Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1915, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1915. Established Trust Fund w onto a either pa the death o A Joint Account ment, The mven "po {either t ie big particuls Capital BANK or TORONTCJ find a Joint Saving Reserved Funds INCIDENTS OF THE DAY GR A ax To-Night sum bes L)CAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. CONTINUOUS - PERFORMANCE AT 2360 P.M. AND 730 P.M. the Cj Feature Vaudeville Acts. Happenings in the City and Vicinity Famous Players Filnis, 4 Reels, ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig, Charles Frohman Presents u "THE LOVE ROUTE." Are cleaning yet ? GE u's Monday and Thursd i p OU wre New Programme onday a ursday PRo tuner ides Prices: Mat. 10¢, any seat. Evening, 10¢; reserved Sc extra. \uley 's Phone 564. Bar eCeive i rers of a Black, Brockville, has come ik ol Tor spend a lew days in Kingston i 4 es Harold A. Snyder, Queen s, leit last \ ok bl ght for his home in Nagara Falls, OPERA HOUSE . HUSBANDS AND WIVES ir Cor alne, or Joint ount in T } HOME OF THE BiG v. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY "11th Episode, MASTER KEY." kerson opened the chest find in place of the pa ? See the the Also H. Coaningham, Plano tunmer, 2} Me- manage King street. Leave Auley's Dook Store, Several lorms in the Collegiate In occupying Very orders at stitute are the addition comiortable; ix Lerman prisoners of war west have what did priceless 11th £5.000,000 86.102.810 and find it P or? Episode answer "Mary Fuller" in "THE COUNTERFEIT," A detective story, and "REGGY'S SWEETHEARTS," Screaming L-KO Comedy. Our prices never change. Admission Se from reached Kingston, un- 4 guard of six men and an offi the r > Strong Corzet Clasps i5e. fon's. Dut- Uttawa coal dealers have reduced C------ Protect th Only 10 to 20 per cent. dfferenee in cost between brick and frame house to build and 50 per cent. differ- ence in the insurance, and then why not build with brick and save the cost of upke cp. price is right. Kingston Brick Yard, A. NEAL. PT ---- Home ! the © ol coal hilty cents Per ton. Kingston dealers have made no cut GE "for pl as ve T OUR PRICES lumbing piping done epa 1S. Sat A. AND J. JAMIESON, Plumbers and Gasfitters, . Phone 257 Miss lizzie left visit lerryman, Kingston Mills, on Tuesday for Westport to her aunt, Mrs. J J. Me- Cann ? Corsets Goe¢ Dutton's.! mall dance Was given by Club to members About twenty € ¥ a { A roquois Vednesd the on couple its y y ' ay We have the brick and the efe present Children's Waists 25c. the 1.O.F. will of socks for soldiers meeting to-night or at Dutton's. BE PARTICULAR BUY ONLY Members of leave donation the court their Phone 1296 at RO / Street, Solid Brick, price K Veneered, Centre and ( vide lo Mack Street, Bric B. and ( price LOT Kensington B Ave., THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. Representative. J. DRIVER, . 66 Brock Street FOR SALE 9 rooms Brock street, tonics" at Don't fail to read featfire article will ampear daily, sommthing bright line. CANADIANS A STRENGTH T0 THE BRITISH FORCES General Sir Join French Pays a ff ISS com "Spring Gibson's. the Walt on page and vou and Aa LT AE Ma- -- Ee four. will cheerful son It find in every furnace rooms, furnace, Phone 68 *DONT-BLOW-0 NEAT AND BECOMING EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES YOU NEED US--IF Rodger Optical Parlors - 347 King Street i an | High Tribute to Our Troops. London, April French's report, issued yesterday, pays a high tributed to the Canadian troops. "All the Canadians serving in the army," he says, "have splendidly up- held ihe traditions of the Empire and have proved a great source of additional strength to the forces. On February 15th the Canadian division began to arrive. . | inspected the division which was under the command of Lieutenant-General E. A. H. Alderson. They presented a splendid and most soldierslike ap- pearance. They were {n~gdod physi- que, 'hard and fit. I judged that ESTATE Saturday, April 17th, 12 ! wil Offer fe pril 17th, 5 rity. 10 Re o'clock noon sale at my A Brock street, 12: o'claek wo: 1 Are more desired than itting ones, awkward, ill- wetlon Our optician is ful ---with--each and satisfy YOU NEED GLASSES. particularly eare- to please SIX roo customer; ment AUCTIONEER. t 113 Broek St AUCTION SALE - REAL Satarday, | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM| 1 A ------ CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion, 1c a word. Each con- uy insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢: three insertions S0ei six. 81; oe month, $2. HELP WANTED. AN ADVT 25 WORDS OR LESS under this'head. costs 26¢c for one nignt, or 50c for three: » SMART KINGSTON OY. Hoste Co, APPEY Lid. VANT, APPLY MRS, Barrie street GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY _ IN the evening to Miss Hora, 45 King street, near Macllonald Park. A GENERAL SE H.! AD Lavell A AN EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID, NO APT 4 Barrie street. a nce Apply Hpted A CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR wenera rk Good wages No washing. Apply 162 University housew:« 238 King St. o Alice M. Jack- de Hospital, Can- A HOUSE MAID: REFERENCES RE- ply to Mrs. F. H. Mac. Lawrence Cottage, 43 Newspapers. no Wd for particulars. 3.969 Lockport, MADE WRITING FOR Learn How," Big 25¢ for sample rticulars The ¥ Play Co, Box 474, TEACHER WANTED. NO. 2, , CLARENDON for nted, saiary 1 Coxvale :c.-Treas., TEACHER WANTED FOR 8, § No. a, Barrie. Duties to commence April 12th. Salary $300 per year. Apply to Wiliam Head, Secretary-Treas- urer. Cloyne, Ont. INFORMATION WANTED. AS TO WHEREABOUTY OF JOHN Johnson. Auburn hair and freckle face, aged 12 vears Any pe giving information, kin co e with Mrs. Johnson, reel, Kingston POSITION WANTED. TENCED, FIRST-CLASS COOK res position in hotel or steam- ply M Jack Quinn, Gen- very, City. Ap r, eral Deli O they had been well trained and . were Quite able to take their places in the r Remember That we carry the latest and most up-to-date stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO 210-14 Wellington St. AUTOMOBILES {line of 'battle. | 'Since then the division has thor- oughly justified the good opinion which 1 formed of it. The troops of the Canadian division were first Attached for a few days by brigades for training the third corps trenches, under Lieutenant-General Sir Willi- am Pulteney, who gave me such an {excellent report of their efficiency that I was able to employ them in the trenches early in March, "During the battle of Neuve Cha- pelle they held part of the line al- lotted to the first army. Although they were not actually engaged in the main attack, they rendered ; Spring ouse Cleaning Old Dutch Cleanser .3 for 23¢ Star Ammonia Snow Flake Ammonia 6 for 25¢ Anti<Dust 6 1b for 23¢ Mops, Brushes, Brooms, etc, GORDON'S GROCERY, 149 & Montreal Strect Phoue 88. .» Limited hone 454 - P FOR HIRE valuable help by keeping the enemy What About Your Garden Seeds? Now is the time to buy Garden and Flower Seeds. We have a full and complete variety which we guarantee to be fresh. Why not try our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed at 25¢ per Ib, 1 HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opp. YMCA. KINGSTON, ONT. Sa -- NOTICE ! ! Government - Inspected Meats Nothing hit the best heal-| thy young Beef, Pork and Veal allowed in Meat Mar- FARM, 500 Good Buildings, $1,000. W. h. Godwin & Son. Real Estate and Insurance. Phone 424 . . 39 Broek St order | | Golden Lion Block, Opposite et. Sd Anderson Bros. ~~ Phone 458. actively employed in front of tireir trenches, on enders Wanted For the improving and levelling of the grounds at the Collegiate Tastitute and Victoria School dl the construc tion of & concrete wa Tenders to he sent to the Seeretary, Board of Eduea- tion, before 7 pan. Tuesday, 20th inst. Specifications at the Board Rooms. JOHN MACDONALL Seey-Treas ------------ PITH OF THE NEWS Condensed Items By Telegraphic and From Exchanges A War of extermination has been commenced against blackbirds by the Berlin Game Protective Association. Mutah Singh was killed and (wo other Hindus wounded in an explo- sion which wrecked a house in Van: couver. ' The Railway Commission hears ob- ' oo | Dr. Jackson's jections to rate indreases from crushed stone dealers, grain men, Roman Meal and others. At Norwalk, 0, John Gardiner, This is not only a medicinal cer. aged ninety-nine years, suid to have eq) but it is tasty as well. It is de- been the oldest active banker in the licious as a cereal or made in pan. United States, died on Wednesday. cakes, Lieut.-Col. Wigle, Windsor, com- Trial size mander of the Eighteenth Battali- Regular size «vy. 25 cents, At Your Family Grocers, | on, will be given a staff appointment of the in either England or France. FENWICK, HENDRY & C0, BLADDER { W. F. Maclean, M.P., Toronto an- (Distributors. ) LADDE {nounces the engagement of his! 24 HOURS | daughter Mary Lewis to Harry Sif- Each Cap- | ton, third son of Sir Clifford Sifton GERMANS ARE DIVIDED sule bears the (Mi {and Lady Sifton, Ottawa. ) hame Sg { Beware of counterfeits | wgse in Price. John Lemm Phone 1348. Plumber and Tinsmith. Estimates given on request All jobbing promptly attended to Phone 134%, or address 450 Barrie street. Parisian Ladies' Tailoring High Class Suits made to Post Office. 10 cents | The postal authorities at Dover, | Eng., have issued a notice inviting | applications from girls of fifteen or Se-- | sixteen willing to replace boys as tele- Chancellor Thin inpitz i EE ---- | graph messengers. : dot ks Yon Ti Will | The parcél mails between Canada Injure Relations With land France by Allan Line steamers {will be resumed on the i3th in. 3 . ' fotnt by : the Sicilian, sailing from : Rotterdam, i 15.-From one who r Lady Pellatt, Toronto, has recoived | 1% in close touch with diplomatic eir- ---- | word from kngland that she has been | cles in Betlin 1 learn there + is a J appointed a Lady of Grace of tha Op serious erence of opimion regard- Electric Carpet and Vacaum i of Hospital of St. John of ing the submarine .warfure against . | Jerusalem in England. mercantile RE ek Cleaning, Sewing and shave been completed | Al one Time was a defiite {for the shipment to America of two split in the Government. The scheme ~ {cargoes of German dyestufis which argintitd by Admiral You Vitpita {were paid for by the American! im. met wit strong opposition from Cleveland, Standard ANG er rons Mara. and are now | Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, who Falcon Bieyeles. 'at Rotterdam. = held the view that the advantages | At the Westinghouse Airbrake Com. gained would be quite incommensur. Phone 542. 272 Bagot 84. | pany; Pitt special machinery ate with the detrimental efiect upon . has been i and workmen are neutral countries. Admiral Von Tir i i a idg itz ¢ the scheme on ihe making shrapnel shells, cartridge cas. Pitz ' pressed les and fuses on a contract that will ground that the only p I ire a year to e. feelings should be takem into i 5. H. Fraser, Ottawa, has donated sideration werg, the Germans {two additional machine guns to the selves, ama m view of the ccm as false : Russian = "Toe cream bricks." Gibson's. in behalf of the = All letters posted belore 'midnight rges that 'Wedupsday dil not require war been prosecuted stamps. All the letters posted after © midoight needed them, i A NEW CEREAL ON SUBMARINE WARFARE ~ whose STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de- sires position. Would accept any kind of remunerative Job. Go: references. Apply in first instance to Box 1167, care Whig office. WANTED GENRRAL | ---------------------------------- ee MOTOR BOAT, 20 TO 238 FEET LONG. Apply Box 415, Whig office r~ SMALL DESK OR TABLE KHOR OFFICE of Children's Aid Society, City Buildings ROOM, BY LADY. PARTLY FURNISH. ed preferred. Central locality. Ap- ply Box X.Y.Z, Whig office. PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND graining. A bargain, $4 Fey room, including the paper. oung, 138 Colborne street. MEMBERS OF THE ANCIENT ORDER of Foresters residing in Kingston kindly communicate with P, Sterry, Organizer, 188 Stuart street, or send address. Phone 1034. GOOD SEC. ANY PERSON HAVING ond-hand furniture and stoves to dispose of, let me know. 1 will pay good prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street, phone 1600. CUSTOMERS, I PAY THE HIGHEST prices for new and second-hand furniture. All kinds of furniture, ¢lothing, boots, tools, ete., fo sell Drop a ecard and I will call. 8 Shapiro, 45 Princess street GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR | cloth and have it made up into up-; to-date suits. Prices and workman- ship guaranteed to please, Press- ing and repalrin done on the shortest notice. omas Galloway, | 1 Brock street, near Bibby's { UPHOLSTERING. | W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card | or call 216 Bagot reet. | MEDICAL. » M.D.C.M,, Elgin). Surgery, Hew 846 © | street, The Acme Of Grace, While he was talking of the "war, Aud telling what he thought ki (FORM Y OF of ings, . { silent chap who lived next door Was keeeping busy doing things. | While he discussed 'what Kitoheney | said, That not till May would war com- mence, His silent neighbor went ahead And built a forty-acre fence. And while he. talked | Andl told 'em stood, The silent chap behind the scenes | Was keeping busy sawing wood, And when the silent chap appeared | ( One morping in & motor car, I [The talky chap just stroked his | beard ¥ And sa are A Future Business Man. "Bobby, if you're a nice, qujet boy this afternoon I'll give you a cent." "Ne, I want a nickle." "Why, you young raseal, you were | Quite satisfied to be good for a penny yesterday." "I know, but that | day." { ------------------ | "Sprisg tonics" ai Gibson's. . of submarines, id, "How lucky some. folks '> J was a bargain just how . Faglacd FOR SALE. RSE's PHESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COs stre little. Once, 25c; three times, oy one week, 311.00. -------------------------- LOST. SMALL wa LOOP NU t neess stree TWO YOUNG 1 9R APPLY TO George W. Boyd - 88 Earl street, FOUND - Er ta---- GO-CARTS at reasonable Phone 705, 705 rete ee tee ees, WORMWITH PIANO; ALMOST N » rice reasonable and terms easy. Write to Box 1242, Whig office; HARNESS AND buggy Fearless driver or saddle, or suit delivery. Apply 32 Fron- tenac street, AND CAR- prices, at 610 DIVISION ST, THE UPTOWN Jicycle Depot, new and second- hand bikes, good and cheap for cash or on instalments. A high. priced Ick gun, 10 gauge, prac- tically new, for sale at half price of all makes repaired. C. A phone 1284. TO LET FOR FURNITURE clean and dry. McCann, § Street. Ss, GOOD HORSE, STORAGE BrCe VICTROLA AND SIX DOUBLE-SIDED records for $28.50: $5 cash and $1 per week, C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, 1 Princess street TT, slon 1 ROOM HOUSE, 121 x 198 STEWART as 4 ' 2 ~ et ------------ APply to J. R. Laidlaw, 348 Div GELDING, IN GOOD WORK. Str condition, alsa express cart cheap to quick buyes William street BLACK STORES, Me- 8 Agency, §2 DWELLING! Cann's Brock OFFIC Real Es St, --in OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. by Apply to Cunningham & , 79 'Clarence St, \ MOTOR-BOAT, 4 It, 8, in goo heap 2 FT. a ditfon Box ny Will' be sold Apply 180, Whig office BRICK Also ne for ON FRANTENAC ST. _---- h n Brock St ilenac St AXD Apply St ee ---------------------------- UPRIGHT WALL SHOW CASE, TENTS awnings, fishing tackle, ato, rything must be, sold by Jul Lease expires. Frank Ww. 39 Clarence street. house o 8 ROOM HO USE, furnace, 369 Alfred Laidlaw 'ooke, RAIN gh HARI Moon BLACK RUBBER Coa, bl n k spring and so two suits new Apply DOU. fall of tly Box Ke Whig office BRICK Streets 'clectrid lig EL YOR rham > herns land KING ST. E., 9 ROOMS, ALL WOD- MG 10s From May 1st Carruthers, 151 Wel- s-ROOM EGGS FOR NATCHING FROM HENS ay. Well bred white Leg- barred rocks and Rohde ls. reds. 75 cents per setting. Boyd, 108 Pine, Kingston, street OF BICYCLES SCOUT Wi. tor tles, $27: Pastime Bicycles, $35: rfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect Cushion Frame, $60; fitted with 3- 3peed gear, $80, Qeo. Muller, 378 ing street. | SOLID BRICK street, $2,100; RNITURE, CLEAN, your own lock and City Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone §26b. | FURNI SHED COTTAGE Bay, 7 rooms, all mode rm convent- ences, boat-house and private dock Apply Mrs. R. Grass, 54 Rowan- wood. Ave, Teronto, STORAGE FOR FU dry, airy rooms; key." Frost's -------------- HOUSE, CHESTNUD improvements, AT COLLINS BRICK HOUSE, EARL ST. $3,650. BRICK VENEER "HOUSE, Slree A snap $1,850; all impro er PATRICK HOUSE, to a quick buyer, ) vemeénts, |ROUGH CAST HOUSE, © Ap- | avenue, 7 rooms, 430 ing, gas and e | NE LOWER ALF « t car jun modern conveni- May 1st iy evenings, NIVERSITY hot water heat- lectric Mght; FRAME HOUSE, STUART STREET, improvements, $2,000, SOLID BRICK NEW, street; all Improvem Géorge A Bateman, surance, 67 Clarence FIRST WHITR eee eee FRAME HOUSE, 163 Stuart streat, west of Lower Uni | Ay nue. Six rooms and le tric light; new ly clean- ed and pai 1. Small verandah upstairs and vn. Pos- session at once. Key next door, 165 West Apply in mornings. FRONTENAC ents, $3,800, real estate, In- Street. FOR SALE OR.%0 LET 25 ACRE FARM, NEAR nie, good building and miles from city, Fair, Kingston DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D DS, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL | lington St. (over Carnovaky's). Phone 346. DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST Renton, assistant. 153 Street. Phone 738. BUSINESS NOTICES. GLENRUR. orchard, gix Apply to R. H, Station, . NEWLANDS & tects, ete, Offices, Phone 61. POWER & & chants' Brock Drop a + » HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, and all growths an removed DR. T. B.| WM SON, ARCHI. Princess | 258 Bagot St, N, ARCHITECTS, mM lank Building, co and Wellington card rner H, WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER- Streets. hanger, 132 Victoria street, best of material used, with skilled work- men. Phone 1527. | depp V- LADIES' AND GENTS TAILORL ing shop, Bagot street, -next to Macriee & Minnes' All kinds of repairing and pressing also done. Your patronage will be appreciat- ed Bullick, proprietor FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; TELEGRAPHY, Ivil Service, Shorth 4a, eo Rkeorie, » ners - and Night Classen" "ent, Civt anita J Day AND INVEST. 'neorporated 1863; President, Colonel Henry R. Smith' Money is city and farm properties, unic'pal and country | depentures: nortgages purchased; | deposits received and interest al. lowed. S. C. MeGill, Manager, 87 | Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of | city property, {insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing | we Tr Eiving new business get rates from Strange { Agents. Phone 328 & Strange, SPP ELE L LE aa TETTIIIIIINIMMe RIRTHNM ARKS d skin b Permanently. pamish T; 30 years experienss ce. Dr, mer J. 'Lak rN Throat ana Bagot Bt enn alia, LEGAL, INGHAM, BARRISTER or. Law office, 70 Clar- Kingston. FRENCH LESSONS, eee LESSONS TAUGHT - TO desire to berfect themselves French. Hours: 10 to 4 to 6 pm. Phone 147 jo2 William street, city. Al. Jazq, B A, attorney, late of Mont. A. B. CuUNN and soloit CARPENTERING, ence St, STORM sasw ates given ES REMOVED, ESTIM. New carpen- & Wo--ietn 0 PAE --etar; - rick street, phone 1268, rR BUSINESS OHANOKS ANYONE ANYW ERK a mail Préer dust canvassing: Bend for free Heacock. 2.969 CAN START So ade booklet; Unekport "Ny 0% CARPENTERING. -------------- FOR HARDWOOD » CATERING TO PARTIES, NE breakfasts, Siiverare dighes aby re. Hicks, nate. 85 100 Phones et ------ LOORS AN ALL kinds of Interior finish, DA 1 try. Jame Selby, 212 1 n'versity avenue. - Hardwood blocks * for _the furnace. Get a load -- $1.75. Pe : JAMES SWIFT & f | factories, 1700 ia dairy work, | gardens, 2000 in varfous bran | agricultural work, | PAGER TO WORK. Thirty-Three Thousand Register for Special War Service. sistants, 500 as leather workers and London, April 15.--Thirty-three 5000 in clerical 'work. Six hundred thousand women had registered them Women had been given employment selves for special war service up to at the board of trade. Mr. Runciman the end of March. This statement added. . was made to-night hy Walter Runei- PE Tandy at Gibson on's, 500 in ches of 1100 as shop as- man, president ofthe board of trade, The new Canadian loan of to a deputaiion representing the | five million dollars has been various women's societies in London. ,v ibed. Six thousand of ghe women, Mr. "Ice cream bricks" Runciman «a(d, had declared them-' Hon. James Duff an

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