effects--our large choice is the finest we have ever shown and 'prices are lowest. Curtains--Lace, Brussels Nett. Madras; Jastarns ever presented. all colors and sizes, up. Phone 90. You Announcement The Spring Styles Await | Your Consideration and Selection. All the new styles and | lasts which Dame Fash- | ion has decreed for the spring of 1915. « Shoes so daintily made | 'that they please the most | discriminating woman. |" WAS GLAD WHEN THEY Psalm Go to church! On glad Easter Sunday, Easter is above and beyond hope val just when all creation rejoices and a proof of our immortality. The churches in Kingston is a glorious. privilege. The music Israel, house of the Lord!" is the reward promised you. will be inspiring. house of God." Go to church! Communion, prayer and Holy Communion, o'clock. Preacher, Canon Fitzgerald, Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher ! Canon Fitzgerald. M. Compton, B. D., minister, vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. day school and Bible class at 3 p. m. The sacrament of the Lord supper service, jet a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton's| jonnson street between Bagot 111 am, life, lustre and luxuriance which is so | when you will actually | { m., | meeting of Session | Board, Monday, 7.30 p.m., Students | and strangers cordially invited to an | ture, 1 Cor xv GO INTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD." go to ch How wondrously appropriate that of the Resurrection, should be celebrated in.the Springtime Nature, after her long sleep, awakes to a new and brighter life. As in the natural world, so in the spiritual. the life of faith every Easter will be a rebirth. from the dead, so even shall we also rise. the joyful message of a new and fulle- life. should be thronged by earnest worshippers on Easter Sunday. It The sermons will be helpful and hopeful. Say with David, "I was glad when they said unto me, Gladness, joy and a sense of duty done--that So let to-morrow--REaster Sunday--see you at church. matter what church or synagogue or hall it is, SAID UNTO ME : LET Us exxii urch. all days the Christian's day of Baster, the great festi- in the glad new morning when To those who live As Christ rose Easter comes to us with It is at once a symbol , and throughout Christendom, the poet-King of Let us go into the No so that it be "the EASTER CHURCH SERVICES Holy | St. Paul's--Easter Sunday. 8.30 o'clock; morning St. Andrew's Church.--Rev, S. J. Ser- Sun- will be celebrated at the morning Strangers cordially invited to all services. Cooke's Presbyterian Church -- Brock street. Rev. J. W. Mcintosh, M.A., minister. Services appropriate to Easter. 11 am., the minister; 7. p. m., Professor J. Dallon; 3 p. m. Sunday School. Mid- week .meeting on Wednesdayat 8 p.m. Students, soldiers and stran gers cordially invited to all services. Bethel Congregational Church.-- | Rev. George A. Mackenzie, of Lon- !don, Ontario, former pastor, will preach morning and evening. Spec- ial services will be held on Tuesday a special | and Wednesday evenings to which to -- the | all are invited. nual tea for 4 o'clock. of views of Rideau. First Baptist Church.--Rev, Doug- Friday evening an- Sunday school 6.30 | las Laing, postor, at both services. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.. All | the. services will bear upon the Eas- ter message. Bible school Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. A special! Easter. service. Students; Special Easter musie. | ly invited to all the services. First Church of Christ, Scientist.-- | Wellington streets. subject, nesday evening, testimonial meeting. | Public reading-room, same address, | open every afternoon excépt Sun- day, 3 to © o'clock. All are cordially |, fnvited to the services and the read- | ing room. Chalmers, and Earl streets-- Rev. M. Macgilli- | vray, D.D., minister, Services: 11 a. {7 p.m:, the Rev. meeting, Wednesday 7.30 p,m. | services, Calvary Congregational Church -- re Shall Be" {11 am, "What Easter Means." | Special music by the choir; 3 p. | Sunday school, Good Looks." tion of new members. ' Monday, 8 | 11} Entertainment by Dr. Lake and orginized Adult soldiers {and strangers in the city are cordial- | and | Sunday service, | "Unreality" Wed-- | Bible "Some Easter Day Reflections," | XXIV, 3648; Offertory, J. A. Burns will | preach. Special Easter song at both est,' | services; Sunday School and Bible | Lord, jeiass 3. pm, Missionary Day, Pont | lude, Recessional, "War March of the and Managing | Priests", 7 p.m., organ prelude, "An-| special programme | will be rendered. Open gession. 7 p.m., "A Man Who Was Ruined by His] Communion; recep-| Union Street Baptist Church -- | Rev. G. 1. Lowes, minister; residence, "Victory Heights," Mack street. 11] a.m., Rev. W. Curry, pastor of th2 Princess Street Methodiste Church, will preach an Easter sermon. 3 p.m., Bible School; 7 p.m., pastor's Easter message on "C hrist is Ris- en;"" 8 p.m., the Lord's Supper. A special invitation is extended to [i strangers in the city and soldiers. First Congregational, Cor. Johnson |' and Wellington streets--Rev. E. Le- Roy Rice, B.A., pastor. Residence, 281 Alfred street. © Phape 1065 Speeial Easter services. The pastor will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Morning subject, "The Persistency of the Spiritual,"an Easter message; §i evening subject, "Death, Life's Cor | onation." Music: Morning anthem, "0 Joyous Easter Morning;"" solo, "0 Blest Redeemer," Margaret Fearne; evening anthem, "This 13 the Day;" duet, "When 1 Survey the Wondrous Cross," Miss M. King and | Miss E. Leach; solo, 'Rock of! Ages,"" Myrtle King. Strangers are invited to worship with us. Sittings are free. Princess Street Methodist Chyreh, | corner of Princess and 'Albert street. Rev. H. E. Curry pastor. Services, | 11. a. 'm., Rev, Mr. Lowes, Union street Baptist church, An Easter| | Sermon. Special Easter music by | the choir. Anthem '"Allehua, Christ | {is Risen." Solo, "Faith Triumph- ant," Miss A. Brebner. 7 p. m., song service by the choir and a short Eas-| ter sermon by the PAR Anthem, | "Christ is Risen"; solos, "O Eyges| | That Are Weary," "By the Waters of | Babylon," and "Rest." Soloists,| Misses Timmerman and Brebner and | Dr. Adams. Sunday school and] class, 2.45 p. m.; Epworth| | League, Monday 8 p. m.; prayer-| | meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. A sor i dial invitition to all. ueen Street Methodist Church. --| . Campbell, B.D., pastor. Easter | Scrvices. 11 am. organ prelude,! * anes Marvels 0f Good Taste That describes our immense showing of new styles in Men's Hats Presbytérian, Barrie| "Song without Words," Invocation, hymn 174, prayer, | Resurrection Morn,' Anthem, "The! ' "Scripture, Luke! '"Berceuse"; | Anthem, "Awake Thou That Sleep-| ' Hymn 175, Sermon, "Our Risen " reception of new members, ymn 173, communion, organ post-| "FOR EASTER. In soft hats greem and blue are the most popular and, as usual, 'we are right to the front with everything that's new in MEN'S HATS. Special values, $2, $2.50, $3, $4 CAMPBELL BROS. dantino," hymn 178, prayer, serip-| 35--44; offertory, | "Largo'; short address, "The Body ; cantata by the choir, 'From Death To Life;"" soloists, Mrs. | |G. E, Reaman, Mrs. John Evans, J.| , | Harvey Angrove, Allan Haffner, or-| | ganist, Miss Eileen Wright, Director | of musie, Mrs. H. I. J. Coleman. Sydenham Street Methodist | | Church -- Rev. Alfred Brown, pas-| {in Kingston and | prepared with a good stock on hand, 'to fill orders and place them in the | ground at a very reasonable price. For Easter| Shoes That You Can Be Proud of} No store anywhere--even in considerably larger cities--was ever so perfectly groomed with" styles that strike the correct key-note of individualism. all the latest patterns in colored cloth wear--plain lace in patent--dark tan or gun metal for men. We show tops for ladies' And of course all the new and good things that the boys and girls want --nor did we overlook the children's wants. Come to this store if you want the best dressed feet for Easter. Abernethy's ICE CREAM BRICKS! OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the City By Government Test, Best in Kingston. SAKELL'S, Next Opera House. Phone 640 J Having purchased the right to manufacture and sell the O'KEEFE PATENTED CEMENT GRAVE VAULT vicinity, we are All persons wishing to see these | vaults, call at the office of KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS, 177 Wellington Street. p. m., Guild meeting; Wednesday, 8 | tor. Easter messages in sermon and] p.m, + EAYEF meeting and choir prac- | | song. The pastor will preach morn-! tise. * All are heartily 'welcomed.|ing and evening. Class meeting, \ Rev. J. Lyall, pastor; 180 Rideau|9.45 a.m., Junior League, 10 a.m. GRAND OPERA. HOUSE. You choose your| some nattiest street. St. George's Cathedral--Very Rev. Dean Starr, M.A., D.D., rector, 78 | Wellington street; Rev. Crozier Ma- gee, 25 Johnson street. Easter Day, Holy Communion will be celebrated at 6.30, 8 and 11 a.m., Matins, 10 15, 11 o'clock, choral Eucharist, preach- er, The Dean. 3 p.m., children's ser- vice and address in cathedral, 4.15 p.m., Holy Baptism; 7 p.m., evensong Preacher Bishop of Kingston. The band of the R.C.H.A., will accom- pany the choir at evening service, playing the "Hallelujah Chorus" dur- ing the offertory. Special Easter music throughout the day. James' Church, Corner Union "| and Arch street,--All seats free, Rev. F.Harrison Co. T. W. Sayary, B.A., rector, The Rec- tory, 152 Barrie street. Easter aay. 8 am. Holy Somuupion; Morning prayer and ion. Sermen subject, ; Tomb," 3 p.m., Sunday School and service; 7 p.m., Evening praye: and Holy Communion. Sermon subject, "A New Song." Music: morning, Te Deum, Ffeher; Jubilate, Tours; An- them, 'As It Began To Dawh," Even-| ing Magnificant, Nun¢ Dimittis, Sem- per; Anthem, "I Knew That my Re- deemer Liveth." Broek Street Methodist Church, of Montreal and Brock ~Rev. John Webster, pastor; residence 242 Johnson street. a. m., class meeting; services, 11 a. | m. and 7 p. m. Preacher, the pas | tor. ception and sacrement' at clese of morning service. Special Easter music at both services. Morning an- , "Christ is Risen To-day"; so- Miss Davies and H. Ae MF anthems, eepest Ye the Living": solos by Miss Fram | William Eva, dng Ml. Me-} corner 10] Special Easter sermons. Re-| | Bible School and Wesleyan Club, | | The V |2. 45 p.m., Senior League, Monday, 8 p.m.,; Prayer and praise service, | | Wednesday 8 p.m., Intermediate Lea- | aundeville Programme For Tues- day And Wednesday. soldiers specially invited, A cor-| day afternoon and. evening. Mario | dial welcome to all. Morning music; | Laurent, a Sharuiing high soprano, organ, "At Dawn", anthem, *"The| Sang sweetly an Resurrection Mors," quartette, "The| by Verdi, "Ihe Songs My Mother Use | Magdalene," Mrs. Archer, Mrs. An-| tO Ning, and "Comin' Theo' the | grove, Messrs. Eva and Angrove; or-| { Rye Charles : and . Marie . Dt, gan, "I Know That My Redeemer! equilibriests, did some sensat Liveth." organ "Easter March." Ev-| *Ot&- iin Farnum. was _sepn 2 ening Music; organ. "Evening Song" the_ southern md t "Sines ae solo, "Hope of Ages." Wm. Eva: an- by, Ry ih x pl ota plays were them, "O Glorious Night," organ, ate with interest. "Largo," solo, "Hosanna," Miss Web- ster (Gananoque); organ, "Hallely- jah Chorus," Mies Shaw, organist." St. Luke's Church -- Rev. Canon Forneri, M.A., B.D., Rector. Services 11 am, and 7 pm., 8 am. Holy Communion; 11 a0. MOrning pray- er and Holy Communion, Rev. Cdaon Forneri will preach. Music--proces- sional, "Jesus Christ is Risen" Christ Our Pass-over" (Humphreys) Te Deum, (Prior); Julilate, (Tour); Anthem, "I Am He That Liveth", (Simper) solo, Mr. Pardoe, quartette C | Mrs. Betts, Mrs. Marshall, mr. Mar- shall, Mr. Pardoe, hymn, "The Strife Is O'er." Recessional, The Day of Resurrection," 3 p.m., children's service, when the Sunday School missionary boxes will be presented. p.m., evening prayer, Ven. Arch- i deacon Dobbs will preach. Music Proar, "Jesus Christ is Risen," mag- nificat _ (Simpler) Nune Dimittis (Simper) solo, Mr. Pardoe, anthem, Josia in a i Sie Mitte AL Kizht, Japaness novelty jugg a! neing; ot Paramount feature photo y, with Marguerite Clark in he b Girl," _a_ two wo esl Photo-play and a Keystone comed; Frank Conway, of the C.P.R. staff, went to Montreal on Friday to at- tend the funeral of the late William Sun: general passenger agent of the HAVE GOOD HEALTH - Take Hood's Sarsaparilis. the Old Reliable Spring Tonle. Don't Jet the idea that you wid feel better in a day or two prevent you from getting a bottle of Hood's ide 1 Begun fo Dawe." Gyles For lore ™ Lue' aring once on he | ster) sclos, Mr. gs and M ~ : Pardoe; hymn, "Jesus Lives," solo, wj| road to health and stren vist is Risen," At all ser- lection J ub: Seats Foe And fFranters welcome at all services. 1 ng ha quicker than any other Soe shy 3 Sina ed dure. It old Large audiences were presented - | gue, Friday, 7.30 p.m., Students and | the vaudeville entertainments yester- | n waltz song | THERE IS A DISTINCTIVE QUALITY APPEARANCE SUN-KIST packages--just as distinetive as the quality of their contents. SUN-KIST Seeded and Secedless Raisins. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. About OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a_ sample order and be convinced. NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. Phone 720, Prompt Deliver; New Hats and New Shoes. ISAAC ZACKS, Is a "most important feature. Your Easter Suit Our new, big stock of Spring Suits is now in. these fire, taflor-made suits, earn how much mbney we can save | Priced ig Py Boys' Suits Call and inspect and | Fancy velour and Tapestry Cou $10, ice, Chesterfields and Divanettes, up 10 in genuine leather. $7.50, $8.50, from '$3.30 solid mahogany 271 PRINCESS STREET. Department