ey Glasgc evaulde Boilin i tier will remove A German hatching ostr tor. The United State 000 more mile of Europe A new cont that hold music The © standard I Englishman. About the smallest « invented is worn on the reil China have invented a ; from the juice of bananas, Frozen beets have contain a poison d even when thawed Hollow conerete built up around gteel, have many. If all the 1: were spread unifc it would form thick. Geologists more than coal remai 1 fields in Wales, The edges of shovel are reinforced : 80 they can be used to cut buried wood. Europe's best portion. to population, named are Petrograd, and London. A gauge been and cook telegrap bases of we been. invented atenfed harpened roots or lighted cities, in the Vienna, in pro- order Paris indicator with which the size of wire can be measured featur- es the handle of a new Knife intend ed for electricians Under the direc perts from the U will establish a school Nanking university. To keep a man's head cool there has been invented a tiny ric fan, operated by a dry battery, worn inside his hat. London's. annual fall of cording to careful estimates, an rounts to from 25 to 35 pounds for each in- habitant of the city. It has been discovered by a Saint Louis physician that an electric sol- dering iron can be used successfully as a surgical cautery. Australia's gold production has de- clined steadily since 1903, last year's output being 156,180 ounces less thes ie year before, A novel telephone rece out all culside noires or ed to permit two persons a conversatien at ence. By the opening of a tion at Belize recently duras was given radio communica tion with the rest of the world A process invented by an Italian chemist for extracting the essential oils from citrus fruits is said not to of two ex States, China of forestry at tion nited elect to ve soot, ac iver may be u to listen to Ww ireless sta British Hon huts ~rom-a-ship to and; There is ¢ Samoan Isian eldom wei gh COWS f the an o) in weight that a al of them to needed. efforts ¢ copper mines times wong th A swive led cle on a bottle when liguids been patened by tor. ; A new h ugar prod and cupation of t last year, exported ior hotel u I vented a cabinet tc constructed that each a clean one, but none stolen. A method for sect, germ and ground into which towels, so uest can have of them can be against in life ~ the are be an terlizing fungus posts to Austrian ated by er hy hes il with- n invented carton inside very shipping butt out melting there h a double walled paper which the temperature. alter slowly. mmer d leave in artn i adva kept dry found very ntageou Ger- man florist A fountain tooth brush flow of cl liqu andle to the bristles as long as eansing upporting sarf a new aeroplan ieyl the cov glides & help guide i and both jectil to be «! where ts anchors itself, in the lost 6.650 ast 2% years England ha acres of land by sea ero- sing their water | 8 been con- | from | sion ot { man | knife and at the | loaf firmly. | © I Pr 1) 4 &P ractical Pome Dros Making), Lerrons LA lspecially Far This N by Pictorial Review " A VACATION FROCK Graceful in its delineation of shirred *ffects is this summer frock in white repe. Any soft material may be used nstead of the crepe. For the summer girl's wardrobe there e very beautiful frocks developed In Pictorial Review Costume No. 6159. 15 cents. Sr A a ae ind has reclaimed mainly through material 48.000 ac broug down by rivers. Of the 66 epochamaking inven the United States produced 29, Eng- nd seventeen, Fra ten, Ger many five, Italy, two and Austr 1 and Sweden eath one ven the freshest bread liced evenly without breaking hy utensil fnvented by a Massachus in which slotted sides guide same time hold tony nce can a ---- Mr. F. T Carr, Sask., Chase's writes (=I Almanac have of and prize them recommend Dr. cines, and particularly Nerve Food, because it pletely restored me highly. suffering from an nervous prostration, ness and neuralgic through the head---almost bearabld pain and misery. attack my whole nervous system. Chase's Nerve Food cured ticular." familiarly known as Capt. Carr, Stoughton, ' several years back on file in my home, I can Chase's Medi- the com- to health and _merye strength when' was sleepless pains un- sickness resulted from overwork and worry----utterly exhausting Dr. completely, so that I felt like a new man, and fit to tackle any- thing. This experience happen- ed eight years ago, and 1 have been a well man ever since hereby affirm that this statement is true and correct In every par- Training the Soldier Boys to Shoot. Fenian Raid Vet Had Nervous Prostration Nervous troubles are so little many people who could easily be cured in a few weeks by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food allow their ner- yous systems to become completely run down. then most difficult, and at best is a slow, tedious process. You find yourself not feeling first- class, yon do not sleep" well at nights, your digestive system fails in its work, you have headaches, it may be, and are irritable Possibly you have not recognized these as the warning symptoms which indicate exhaus: tion of the nervous system, but such they are, and in nervous troubles, as in many others, an ounce of pre- vention is worth a pound of cure, There can be no doubt in regard to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as a restorative of the nervous system. ' Particularly at this season of the year, when the ehang- ing temperature is so trying on the human body, people everywhere are proving the wonderful revitalizing in- fluence of this great food cure. Just read what Mr. Dr. and easily annoyed. of My me Carr says about it. 1 Insist 'on getting what you ask for. BO cents a Hox, 6 for $2.30, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Limited, Toronto. understood that Cure 1s ASTID AN A i NAA eu pager IN CREPE. new shirred effects. Of cou of materials rec 6 yards 44 red in this asian ires 17 s ye are req cut the Heck in desired shap yw close under-arm and sho sear of outer front and back, lower edge and arrange on lining Close the sleeve seam and turn under lower edge on slot perfofations; stitch about % inch from fold, insert cord and draw in the required size. Gather and sew In armhole as notched, bring- ing small "0" perforation to shoulder seam, The skirt needs thoughtful manage- ment. First, close back seams of the ut at the five lower sections. Turn under lower edges on small "0" perforations; stitch the lower section % inch and remain- ing sections 3% inch from folds, insert- ing cord. Gather upper edges between uble "TT™ perforations. Join sec- tions as notched, centers even. Gather entire upper edge. Adjust skirt, stitch. ing over lower edge of outer front and back, centers even, large "O" perfora- tion at under-arm seam. Crease bertha on lines of small "0" perforations and stitch 3% Inch from folded edges, inserting cord; adjust on outer front and back, centers and upper edges even, drawing the cord to fit, and stitch the upper edges together, single large "O" perforation at upper edge of bertha at shoulder seam. Cross in front as fllustrated. Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. Price, that the island of £t coast, is the orig- potato, having been ince carly in the Chill claims Chiloe, off its we inal heme of the cultivated there fifteenth ury woman to carry a r hands free to car- n umbrella, a basket to suspend it from t'e A motor-driven freight sted; pro pelled by a drum between the rear ranners, was operated very success- fully near Vienna while snow re- mained on the ground last winter. So that shoes can be made to leok new-as long as possible, metal guards have been patented to protect the stitthing in their extension sol. while they are being blackened. If harnessed, it is estimated that the Vietoria falls of the Zambesi ri- ver Ip Affica would furnish 36,000, + 000 horsepower, or more than deriv- ed from coal and oil in the world to- day. £ Small transformers, which can be screwed into eleetric-light sockets to permit the use of low-voltage lamps on high-voltage circuits, are a Ger- 'man novelty. . A. new garbage-pail it from the ground out-of the reach of animals, proteste it from rain and surrounds it with a shield for. the sake of appearance. To make a hen take exercise while she is eating, a Californian has pat- "ented a feeder that releases but a | few grains of feed at a time and then only when a fowl jumps on a lever to open a valve. Females of the Austrian wild turkey lay eggs thelr in, common nests holding half a bushel or more, cover them with soil and decaying vegetable matter and leave them for 'the heat of decomposition to hatch. Lining the inside of an incantdes- cent lamp with a film of silver, thin enough to be transparent, a San Francisco inventor has patented a light which he claims radiates no heat, the silver stopping the infra- red rays. A tumbler of water will serve as a safe candlestick if a small nail be driven into the botton of a candle to make it float upright. cer To permi haby, yet h: ry packages or with strap holder raises Fruit Growing In Ontario. Ontario orchardists are quite hopeful of solving the question of a possible over-production of fruit, Hudgiag by the prevaling tone of whe discussion upon that subject are given in the forty-sixth annual re- | port of the Fruit Growers' Associa- tion of Ontarip, just issued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, a copy of which may be hud free up- on application. | The matter of warketing fruit, | both by co-operative associations iapd the more con:mon method of | commission men and retailers, is al- '50 very fully dealt with in the re- fport, and comsiderable information is given regarding the latest me- ithods of precooling the transporia- i tien. » { In addition practical hints' and of Riven concerning the selection - {nursery stock for orchards, and the | bpring and fall planting of fruit ! trees--the lalter modesis increasing in favor--together with considerable other matter of a cultural nature. { Results of experiments with peach ;eanker are also presented. What He Found. Boarder: "1 lound something in my bedroom last night, madam, er i Landiady (indignantly): "There's ino such thing in the house! Yon i must have brought it in with you!" ] Boarder: "Ah, perhaps I did--it | Was, a dellar bill.' Sometimes He is always master of his material and of his method, His characters neves master him: he is always superior to his creations. Possessing the skill of the master craftsman, one find e result worked out toa s factory finish Brooklyn Eagle He is past master of the art of telling a story 1 $ bumor, a keen sense dramatic, and a kn turning out a happ just when the compl of the plot threaten wo disasters. Now York Times The New Oppenheim Story : is mysteriously called and the question naturally arises is THE BLACK BOX AE AAA AED Mr. Oppenheim has few equals among modern novel ists. He is prolific, be is up- tiring in the invention of mysterious plots, he is a clever weaver of the plausi- ble with the sensational, and he has the necessary gift of facile narrative, Boston Transcript Oppenheim has the knack of tangling the threads of his narratives in such a man- ner that the reader wiil not rest until they have been straightened to his satisfac- tion. New York Evening Sun Your Favorite Moving Picture Theater is Showing the Thrilling Pictures Produced by the Universal Film Mfg. Co. Read this Unique Story by E. Phillips Oppenheim now appearing in THIS NEWSPAPER A Mr. Oppenheim Is a teller pure and simple, and as such he is invariabl and uh deniably entertain He holds you with a op that to the last Mr. Oppenheim goes for- ward, not backward, Each book that comes from his pea shows a superiority in plot, movement, character drawing and literary quality over its predecessors. Chicago Record-Herald does not relax to syllable. New York Herald This story appears in the Whig every Saturday. The pictures are shown at the x Ideal Theatre every Monday and Tuesday. ~~ AAA AAA A A A liable r medi tne. "Bald thie a0 strength--No. 1 $i; 283: No. 3, 85 per all druggists, or re on meeiph roo pamphlet. '] THE COOX MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (Yermerts Winds) pet ma MADE IN CANAD Join "the live-a-little-longer movement" by cutting out heavy, indigestible foods. the kind that harden the arteries and put the liver out of business. SHREDDED WHEAT supplies all the ma- terial needed for building the perfect body and for keeping the mental and physical powers at top-notch effici- ency with the least tax upon the digestion. It is ready- cooked and ready-to-serve-- always the same quality, always the same price. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BiS- CUFT and TRISCUFF--the Biscuit for break fast with milk or cream, or with fruits; Tris- cuit, the wafer-toast, delicious for luncheon with butter or soft cheese, or for any meal as a substitute for white flour bread. Sold Zbar'slce Cream SE Parlor Ice Cream in bulk delivered to all parts of the city. Phone 1128 or call at 280 Princess Street Choice Fruits and Candies of all kinds. R.PROBABLE __BUILDER: Wwe want; to. talks tor} Toronto Office: i 49 Wellington Street East -- make It worth your We can while--wheén you're ready--ito én. | Ages us Fe are simply takin this method te gat acquainted | That we sre Fapert Plumb. ers and Steam Fitters, you ean ennily Jemva by Investigation.