-- fam TEMPERANCE SOCIETY ORGAN. 1ZED BY FATHER McNEIL, Fire at Hiram Davis' House--Two Young Island Couples Are To Be Married Shortly. Wolfe Island, April 6.~1he steamer Wolfe Islander reached the Ssland dock on Friday, April 2nd, for the first time this season, although she has been rlmning for over a week, land- ing in the ice half a mile from the wharf, and as a result of it travel was very light, people .not wanting to venture on we. Cn Saturday she car ried a record crowd to market, the principal commodities being butter and eggs. Last year her first trip was April 10th, but she did not reach the island wharf until April 15th. ; On Monday evening the steamer made a special trip to the city fora dance held in the C.M.B.A. Hall. The supporters of the Wolfe Island hockey Yeam gave the dance to the club for §ts recent winning of the Edwards trophy. A record crowd was in at- tendance, On Sunday last' a temperance sovi- ety was grgnnized mn the Sacred Heart Church ky Rev. Father McNeil, and itis said that over one hundred and fifty wignatures were placed on the register. ihe above is affiliated with the Temperance Society ol the United . States of America. 'lhe is- land organization has at its head as president a very worthy man in the person of James MeAllister, Sr. tis stated that the eaveral other churches in the village are taking up .the tem- perance cause, --t On Sunday the banns were publish- ed of William Bolton and Miss Maggie O'Brien, both of whom are very popu- lar and have a large circle of friends Mr. and Mrs. Henderson gave a show er dance last night in honor of = the bride and groom-ebect., The cbanns were also published of Miss A. Gar rah, Howe Island, and Richard (Shea, son of Capt. O'Shea. Dr. Francis O'Rielly, son of Patrick (Rielly, will shortly leave for the front as a dresser in ove of the hos- pitals. Edwin Staley, son of. Archi- "hdld Staley, leaves next week for Saskatchewan. Mr, and Mrs. Archi bald Staley are visiting friends in Cleveland, N.Y. Mrs. James Me- Donagh, Perth, and Mrs. M. Gray, Ferguson's Falls, were called to the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Ternice Morphy; who is seriously ill. Mrs. Thomas Greenwood, who ° has been very ill, is much improved. The condition of Mrs. P, Kelly re- mains very much the same. Word was received here last week of the death of Patrick Walsh, Philadelphia. Death was caused by hardening of the arteries. Deceased was well known on the island, where he lived for many years. Rowan Mosier, 'who has -bodght the 0. G. Grant property, has so trans- formed it that it will scarcely be known. It is his intention to build two houses thereon. On Saturday evening what might have proved a very serious conflagra- tion occugred when fire broke out in the back end of the house owned by Hiram Davis, with the wind blowing a gale from the north-east. Had it gained headway it would have swept that side of the street, but the vali- ant efforts of the bucket brigade were successful in putting the fire out be fore it had gained headway. Mr. Davis feels very, grateful to those who worked 'so 'hard to extinguish the flames. Clare Cummins and (, Kenny have started a poultry farm on Brophy's Point. Contractor leakey is engaged build ing a barn for Alexander Livingston. Henry Hinckley has very much im- proved his residence in the village hy the addition of a portico. S---- Wedded In Saskatoon. Saskatoon, Sask., April 2.---In the nresence of a score of guests the mar- riage of Miss Mildred Mae Mortimer Sutherland to Arthur Wesley Coates, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Coat- es, Vanscoy, Sask., took place at six o'clock on Wednesday evening at the home of the brides' parents, 310 Ave nue Kast, North Saskatchewan Sask. The bride was given away by her other S..Suthesland, and the cere meny was performed by Rev. A. W. McIntosh, Mrs. 8. Sutherland played the wedding march. The bride was gowned in Ivory satin duchesse with bodice of sha- dow lace and rhinestone trimming. She wore a veil of and wreath and carried a bouquet of white hyacinths and fern. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Etta Brenner, who wore buttercup crepe, mounted on satin of fume shade. Her bouguet was of ~gotden datfodils; The best man was C. 8. Coates, brother of the groom. Following the ceremony, a wedd- ing supper was served, the table be- ing centered with the bride's cake, while carnations and daffodils, grac- ed the room. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace and to the brides- maid a pearl broach. Mf. and Mrs. Coates left the same night for Re- Oats gina. The bride travelled in a Rug slan green suit with large black 'hat to match, ---------- Only Music That Of the Bugle. Paris, April 7.--That musicians should be silent in war time is ' the opinion of the famous composer De- bussy, declares Excelsior, to whose representative Debussy said: "It is a long time since my fingers touched a piano. The greatest ar- tist now is the man who knows best how to bring down the boches. The only music to-day with real signifi- canee is that of the bugle. No peace- ful musician should dare to try to compete with them. The commercial failure of the ~ United States last ~ ASTORIA oAsTol 1 Princeton PREACHERS OF. PEACE WRONG Professor Declares War "Most Rational Thing." New York, April 7.--War was de- fended and the clergy was critized for their world peace propaganda by Philip Marshall Brown, professor of international law .at Princeton Uni- versity, and former minister of Hon- duras, before thé annual meeting here to-day of the Alumni Associa- tion of Auburn Theological Seminary at Auburn, N.Y. The speaker held that was was not horrible and inde- fensible, but "the most rational thing that can happen at times." Professor Brown declared that by denouncing the war the clergymen are in danger of being "thrown off the track", Continuing, he said. "War is not brought 'on by the evil in men's hearts. Will Italy go inte this war, if she does go into it, from evil passion? Certainly not. She will go into it after careful consider- ation and to accomplish certain defi- nite ends.. It is not from malice that men in war fire at one another, but for a national ideal. It is a sin to call war a horror. Men go into war actuated by a wonderful spirit of self-sacrifice." : The speaker declared that the clergy had made a mistake in dwell- ing too much on the propaganda of world' peace and that affairs of state should be left in the hands of states- men. "Any sentimental ideal propagan- da for peace results in a derision that hurts the whole movement of Chris- tianity" he continued. '"'Christianity is in the hearts of individual men and you should not try to run the uni verse when immediate cases are cry- Fing for solution. We have had la- bor warfare at home in West Virgin- ia and Colorado. What have you done to keep peace here? What are you doing to keep peace in New York Would we entrust that task to prea- chers? "This problem is a hard one to tical and not an ideal way. You should preach Christ and leave aside problems of labor and world con- flicts. God will work out his plans and we have no right to protest against the great features of His plan." ! LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The Prices Paid At The Various Céntres. Toronto; April 5.--With a good de- mand and only a light run of cattle at the Union Yards to-day, trade was strong and prices about 10 cents higher. The quality of sheep and lambs offered was poor, but trade was steady. Calve trade was dull and hogs again higher. Receipts: 397 hogs, 77 sheep: { $6.55; common, $5.25 to $6.25; butcher cows, choice, $6.25 to $6.- 75; medium, $5.25 to $5.75; can- ners, $3.75 to $4.25¢ bulls, $6.25 to $6.75; feeding steers, $6.35 to $6.- 85; stockers, choice, $6 to $6.75, light, $5.50 to $6; milkers, choice, each, $55 to $85; springers, $50 to $80; sheep, ewes, $7 to $8.25; bucks and culls, $6 to $7; lambs, $10 to $11.25; hogs, fed and watered, $9 to $8.65; calves, $10 to $11. Montreal Cattle. Montreal, April 5.--Trade at the west end market was slow to-day, but prices had an upward trend, quality considered. Receipts were: Cattle, 450; calves, 250; sheep ang lambs, 100; hogs, 1,150. Prime beeves, Tc to 7% c¢; medium, 6¢ to 7%c; common, 50 to 6¢; calves, 5c to 8c; sheep, 6c; lambs, 9¢; spring lambs, $6 each; Hogs, $9.20 to $9.60. Buffalo Cattlefl East Buffalo, April 5.--Cattle, re- ceipts, 3,000; heayy; slow; others, fairly active; prime stecrs, $8 to $8.25;; shipping, $7.26 to $7.75: butchers, $6 to $7.75; heifers, $5 to $7.25; bulls, $4.50 to $6.50. Hogs, receipts, 1,300; active; mix- ed, $7.60 to $7.70; yorkers, pigs, $7.75; rougns, $6.35 to $6.50; stags $5 to $6. i : Shep and lambs, rece'ots (active, yeartings, $7.50 to : weothers, $8.75 to $9; sheep, mixed, 8.25 to $8.50. Chicago Cattle. Chicago, April §5.--Cattle; re- ceipts 11,000, Market firm. Native sters, $5.90 to $8.80; western steers, $5.50 to $7.45; cows and heifers, 2.80" to $7.80; calves, $6 to $9. Hogs: Receipts 35,000. Market slow. Light, $6.65 to $6.95; rough, bulk of sales, $5.80 to $6 95. Sheep and lambs, receipts 5,000; weak. Sheep, $7.30 to $8.30; lambs, native, $7.75 to $10.05. Toronto Street Market. or Toronto, April 5. Wheat .... .. ..... .$140-% Goose wheat ©. 138 ve 065 085 odo 115 POAB. .. «vi vssisasss 338 Hay, timothy, No. 1.. 2000 Clover and mixed hay 16 00 Cattle ceasiy vewss 1000 Straw, bundled .. .. 1700 hy JOBE ivy iat 1000 Rye straw erin 1300 Oat straw .. .. «+ 1600 " Butter and Eggs: Eggs, new-laid, dozen 022 Butter, choice dairy .. 035 Poultry, Retail: Spring chickens, dressed 0 20 ressed Barle, Buckwheat .... Rye 00004 GO BO bi i DDD bibs 28233sx383s8s bk fd db 00 Dt POO S00 wan WW Ww 'OD MEN Ga O0 NeRe Turkeys, dressed, en Hens, alive ' Geese versa nan coo meet, but it must be met in a prae-| 1,393 cattle, 61 calves, | Rutcher--eattle, medium, $6.50 a i 5,000; 00: $6.50 to $6.60; pigs, $5.60 to $6.68; | 7 WN NR \\ Be You can own exact duplicate of, "Wild | Bill" Turner's or Billy Carlson's record-breaking Maxwells Think of owning one of these same Maxwells--think of driving it wherever you want to-- over any kind of roads--up any kind of hills, wherever four wheels can go, the same car for $925. 4 Remember, every 1915 Maxwell is, * | That's the kind of hill-climber you Carlson in his Maxwell Racer and an pr o Bi te of Mie re ular' {leet ion 3 You get * Maxwell made pil] anotier 300 miles non-stop stock Maxw ouring i ich * w about speed endurance--] record inthe iegorace. Againa "Wild Bill" Yrs broke ri ir ) Bere re some recent Maxwell Rac-) Maxwell Racer ran 300 miles with- record up Mt. Hamilton, 21 Z miles in' out a stop! ling Car records: -- Toei 481 minutes, beating the world'srecord | These Maxwell Racing Cars are same ES) homey Odidias Muswell Ras || These § Do 16; mi ily" oF roke world's non-stop i e same fy 5 the Rs vocond up Mt. ne C Chief Engineer, that build the ie Son es, ona, California, for _Ghief Engin the California, making ni i 0 miles, averaging iles per Maxwell Cars; same - (up an elevation of 6,000 feet) in 29 hour. (Think of it--not a stop made! | well Laboratory Tested Steel Is wad tes and 1 second, beating thepre-) ~~ Then, right on to of this marvel-) in them that is used in the regular i Id's record by 13 minutes. ous motor record, along came "Billy", { stock Maxwell Touring Cars. - Es : > po wt . ' - i i vious wor vel ; facts about Maxwell comfort,-- Maxwell special featurés,--Maxwell beauty and Maxwell service. . . " -- v ~~ - -y * ------ ¥ + . Read 'This List of 'Expensive Featares:§ The 1915 Maxwell Has These Features*And Many Others. ; > y 3 The at' e) Low ""Up-keep" Carbur t rid It f the Mawel. The Spring Attractive Streamline Body / pull the car out of any mud of sand. Maxw : 3 pe tor an ng qualities of Pure streamline body: graceful crown fenders, Bae & three speed selective Sliding Sear Lanemissiol 'ig carburetor used on the Maxwell Was Sspes- on of os atl Is. 50 dum springs with all rivets concealed. All the grace, style faliy designed for it after long and severe tests and the three-quarter elif rear springs and "snap" that you will find in any of the highest under every conceivable condition. Economy tours is used on most heavy w priced cars. DY conducted hundreds of dealers and owners in who Marwell offers you every of the high~ Y different sections of the country have proved its ot®oriced machines at a Bfth of their cost" = "She. Maxwell radiator Ia des efciency, its quick response to throttle and its ** : thls 0 : ___ Nearly all the high priced cars have high tension ri Bly indsoute design, grimly low conqumption gf gasoline It bak zg | magactor. & Bigh tension magneto gives positive foot. it the expensive double shell type and 3 You vp-Reny 7 immns magnsto, = cooling cal x sas is recognized as one of the best: 228 Amy "tothe Trams by means of 8 shock a . Irreversible Steéring Gear z sorbing device on each side, w eves the The greatest n of safety bas been pro- adiator of all twists 23d distortions, of the. vided 18 the Steering gear of the 1015. Maxwell The Maxwell firrevers on TeAr © use Maxwell engineers do cons! other type to be worthy of the Maxwell car. " Double-Shell Radistor with Shock * Abserbicg Device $70 extra, you can have your . When needed, a new bear livered equipped with the famous 'surface way be had by adjusting the gear a quarter tric starter. This starter is efficient, of a turn. Tn short, Ste Maxwell stosring Rear and easily operated. ¥ has times the adjustment of any other Kind. Ang the Maxwell is completely equipped clear vis ventilating windsh Heavy Car Comfort otk : to the spare tire carrier at the What surprises most people 1s {he smooth, buoy- buy a Maxwell you have nothing The Maxwell Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners 3 No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Masel owner. Scores of Maxwell dealers in every part of this country are always ready to give expert advice--to make adjustments Three-Speed Sliding Gear Transmission All high priced cars have a sliding gear trans. BT ma se Site Bt Oo . Most drivers' seats are , sliding gears will fit no ome. J Jj and to supply new parts at reasonable prices, : a Maxwell ! : on S.A, nd oupleted hy She arent Muswell Su i Windusr: Ont. The tutin : of the Motor Company in are withi many points means ares fo Niusach) Motor Company in Detrft 1.5 A. sre witia Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners, _ Order a Maxwell from us now; and when you want it delivered, we will WEE give you your car--not an excuse on delivery day EEE ; "EVERY ROAD IS A MAXWELL ROAD" i RTS 1.29% not | car 'PORRITT GARAGE CO, LTD. 4 "0-214 Wellington St. .e { samy sae Phone 454 . $92 { $70 om