4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1015. - PAGE FOUR British Whig 82ND YEAR. a 5 ; Published Dally and Semi-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING i - 00. LIMITED, 1 G. Elliott Leman A. Gulld .. President ..Managing Director and Sec.-Treas. Telephapes: Business Office Bdiorial Rooms Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Edition) One year, delivered in city 6.00 : id in advance .... $5.00 One year, by il to. rural offices $2.50 One year, to United States 3.00 ox and three months pro rata. (Bemi-Weekly Edition) Ono year, by mall, cash .. be One year, if not paid in ad One daar, to United Btates ix and three months pro rata. eee M23 .00 1.50 180 Attached 1s one of the printing offices in Canada. TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE fl. KE Smallpeice .. . 82 Church St. U. 8. REPRESENTATIVES New York Office ........ 225 Fifth Ave. Frank R. Northrup, Manager : Bug. best job Chicago rihnna Frank R. Northrup, Managee TRUTH LEAKING OUT. Col of headquarters' stall, has heen suspend- ed pending further jovestigation of purchases for the department with which has Leén connected. It was hinted that something had to be given. to him in the way of. an the attempt was extract informa- na- On the wtand he declared that that - | Hirdwan, 'an officer his name' and to tion from him of Ja confidential honaororium, certainly made ture. he had been entirely unbiased, he had performed his tasks favour or affection. But he is and he has heen suspend- ed pending further investigation of provided all others who may be un- der suspicion are sincilarly served. Col. Turdman,. as inspector transports, informed the Public Committeg that in cooméc- tion with 424 horses at $72,000 fear, a Liberal, of counts' for the First Contingent, he issued cheques | the | without { Ac- | And beyond, the proposed care of the | lumatics by the Provincial authori- gies, pending the provision which the ('ommission advised, nothing has been | donk. This dit of the is to the infinite discre" Minister. .of Justice. A CRISIS AT HAND. * Bulgatia, either through the inva- of aid unauthorized bands, or as a dire Jresult of sion lawless con- has collided with Serbia, and in a day or two it will become parent whether the whole | states will become involved. hankers alter a she lost in the wants a hand spiracy, ap- Jalkan Bulgari strip of coast line Jalkan war. Italy the conflict and hesitates while her diplomats exhaust their energies between the Alliance and the Allies in seeking the largest territorial acquisition. in tation among the neutrals-counts for something, and il does not take much fuel to add to the conflagration. Meanwhile the general outlook the war is ominows enough. Belloe, to of Hilaire presumes have He di armies into formed subse in Land and Water, prognosticate, and he may special grounds for doing so. vides Germany's new three of S0D0.000 each, to the I'wo dash of the first on Paris. of been 'sent into the field, autumn and {| third' is in reserve, viceable in May. She quent armies have one in the those The ser- inymidwinter. and will be Germany will then must then win or one be strongest. lose. As for the France has her new armies in readiness. Some 2,500,- 000 are in the field. ' The Britain's army strongest in May, and it was of this 4 Kitchener thought when he said the | war, or the drive, would then occur. Russia's, Allies. rest is in reserve. will be no one can estimate. Belloc does not essay it. It is only known that it is materializing as fast railway facilities will permit, that its size collosal. Hungary has hali a million of for the carnage, and her offer ings are as so much sacrifice to the god of war. Things may be -comgli- cated some by new developments, but the spring monthg will. see a greaty movement of troops the impact of » which will be simply terrible. Not cause can withstand it. Ome side or | { the other must go down to defeat | | and disaster. Certain contingencies will: 'have | very important effect in the final re. sult, One of them will be the open- ting of the Dardanetles; sud the Attics | may be delayed but cannot be thwart. | ed in their task. | nitions may be sufficient or insuffici- | ent, @d us the Allies are drawifig from various sources, including the as and Austro- new is men, All this agi- | The supply of mu- Conservative press it is time there was a change of Government in Brit- ish Columbia. sino The Advisory Comncil of the Edu cationr Departrdent--the institution which was inaugurated with s¢ much eclat, and .which was to bring to the Minister of Education the experiences of 'the jeaching profession--must It was never any good. The marvel is that it has gontinued so long. Its advice was conlidential. "There is no evidencd to show that the minister made any use of it. ---------- go * | PUBLIC OPIKION | pa You Don't Say. (Hamilton Spectatc Perhaps the old boys of the Home Guard are not chuckling that they are not in uniform ! Otherwise there night be wholesale desertions. Some Still At Large. (Hamilton Times.) The Ontario Government has in- creased the betnty on wolves. But the ones in sheep's clothing are still at large. ------ Dodge That Day. (Guelph Mercury.) Statistics show that there is a mur- der every other day.in - New York. If you're thinking of visiting that wicked city you'd better not go on the every other day. Cruel Of Col. Sam. (Hamilton Herald.) The Ontadic Legislature should not consent .to any diminution of the au- | thority of the provincial auditor. He is the servant of the Legislature, not of the Government, and the Legisla ture ought. to be jealous for the rights of its own servants. Fighting The Mother Country. Advertiser.) The Thbronto News may talk itself black in the face, but.a tariff of thirty per cent. will keep more Bri- tish goods out of Canada than a tarifi of twenty-five per cent. Ii, as the Comsérvatives claim, this was. necessary because of the war, then it is a greater sin, because it is fighting - the Mother Country com- London | mercially while making a loud noise about aiding her in her struggle. KINGSTON EVENTS 26 YEARS ACO The Josie Mills Company will play in Kingston for three days commen- -eing April 10th. Sir Sohn Macdonald will spend the | summer at Riviere du Loup. H. Stratford, sr., has been asked i to send to Toronto samples of ninety different species of birds to be found LATEST WAR TIDINGS = steamer Green and sunk in the earried cotton for Tha Amaticn Briar wis mined North Sea. She jremen. The Washington announced on Satuday all American mi the German army the Allies. Among the one hundred and fifty returned, Canadian soldiers, who ar- rived at Halifax on Saturday by the C.P.R., liner Metagama from Liver- pool, were fifteen men of the FPrin- cess Patricias, six of whom had been at the front The New York commission for re- lief in Belgium unced to-day that it had placed contracts with in the last few days for 6,000,000 lbs. of bacon, fat backs, lard, and pickled beef for shipment to the non-combat- ants in Belgium. A full official list of German cas- ualties up to March. 31st contgins one and a half million names. - Two more Canadian military hos- pitals. have been established -in France, and a third will shortly be ready, making four all-Canadian hos- pitals on the Continent. Municipal Councilor Matejouvus- ky and twenty municipal employees of Prague, Bohemia, have been found gujlty of high treason and' iy to terms ranging from three to fourtéen years. The men were charged with circulating news unfavorable to Austria-Hungary. A Vienna court-martial, condemn- ed fifty-two persons to death for high treason, among them the Countess Harrach. Eight have been executed but sentences of remainder were com- muted to terms of from four to ten years' imprisonment. The Prinz Eitel Frederich was still at her pier at Newport News on Sunday. The Serbian Government has pre- tested to Bulgaria because of the in- vasion by Bulgarian irregular troops. It is officially denie§g at Vienna that Austria has opened peace nego- tiations wth Russia The three masted fishing vessels { Jacquerette was torpedoed by a Ger- man submarine on Saturday nine | miles south of Fecamnp, France. AHN {the crew were saved The Serbian war office Saturday night officially announced that Bul- garians had crossed into Serbia and occupied Vatandovo, blockhouses and heights of that neighborhood. eae declaration has come from Bulgaria. Vienna despatches claim that forty thousand Russians have been captur- War cretary the pe. of observers with e field against ed in recent fighting in the Carpath-: | ians but it is not believed. Field Marshal von der Goltz has | gone to Berlin for the .express.pur- | pose of urging the Kaiser to send more officers to Turkey. 'not done the Turk: control. -- Major Astor, will get beyond who If this is! provided™-the | building for the Duchess of Connau-| ght Hospital on his Cliveden estate, has just built a recreation hall for the convalescent soldiers. Vienna officially announced that | No |, Nx \ x pe Boy's Clothing. | ooo | BibyYS |»: Boy's Clothing. "The Store Store That Keeps the Prices Down See Bibbys Nobby $2.90 Hats eats English Gloves for Men See Our $1.00 Tan Kid Gloves. See Our $1.25 Grey Kid Gloves, dressed. See Our $1.50 Suede Gloves, a rich grey. un- CPAP A A ANNA Neckwear Hoganc for C. Our 50c. Neckwear looks as well as many of the $1.00 styles shown by the ex- clusive haberdasher. The Wolthausen, made in Canada, the .absolutely cor- rect shapes. Boy's J Boye Conus. 18, 8 80, 82 82 Princess - St. sor Spring es! See Bibby's $15.00 Hand- Tailored Suits and Overcoats. | Bibbys a ee "J | Boy's Siewng, Kingston lin this istrict. - on behalf of the Government to W. Rp - | all Russian divisions which were be- od John = Stanfield," chief Conservative whip, to ¥F. 8B. Keever, of Ottawa, a personal friend of Mr. Foster's, to 1... Woolworth, of 'Halifax, and to Walter Mowre, of Kentville, N.S., My. | Foster's constituency. Who directed him to issue these cheques in this manner? The peo- ple should know, and they, will pro- vided the enquiry into the facts " ahsolwtely impartial. ) Boards of Control, judged by ex-| periences in Montreal, in Ottawa, in | Toronto and Hamilton, are failures. | Sooner or later the city manager, with full administrative power, must Je tried, « A MINISTER Prison Commissioners done some. good. It has' magnified the sexjonsness of the situation and proven that, 'so far, very little bene- __fit, advantage, or change, has lowed the enquiry...- Practically the | only thing ' known to the city mem- ber, who ought to know most about what is going won, is the understand- ing that has heen reached between the Fodernl. Goverment and the Pro- | vineial Governments for the care of | "ihe crincival insane, Mr. Nickle bad pad into the recommendations of the Prison Commission "for the guidance of fu- ture mempers of Parliament." What report has HH Fg. Bw if MacKay, the present secretary to | : FAULT. : The Parliamentary Sscussion of the fol- | Hansard | | ada's 200 | shells in wholesale quantities--they | should Bave the advaptage. The Al-{ lies, too, have the assurance of food | in ample quantities. | marines are busy, but their attack | on the smaller craft, with the loss of | one a day, will not hasten the bun- ger which Germany's War office pre- | | seribed. t In May, then, according to com= { petent authority, and | cording to so well-posted a man as | | Helaire Belloc, or in { Intest, the war will have reached an | erigis, and peace may be proclaimed | ere midsummer has passed. \ ~ EDITORIAL NOTES. Some of | ships are used for tion of German prisonérs. the accommoda- £86,000 a month. , : i mission is being appointed, to prepare | seleotidns from the Bible for daily school | reading. This 'editing of God's | book js somewhat hazlrdous. The Federal Government charges for | the transportation of 'goods for the | [Belgians over: the Tatercolonial rail- | way. And it is the only Charge | the kind 'that is made. Pretty small { of Canada. ; MacQuarrie, who sold his 'influence for $1,200, was a protigee of the ai ister of Militia, "a good bey," and came from the same county. But his act. showed a bad traiping, and one trate weakens the service of the King when he gives a prisoner the privi- lege of joining the, army, In Canada, or going to jail. /The army is de graded when men of the criminal type are forced upon it. ao So it wea some one at Ottawa who gave Mr. Hanna the tip that in his liquor legislation the soldiers not to be discriminated against. That some one had the drop on Han. na. He at once threw up his hands: -- np "In the foundations United States and Canada--and Cun- | factories are turning out | Gérmany's sub- | especially ae Jung at: the | Canada's best passenger | For this | | service the British Government spends i In the New York Tegitature a com: | © cannot "bo npprovede od |The Montreal Star says the "magis | fore Przemysl are now on the Carpa- CYIM.Y Thi on bei | thian front. ( s stirring poem is being en-| A Petrograd | closed in all garments and packages| says: {sent to the Canadian soldiers in the| hospitals and at the front by the! | and men, one hundred p s officers and Canadian Red Cross Soriety.) { ten machine guns, Our offensive is 1 | developing successfully everywhere." Did you fate the trouble that came, ., gegpatch from Sebastopol says your way | the Turkish armored cruiser Medji- With a vesvlute heart and ehear | gion struck a mine near Russian ful? ¢ ast S i or Suit you soul: froth the tight of Black Sea Soast Saturday night and i il The Vienna War Office announces [that the Austrians were foreed to re- treat in Beskid region of the Car- pathians in heavy fighting for pos- a pound, session of the passes' leading into Or a trouble is what you make it; Hungary, owing to large Russian! But it isn't the fact that your hum | ..i,forcements. that counts, os 3 But only-- how did you take it? ud Sespuich fo clon yay iva crews saved. The German steamer Grete: Hemsoth struck a mine in: the Baltic Sea and sunk with most. of her crew. The Russians have taken more posts in the Beskid region. fi Dublin. John Redmond, on Sun- y, review | The harder you're thrown the higher | fay; sevie elders Teaing Jr Tish you bounce; | front. Ol proud of your blackened eye! | The steamer City of Bremén was | | It isn't the fact that you're hurt that gunk by a submarine; four lost. | counts, A Russian colonel has been hanged | But how did you fight--and why? as a traitor fot causing the Ma- zurian Lakes defeat. official statement | "On Thursday in the Carpath- | ians we took more than seven thous day With a craven heart and fearful? Oh, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's| | Your beaten to earth? well, what's that -- ° Come up with a smiling face! It's nothing against you to be " knocked flat, . But to lie there---that's disgrace. Well, And tho' you be done to death, what | --cma------------ then? * A Very Gloomy Picture. If you did the best that you could, | con, in Saturday Evening Post. | Ifyou played your part in the world| The new soldier who went into this of men, . war must have unflergone a pro- Why, the eritics will call it good. | found disillusionment 1§ he lived | i {long enough after he reached the | Death comes with a crawl, or comes, front to undergo any thing but] with a pounce, | wounding or death. - Doubtless he | But whether 'tis slow or spry. | pictured war as: something glorious | It isn't the fact that you're dead that {and immensely uplifting-- a splend: | * {did jumble of erash and clamor, | winning charges and splendid victor: | coun But only--how did you die?" AB Saving German Submarines, e Lond: -{ fort; a pigsty to live in and pig's able photograph of the crew of the food to live on--the customary cook- i German submarine U-8, appealing ed ration is apt to look and smell for help to the British destroyers. exceedingly like g§will; a dreary,' It will be remembered that this sub-| weary, unending round of day labor! 'marine was sunk as she was endeav-|t0 be pursued without any glamour | a vessel. She ye. or any cheer to it; premendous fa- tigue for a reward; small chance for ma the adidvl achievement, and a con-| deck Srew their arms _| mangled or destroyed ou is the yin out | enemy whom he never gag and whe! si hed towards a British a Tag | never saw him. t | Give The Dnpasition A Chiasice. | Topps hn egiam Conservative). * itney Government and ln) Hearst Government ~~ nturder | somebody and hide the proofs of its i crime in a lime kiln? {The tment of T. Herbert intelligible if there be a dark secret Maden h-the aseounts, > xX at. ihe last, a triump: |. [nai return with bands playing and floating, What he found was, 3 th Fy Daily Mail on March | physical filth an a 15, Just to hand, contains a remark. : be! al sunk; + ' wo SH i Phone 1033 or 1020. wg HL Bicyele. Everything is going of | Sey. Bicycles for the Test, ty month at the old prices. quisitors of a chance to: nything. ty ----t a Hugh Guthrie, M.P., we ds ill with tor For Everybody Our new Spring Shoes are the models of per- fection, they give vou the three important things in FOOTWEAR: Style, Fit and Wear QUEER QUALITY SHOES FOR WOMEN $4.00, $4.50 AND $5.00. ASTORIA SHOES FOR MEN, : $5.00 AND $6.00. PLA-MATE SHOES FOR CHILDREN, OUR SPECIAL BRAND. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes. Buy Now !! You had better get your order in mow for your going up, but we are selling Mas- | "Massey Bicycles 1 are the best wheels made. If you 'doubt this, ask any of the 369 riders of Massey wheels in | Kingston. ou may need repairs for your old wheel. Brin 'them in to-day. pai ! 8 £ { i wn 2X6] 8)