THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1915. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY GRAN === x. To-N ight And Every After . Ha &| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | 1 CONTINLOUS PERFORM ANC E EE ---------- 5] || FOR SALE, J ST. THE UPTOWN THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, Cos by: - neg ten ~ little: Once, 25c; three times, $00} : a: cheap one week. 31.00, Estabiished INSS. 5 LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity + =--What the Merchants Offer to the HUSBANDS Readers of the Whig. AND 1 onfes"" at ( WIVES : 8128 Famous Players Films, 5 Reels, John Barrymore in "The Man From. Mexico.' New Programme Monday and Thursday Prices: Mat, 10¢, nny seat. Evening, 10¢; reserved Sec extra. HOME OF THE BIG U, WEDNESDAY AND TH RSDAY 11th Episode, \ MASTER KEY." srson opened the cl find in place Wf peer? Pe, 2.380 PM. AND 730 wm a ------ Feature Vaudeville Acts. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES abson's Piano tuner. Phone Urders FOUND ot ---------- AT G10 DIVISION Bicycle 1 H rt ens Ras leit First insertion, 1c a word. Each' con- ¢ 0 work on the Quehe secutive insertion thereafter, half. Ice eream "bricks" at Gibson's cent a word. Minimum charge for ae Phe one insertion, 23¢; .three Insertions. HH. Cusmingbam, pano tuner, 50c: six, 81; one month, $2. King street. Leave orders at -- S01 HELP WANTED. AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS under this head. costs 26c for one night, or 60c for *hree. Or partner Trust Fund wi onto a very either party the death of eith A: Joint Accoun ment second- for nent A high- 10 gauge, "pra sale at half price tKes repaired C. 4 "34. It d TWO. YOUNG | ORSES. APPLY pe George Boyd iI SRtreet great may deposi Auley's Book Store. - - Shard sent ack at Gib "AND CAR. alle prices, at 5 1's TO LET \ and. Mrs H ire Pelow, John UV NK. tn Pelow s "THE the \ Wilk Mrs. he = attend WORMWITH PIA F mother, a Ant Portland. priceless the Spring tonies" at Gibson's 11th Episode Answer. Also | {GENERAL SERV Capital £35,000,000 - : Heserved Funds a. $6, 102.810 iT the ans FIE Cro Miss May McCarthy and Miss Ady "Mary #uller" in HA tated Cook leit Wednesday for Watertown, "THE COUNTERFEIT," NY Miss Cook will be the guest A detecijye story, and of Miss McCarthy, ' and expects to "REGGY'S SWEETHEARTS," OF \ L-KO -- return early next week; Streaming Comedy. + M camphor at Gibson's, Our prices never change, Admission Je ® 1est STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, clean and dry. McCann, £2 treet. > MOST tea ETC, ALMOST NEW, Brock terms easy. & office t b NO, ner ' Mrs 'rice reasonabl and era : Write to Box 1242, Whi GOOD HORSE; buggy. Fearl or suit tena of 1 See 18 SMART 1 APPLY KINGSTON ony Rogers, fosiery Co Lid RO OUSE, 188% STEW orf Latdaw, 348 I ST. ANY fsfon ar APPLY MRS, 7 AND ¢ street saddle, Fron- HARNESS riess driv wr delivery. Apply 32 street. A GOOD RK. PLAIN veni $ ot DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me- z Cann's. Real Bstate Agency, a2 Brock St OFFICES 1 bers. App Mudie, 79 AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID, NO ¢ ' ' » Tee, VICTROLA AND SIX DOU RLE-SIDED Eh records for $2X.50: $5 cash and $1 Lindsa Ltd th W CLA ly to Protect the Home Only 10 to 20 per cent. difference in cost 'between a 'ick- and frame house to baild and 50 per cent differ- brick and krame AoUX ! : lid and Id with brick " n France They were ence in the msurance, and then why not build with brick es Corman late nl "oo } ele an the ' y 3 : » . : Save OS upkeep. We have. the hrick and the Sofd in Kingston" only ay and Ray a os! Es Red Cross Drug Store. price is right Lawn Crass Seed, Kingston Brick !vseph Noonan, connected with the Post Oflice Department at Ottawa, is the city attending the burial of ther, the -late Captain D. who died last November. m bricks" at Gibson's. tion, has been received at that Corpls. Mackay nd had fallen near Armentieres 64 Barrie street. TO TAKE Ut 7 RAINING FOR IN GOOD WORK: $0 EXPre Gifs BRICK HOUSE S53 in nu; SO 1ews hi BE PARTICULAR BUY ONLY cari \ pj ) i J K- : br 80 t. 1 i ---- Noonan, SHOW CASE, tackle, 8 ROOM f be sold iS RE- I. Ma 143 A HOUSE MAID; REFERENCE quired Apply to Mrs. IF. § Renfrew ; jremn A Lawrence ( West St ottage . - : me -------------- FURNISH ABLE WAITRESS, st 8 house work f- Eas red Good S:} alras Camphell, 212 King eet AT ONCE, A CAP and ass i HING FROM HENS in Well bred white Leg- rocks and Rohde Is- 5 setting. Kingston RR HATC 1 of Gib. Ken barred red BRICK HH T PERSON MAY furnace." ete. Kent nthly corresponding deny e pers; no canvassi rticalars. Press Lockport, N.Y Ki 5 cent per on's S-ROOWM 106 Pine, OSE John Macnaughton, McGill, 3 returning from the west . has been in connection ? = ' With recruiting at the instance of y FOR SALE the Dominion Governmert. : "les cream bricks" at Gibson's. and gas, JM umpbell is about through $4,000 with the work of equipping hi £as, Kingston Mills plant to produce elec tricity He hopes to have power-in Gananoque within the next two montl "Spring tonics' at An aviator wrote Trade on aerial wanted the communication sent to Prof. Gill, while another said the matter was too much "up in the air" for the board to consider "Spring tonics" at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Crumley Los _Angeles, are always glad to meet old Kingstbnians visiting that part of the sunny south. Many have called during the past 2ix months and the welcome they got is warm and cheering "Kentucky Lawn Seed" makes beau- tiful lawns. Sold at Gibson's ted Cross Drug Store. A correspondent at Soperton, Ont., writes to-say that in the account of the death and funeral of the late Mark Chant there was a mistake re garding his birthplace. He was borp--at--West--Chinnock,~ Somerset; England, not Crewkerne (Crook horn), Somerset. I was born there myself, and was there not long ago." "Spring. tonics" Yard, A. NEAL. Phone 1396 ~ Bicycles, $40; . ® ROOMS ne i ALL MOD. May where he gear, street $60 DD MADE Ww RITING FOR How B GOOD DRAUGHT : a . Learn Centre ret « I Brick, 9 rooms and € Mack B. and ( LOT ---Keu furnace, electric ght STOR AGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA . Turnace, eloels lgh Iry ry rooms; your own Jock and B price k-Veneered, 9 rooms, furnace, electric light $2,800 $800 Storage, 29% st's = City Ther, corner Phone §28b onabd--streets TEACHER WANTED. wi gas TEACHER WA 3 N . 8 y venience Pass larrie. Duties to r b 12th. Salary $300 per to William Head, Secre urer C 1€, unt Soe A -- ABSOL slngton Ave, L0x120 SOLID BRICK street, $2,100; BRICK HOUSE, EARL ST. $3,650. EAT COLLINS BRICK VENEER modern convenl street. A $1,800; HOUSE, OF Improvements (ih=son's. the Board projects. One THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. J. DRIVER, Representative, 66 Brock Street - - of man COTTAC HOUSE, PATRICK ns, all to a quick buyer, improvements. Phone 68 snap al CLARENDON Spring en el CR House Cleaning Aa Old Dutch Cleanser Star Ammonia Snow Flake Ammon Anti<Dust G Ib for 23¢ Mops, Brushes, Brooms, ete. GORDON'S GROCERY, 149 & Montreal Street Phone 88. ssn-- A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is not only a medicinal cer- eal but it is tasty as well, [It is des | licious as a cereal or made in pan- CAST sees pees nue, ROUGH + ST LOWER ALFR ; yy ing, ga HOUSE, SITY UNIVER t wat heat- FRAME HOUSE, i Improvements, AD 430 [SOLID BRICK, street; all George A. B STUART STR ERT) $2,000, 25¢ 235¢ -8, for POSITION WANTED. venings, EXPERIENC ED, ~NEW FRONTENAQ impr ents, $3.800 ter 'al estate, in- =25¢ FIRST-CLASS COOK -- in In hotel or steam- FIRST Apply nn, Ger St Delivery WHITE FRAME HOU ar reat, west « Lowe n-- it + Six or -------------- ~ § BE rie light; newl STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT som and painted blacksmithing or carpentering, de- tairs and down. Pos- sixes position. Would accept any next door, kind of remunerative job. Good mornings references. Apply In first Instance to Box 1187, care Whig office. WANTED GENKRAL Are more desired than awkward, ill- fitting ones NEAT AND BECOMING EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES YOU NEED US--IF YOU NEED GLASSES: Rodger Optical Parlors - 7 fing Sree Small -- eens ARM, NE good buildir 8" from city Kingston a AR GLENBUR. 8 and orchard, gix Apply to R. H, Station, Our optician is particularly ful with each customer, to and satisfy. care- please DENTAL As E-~KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. een ee SPARKS AND ington St. Phone 346. ARCHITEOT WM. NEWLANDS tects, etc Phone 61. TE tft ------------------------------------------------ POWER & SON, DR. ©. ©, NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B Rent istant. 133 Princess Toni enton, assistant. Tinceas rock 1 Street. Phone 735. of an Drop a cara BUSINESS NOTICES. H. WARD, PAINTER AND hanger, 132 Victoria street, material used, with skilled. work. men. Phone 1527 NEW LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILOR.) ing shop, Bagot Macnee & Minnes' repairing and Your patronage ed. J. Bullick, ISK OR FABLE FOR OFFICE "hilkiren's Ade Society, City SON, ARCHI. Buildings 26¥ Bagot St, & rete eee, SPARKS, 159 WEL. Offices, (over Carnovsky's). ROOM, BY et nly Gibson's. LADY. PARTLY FURNISH. RE -- at preferred. Central locality. Ap- Jox XYZ, Whig office ARCHITEC TS, MER« Bank , . Building, corner Wellington Streets. eet enc: THE KINGSTON BOY ey mm i tren PAPER HANGING, PAINTING graining. A bargain, including the paper, 1398 Colborne MEMBERS OF THE ANCIENT of Foresters residing in kindly communicate Bterry, Organ ¢ # t, or send AND $4 per room, a PP Ryda, PEEP PI LILI 004 TELEGRAPHY, Civil Service, writing, Bookk and Gener Im, and Night Classes. Kingston Husineas Remember That we carry the latest and most up-to-date stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington St. Phone 4b4 AUTOMOBILES HIRE kes. TRIMMED THE GERMANS pies ON EVERY OCCASION, Regular size se . 25 cents, -- At Your Family Grocers, "Writes Edward MceDermott--Capt. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. George Richardson Has Been 10. (Distributors. ) Gee: Tenders Wanted casion." For the improving and levelling of 3 This is what Edward McDermott | the Erounds at the Collegiate Institute RAVE ia fs » d Victoria School Tenders to be Says in ga letter to his father, James nd 3 . als McDermott, Johnson street written | tent to the Secretary, Board of Educa. ] x .. 8 § et, tion, before 7 pat. Tuesday, 20th inst. on March 28th. In his letter he Specifications Nn the Hoard Rooms. says: OH N MACDONALD, + Seey. . "Have received several letters eey.~Trean from home but only now have I been able to get a little time to myself MEDICAL INSPECTION Ir---------- L0 write. I suppose that winter is about finished over there. It has . OF IMMIGRANTS 1S VERY MUCH NEEDED, PAPER- best of HAVE ORDER Kingston with P. 188 Stuart Phone 1034 hd Type ng, Hunking Vement. Day College, street, next to All kinds of pressing also done will be apprecidt- proprietor FINANCIAL GOOD SEC- and stoves t know. Fw Thompsan, 33 ne 1608 HAVING furnituy , let me pay good prices. Princess t Street. me 440, H. KE. ™ ci Metenifte, "The Kingston boys have been and -under fire and have trimmed the Germans on every oc- pbded dd pd 4 +* + CUSTOMERS, prices for I PAY THE IGHEST new and second-hand FRONTENAC furniture. All kinds of furniture, ment Society; 'neorporated 1863; fothing, boots, tools, ete., to sell president, Colonel Henry R. Smith Top & card and I will call. 8 Money issued on city and farm Shapiro, 45 Princess street properties, municipal and country depentures; mort Ages purchased; GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR deposits receive ee ra ik cloth and have it made up Into up- lowed 8. C. McGill, Manager, §7 to-date sults. Prices and workman. Clarence Street ' Aka Sip Suarantoed to Please, Press- ng and repairin one on the LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO shortest notice. omas Galloway, Fire Insurance Company, ABE BL Broek street, near Bibby's assets $61,187.215. In addition to Which the poley holders have for UPHOLSTERING. security the unlimited liability of city property, insured at lowest | vossible rates. Before renewing W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. old or giving new business get pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street, FOR LOAN AND INVEST. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, NIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin Diemish es removed Permanently, without scar; 3 years' experience. Dr. Ki). Lake, e, Ear, N Throat pec Khroat and Skin faiiat, 28 John Lemmon Phone 1348. Plumber and Tinsmith. Estimates given on request. 4 Jobbing promptly attended to Phone L348, or address 456 Barrie street. ett TTY Parisian Ladies" Tailoring W. D. Rich, Manager, High Class Suits made to order ; Golden Lion Block, Opposite Post Office. Get Your Awnings Made In Kingston If you want an up-to-date- Awning, Boat or Waggon Cover, Cork Fenders or Life Floats for your boat, drop a card to What About Your Garden Seeds? Now is the time to buy Garden and Flower Needs. We have a full and complete variety which we guarantee to he fresh. Why not try our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed at 23¢ per Ib. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opp. YMCA, KINGSTON, ONT. LEGAL, INGHAM, BARRISTER or. Law office, 70 Clar« Kingston #P ~-- \. HB, CUNN and solicit ence St. been pretty cold here yesterday and to-day. Everything is going on all right. The writer states they have been {raided by aeroplanes three times ia Some eight days. Some civilians have been killed and damage done to property. They have been changing their position quite often, as it is necessary. Immigration Agent ( "The orderly told me to-day that has had {Frank (the writer's brother), was in grants in the last few weeks be- France with the Mechanical Trans- cause the farmers who had accepted port Ammunition, a different section them would not keep them because of from mone. The Indian troops are their physical condition. Medical in- 3he, Hest men side 9f the Canu ks spection of all "imihigrants should he Rave Shee, ait Le pate boys made before they .are allowed to go land have trimmed the Germans on Crip BiO the country where farmers {every occasion 3 pride themselves on their cleanliness. i "Capt George Richardson The farmers in this part of the coun- been. dos : » , try use their hired help as part of een doing good work. One of his the family and th : men described him the other day as Fh an 1 ley are given .ag having his whole heart and soul jn £9 accommocation us the . fapmer the game. can provide. Some of the immi- Ee . 3 5 be hospital t | "They want to rustle along some | Stants should a Pita, or a CAPTAIN JOSEPH DIX, that much-talked of second con. least be made to take a bath. | tingent as you can lose a whole one! The men that are sent out appear {in a good fight these days." to be all right when they go or the | ---- Was Laid To Rest, The funeral of the late Mrs. . farmer would not accept them, but MILNE .-. Colborne street, occurred FRENCH LESSONS, a LESSONS desire Have Agent Could rates from Stran © 8 on S-- 'Agents. Phone 225 s trange, Filthy One turned To the Farmers Who Them. Been Re- Here By | Not Stand em -- TAUGHT TO THOSE WHO ¢ to perfect themselves in French. Hours: 10 10 12 am and 4 to sp m Apply at 202 Willlam CRY. A. Als larg, B A, attorney, late of Mont. rea CARPENTERING. STORM SASHES REMOVE ates given on old or n work, talsing butldings, eC. Ww, rick street, phone 1 FURNITURE REPAIRING AND UP. holstering of all kinds. House and antique furniture repairing a specialty, also French polisher. 'ork can be done at home or at summer residence. Drop a card or call J. H. Walker, 39 Princess | MEDICAL. D, ESTIN. eW carpen- or moving Kellar, 10 Pat- 258 BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE a mall order business canvassing: -be your nd for free booklet; Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, ieorge Hunter to take back several immi- OATERING mi-- WE CATER TO PARTIES, Wedding breakfasts banqu Also rent Qishen, tabi verare. Reld and M. P. Rela, n Union Street. F Hambrook, 76 Btre Phones #43 ar 303, 2'('®3 Street Ee ------ 2 M, (FORMERLY oF Elgin). Surgery, 93 Wellington St. Phone 846, ; street. CAN START at home; no own boss tells how N.Y. INJURED IN RUNAWAY. Take Off the Chil Hardwood blocks for the furnace. Get a: load $1.75. Emm AMES SWIFT 4 09 COMMITTED FOR TRIAL S-- has Timothy Lawson, Sydenham, Critical Condition, ] The life of Timothy Lawson, who in company with his daughter, was | driving at Sydenhaw on Monday af- | ternoon, was saved by his horse be-| ing caught in time by another man who saw' the animal dashing along | the roadway dragging Mr. Lawson | who was holding on desperately io] the reins. The horse became fright- | ened and the occupants were thrown out. Miss Lawson was unhurt ex. cept a .few scratches and had Mr. Lawson let go the reins he might have also escaped. By holding tight | ly a terrible gash was made im fis head that required twenty stitches to close. Mr. Lawson was also bad ly shaken up and lies at his home ju a very precarious condition. The We handle all Government Inspected Meats Nothing but the best heal- . : thy young Beef, Pork and Electric Carpet and Vacuum Veal allowed in Meat Mar- Cleaning, Sewing and ket, Laying. Awning Maker, 211 Nelson Street. > after a short time an the farm their s , condition is found oulir condition i I'. is found out and it is the farmer's on | wi n as h | Wednesday, from the residence of he ile Who. ha to bear the brunt of i sister, Mrs. W. J. Mahood, Johnson 9 {street. The services were in charge {of Revs. G. I. Campbell and Dy, | Ryckman, who spoke touchingly of All this could 'be remedied if {he the life of the deceased. Many friends iovernment would pay for the in. spection of all immigrants by a com- | were in attendance. The floral tri- |butes were numerous and ° choice. petent medical man. Tt would not 8. Cro- | jhe expensive and would save a great deal of inconvenience later, As a rule the immigrents who ar- Anderson Bros. Phone 458, - W. bh. Godwin & Son. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 424 30 Brock St. Faleon Bieyeles. 'Phone. 542. - 272 Bagot St. A-1 Auto Mechanics phos, 201, G ones: 201, Garage; 917, Residence. x | The bearers were Messrs. W. 3. plleveland, Standard and ge ap chown, GA, Baise. riven "better Injured wan 18 sixty-seven years oi class and take care of themselves, | age. but there is the other Kind and as a LT ------ : result they cause a lot of trouble. BIG VAUDEVILLE THEATRE For The Next Three Months. Another Big House ( 'ontemplated For Fresh Strawberries every day at Kingston €arnovsky's, to-day's price 25c box "The Whig { Thomas Lambert, R. Crawford (J. Go Elliott. In Cataraqui [tery a heavenly-mindéd saint laid to rest. and Ceme- was ------ County Court Cases. i [Two deferred judgments wore | handed down 'by Judge Madden on i Tuesday in cases tried in the non- {jury County Court. In the case of | Hayes vs. Boomhower judgment was {given restraining the defendant from {committing further trespass and also {that he pay the plaintiff $45 as is in posses session of infor Word was. received Sunday of thi unexpected death of Seott Ross, C.P, R. agent at Cobden. The late. Mr. Ross had heen ill only a short time side men, who have had . years of ex- perience in the pi ure and vaudeville business, have made all arrangements with Bright's disease. He was hoe | With, a Jo oT ides tor the Sous _Jarey-Ses Years ogo in) Elise considered to be ome is the best lo- i p 3 ran ' ations in the city. It is also stat. | damages. | "Kentucky Lawn Seed." Gibson's. |%® 1 y- 3 | The case of Detlor vs. Hannah for AL he meeting of the Broek. ed that Some of Kingston s wut pro- +4300 commission en the sale of de- ville' Lawn Bowling Club these offi. | gressive Sneas Se are in te Goal | fendant's farm was dismissed with cers were chosen : President, |. B. and that ome oi 3 Pretent 3 tri- | costs. White: Seerstarv-Tressurer, E. 1. Ray. cal managers, who is noted for his | ee Ee S-- son; Bowling Committee. C. W. Yar | aguressiveness, will Took alter their sAloth camphor at Gibson's, ker, H. B. Coates, W. A. Gilmour, interests, ~~ {mation that a strong group of out. ed | On, a Charge of Having Stolen a | orse. | Noah Wood, arrested at Harrow- {sm th, has been committed for trinl before suuge vavell, on a charge o - re ste PTLD It is" alleged that the aceused hir/ a- horse and rig from Finkle's liv. ary in Kingston and that he made a trade with a Kingston man, getting 81.50 "to boot" in the deal. The | Kingstonian got wise to the fact that 'the outfit belonged to Mr. Finkle, and then gave chase to the man with dhoge he made the frade, rounding him wp at Harrowsmith. Nr. Finkle got his horse and rig back, but Wood is now with hozse stealing. "Moth camphor at Gibson's, | "Apartment House Case," CROWDED HOUSES Greet the Opening Of the Black Box Serial, The first episode of the photo-pla Fa ike Black Box," Fn entitled ihe iz new serini Ploy, Wis the Tdeal theatrs on Monday Tuesday to crowded 'house 8. It was the opiiion of everyone who saw the pictures that they were the best yet shown here, and the story promises to get more exciting as it progress- The balance of the pictures will be shown every Monday avd Tues. day hereafter and we would recom- mend those who have not started to commence next week and follow it to the end. and es. | "Spring tonics" at Gibson's.'