KEEP UP YOUR WRITING MEN AT THE FRONT EAGER FOR *~ LETTERS. Always a Scramble When the Can | adian Mail Arrives And Is Distrib- uted ---- Messages From Home Cheer Up the Men In the Trenches. If you have a relative ar friend at the front, write to. him every time you can, for there is nothing that cheers the men in the trenches more thin the letters they receive This is shown by the fact that fnearly every man writing home has stated how much the letters are appreciated "Keep up the writing," the way a of the writers put it, an 11 Kingsthnians should write as many letters as they can. It is stated that the boys are greatly . disappointed when the mail is distributed, thiey do not find a letter addressed to themselves "There is always a great scramble for the Canadian mail when rives," letter to his mother the other da "and if a man does not get a let-! ter or a card it makes him feel rath er blue. The people at home should write as often as they can. I hav no reaspn to kick, as I have receiv a large'number of leters, but | know there are some who have not receiv ed many letters, and they would feal much better if they did." At the Kingston post office thera is a heavy grist of letters from the front every time a British mail ar rives, and it certainly gladdens the hearts of the people who have dear ones fighting for their country at the 'front. The outguing mail the front is also very heavy that the people home at writing letters There are also a large number of parcels sent through the 'mail con- sisting for the most part. of comforts for the men, Kingstonians who have relatives at men at showing are good for at and | sald one Kingstonian, in a! . | plaintiff and T. the front eagerly await the arrival| \of each mail from the Old Country, {and they are glad to get a letter or card, no matter if it contains as but {the words, "I am well." A Some of the Kingston boys who tare serving at the front are very good letter writers, and if it were not for the work of the <¢ensors, Kingstonians would be reading thrilling accounts of the doings at the front NONSJURY SITTINGS. | i | Vérdict For Plainti In Case Heard Wednesday Afternoon At the non-jury sittings of the County Court before Judge Madden, on Wednesday afternoon, Ernest R. Beckwith was awarded $164.32 in his suit against W. J. Baker. In this case the plaintiff made a claim for a balance he declarcd was him for architect's feés, and materials. The case arose over the erection of the Orpheum building The defendant elaimed that there had been a delay in the completion of the building, and that he had suf- fered certain losses by the delay After the hearing of evidence the court awarded a verdict for the plaintiff for the same méntioned, | and dismissed a counter claim. A. B. Cunningham appeared for the J. Rigney for the 'due defendant. Judgment was reserved in the case of Minerva Ellen Hayes vs. George Boomhorser, heard on Wed- nesday morning, in which the plain- tiff claimed $200 damages against the defendant "or cutting timber and wood belonging to the plantiff. The case of John Bennett vs. the Township of Pittsburgh, over a tax demand, will be heard by Judge Madden on April 27th. ------------ The pike season has commenfed and great numbers of men are seen every evening in the marshes spearing these fish. The lights on the skiffs make a very pretty sight as they move through the marches. Another mail for overseas will close at the post office to-night. Seized With Paralysis Could Not Walk Most Extraordinary Cure Dr. Chase's To have the nervous system para- lyzed; to be unable to walk and scarcely able to talk, and then to be completely cured, it not a usual ex- perience, but Mr. Hyatt tells in this letter what he passed through. Doc- tors told him his case was hopeless; and when they gave up he turned to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and obtained complete cure, : Mr. Avery Hyatt, blacksmith, St. Anns, Lincoln Co,, Ont.; writes: --* am a blacksmith by trade, and ten Years ago became afflicted with par- alysis, 1 could not walk or read or writd] and*Could" talks with" difficulty: #0 that it 'was' a hard matter to un- derstand anything I would say. Be- ing only « young man, 1 was nearly discouraged. Two doctors told me it was brought on by overwork, and that my case was hopeless. "One day my father read about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and advised me to try it. 1 bought 12 boxes, and Effected by the Use of Nerve Food. - when the fifth was used | saw that | was getting better. By the time the 12 boxes were used I was cured. 1] am 'well and strong and every day, thanks go Dr. INerve Food." This statement is certified Mr. Elmon J. Hodgkins, J.P. No ailment is more dreaded than paralysis. And yet how few people realize that paralysis of the nerves is only the natural result of neglected | nervous troubles. i At first you do not sleep well, have nervous 'headaches or indigestion, find yourself. easily irritated and an-| noyed, can hear noises which in good | health you would never notice. You do not consider yourself sick, and! yet you lack the, usual energy and vigor and fell out of sorts. Restore the nerves by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50. All dealers, or Edmanson, | Bates & Co., Limited. Toronto. Chase's | to by working | oo. * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915. NIGHT WITH THE LO.F. COURT FRONTENAC BY G. A. MITCHELL, A.S.C.R. Presentation Made To J. S8. R. Me. Cann--A Fine Programme "Was Given By Artists From Toronto. In-the City Hall on Wednesday ev- ening, after scoring Court Frontenac, LO.F., for its poor showing in re- gard to membership, George A. Mit- chell, a 'S.C.R., Toronto, m address- ing the gathering of Foresters and their friends, dwelt upon the high principles on which the Order: /%y founded. "If these principles were fol- lowed up," he "said, "there would have "been no war to-day." The pre- sent membership of the 1.0.F. is 220,000 and in ten years it is his desire to see it increased to 500,000 members. Everyone is eligible for wembership and there is no distine- tion between Protestant or Roman Catholic. U tribute was paid to J. S. R. McCann by the speaker fqr his good services in this organization, ad ag a token of respect a beautiful cut glass vase filled with a handsome bouguet of red roses was presented to him. Miss Maude Bigwood, one of the en- tertainers, made the presentation. Mr. McCann replied in a suitable man- ner. Later on J. Halkett, another officer" oi the LO.F., paid tribute to | Mr. McCann and recommended that the latter be decorated with the Cross of Merit for his valuable ser- vices. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Halkett said he had the pleasure of initiatine Mr. MeCann. R. S. Graham, H.C.R. for Frontenae, gave a few remarks concluded 'by moving a vote thanks to Mr. Mitchell and the en- tertainers from Toronto. Thomas Lambert seconded this motion. The remainder of the night was devoted to a concert in which Miss Lillian Dillon, Miss Maude Bigwood, Donald C. MacGregor and Harvey Lloyd were the entertainers. Mr. Lloyd appealed strongly all classes by his comic songs. singing 'of Miss - Bigweed and MacGregor was exceptionally The latter with his patriotic num- bers appealed strongly' to every- one. Miss Dillon, pianist, also came in for her share of praise. Court and 0 to The Mr. sweet, THIRD BATTERY OF R.C.H.A. Established On Advice of Cols. Hem- ming And Ogilvie. Although the war has adversely ef- fected a great many places, it has brought to Kingstom a third perman- ent military unit. "A" and "B" Batteries have been stationed in Kingston for years. 'The South Airi- cap war was only a temporary inter- ruption of the R.C.H.A's stay here. The present war gave the opportunity to bring a third battery into exist- ence and 'this was brought about through the recommendations of Uol, T. D. R. Hemming and Col. G. Hun- ter Ogilvie. hingstonians can thank these officers for the great amount of oot that they have brought the city y- their recommendations at different times. After the war is over and the dif- | fervent overseas brigades and battal- ions have been disorganized, Kingston will settle back to normal routine with the addition of a complete bat tery and at that one of the best in Canada. _~ SCORED | { GRAND. OPERA HOUSE. ! "September Morn" To-night--Vaude- } ville Friday And Saturday. "Bringing up Father," a farce," was presented at the |Opera House on Wednesday {to a capacity sudience. The play from start to finish is ome series of | laughs. The company is one of the best balanced and capable of the kind that Kingston theatre goers have ev- er had the pleasure of seeing. The musical "plot"'--and" there is one, although it |} is not conspicuous--is very simple, Grand | Ji night, | {but shows the true character of the J would-be social leader--Mrs. Mahoney --who 'is really responsible for "bring- | | " father. Father was. ably John E. Cain and was the centre of attention all the time. The music was excellent, several | very catchy airs being introduced. ing up {acted by Vaudeville On Friday. There will be vaudeville and pic- tures Friday matinee and night and {Saturday matinee and might. The | splendid programme includes Para- | | mount pictures by the Famous Play- | ers Film Company of Edith Talia- | ferro, in 'Young Romance," in five parts and 400 scenes; a two-reel photo-play and a Keystoné comedy, The vaudeville conssts of Miss Louise Mafio in a pianologue and singing; and Todesca and 'todesea in | a novelty bicycle act. | -- *To-night "September Morn." - The attraction at the Grand to- night will be that delightfully charm- ing and interesting mugical comedy "September Morn," the title having been given this most tuneful come- dy when the famous painting of that name was In the mouths of the peo-| ! ple all over the world. As the name | implies, "September Morn' is repre-| sented by Maude Potter, an actress, | who posing as the original of the fa- mous work of art, through general publicity circulates this impression i and creating a number of ludicrous {and laughable situations. brought about thréugh the complicated plot {in the comedy, and in which many musical and attractive song numbers are introduced. The comedy itsell teéms with laughter from beginning, to end and is enchanced by the beau-| | tiful scenic surroundings and costu- me effects. In addition to a company of some! | fifty people supporting a star. cast, there are a number of well-known, comedians, singers and high-class en-| tertainers, prominently; Frank Mihor Lou Kelso, Maude Potter William Cameron, Arline Bolling, Kathryn] | Bowen, Clarence Nordstrom and Ed-| gar Murray. PASSING OF JEWISH WRITER. Death of Isaac Leibush Perez, Took! Place at Warsaw. | The Jewish world is mourning the | death of Isaac leibush Perez, the Jew- | ish national writer and thinker, who died Sumday, the ith imnst., at War- saw, Russian Poland. Isaac I. Perez was for the Jewish literature what Tolstoi was for the' Russian or Ana- | tole France is for the French. After | forty years of productiveness in the ! | Hebrew and Yiddish literature, he has | left the richest literary work unsur- | | passed in quality. Since the war started Perez has devoted his entire | time and energy to relieve his' um- | fortunate brethren in Poland suffer: ing as a result of this war. Marine Notes. Girls' and Children's Fine F ootwear _ This year cloth top Patent Buttons are the leading shoe for the young Girls A Sign of The Be Hats that you 'can always depend on is the satisfaction that men who wear ours find the man who in them. Ask habitually wears Our Hats e--our stock is complete, ready for your inspection. ' Patent Buttons, sizes 11 to 2 . .. Girls', sizes 8t0 101-2 ....... Shoe Repairing Arteta h $2.50, $2.76 andl $3.00 .vs,.$2.00 and $2.25 | ABERNETHY'S [ovo | p ICE CREAM BRICKS OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the City By Government Test, Best in Kingston. SAKELL'S, Next Opera House. Phone 640 a RRR OYY ns st | Hoving purchased the right to manufacture and oll the (O'KEEFE - PATENTED CEMENT GRAVE VAULT in Kingston and vicinity, we are | prepared with a good stock on hand, |to fill orders and place them in the ground 'at a very reasonable price. | All persons wishing to see these | vaults, call at the office of If he likes them; if he finds them comfortable in shaping, smart in style, of desirable ma- terial. Then Ask the Price. Come in and Try on Your Size. CAMPBELL BROS The Big Hat Dealers Real -KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS, 177 Wellington Street. | -- en ------ THERE IS A DISTINCTIVE QUALITY "APPEARANCE About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinctive Estate and . Insurance. the quality of their contents. SUN-KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. "0 Battery has not been in exist ence more that two months, but it has already proved itself a worthy 'addition to A' and "B." The men are of the best class that can be ob- tained. The recruiting officers, Q.M.S. CRA GRA Maxie, No di A Simple Way To team Jeska arrived irom Daves with re of coal for Remove Dandruff James Sowards & Co. This is the third trip the vessel has made so far this season. The steamer = St. Joseph was } There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff . at once, and that is to dissolve it, then one GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD, Our New Window and Arch Draperies Are pleasing particular custom- ers, The color effects and hand-| some new designs of our Madras! Curtain Material are beauties. { Our 25¢ Window Shade is great | value, i New and cheap line of Oil Cloth | and Linoleum just in--floral and block patterns. * i Last importation of Rugs from England aré- beauties, while our Canadian patterns are close up in quality, pattern, color and price. Parlor Suites--You choose the de- sign and cover, we do the rest, and your room will look like a dream, $23, $35 up to $150; "oN 'and Selection. _ All the new styles and | lasts which Dame Fash-_ { ion has decreed for the 'spring of 1915. : © Shoes so daintily made that they please the most diseriminating woman. Brown and B.S.M. Peppiatt, who were in charge of the recruiting at Toronto and Montreal, respectively, had orders to select only the best men. and they rigidly adhered to their, orders. A very few of the men sent here were reiected as medically unfit. Their work has showed that they are capable and their interest in every de- tail of the - instruction is all that could be desired by the instructors. HAD BICYCLE RACE. Kingstonians Made a Trip To Kings. : ton Mills, Bicycle races, which were guite popular a few years ago in King- ston, are likely to be revived in this city judging by the interest which was taken in a race which was held on Wednesday night, in which Stan- 'Rousseau... and Lesslie - Pearson; employed at J. S. Henderson's store, took part. On Sunday last R: u went over the route to Kingston. Mills and veturn, on his wheel, -and he - had i the fast good took up on this, and as & result a match was arranged between the two young a Both were warmly backed by 1 : L supporters; angl this made the event all the more ing. after wiv o'clock on Wednes ¥ night 'the two started to race, leaving Hen- derson's store and making their way | up Brock street to Montreal street, ! | thence out Montreal street to ston Mills, returning to the store via iefield. made the trip in thirty-three minates, and de- feated Rousseau shy about half 4 block. Both put up a lively race. On the vay home the two over the route in an automobile wit: nessed a pretty race. _ Col. Giles Goes To India. Lieut.-Col. G. M. Giles, who is on pides at "Rose ered back to Assistant In- him | | 4nd that tired feeling. and in many purifies, enriches and revitalizes the {quarters at t from Oswego of the first vessels to clear Toronto. She cleared for to load coal for Kingston. Building Picking Up. Contractors in the city say thal the building trade is picking up well and every one has at least some work to do. They do not anticipate as busy a season as that of last year, but it will be a very good year de- spite the war and the resulting busi- ness conditions: Weather Notes. Shallow depressions cover the south- | west states and western provinces, while pressure is highest over the | | Great Lakes. - A few local showers | | have occurred in Saskatchewan and! | Manitoba, also in the Maritime Pro- | vinces. Elsewhere the weather has | been very fine, To Cure A Cold In One Day. { Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE | Tablets. iota refund money | {if it fails to cure. E. W. | | signature is on each box. 2fe. Donations - Wanted. | ey for purchase of same for Queen's 4 --reoceived by ; Kingston Chapter of - Nurfe's Association on April 10th, at! { 184 Princess street. . Prof. W. E. Macpherson, Kingston, was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the | English and = History section of the Ontario Edueati Association at the meeting held in Toronto. | Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Great Blood Purifier, is the Best. ---- Spring sickness comes in some de- gree to. every man, woman and (child in our climate. . i It ig that run-down condition of (the system that results from purs, impoverished, devital blood. " : It is marked by loss of appetite | cases by some form of eru {common liquid arvon from any drug | |store (this is all you Will need), ap-| 'have. : t Grove's | { the British Gpvernment to ass: | charge that | | it has obtained power to take over, for | | Donations of woolen socks or mon-| of war material. He | Graduate i (of the biggest SG WEDERE = im- | ized you destroy it entirely. To do this, | just get about four ounces of plain; r Easter Suit HALL FURNITURE it in gently mith the finger tips. | Our new, big stock of Spring By morning, 'most if not all, of (Suits is now in. Call and inspect your dandruff will be gone, and three these fire, tailor-made suits, and or four more applications will com- learn -how much money we can save pletely dissolve and entirely destroy | YOu. evéry single bign and trace of it, ng| Priced from $7.58, $8.50, matter how much dandruff you may $12.50, $15, $18, $20, - ! Boys' Suits from $3.50 up to You will find all itching and dig- $7.90. \ ging of the scalp will stop instantly,] New Hats and New Shoes and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous. ISAAC ZACKS, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better, . 271 PRINCESS STREET. ply it at night when retiring; use {enough to moisten the scalp and rub! $10, - SOWARDS Keep Coal "and Coal Keeps SowArDs (EES ACTRESS TELLS SECRET section Case, only Special. Utility. 5 IMPORTANT DUTIES Seats and Mirrors and Um hrella' Holders. Sectional Bookcases. Placed In The Hauds Of Sir Hoberr: Hall Hadfield. Sir Robert Hadfield, whose wife jx | a sister of the former United States | Attorney-General George W. Wicker- | shgm, of New York, has been selected | of the engineering works that greatest livi thori- a papi, " medal, - {A Well Known Actress Tells How She a JAMES REID Promoted Its : The . Simple Home Made Mixture. t Phone 147 for Bervion | - Miss Blanche Rose, a well-known | | actress, who darkened her gray hair {with a simple preparation which she! { The best way to treat spring sick- 'ness is to take Hood's Sarsapariila. i This. old reliable fam$ly medicine iblood. It is an all-the-vear-round is abso- ito the hair twice a week until or i the Peqnired shade. will | a gray haired person "ook 20 younger. It is also fine to pro- | the growth of hair, relieves: 2 and scalp humors and is ex- t for dandruff and falling hai Washingt In