STOPS FALLING HAIR! MACHINE GUN SECTION This Home Made Mixture Stops Dan druff and Falling Hair and Aids Its Growth. To a half pint of water add Bay Rum 1 ox Orlex Compound a small Glycerine 4 These are all nple that you can buy from a at. very little and mix them yourself Apply to the scalp once a "day for two then once every other week unt 1 m re used to rid t the d iru nis hair from ¢ ng out itching and &calp diseases Although it is not a dye, it acts upon the hair roots and will darken streaked faded, gray hair in ten or * fifteen days. It promotes the growth of the hair. and makes harsh hair soft apd glossy. DOX 0zZ ngredients druggist cost, weeks hould be enou dandruff and ki It stops and rel the eves Snap Shot Cameras ALL SIZES ALL MAKES ALL PRICES Your soldier friend will appre. ciate one. We repair very low 15 every Repairs all makes at a Renting came day. Exchanging your old camera for a new one with us will give You satisfaction Finishing--We finishers of f town cost. "The and plates in 1d better, BEST'S The Popular Drug Store; OPEN SUNDAYS, are Quicke ies, OF THE 21ST BATTALION THOROUGHLY TRAINED. Is I'he Men Are Very Proficient In Their Work--The 21st Has Six Machine Guns. The talion i tion specialists' of the 21st clude the Machine-Gun Sec- the Signallers ier section under the very capable command of Lieut. Raymond has een progressing rapidly in vork that the man are everywhe wing complimented by those understand the machine gun the first time that machine have been included in the es ment of 3 battalion, and at every infantry battalion na n Expeditionary For least two and usually fou: guns. Up to the time of theo break of the war there were prac- tically no really capable instructors in machine gun drill. A regular sys-| tem of training was made and offis cers were given a chance to qualify as instructors. Sergt-Major Ed- wards was acquainted with the work before coming to Canada and the 21st Battalion was fortunate enough to secure hig services. He trained a number of officers 'and N.C.O.'s of the battalion and Lieut taymond showed up so well that he was given the position as commander of the section. Before the men were transferred to the Machine Gun Section they had to prove that their eye-sight wis better than the average and as brains are also a very necessary part of the work, only men of high in- telligenee were given the much de- sired positions To-day the, Ma- chine Gun Section is recognized as one of the strongest branches of the 21st Battalion. The men are able to set up their gun in record tims fire accurately and are also well enough educated in the mechanism to know how to fix any trouble that might occur. ! It is interesting to note that the and 20 {2Tst Battalion has six machine guns, including two from the penitentiar- | while other battalions have .om- ly four. | EDISON'S NEW SUBMARINE | Will Enable Crew To Live Under Wa. ter 100 Days. New York, April 15.--The United {| States Government is building at its navy yard at Portsmouth, N.H., a | submarine of a type that will excel | any "boat of. the type in existence, in| | radius and which will the matter of under sea steaming be equipped | with apparatus designed and built by | | its crew to. live for a period of Thomas A. Edison and will enable one | hundred days at the bottom of the Ql | sea if the ¢ aft should meet with an | accident similar to that which disabl- | ed the F-4 in Honolulu harbor, This announcement was made to-| night by Miller Reese Hutchison, | chief engineer to and personal repre- | sentative of Mr. Edison. It is as-| | serted that the new Edison batteries | will give the submarine an undersea | cruising range of more than 150 | miles, more than a third longer than | | that of any present submarine, and | | will eliminate the dangers to the! | crew of chlorine and sulphuric acid { Bas poisoning. {the Government has This is the only submarine which | attempted | build in one of its own yards. KEELEY Jr. M.0..0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN | 228 Princess Street, 8 doors above the Opera House, | branéls of | where cheques representing An agent of one of the powers at war had visited the Edison laborator- | ies to-day to negotiate for the pur-| chase of a supply of the new batter- teries. Since the war began prac- cally all of the belligerents have sought to equip submarines with Edi- | son batteries but the inventor has re-| fused to deliver any until they should | | have proved that they could stand all! | of the most severe tests to which they | could be subjected. PART OF PAY FOR WIVES. Ottawa Repairs Neglect Of Indiffer- | ent Husbands. ! London, Aprili 15. Major Maur-! ice Alexander, chief paymaster for| the Canadian forces, has recovered | from a bad attack of influenza and | is nbw located in offices in London. The eolume of financial work in the paymaster's office is reflected in the great activity at the West End the Bank of Montreal. thous- ands of pounds in small amounts are {| cashed daily. 3 You'll find all the help you want 11 Selecting Your pring Suit At this store. Our store is perfect | nounced. Indifference or oppesition on the part of many soldiers to assigning a portion of their pay to their wives has resulted in the passing of an order-in-council at = Ottawa, giving the department power to assign a moiety to pay to wives where eir-| cumstances call for such action. } Specialty made of Abdominal Sup- ports; Bhoulder Braces, ete. Dut-! ton's. y ! The. ~ Commons is to prorogue to- day. The rumor is that Parliament will dissolve on Monday next, and | the election date will then be an | nn and mel whose judgment may be| relied upon will assist you in finding | just what you want. Fashion Craft | lothes. | What can we do more than furn. | Ish you with the best service, and] the best makers' goods made in} Canada? ! Our $13 line is the best money | can buy and $20 will buy any color | ed suit in the store. We are doing! all we can to make buying easy. EP. Joking' THE KRON PRINZ WILHELM AT v The. for- ,, CHRISTIANITY IN JAPAN. Germany's Cc Of the Premier, Addressir of ption Deity Wrong, Says te an é evange preparatory the inday School Conven C Okuma, th 2 the to sta given things, a nob wemanhood th emier ion made re n Europe COL. ALEX BERTRAM Of Montreal { Ont., wh form chairman of ti general of the Headju RETURNS TO HIS HOME. "Been Riding In Fsat Auto," Is All He Murmurs. Jinghampton, N.Y, April 15.--J, B, Cole, prominent merchanteof Endicott, near here, disappeared three - weeks ago last night. Te closed 'his store at about eight o'clock and started for home. A package he was taking home was found behind a fence near his home later. Pergons in the vicinity told about Bey a high-powered auto- mobile speeding away at about nine o'clock onthe wight Mr. Cole disan peared. - His. family believed that he iad 'heen slain and his body was thrown in the Susquehanna River. Early yesterday morning Mr. Cole was found by a policeman on the street corner here. Mr. Cole had no recollection of 'where he was during the three weeks, but constantly mur- Jug, "Deen riding in fast automo- bile." CAPTAIN H New coming Pats He Connau become ad BULLER of the Princess to the Duke of tntil he 1 Princess Pats ander ADC. Ottawa the as i it left to OFFER A BASE HOSPITAL. Senate of University of Alberta Has So Decided. Edmonton, April 15.--The Senate of the University of Alberta decided Yesterday to make an offer to the Militia Department of the personnel and equipment for a base hospital of 250 beds in either England © or France for the military forces. This offer was wired to Col. Cruikshank, as military commanding officer for the district, and he will communicate it to thé proper quarter. $1.50 Corsets $1.00. Dutton's NA mn THE DAILY B { noon. lant | the {The company {miles of telephone line with about {creased rental Ep FEI E bb WAR BULLETINS. Both Paris and Petrograd were silent Widnesday evening and it was thought that impor- tant movements were pending on both fronts. statement Wednesday German submar- ines, Winston Churchill said Britain had nothing 10 fear. she still centrolled the seas and underseas. In night a about ool fe ee le eb RB - Dunkirk has reports of two more German submarines be. ing caught in traps set by the French and sank, Ships arriving at Christiana, Norway, report passing ten war- ships in the North Sea without colors, They are thought to be Germans, Turkish trcops have invaded Persia and surrounded the Goy- ernment House at Kasrishrin, Sir John French ascribes the victory of Neuve Chapelle and St. Loi to the magnificent dash of the infantry, especially the Indians. He places the total casualties at 12,811 men. A greater victory was possible, but somebody blundered, The Turks are massing troops and guns om Gallipol Peninsula, in the Dardanelles; many German aeroplanes ar- rive. PEPE P FLEES FICE EFL E ILA REEL EERE EPSP e edd * The official report says 22. 000 troops attacked the British position in Turkish territory, but were driven off leaving 300 prisoners. British losses were ninety-two men. PEF TER PPR P PR FRR rR bP EPP RE DPE RFE SRP Eb pnp i 3 + Gananoque | | April 15.--The Women's Guild of | Christ Church held an afternoon tea | from 3 to 6 o'clock yesterday after- noon, and in connection with it a| sale of aprons made by the ladies| of the Guild was held. i The Vestry meeting of Christ] Church, held on Monday evening! last was one of the most satisfactory well as best attended meetings of -that- nature for.some time past. The reports from the various church | activities were all of a most en-| couraging nature. The financial re-| port showed that the year began | with- a deficit of $400 but ended] witha surplus of $300. The fo!-| lowing officials were elected:: Rec-| tor's warden, Dr. C. H. Bird; peo-| {ples warden, G. L. Johnston; treas- | ured, C. V. Ketchum; anditors, A. D.| | Howe and W. H. Britton; synod de- legates, W. B, Carroll, G. L. John- | ston and R. B. Britton. | Albert Matthews disposed of a considerable amount of his farm stock and implements by public auec- tion at his farm on the 3rd Conces- sion of the Front of Leeds and Lans- downe township yesterday after- The sale was largely attend- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly, Garden street, spent a short time this week in Sunbury, guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. William Lynn. | Napanee April 5.--A meeting of the Pleas- Valley Telephone Company was held in Napanee Tuesday night and F. H. Card will be the president for coming year and Merle Sills, secretary-treasurer. The directors report a satisfactory year's business The line will be extended this year. owns about seven twenty patrons. A representative of the Bell Telephone Company was present to urge the claim of an in- for the service giv- en the company by the Bell Tele- phone Company of Napanee. M. Brant a deseronto Mohawk, was before Police Magistrate Ran- kin Tuesday and was sent up to the county jail for twenty-one days for creating a disturbance while under the influence of liquor Miss Marion Stevens, Napanee, will go with the nursing staff of the Queen's University Hospital Corps for overseas service. kin left Napanee to-day for a trip to Toronto, Londan and St. Thom- as. The prisoners at the county jail who went on strike the other day refused to work, have submitted to discipline and returned to their al- lotted tasks. Private 'A. Laughlin, 39th Bat- talion, who has been confined to the hospital at Belleville through sick- 'ness, is able to be out again, and + e-- } William Ran-| RITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 191. - f Fair and very mild to-day and on Friday. PAGE THREE [r-- he Spring Sale OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS Is now in full swing--hundreds participated in the savings yesterday--and we expect hundreds .more to-morrow. Price and Quality tell the tale, while assortments were never so broad or diversified a Double Discount Stamp s Will be given on all jurchases made in Department to-morrow and Saturday. Be sure and get "Home Beautiful." COME TO-MORROW! | DAVIES' Dainty Mild Hams (Smoked and mild cured.) 19¢ Lb. Boneless Cottage Rolls (Select cuts to boil or fry.) 18c Lb. Tho Wm. Davies' Co. Limited, Phone. 507, is expected home for a visit this week. W. Finkle and Thomas Blute are among the number who are buying | new cars this season. i Stanley Babcock was fined $2.00 | and costs for being drunk and dis- orderly yesterday. Montreal Constable Killed. ters Nelson, a C.P.R., constable in Montreal, was slain in the fight at| Neuve Chapelle on March 12th. Pte. Nelson was a British redervist, serv- | ing with a Scottish regiment. He joined the Canadian Pacific Railway | police force in June last, remaining in that position until he was called to the colors on August 16th, Montreal, April 15,--George Char: |} of the EWPORT AND HER HAVE PURE BLOOD Your heart works might and day! without a pause. It is the principal organ of the circulation of blood. dt dis of the wimost import ance that it should do its wark well The quality and quantity of you blood have much to do. with its ac- {ficient in quantity. "blood pure and abundant. i i i wenger liner of 21,000 tons. She 'ing the blood. i tion. If this fluid is pure and abun-| i dant, your heart and other vital or- §i than § or de- | §i gans aot with more energy when it is defective in quality, Hood's Sarsapariila makes one old reliable medicine that has been sold for forty years, for parify-| H There id mo better § tlood remedy, appetizer, "Pe sure you arnasiat gt Be sure your: ir ves you i { { {§ Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Pure, [I the | Tt is the|f the House Furnishing your share of the many bargains for the KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE Motor Boat and Automobile Owners We invite you to see our stock of: Batteries (Dry Cells) Spark Plugs Spark Coils 6 Volt Bulbs Flash Tights Low Tension Wire High Tension Wire Volt Meters Am. Meters H. W. Newman Phone 441. 60¢c and up ERE TE 84 and up 35¢ and up -75¢ "and up $1.25 and wp Gc per foot 10c per foot Electric Co., 79 Princess St. NOW IS THE TIME ato TUN | | ! To place your order for a Monument, and by placing us you are guaranteed first class work. Prompt delivery and mode- A call of inspec- your order with rate price, tion invited. J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Cl Phone No. 1417. Spring Suitings es -- Choose From to Prices Reasonable. f Crawford & Walsh Civil and Military Tailors, Princess ahd Bagot Sts. pL