TWO SACRED CANTATAS RENDERED IN FIRST BAP TIST AND ST. ANDREW'S CHURCHES Evening, Heard By Large Baptist Choir Assisted By Outside soloists, On Sunday and in ervice conjunction with the evenir in the First Baptist Churca on Sunday, a cantata entitled, ' First Easter," v lendidly dered by the choir by McGrath, Miss Irene James Bankier and Je from Cooke's Chiirch, Union Baptist, Chalmers and St ohoirs respectively Bydnoy bury was director. lerge audien was rresent mes A WwW Al solo rendered by F Lo I Am With You particularly good, The trio, "As -- It Began xt ing by Miss Muriel Breat! Bdna Singleton and M, McGrath wad much enjoyed Mi; Singleton sang the contraltd In the Garden which wi ed a little later by the The Break Of Day Breathwalt "hree more constituted femainder and included: 'Shall 'Our Lord Indecd Is "All Hail." In the latter was heard the Tha Bdmonko way," was WOHIen's Dawn," 8 waite, Mi opran the cantata Or Rock." d Bankler en,' at Mr part St. Andrew's Choral Service, on good the heavy rain there was Andrew's Chuach i "Pei. Sung by alanced Considering unday evening, congregation at St to hear the choral tence, Pardon and the chelr, which and r thirty phrasing. attac and t« that could be desired were M M Chalmer Myr. Tompking, tenor, and Comfort and C ser Pea was imhered was solo sOnrano Arthur Were Audiences--First. The bass, parts with Craig who sang their several true artistic interpreta- who has made for herself a Dbrillian has now proven her mastiry instruments as an accompan her work last even Compton conducted the gave a short discour of the cantata. Ladlla Hall, as loist, the Dy eme y andeville at the Grand vaudevil irand x the fo 1 roduced aeria le entertainment Opera House this ev- lowing programme wil' Mile Arminta anil rke, rymnastic stunts of a rilling natur John Orren, imita- 1' comedian; the famous Fim with the great actor John fhe Man From Mexi- nets; A C edy of Ms wo-reel photo-play ani stone comedy The same bill given on Tuesday and W.¢& osday afternoon and evening 1 be Minister Takes First Swim. The honor of having taken the swim in the harbor this year to Rev. G. A. Lowes, Union Street Baptist Church, Mr, Lowes i thorgugh athlete and state that Id baths all the year are very iealthy His first outdoor plunga this-year was made 2t the city" bath- ing houses on King street west ana } was in the water for some time on Saturday first goes Lieut. Wilkins' Condition Improved. It will be gratifying that Lieut. Harold viile, a Royal Military College gradu ate,, wounded at the front with the Bediordshire Regiment in which he he Id a commission, is on the high read to recovery. A cable received on April *th rads: "Lieut. Wilkins struck off the seriously wounded Ist." news to know Wilkins, Belle when Tony auto, it James on S turds his through store window At noon, Amodeo was driving skidded and broke Reid & Co.'s furniture ure for Baby's Skin Troubles Pesan Dr. Chage's Ointment Cured When Baby's Body Was Covered With D If every mother could try Dr Chase's Ointment for the skin irritation and resulting eczem babies, the which ( 0 sing Ones This letter will gi you of what a wonderful work thi ment is doing in the comfort to ehildren fortunate as contract for this trouble from chafing or irrit caused by the clothing, and stv difficult it cured, that Dr. Chase's ia appreciated when once qualities are known, Mr, MM. L. Duclos, Dugnayville, N.B,, writes: it. {is my duty to recommend Dr riures s0 many bles it would be for little ve an 8 Oint whe to eczema is 80 easy to develoy its heal Chase's Ointment as a cure for ecre- with na. eczema covered After the di My baby was seized and his face and arms were with this tergible disease trying al} sorty of TITER TL TR I SRG TIT AT. ha fi | chalng, idea way of bringing are so0-up- It to get] Ointment | Postmaster, "1 believe aintments | Edmanson. continued to spread until! Toranto istressing Eczema. When bad he would was sometimes covered with Dr. Chases ed tehing the entire body became himself and found in his eradle blood Hearing about *1Ointmént 1. bought two boxes and before this was all used the child was our That was a year ago, and there has been no trace of ecze- 1 recommend Dr. Chase's to--atlt--who suffer - from as being the best treatment world for itching skin dis- 1 cover it atch eczema Plin the "hase's Ointment is for sale by all dealers at 60 cents a box tisa {good idea to keep it at hand along with the bath soap to be used for roughness of the ski, chafing or ir- ritation. Prevention is so much bet- ter than cure. Powders olog the pores, but Dr. Chase's Ointment cleanses the pores and thereby Keeps * tthe skin-soft and smooth Sample box free if you mention Bates & thi Co., Li mited -------- Greatest Line Of Superb High Class RUGS "wo We have ronrds ever own on our floors rere Parlor Suites in solid and your owa choice of covers $37, $43, up to KOO, mit Repair and Upholstering Promy -T.F.Har ish apd Canadian mil Wiltons, Axminstérs and Oriental effects that please bath pocket and: taste. ional, to-day--we spend time in selecting and the pick of them all is yours-- 1s ation mahogany We cover these in you do the selecting, we do the rest---$23 pilV done rison Co. All the new styles and lasts which Dame Fash- ion has decreed for the spring of 1915, Shoes so daintily made ~ that 'they please the most discriminating woman. paper. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, VOICE OF THE PULPHT > SOME MARKS OF THOS KINGDOM OF GOD. NEAR Sermon By Rev. G. A. Lowes, Union Street Baptist--Rev. Alfred Brown Asks Students What They Are Go- ing To Do With Their Lives. Rev>G. A! Lowes, Union street I'ap tist church, on Sunday evening took as his text "Some marks" of those near the kingdom of Mod," (Matthew xii,-24). : "When people are nearest to God Yhey are in the most danger," said Mr. Lowes. "The danger Lies in their aptness to grow contented and "have no ambition. Some of the marks of being near to God are truthfulness of spiritual perception, and ac- quaintance with law and teachable ness "Among those who have turned out to be the most determined enem- ies of the gospel," said the preacher, "are those who at one time were almost at the throme, but -who fell by the wayside." spirit, Sydenham Street 'Methodist. Rev. Alfred Prown took as hia text in Svdenham street Methodist church, on Sunday evening, Philip pians 1-21. "What a solemn thing it is to live," are students = here to-night and 1 would sav to them: Tt is not what von are going to do with vour edu- cation; it is not wnat vou are go ing to do 'with the wealth derived from vour education, but it is what are you going to do with your life ?"" and momentous he said. '"There At Cooke's Church. Cooke's Church on morning, Rev J. Ww Mcintosh preached on "The Centenary of a Warrior Saint," dealing in an inter esting manner with the life of Dr John Geddie, who was the first mis sionary from Canada to a foreign colony, and who was born on April 10th, 1815 Mr. McIntosh drew forth lessons from the life of the gre fonary. James' At Sunday at mis At St, At St the Church. Church on Sunday °Paster music was repeated with fine effect Bishop Mills preached at the morning service and Rev, T W. Savary in the evening The rec- tor dealt with "Friends and Foes of the Resurrection' an able man- ner. James NURSES RECEIV E ¢ SOCKS For Queen's Stationary Hospital Go- ing To the Front. The Kingston Chapter of the On tario Graduate Nurses' Associaton held a sock shower on Saturday in the vacant store on Prine s srettle low Montreal street, for the benefit of the Queen's Stationary Hospital, which is shortly going to the front. rs. (ieorge Nicol was in charge, and as ing her were Mrs. F. Robinson. Mrs. G. H. Williamson, Mrs. S. Craw ford, Mrs. H. W. Marshall, Miss Grace Hiscock, Miss Pugh yond Miss Annie: Bailey. By the eflorts of these ladies 300 pairs of socks and about £15 were teceived, and other prom's ed contributions are vet to com? in. The nurses did splendidly, considering that, the call was so hurriedly made, only two days' notice to the public being given. Queen's Hospital require many socks for the wound who will come under its care. f The Kingston Nurs. s' Alumnae As sociation is donating $30 for the pur chase of sheets. handkerchiefs, tte. for the Quen's Hospital. This after Boos, the Daughters of the Fmpire are holding a sheet shower in the City "Hall for the same object. Beautiful New Stock To Choose. Prevent, Brock street, has this year fine assortment of tweeds, rien ve and serges for his order clothing - department. His ready- made - clothing and gents' furnishing departments are well assorted with new goods. It Is N "Colonel" Dean. Friends in this city--and their nome is legion--will learn with pleasure of the promotion of Major KE. CU. lean, of the Army Service Corps, Hulifax, N:S., to .the rank of Lisutemant-Co He has just recently passed his examinations. Col. Dean is a orrer well-known member of. the Whig's editorial stafi, being for years its city editor- To what dimy height? even a Dewspaper man may limb! The colonel has offered his services for the fromt, Lut so far has not been accepted. NOTHING BETTER FOR WEAK WOMEN Now tof the A FRONTENAC es From Front To His Sister, . Frank Leslie, Godfrey. _-- ra Leslie, Godfrey, has re- ceived the following letter under date of March 17th, from her brother who is with the Canadians in France "We are in the midst of the fight- ing now and up to the present our bunch has been fortunate in escap- ing any casualty. Our Captain has just read a letter of praise for the efficiency of the First from the gen- eral and I must admit we were all pleased to hear our services were so highly appreciated. While writing this the big guns are more than fring on all sides of us. One gets accus- tomed to the sound of them until they come too close. Then she looks bad, However, regardless of the dangerous surroundings, we are better satisfied than when at Salis- bury. We go into the trenches for four days at a time, then have four days in billets. "One at home scarcely relize SOLDIER. in Canada can the terrible /destruc- tion of a war, on a country. Some most magnificent churches and flourishing towns all blown to atoms. I have had sgveral letters from home and friends "since our ar- rival here and can safely say the mail service is better than when at Salis- bury. As our. mail is delivered in the trenches, the experience cannot realize the hap- py sensation that takes hold of a fel- low when he finds himself one of the lucky ones in getting even one letter "The Canadians are certainly hold- ing up their reputation fer good shots. I saw them shelling some buil- dings one day and every shot hit the mark. I wonder if the Second Contin- gent will do as well? Evidently they will never endure the hardships we endured while at Salisbury as the weather is getting finer now. Could write some very interesting things regarding places, movements and the parts we have taken in the charges but L'm not allowed. This is the 17th of March and the only really nice day we haye had for months. Have ne idea how long the war will con- tinue.: -Some one will surely have to give in but it will never be the British." HUGE ELM TREE FELL ACROSS ROADWAY ON GORE STREET BELOW KING, And Left Half of 21st Battalion Had Narrow Escape, As It Was Within- A Few Feet Of the Crash. What caused the huge elm treet to iall at the corner of King and Gore streets, Just as the left hali of the 21st Battalion was about to pass at two Sunday aiternoon, has puzzled many who witnessed the fall. At that hour' the soldiers had left the the Cereal building and had - ap- proached to within twenty-five feet of the tree when it noticed to wot- ter by the olbcers in the lead. The latter immediately gave the order to halt, and it did not come any soon, because hy the time he had shouted it, the tree came down with a crash, filling up the roadway with its large trunk and branches. The roots of the tree were in close prox imity to James McParland s resi dence, and when they were torn up by the fali, the - earth and sods were thrown up almost five feet. I'vre would have been a catastrophe had 'the leit hai been advanced go few feet farther, for some of the sol diers would have been pinned under: neath The soldiers "had 10 right about turn and take another course to their destmation. A gang of men were put to work cutting up the tree and removing it irom the roadway. o'cleck was PRICE-STACKHOUSE. A Pretty Wedding Occurred At Los Angeles. On cone of the foothills of th» Sierra Madre mountains just at the northern gate of Los Angeles stands the historic and picturesque Churca of the Angels, almost concealed from view by the wealth of trees and flow- ers surrounding it. On Easter Sun day morning as the bell rung the hour of tem, the organ pealed fori the Wedding March and by" th chancej door entered the Vicar, Rev Harry Thompson and Alfred S Price, Porterville, Cal Down the main aisle on the arm of Edward Crumley, came the bride, Miss Kath leen Stackhouse, formerly of King: ton, but late of Los Angeles Al the chancel rail Mr. Price awaited his bride and there the Deautiial impressive words of the Episcopal marriage service were read. The bride was given away by her aunt, Mrs. Eva Marshall It will be remembered that Miss Stackhouse is a niece of Mrs. T. F. Harrison ard of Mrs. Oliver Chown. After the ceremony the bridal party returm.d to the home of the bride where charmingly appointed wodding breakfast was served. The hapo couple jeft on the noon traim fo -- San -Diege and Coromada Beach After the honeymoon they will go 1y "Pape's Diapepsin™ is the only real lime. Prive regulator : om «38 "1 { xh eh Porterville, where Mr. is en- gaged in business, and where a beaatilfe]l new bungalow home awaits them. Among the guests were sev- éral old Kingstoniams, Mr. and Mre Ydward Crumley and daughter, Dor othy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giber. and davghter, Philip and Miss bouse, sister of the bride Marine Notes, The Welland Canal will open om Ap- vil 15th. The steamers Dorie, Cale tom and Troguois sre at Part Col borne rendy to start out. The schocmr Ford River was all i one who has not#had| 100, - APRIL 12, 1915. Ee Special Trunks Special Bags .. | Arch Supports -. $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 Special Suit Cases Trunks, Bags, | Suit Cases We carry a most complete stock of travelling goods at vopular prices. $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 $3.00, $5.00, $7.50 We have other lines ranging in prices to $25.00. This is the travel ling goods store of the city. ABERNETHY'S Smart Hat Styles Whatever your style prefer- ence, whatever shape, block or color you prefer, you can see it at its best here. ; We have everything that is aew in Men's Hats Derbies and Soft Hats, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, £3, $4. CAMPBE'L BROS. The Big Hat Dealers WANTED IN TORONTO Arrested In Kingston On Charge 0} Sedution. Acting on instructions from Toronto police, Ct uel Arniel on Saturday under arrest Charles Phil Zs nineteen years, a member of the R.C HA He is wanted in Toront a charge of seduction, lodged agai nst him by a girl named Phillips spent Sunday in the police station Toronto was nofified of being made, and who came do received ble Sam n the cel! the arrest Detective Y Kiagston =n o Toro Supaay Christianity In Action. hate to contemplate a return to talk religion when the war is writes Rev. J. B. Grimshaw, lain with the Ird Brigade, Can- ian Field Artillérs 'Christianity ¢n the battlefield is blood rg? and as warm as the summer day, giving op everything and at the same time knowing little of sacrifice. There is no end of nebie fellows here Has Been Promoted. Major D. 8S. Maeclnnis, D. 8. 0, longing to Hamilton and a graduate of the Roy flitary College is pro- moled to assistant director-gen- eral of staff with the temporary rank of lieut. colonel. NO STOMACH PAIN, GAS, INDIGESTION IN FIVE. MINUTES be be stomach m. "Really does" put bad stomachs in order--"really does" overcome in- digestion. dyspepsia, gas, heartburs and sourness in five minutes --that-- just that--makes Pape's If what you sat fer- ments into stubborn lumps, you belch Next Opera House. ICE CREAM BRICKS OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the City By Government Test, Begt in Kingston. SAKELL'S, Phone 640 | Baby Carriages and Go-Carts A ~~ Looking Carriages, hood wood wit Collapsible Go-Carts, for travel:ing See 01 fu Quality and seid JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. Prone 147 for Pewonal Services Low Prices } | ; i FOR A BAD COUGH PEIPEELRELRIEE 44 $4 A 2: i Seenssss House Clean- ing Supplies 4d 20d Of all kinds =t the Usnigue Grodery. Toronio Use our Cooked Memis while st 0 . they are the best and will save your C. H. PICKERING 190 Princess St. Phone 530 RAILWAY [CTRL RE Double Track Route The International Limited--No1. Daily THOUND Tor Hamilton London Buffalo . The International Limited EASTBOUND Kingston .. 8:31 am, EXCURSIONS, West.~ rt Arthur, 26th, Bostor Hartford HOMESEBKERS' Round Trip tickets to Car via Chicago or Ps esday unti points ir For full p i utare apply J.P. LAN LEY, Raillr Fteamship Ages or. Johner Wy Ontabio Bis "ANADIAN PACIFIC . |For WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER | Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m daily. Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS. Particulars from F. CONWAY, | CPA, City Ticket Office, corner | Princess and Wellington Streets, | Phone 1197. "i wreleas™ "Hesperian™ BOSTON TO GLASGOW "i arthagivian™ April 27 SP. JOHN Te LONDON "Niridtan™ Spt 39 MOMTHEAL 70 LIYERFOOL May 13 June 9 leuperia May IT June 24 MONTREAL 70 SAsew "Fretorian™ May heandionyizy" May 22 Sune 1b "Corsiean™ . Jesse 5 July 3 a wr igre apply Local Agents, wr WHE ALLAN LINE, ¥ King #1. WW cial Pure Fruit Jelly Crabapple, . Cranberry and Grape. Por pari Spe