Cana a AUTO LIVERY wwewwrre Agents, Dod Phones: 201 oy VOU W OVO Cwee THE maw FRENMOM HEMRDY, Ma 2 "a. LHERAPION [2113 in POUGERA Co. W. jRtonto WRITE POR FF . L XD. CO. HAVERSTOCK KD, HAMPSTEAD, LONDON, R48 RY MEW DRAGER (TASTELESS) PORMOF EASY TO a HERAPION :5 BEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD BAIT. GOVT. STAMP APPIZED T CLERS Moth Preventatives--;( edar, Lavendar and « amphor Flakes, Extra strong, in large 13 cent packages. Moth Proof Bags, from 35 cents to $1. Grass Seed Tho finest sible; 33 cents the pound. All fresh Flower and Garden Seeds. BEST'S Fhe Popular-Prug SUOTe, OPEN SUNDAYS, all sizes, Pos- 3 } i t 50 un do last night Welst the leading, and was awarded paper decision by a fair margin. The bout was very tame until in the tenth n the champion cut locse and mussed up his opponent. Tole okie" Fleming, the Canadian cancelled all his bouts for Ww weeks owing to the death of i father He left Montreal Sun d night New York with his mo- ther. for Edward the long runper who was regarded as having a good chance to -win the Boston Marathon, did not go to Boston as was expected. Fabre, distance William Richie, former lightweight champion, outboxed 'Joho "Grif fith, Akron, in a §ix-round bout--n Pittsburgh last night. Richie was the ressor throughout The district attorney yesterday re commended the quashing the in- dictment against the Cuban named DeBarret for the shooting and kill- ing-on-January 6th of Jerry Daly, a (er connected with the Mari- anao ce Track. The district attor- ney sald the evidence showed that DeBarret acted in self-defense. age of bookr "Eddie" Wr former St. Tho- mas third baseman, and last season with "the Providence club 'in the In- ternational League, passed through St. Thomas Wednesday on his way to Buffalo, where he joins the liddie drew his release from Provi- dence owing to being estranged with former Manager Bill Donovans suc- or, but was promptly signed up by the Buffalo International club. According to reports from Chicago, | Artie" "Lage and "Dusty" Bullock, of the Ottawa club, have received of- fers from the Newark Federals. Both will jump unless Shaughnessy trades them -to-some other club. Bullock iz at present staying with L at the latter's home in Chicago. The New ark Feds must be hard up for players when they make offers t Bullock and Lage These two have a hard time holding their jobs in the Canad- ces 0 lian league. Beg Tha a KEELEY Jr. CPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN ¥ Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opera House, oor =a President Frank Navin, of the De- troit Tigers, has promised Manager | Frank Shaughnessy, of the Ottawas, that the Tigers will play in Ottawa some time during the coming season has been trying for the past coulpe of seasons to get the big leaguers to the capital. Shag With the Mann Cup in their pos-| iession, the Vancouver A. C. lacrosse team decided to-night to kee p it. The | club has been requested by Joe Lal-| trustee, to turn the cup over ry, but until the A.A.U. of C 5 the club to do the cup will| remain on the coast Trustee Lally threatens legal measures to regain it, 850 "Can a foul-tip do $5,000 damage if it hits a woman in the right side and dents a corset stay?' That was the question put up to City Attorney Andrew Patrick Ronan by the claim committee of the aldermen of Buffalo He ruled it did not in this instance and recommended the claim of Mrs Charlotte De Fcung of 1866 Clinton | treet be disallowed. The reception given champion Jess Willard in Baltimore was a frost, fonly about 600 persons being pres- 2,000. You'll find all the help you want in Selecting Your Spri pring Suit At this store. Our store is perfect and men vhost Judgment may 'he relied upon will assist you in finding Just what you want. Fashion Craft Clothes. What can we (0 more than furn- ish you with the best service, and | the best makers made in * Canada? oN | Our $15 line is the best money can buy and $20 will buy any colores el suit in the store. We are doing | goods all we can to make buying easy. E. P. Jenkins' CLOTHING COMPANY | week before the fight and submit to greatly. {meet fn Portland Ore., to-day estab. ent in an auditorium that seats over Willard gave an exhibition of boxing for three rounds with Wal- ter Monohan, and, for a big man, he showed considerable speed. There Were mo calls for a speech; neither was the crowd over-enthusiastic. Two offers of $25,000 each have been turned down by Willard's pro-| moters for ten-round bouts in New York with "Jim" Coffey and Al Reich respectively. "Joe" Jeannette stopped Arthur Pelkey in the eighth round of what was to have been a ten-round bout at Montreal. Pelkéy was knocked down twice and his seconds then threw up the sponge. & Ad Wolgast will get another! chance at the lightweight champion- ship it was announced to-day. He has accepted terms to meet Freddie Welsh before the South Side A.C. Milwaukee, on May 4th. The arm which ke broke; in training. for his recent match with Leach Cross in New, York has been 0.K.'d by a De- troit physician, but he will come a an examination by the physician of the state boxing commission. Manager Herzog of the Reds says his 'team is the best Cincinnati. has had since 1908. AN that he needs now, he thinks, to make sure of the first division is one more star pitcher. ! Herzog says his players are all hus-| tlers and hitters. Charley Dooin and Tommy Leach have aided the team Manager Carrigan, Red Sox, has offered Larry Pratt,; former Springfield catcher, to the! Providence Club. i of the Roston| --- Samuel Bellan, of the Multnomah, Athletic Club at the Columbia indoor | loeal water one sc Bisons, | # | held last @ THE DAILY BRITISH W HIG, = GARBAGE. IN UTILITIES COMMISSION WOULD BEAR PORTION OF COST P#ichase Power and Superintend TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1915. PAGE THREE CINERATOR { # v -- : lished -z r world's door pol ting Light to moderate winds; fine to-day; milder Wednesday, ind Operation of Plant At the Expense Of the City The prevailing modes in Woman's SPRING APPAREL Featuring the unusual in things that accentuate in- dividuality and that possess the sonal' iced thereby, peration of the j expense of the to this effect was g of the « onday afternoon, | he resolution whs ortlered to be 1 to the city Council wed by Messrs, H. Toye. received from mittee of the City garbage qu nission was < a chimney, the apparatus, and pros for the maintenance, Chairman Rigney said that while in favor of the Commission ting with the City Council paying a portion of the cost, and- buying the he did not sider that the Commission was called enter into the work of mam- the Sind taining a plant for the disposal of the garbage. felt that the Mr. Chown sail he was willing to for this season + Commission co-operate in should be contined to local fixtures, », but he did not think it and the action was ken after the ! : up to tha Commission to- shoul: itter had been thoroughly diseurs- der the entire responsibility. ed. Mr. Toye and Mr. Birkett The Seawanhaka Cup is now 1€ same opinion. Mr. by the Corinthian Yacht there would be very Boston Neither of these events commission to derive was held last The race for the 1 housand Island Cup are held i ason and at Alex andria Bay the pext Last year the Thousand Island Club were unable to challenge owing to the motor boat regatta on Lake George, in which their members were strongly repres- ented, Com- on lhe me G. the {'ouneil on, of the probable cance nternational races be- il club and the Thou- ht club, were the [ the meeting i of the Roy 1 acht Club, Montreal The refusal of the club to partici in vent We come of the existing « The abandon Cup challenges son with the also of the I tween the Dor sand Islands ment in for to ide lusive note of "per- '""Steacy Apparel' from the cessary ulso touch which divorces evervday commonplaces. Suits A wealth of styles to select from-- $18.507°$20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30, $32. bodying the season's best and most dis Waist s oO th ae pov er, con- these « natural out mditions. Wit} onditions. With upon to * member I club vents priced at $12.75 50, $35, $37.50, tinctive models , $13.50, $15, $17.50, $40 and $42.50--em were | Toye | little out ft held Club, of eason . : . Bs Mayor Sutherland said that the A fascinating "collection of Crepe-de Chene, Georgette Crepe, Jap. Silks ne which inv »d the P 1 ashi i i tor Sinus Nish inamtvag Use and an endless array of our famous 'Fashion' Waists--prices range from 98c the Council Commission wore on up to $10.50 serving in this way, co-ope¢ ration had ' toe, Comma the Commission will * rey NECKWEAR, NEW KID GLOVES, NEW MILLINERY, NEW $ SUITINGS, NEW WASH GOODS. the Council. All on special display to-morrow! telative to the proposed new and 0 be charged householders for icity, following out the scheme he Hydro-Electric Commission to charge according to floor space, the manager reported that tem men were at present engaged n measur- ing for the .purpose of se- uring an estimate. The matter will be dealt with later. ! The matter of an agrcement be- tween J. M. Campbell and the Com- miss for a supply of power from ston Mills is now in the hands | Hydro-Electric Commission. or Sutherland broucht up the| tion of granting co .¢ local 1 pitals on wg hut 1 was taken ------ Fdddob dodo db dodob dodobd ded bode WAR BULLETINS. + S The Austrian official state- ment, says the whole situation is without change. houses + + Berlin advices say that France has equipped Notre Dame Cathedral and other fam- ous buildings for military pur- poses, and Zeppelins will attack them in the next raid. ode oe of of of emma . I ---- ---------- m---- KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE Motor Boat and Automobile Owners We invite you to see our stock of: Batteries (Dry Cells) Spark Plugs Spark Coils 6 x -- 10 -- Sir John French is confident of breaking through the en- Foemy's lines but must have mor munitions, 0 action - oo DAVIES' Dainty Mild Hams (Smoked and mild cuged.) 19¢ Lb. AA A st Pt Boneless Cottage Rolls (Select cuts to boi 18c Lb. Austria is compelled to sup- ply wheat to Germany in ex- + change for troops. It is feared the Empire will be breadless within a month, The Czar's troops continue wonderful advance through (he Carpathians. Budapest may be reached in two months, Napanee April 13.--In the police court on | Saturday Robert Greenhalgh, Vailey- | field, Quebec, was fined $1 and costs | or ten days for being drunk and dis- i orderly. He took the' ten days. Private M. Beard, one of the Nupa- | nee soldiers at Belleville, is serious- ly ill of spinal-meningitis, A collision occurred on John street Saturday evening between un local delivery waggon and a buggy driven | by C. Cooper, with the results that the shafts were broken off the wag- gon and considerable " damage was done to the buggy. The horses and occupants "of the rig escaped in- jury. During the past week over twenty tons of fish have been shipped out of Napanee, nearly all going to New York. County Constable George Greer has bought a Ford touring car. Minnie Ford, the ten-year-old dau- ghter of Sergeant Ford, 21st Batta- up up up up up i 6¢ per foot ..10c per foot oo o> * 3 * - * - + + > 3 LJ Bee Low ded High Volt Am. Fp dbbd bb edd dd fete Tension Tension Meters Meters H W.N weman Phone 441, Wire ST. MARK'S MEETING, «ee. 81.50 Electric Co. 79 Princess St. Money Urgently Needed For Church Funds. urned vestry meeting of Church, Barriefield, was vening and a large num- of people were present. The auditor's statement shows d an expenditure of $1,165. There was a general discussion over the finan- cial statement and it was unanimous- ly decided that in order 'o increase of the revenue a re-can'as of the parish would be made. Duplicate lion, fell down the cellar steps at a envelopes would be used. The aim hil house aud injured her 3 hf : ho .» | neighbor's . of the canvas would be to secure if shoulder and it is feared is suffering possible every member sub- scriber to the funds. internal injuries. J. 8. Sibbitt was elected rectors On Monday evening and O. G. Seale, vestry war Banquet was given the den J. A. Wilmet 'was elected ves- church school room, about try clerk A vote of thanks was | Men of 'the church al down tendered the organist, choir and the I a. there ari guilds > > he i" ¥ at ny Buidy of De shuren for the present four of the original members plished during the year. of the trustee hoard, who were mem . bers when the church was built in aE 1872, namely John Unger, E. Sills, Thos. Sills and himself. Rev, J. A. Arnup spoke on mission work of the church.» Rev. 8. Sellery, Trinity Me- thodist church, and Rev. George Nic- kle, Hay Bay, were present, Solos by Miss Gi. O liverand Mrs. CO. Wilson helped to make a pleasant evening. > adjo St bts or fry.) worst "NOW IS THE TIME To place your order fora Monument, "and by placing your order with us you are guaranteed first class work, Prompt delivery and mode- rate price. A. call of inspec- tion invited, J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy Phone No. 1417. ber Tho-Wm. as a a Layman's in Grace 200 Davies' Co. Limited, Phone. 597, warden and to sup Gibbard, were accom- 1 St i To Remove Dandruff Get 4 25-cent bottle of Danderine at any drug store, pour-a little into your hand and rub ,well into the snsssanans aasan scalp with the finger tips. By morn- an Rl ing most, if not all, of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or THE FIRST CARE OF EVERY PARENT 18 three applications will destroy every $i ° 9 bit of dandruff; stop scalp itching | ¢| h h 1 t and falling hair. I e C 1 ren 8 ea ane. ansna, a a an « The Impression One Makes plays a big part in for success or failure. The healthy-looking man usually leaves a mighty good impression--a big advantage in getting ahead in the world. deciding | Pure Milk is the best food known. Pasturized | Milk in sealed bottles is both clean and pure. { Phone homes in town, have left for the fin- ishing of the term at Qttawa Normal Behool. James Bevins has also re- turned. Miss Hazel Wilson, B.A., holidaying for the past few weeks with her mother, Mrs. David Wilson, son, Brock street, has returned to her studies in Varsity Medical School. Frank Mcintyre, who has | been confined to his home on Wel- lington street, by illness for the past | week, resumed his duties Gananoque "and stout ai 'a matter tle right kind of Kéen. - minds bodies are largely of eating food. - Ed April 12. --The funeral of the late Mrs. Malcolm Melntyre was held yes- terday afternoon from the home of Mrs. Barron, Charles street, to Wil-| low Bank Cemetery. 'The Government supply boat! Scout with supplies for the light houses at Burnt Island, Red Horse, MADE Grape-Nuts made of choice wheat and malted barley, supplies ail the nutriment of the grain includ- ing the mineral elements re« quired by Noture for Bbuiding active brains and vigorous bodies. Grape-Nuts has become a household 'word in thousands of happy, prosperous homes. '"There's. a Reason" IN CANADA Sold By Grocers everywhere Canadian Postum Cereal C4, Limited, Windsor, Ont. Spectacle Shoal, Jack Straw and the Narrows, was in port on Saturday and the opening of navigation was heralded by the illumination of these for "the first of the season on Sunday evening. Rev. F. C.Stephenson, secretary of the Methodist Depart- iment of Missions, will conduct the services in Grace Church, Sunday next. ! Rev. Father Traynor, gif naston. {has been secured as a s ply for Rev. Father Crawley, curate of St. John's Church during his three | months' leave of absence on account of ill-health. } The boat house owners ¢¥ this section are complaining of the low- ness of the water in the St. Law-/ | rence this spring. For the past two: { years the water has been above the! | average but has now dropped com- | siderable' below. x The Misses OC. M. Wright, Margar- | I Toronto, ita_Bain and Kathleen Kirke, spend-. ing their Easter vacation af their! 4 Miss Agnes Johnston, King street west, who has been speading her Easter vacation with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Johnston, has left to resume her studies at Queen's. William ~~ Bedard: North stredt confined to his home by ilI- ness for the past week, was able to return to his duties yesterday. "Kentucky Lawn Seed." Gibson's. Mrs. Frances L. Wickett, wife of George Witkett, Foxboro, and daugh- ter 'of the late D. Z. Sills, died on Sunday after two weeks of iiness | with pneumonia. Mrs. fifty-eight years of age. = Wickett was i Big Discount Off Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. Satisfaction | ~~ Buaranteed. : | Halliday's Electric Store, Phone 94 . . . 345 King Bs, OUR FRESH GROUND ON. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT, Try a sample order and be convinced N NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. a