_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1915. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Apilied in Nostrils Relieves Head-Colds at Once. ged AE ey If your head breathe freely because of a ic © catarrh, just get a smal: bottle of 'ly's Cream Balm at any Apply a little of this fragr sepiie cream into your tris et it penetrate through every passage of your head, soothing healing the inflamed, swollen 1 ous membrane and get inst relief. Al! how good it feels trils are open, your héad is more hawking, snuffling, no more headache, dryuns gling for breath. Ely's Crear ria m is what--sufferers-- from colds and catarrh need. It's a da your nostrils are cl and Is stuffed as can't 1 ai 81ore you ant Your no Hist bread de Wood's The Great Fnglish te whole Tones and invigorates the who y I nervous system, makes new Ble in old Sein Cures ON None Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, De dency, [oss of Energy, Palpitation "of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by ali druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on 1 veipt of ce. N oy pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD Kenic CO., TOROKTO, ONT. (Fervent Wind: tr ll) Women's FOOTWEAR That Beautifies It is essential to wear a shoe that is prettily shaped to obtain attrac- tive effects so much de- sired by all well dressed women. Our shoes have grace of line and ele- gance of finish that make them beautifiers of women's feet. Made in the latest American designs. The Sawyer Shoe Store "Ww. A. | provocation THE BOARD OF TRADE, CITY cor NCIL TO NAME CLEAN-UP DAY. ASKS A Pay-Up Week Suggested--Séventy-* Five Dollars Was. Voted For Three Patriotic Funds. jortant at the more or less acted upon the Board of Trade on ning among them being up Day campaign that is p The following re- assed unanimousiy by "That the City Council to name a day as 'Clear and that they invite the to co-operate in the move The president is empowered a comunities to co-operate : Council in 1g "Clean arran n was yard be asked up Day" citizen the move- uent 2 A communication dgking for the board's recommendation of a peti- tion made by the Hydro-Electric mmission to the Legislature about anting ' subsidies to electric roads referred to the Railway and ver Committee of the board after + long discussion. A communication Civic Doard regarding the tegula tion of property value and also one froin the Norwich Board regarding wider tires on vehicles were referred to the Legislation Committee re- POrts A communication from His Majes ty Trade Commission regarding 4 the establishment of a Canadian ex- hibition in England for the display of Canadian goods was filed The exhibition will held from "May 10th to 21st A communi Dean of tion Company, lie board's You from the Berlin for be ation was rcad from the Canadian Avia Toronto, asking recommendation of a supply the Imperial Gov with a squadron of aero Each machine cost $6,- Mr. Dean's company would train the aviators Thies was filed as the members seemed to consider the subject rather flighty for such a dignified board to deal with A motion was passed giving $75 for patriotic purpos to be divided equally between the funds to pur chase fleld kitchens for the 21st Battalions for No. 5 Stationary Hos- pital, (Queen's) and the fund to purchase socks for the soldiers over seas J. G. Elliott proposed that the mat ter of having a "pay up' week move- t started in Kingston be consid- Several members . expressed themselves as in favor of the move- t In a mall western city, the had bee tried out and $43,000 exchanged hands in the squaring of mall debts for scheme to ernment planes 000 and to plan An Enviable Record, I'he twenty-three years of consistent quality-giving that enabled us to «il eight million pounds of "Salada" last year has necessarily produced a shoal of substitutes ready to hand for the dealer who values greater profit ghove your satisfaction. over Rev. H. B. Fritts is the new Nie- thodist minister &t Clayfon, N.¥ Rev. Philip Tonkin is returned f¢ Cape Vincent, N.Y., aid Rev. W. J} Hancock to Alexandria Bay, N.Y. In" justice you must consider as well as. the sin. the a ET ------" CTR: ANI: TALI ATT We have ev thete fro Wiltons, er n En shown on our Parlor Suites in own choice of covers $37, $15, up to $200, solid and your you Repaift floors glish and Canadian mills Axminsters and Oriental offects that please both pocket and taste. | imitation do the Greatest Line Of: Superd High Class RUGS to-day- and the pick of them all is yoiirs mahogany. and Upholktering promptly done. - T.F.Harrison Co. The Hartt Shoe com- bines the flexibility of a glove with the durs ability of the best leather, carefully and thoroughly tanned. - 111 Princess Street "3 ALLAN M. REDD, ports the foot, and Pr life's walk comfortable. THE Ha Sl ST Bog "Canada's Best ShoemeRers "+ | shore at the foot of Wolfe we' spend time in selecting | William | We cover these in selecting, we do the rest--$23, | MORE COMMISSIONERS Ww ho Will Attend the Presbyterian General Assembly. James Herron, R.R. 2, ge 3. He nderson, i 5. Jathurst, cdo Re Harris, Fort Ont. Rev. J4. B. Geor Dresden, N.B. Francis, J. K. Henry, Henderson, Inverness, : Home, Palmerston, Ont. J. Jewett, Bala, Ont. L. Jobb, New Mills, N.B. Lockhart, Alexander, Douglas, Ont, N.S. sv, George N. Lindsay, Dresden, Ont. P. La Belle, Fscuminae, J. H. Lemon, Clifford, Miller, McAuley, Man. W. I. McKenzie, Uukenham, P.Q. Ont. Fred. Rev. Ont. Rev. 'A. S. Rev. S bh. Alex. Murray, Middle River, N. H. Moyer, Conn, Ont. McLeod, Barrie, Ont. : McArthur, RR. Thamesville, J. McConnell, -. Blind River, McArthur, Blind River, McKinnon, Chatham, N.B. R. McLachlin, Renfrew, Ont. A. McAuley, Harriston, Ont. H. Proctor, Elkhorn, Man. Rev. H. Pritchard, Sault Ste. Ont. Ma- rie. Aud. Park, Rainy River, Ont. John Ready, Reston, Man. R. I. FE. Scott, Verden, Maa. T. T. Smith, Flkhorn, Man. Rev. A. W. Shephard, :Lewington, Ont. Ww. Jas. Saddingham, Mull, Ont. Seott, Schreibner, Ont. John Spenser, Harding, Man. Rev. A. A. Scott, Carleton Ont. Ths. Stewart, Hopetown, Ont. J. Thompson, Bracebridge, Ont. Jas. Taylor, Ont. H. R. Wilson, Bondhead, Ont. John Williamson, Newcastle, N.B. R. N. Weeks, Millerton, N.B. Place, Iraeside, ON FIRING LINE AGAIN RAMSAY HAS RECOV. iD FROM WOUNDS. "Hope To Be Back in Trenches In Another Week," He Writes To His Parents--Shower of Bullets Came His Way. PRIVATE E in the trenches again "I hope to be in 'another week Thus writes Private William Ram- say, son of John Ramsay, 48 Division street in a Jetter just received by his father Private Rams bered, was wo when he was was at the tix No. 12 & 2, under the ay, it will be remem- inded several weeks shot in the arm > of writing con- tationary Hospital, of Dr. A. KE ago, He fined Frane Ross: "1 am all right again with the ex- ception of having a very sore wrist, he says. This is the first time 1 to carc j have been able to write since my ac cident in a few base and battalion "Everything very mice bospital here. They" try to you as comfortable as possible your letter saying that you had sent a parcel and then the bullets can « my way I have suffered no pain tof speak about." "Leo The Royal Cadet" Rehearsals. Rehearsals for the production of "Leo, the Rbyal Cadet," which is tn be produced about the first of May, for patriotic purposes, are continuing with great success. On Tuesday night 125 performers were present in the City Hall, and there was much enthusiasm. The next rehearsal is on Thursday night, from 8 to 10 o'- clock. I expect to get out of here days and then we go to the later will be sent to our in the make 1 gol SON DROWNED LAST FALL; FATHER IN SEARCH OF BODY | New Hats Sad indeed is the mission of M. J O'Shea, one of the best-known and most respected farmers living on Wolfe Island. Feeling confident will be able to the of his son, "Jacek" O'Shea, who was drowned in the River St. Lawrence on November 12th last, while making a trip from Alexandria Bay to his home on Wolfe Island in a skifi, Mr. 'O'Shea is keep- ing up the search, draggnz the river at different points, never giving up hope that he will findd the body. From the time of the reported drowning until the ice came Mr. O'Shea kept {up his search and there wus no per- son more delighted at the opening of navigation than he, for it gave {him the opportunity of resuminz his | search. | The finding of a life belt on the Island, {which has been identified as one which was in the skiff owned by young O'Shea, makes the fourth belt to be picked up' belonging: to the skiff, and {now it is believed that the body will i be ; found. It is supposed that the young man { was dumped out of his skiff at some point between the foot of the island! land the village and as a result the that he recover body | DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED | Queen's Stationary Hospital Go- ing To The Front. Previously acknowledged--$1,245 $75--Moderns Language Section | Ontario Educational Association. } 850---Dr. A. W. Malloch, Hamil For of | Hi 825---Mrs. F. | Lewis, Bishop - | fou (Springfield, Van Straubenzee, a (bed), Mrs. (bed), Mrs. James Elder, Jackson. $10--Prof. GG. W. Mitchell, A. Claxton (Tallahassee, i Miss Ford, Dr. H. El Day, & Shaw. 85~A Friend. $1 a month--Miss Hilda Day. | $2---W. A. Grange (Napance). Wants Faster Boats. The Smith's Falls News in advocat- ing a faster boat for Inspector Phil lis, on the Rideau Lakes, says of the present boat: '"I'he crait can't steam fast emough to overhaul a dead fish, let alone catch up to a live poacher. It reminds us of a Missis- sippi boat gn which the late Sir Joh | Macdonald travelled from St. | to New Orleans. In relat;ug the ! story of his trip, the old Chieftain that the boat had a seven-foot toiler end an eight-foot whistle, and every time the captain blew the whis- |-tle - the boat stopped. To be 'ready to weigh anchcr on Monday the {ol onel has to start to get up steam Saturday, nd by the "timd. bh: reaches "Portland it's time to start home in | order to ily here by Sunds av. It'sa {fine boat {(whea" it's tied the | dock }- King, Miss Marion -Mills, Dr. G. F. Dal- Mass.,), Mrs. Annie Prof. James James Cappon, R. Uglow, Dr. W. Florida), Newman to The Northern Ne: { dist Conference is to meat in {towp, N.Y, in 1918. | SE s---- Methoy Water- Louis | efforts of all who assist,in the search will be confined to this section. O'Shea was pbout twenty-four years of age, and was popular with all his acquaintances. On Nov. 12th he started gut in his skifi from Alex- andria Bay with the intention of coming up to Wolfe Island to spend a few days with his father during the hunting season, as he was very fond of hunting. On the day in ques- tion a terrible gale came up. Even large-sized had to take shel- ter, "It is supposed that O'Shea got caught in this storm, that he could not gain shelter, and lost his life in his brave battle against the high sea. When he did not arrive at his home on Wolfe Island, and it was learned for sure that he Bad loft Alexandria Bay, his father an other members of the family crafts Com- | menced to worry about him and from | the first it was feared that he had been drowned. A few days later a skiff 'indentified as belonging to the missing young man was found and this told the sad tale. O'Shea was a good man to handle a skiff but in the storm which rag ed that day it would have been al- most impossible for anyone to have 'made the trip in safety. 'A LECTURE ON MEXICO GIVEN BY T. F. . F. HARRISON ON TUESDAY E ING In Sydenham Street Bible Hall--The Speaker Gave Interesting Descrip- ions of Conditions In That Coun- Belore a good sized audignce in Syd enham Street Bible School on" Tues day evening, T. I. Harrison delivered an illustrated address on 'Mexico and Its Inhabitants," as seen by him, Mexico, he said, is a nation ol Leg gars, and poverty is rampant. Cou- pled with this, that dread disease tu berculosis has seized upon the coun try. Notwithstanding all country is a valuable one if it were ouly peopled with a different race than those inhabitants who dwell there. The poorer class, known as "'peons," are valued less than horses and donkeys, and it falls their lot to act as slaves for the upper classes. The enormous loads they carry upon their backs would stagger any Cana dian tourist who beheld it. This would not be so bad if "the people were properly clothed, but cases they are only hali attired, while in some less than that. All kinds of deformities are Harrison told of an he had seen who was only man. The lower portion of his ana- tomy was placed him on a pedestal to beg. The women do not torest them- selves whout Easter h said Mr. Harrison. An old Seraglio | og shawl serves all such purposes, and all female inhabitants--go about in like attire. to bring up.a family of girls, stated the speaker. In spite of this fact the voing ledics ur: very carefully guari- inhabitant that FOR UPSET STOMACH, | INDIGESTION, GAS, HEARTBURN. PAPE DIAPEPSIN Time it! In five minutes your sick, ! sour stomach feels fine. Sour, sick, upset stomach, indiges- { tion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when ihe | | tood you eat ferments into gases and | | stubborn Inmps; your head aches aud {you feel sick and miserable, that's when you realize the magic in Pape's |Diapepsin. It makes stomach dis- tress go in five minutes. It your | stomach is in a revolt--Iif you can't | get it regulated. please,for your sake, td Pape's Diapepsin. It's $0 need- {less to have a bad stomach--make your next meal, a favorite food meal then take 'a litle Diapepsin. There] will not be any distress--eat without fear. It's because Pape's Diapepsin! "really does" regulate weak, out-of- order stomachs that gives it it's mil- Hons of sales annuaily, - Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. It is the quickest, surest stom- ach relief and cure known. It acts almost like magic. It is a scientific harmless stomach preparation which | truly belongs in every home. the | this the | in many | to be seen, and Mr. | hali a! lacking "and his comrades | in Mexico, | It would-be a cheap place - Special Trunks 'Special Bags Trunks, Bags, t Suit Cases We carry a most complete': stock of travelling goods at vopular prices. $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 Special Suit Cases We have other lines ranging in prices ling goods store of the city. AUT i Arch Supports 3 a ee de eh ABERNETHY'S to $25.00. This is the travel. a i ---- SP Arch Supports style of that even They They have the helps the appearance the best dressed man have the quality that assures satisfaction. See our immense showing of Soft Hats and Der- bies. Made by the world's most celebratéd hat mal.ers. $1, $1.30, $2, $2.50, 3, $4 ©y CAMPBE!L BROS. The Big Hat Dealers Acid Stomach Are Dangerous Nine-Tenths of All Stomach Trouble Said to be Due to Acidity. A Physician's Advice on. Cause asd Cure, A famous physician whose succes. ful researches into the cause and curs of stomach and intestinal diseases have earned for him an international reputation, said in the course of a re ent lecture that nearly all intestinai troubles, as well as many diseases of the vital organs, were directly trace. { able to a deranged condition of the stomach, which In turn was due nlae times out of ten to excessive acidity rommonly termed sour stomach or heartburn, which not only irritated aid intiamed the delicate Hning of the stomach, but also sel up gas- tritis and stomach ulcers It is in. teresting to note that he condemns the of patent medicines as a medical treatment for the ach, stating that he and his cui agues have secured remarkable re- suits by the use of ordinary bisvrac. ed magnesia, which, by neutralizing the acidity of the food, removes the source of the troublé. He contends that it 1s as foolish "to treat. the stomach itself as it would be for a man who stepped ~n a tack to rub liniment on the foot without first removing the tack. KHemove the tack and the fool wili heal itseif---neutral- ize the acid and stomach troubles will disappear. Irritaling medicities and medical treatments are useiess, so tong. as the contents of the stomact remain acid; remove the acidity, aud there will be no need for medicine-- the inflamed lining of the stomach will then heal itself. Sulferers from acidity, sour stomach or heart burn should get a small bottle of bisurated | magnesia from their druggist, ana take a teaspoonful In a quarter vl 4 glass of holt or coid water after meals, repeating In Plifteen minu'es if Necessary, (his being the douse which 'he doctor has found most efficacious in all cases ed as regards courtship, and a cus tom is followed out by their parents, known as "Playing the Bear. The young lady is kept inside and only allowed to speak through the bars of ber window until such time as the courtship ripens. Afterwards the courtier is permitted to - enter the house. In some cases it is three nionths before this privilege is g¥ant- oS peukiti of the sleeping apartments of the Mexicans, Mr. ed that the open air constituted that of many. In Mexico City alone it. iis claimed' that ten thousand sicep out of doors every night, and a person "x Slang the his steps. or fall over slumbering 'na- tives. These sleep with their chins upon their knees and breathe in- the same foul air all might. Here is where tuberculosis gets its. start, said Mr. Harrison. The thieves' market was described by the speaker. "While travelling through Mexico take care of vour pet dogs and other belongings" is the watchword. If you do not they are stolen and placed in these markets, where a fee is charged if vou wish to havg possession of your pets again. Some years ago Ringston had a sim- ilar place, sad the speaker, but of late it has been .dome away with, thanks to enlightenmént. The watering system of Mexico was next described bv Mr. Harrison. In some parts of the country it is very i erude, while in others fine large vig Sil Harrison claim. has to Pick | | { | ICE CREAM BRICKS! OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the ( lity By Government Test, Best in Kingston. SAKELL'S, Next Next Opera House. vewveveww _ Phone 640 | v TETwew. LIZ IEE) Double Track Route The International Limited - No 1. Daily w TBOUND . Kingston . Toronto .e . Hamilton . London Buffalo . . Detroit . Chicago .. The International Li Limited --No. 14 Daily ASTBOUND "Kings ton Ottawa Montreal "New York Portland . Springfield Boston Hartford .... HOMESEEKE ns Round Trip t ern Canada via Chicago or Port on sale each Tuesday until Oc at low: fares *turn limit two months For full parile ulars apply J. P, 1TAN LEY, Railroad and Steamship Aan tor, Johnson and Ontario Sts L - Ar iy 8:08 Dyin E X¢ 'URSIONS. Arth tober 2i'n FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS. Particulars from F. CONWAY, "PAL, City Ticket Office, corner 15 uh and Wellington Streets. Phone 1197, daily. | | Fro Halif April 27 A BOSTON TO "Carthaginian" Apr ST. JOHN "To LONDON "sicitian®' A I 19 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL wn LGrampian®™ Nay 15 June 10 "Hesperian 23° June 23 MONTHE AL 10" Gr ASGow "Pretor Cacandinayian "Corsican For Agents, 5 Kin ny May dune 19 June > July 2 particulars apply Lies! or THE ALLAN LINE, St. W., Toronto. hood with leather tops. tickets to points in West. for Quality Baby Carriages and Go-Carts WO Collapsible Go-Carts, convenient travel.ing See our full line Reid and weld Low Prices. JAMES REID rhe leading Undertaker. Prone 147 for Personal Services of High / Gook's Cotton Root Compound, A safe, veliable reguiading medicine. Bol 1 in three des Vo. $5 Bold b all druggists, or sent pwpaid on reoipt of ion, 'ree pamphlet. A 1 THE COOX MEDICINE CO. Yoaouro, ONT. (rormerty Winds) - COAL The kind you are look- ing for is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and guarantee prompt livery BOOTH &-CO. Foot of West St, we de- When You Wash Your Hair Don't Use Soap Most soaps and prepared sham- poos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The "best thing to use is just [plain mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely grease- less. It's very cheap, and beats Soaps or anything else all to drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub il in, about a tea- spoonful is all that is required. It makes 4&n abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thorough- dy. and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, flully, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particles of dust, dirt and dandruff. : PE ------ ducts have been built which lead to | fountains and pools. These pools are | called after the apostles. Mr. Harri- | son said he did not know whether the | ane bearing Judas' name was hot or Cold, : Deeces. You can get this--at anv} In Bulk or Bricks. and delivered to any a the city. ke} of = | | MASOUD, ff | Phone 980, 238 Princess St. SOCIETY SARI VISITING CARDS SOI TL RYT GIR STATIONERY LI] Ni Lill KINGSTON, ONT.