Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Apr 1915, p. 9

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12 PAGES \ ] The Daily British Whig PAGES 8-12 YEAR 82 NO, 89 POPE DID NOT 6 IVE PRIVATE Kl AUDIENCE TO VON WIEGEND The Fantastic Stories Spread by Berlin Have ee 'Aroused Bitter Indignation at the Vati- can---The Pope Misrepresented. So -- The Motive of Germany is Quite Clear---Ris Holiness Will Probably Communicate a Formal Disavowal of the Interview in the Offi- cial Organ. Milan, April ¥6 The German- American interview with the Pope has aroused bitter indignation at the Papal court, where the statements attributed to Bemedict XV, are open- ly characterized as fantastic and false. The Vatican correspondent of the Corriere della Sera, who enjoys ex- ceptional privileges in obtaining in- formation direct from the Holy See, states that in consequence of the gerious nature of the misrepresenta- tions and the storm of telegraphic in- quiries and protests showered upon the Vatican by Roman Catholic clergy and laity in the United States, Britain and France. His Holiness probably will communicaté a formal disavowal of the interview in the forthcoming issue of the Osservatore Romano, 'The correspondent adds that the declarations alleged to have emanat- ed from the Pope are plaintly m con- tradiction with the marked change unfavorable to the Germanic cause, which for some time past has been apparent in the political attitude of | the Holy See. If Secolo has searched the Vati- can registers in vain for any entry of a private audience accorded Karl von Wiegend. My own information is, however, that the German journal- ist was warmly recommended for such an audience in a note addressed to Cardinal Gasparri, the Papal sec retary, by Baron de Ritter, the Bav- arian minister to the Pope. Very significant, indeed, is the fact that the clerical newspapers subsidized by the Vatican in producing the fext of the alleged interview retransmiti- ed from London and pressed altogether I which urged President Wilson to has ten the dawn of peace by stopping the exportations of munitions of war to the Allies. The leading organs of the press find it easier to regard rantly unneutral advice of ti as a Germanophile journali thrown to the greedy German appe- tite acroes the Atlantic than au authentic utterance of so astute a di- plomatist as Benedict XV. Cologne, sup paragraph Italian flag sort sOp is as Pope Misrepresented. York Herald e, Tuesday The Tribune this evening says that. the New. York World's correspondent, Karl yon Wiegand who was received by the Pope is known for his semi-official relations with the Germans and had Americanized his name to "Vigand" g0 that the Pope thought he: was speaking with an American fo. au American newspaper. Unfortunately the Pope's neutra- list ideas were distorted by the inter- viewer's "asides", and thus the clever German journalist, acting for the German interests in America _ and elsewhere, succeeded in turning the Pope's pacifist intention into the ex- act channel wanted by the Germans in America. 3 His Little Joke. The bigamist turned back to say, Before they put the handcuffs on, "One cannot lead a double life As cheap as one." : | AN OFFICIAL RECORD. | Government Aware Japs Were | in. Turtle Bay. April 16.- iy been nd ti exis read or vex ere is not much for the Japan-| tear Admiral Charles imander of the Pavific | who i iting in at the report that establishing a pen 1 Turtle Bay, Lower Cal nent oi neutrality 8 vi Japanese nent bas i fornia 1 no doubt Japanese arship Bay," said Admiral Pond, "but I do not be that they have placed any mines With their participation | in the preser ily ernment these waters Japanese that there are at or near Turtle ea fee w ie Japan should. desire The warships accour being there ha: been put en official record and pub lished before to-day in connection with the recent visit of the British auxiliary Lena to this port and also at other times." Rear Admiral Pond is here special assignnient a8 chatrman ory the board to pass upon and acce pt | from their builders, the submarines K-3 and K-4, which are in service | while on six months' probationary | trial. { { on | Farmer's Barns Burned. Brockville, April 16.--A fire, thought to have been of an incen- diary origin, destroyed the fine barns of Gordon Young, a farmer living in the township of the Rear of Yonge Besides the buildings, two large silos were consumed, also a couple of tons of feed, ten tons of hay, 400 bushels of oats and agricultural ma- chinery, valued at $500, and gever- al head of young cattle. Samuel Ungard, Montreal, who two days previously had been hired as an as sistant on the farm, was in the build- ing at the time Ungard being held by the police, pending an inves- tigation. is Sentenced To Be Hanged. Port Arthur, April -16.--Amelia Palma, the year-old murderer of William Lethinen, was sentenced to be hanged June 350th. Mrs. Lethin- en, who, the prisoner alleges, inspir- ed the act and supplied him with money, was in court, The prisoner took the sentence calmly. Later When will you have the sound ly the cause is the drug, they drink. Your Fiftieth Birthday Comes good digestion of your younger days? Many men and women reach the prime of life, burdened with stomach trouble, headaches, consti- pation, nervousness, heart fluster, ete., and frequent- caffeine, in the tea and coffee heart, steady nerves and Instant some and invi flavor. all You can quickly tell if tea or coffee is injuring your health by stopping it ten days and using . This delicious, pure food-drink contains no eaf- feine nor any other harmful ingredient. It is whole- gorating, with a snappy, delicious And Instant Postum is so easy to make. level teaspoonful in a eup and add hot water--that's The convenience of Instant Postum is seen Postum Put a «1 i ~~. SK at a J owing to the blend of the "red-eye" Mrs. Lethinen was arrested on a charge of contriving and agreeing to Lethinen's murder Justice Suther- land intimated she would be (tried this week. She is'2: years old. T i I | GSTON ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1915 | NEW CATAPULT DEVICE This huge catapult is being usad at the Ge ins in France, A Ate ere Rr a AIAN + PALESTINE HAS B A PROVINCE OF GERMANY ==) RUSSIAN BATTLEFRONT CRESCENT MOON-SHAPED SECOND SECTION BATTLE INTHE AIR. A French Aeroplane Victor In Long Chase. Bordeaux, April 16.--The tale of an | exciting chase in the air and a bat- {tle at an altitude of over . 8,000 ieet between a French aeroplane and a German albatross machine, in which the French aviator was torious, was related here i by Lieut. Chambre, the o : lthe French machine. The pursuit began at Rheims, cording to Lieut. Chambre, and last- ed until the air craft' reached Chal- | ong, an approximate distance of twen- ty-five miles. The German used over | 100 quick-firer cartridges without do- {ing further damage than to pierce the wings of the French machine. The eleventh shot fired by the French avia- yesterday fall and on reaching the ground | caught fire. The German officers | escaped injury and were taken pri | soners. i it | LOAN WAS OVERSUBSCRIBED, i Nearly Five Thousand Applications For Five Million Loan. Ottawa, Ont., April 16.--Detailed j Bformation has reached the finance department as to the reception of the recent Dominion five million pounds loan on the London market. The total amount subscribed exceeded | £7,000,000. There were received | from the public 4,814 separate appli- cations, of which 3,662 were for USED BY THE FRENCH. | in a French trench to hurl bombs | clusive. The number of applica- tions makes a new record, being quite connection with any previous loan. Applications up to and including larger applications received a pro rata allotment of about 66 per cent. Four Thousand Prussians in Jerusalem Alone. TYPHOID FEVER MAKES DREADFUL RAVAGES AMONG j THE TURKISH SOLDIERS. Palestine a Ruin? Country--- Food Supply Low aud Every Resource 1s Being Turned To Mulitaby Pur. poses, Lendon, April 16 "Palestine is now a German province in. the full- esl sense of the word," says Dr. Ed- mond Pasternak, for many years a practising physician in Jerusalem, who was only recently released by the Turkish authorities and allow- i HUERTA IN NEW YORK. Picture of formers . Predident of México was taken on the deck of the 8B. 8. Antonio Lopez on its arrival in New York. His visit to the country that chiefly prevented him from 8! ting a grip on Mexico and which' nounced him as a "butcher" 1s causir 8 comment. -------- Why They Saw Aeroplanes. Cape Vincent Eagle, It is claimed that recently many | awakened by the sound of gas en-| | gineexhausts, shortly after midnight, { and those who investigated say they Saw lwo aeroplanes going toward . Gananoque. The machine ahead had lights on, while the rear one did (mot. They were traveling rather jclose to the earth and going at a | good speed. The Eagle is inclined i 10 accept this report with a grain of { allowance. _ Clayton people annual- {ly see sea serpents and garter snakes and squirrels, and it may possibly be | tish [of the restdents of Clayion were | ed to return to Europe. "In Jerusalem alone," he told an interviewer who met him on his ar- rival, "there are upwards of 4,000 Prussian officers, officials and physi-| cians. Practically every company in| the Turkish army is commanded by a German officer, Djemal Pasha': staff contains enly Germans. " hoid fever is making dreadful ravages among the Turkish soldiers The Germans are beginning to fighi it scientifically, however, and they are in complete possession of tne bac- tericlobical institute which is turn ing out large quantities of anti 1y v1 phoid vaccine, "Palestine is a ruined corni to- day. The food supply is very low, and e resource 1s beings turred to military purposes: The ardinary population is left helpless and hope- lest, The progress of Jewish coloni- zation has been: set back 1 ¥ years. "Djemal Pasha began, from the. very day of his arrival, to persecute 8 One of the first acts of his administration was his arrival in the offices of the%Bri- Palestine Bank, where he Je- manded the immediate surrhder or all ready money. Happily, all the! funds of the institution had previous- ly; been sent away to a safe place, and maddened by this thwarting of his plans, the Turkish commander ordered the arrest of the bank's dir- ector, who, to have his head had to become an Ottoman subject. "After the forcible expulsion' of the Jews from Jaffa, Djemal Pasha ordered 30 prominent Jews of Jaffa to be brought to Jerusalem. Sixteen were freed after many days in prison ry ery despite all efforis to learn what ve came of them. i "Djemal Pasha threatens the von- fiscation of all the land property ow- | ned by Jews, but meanwhile he satis- fies himself with the burning of books printed in ancient Hebrew, and the! issuing of orders to the effect that! the possession of Zionist nhrerature | WHAT CAUSES COLOS? | that some of the residents of that vil i lage Indulge in early, late and often, | that aeroplanes were seen. How To Vote: J going to vote, Jean I "How are nette This question and "How to Picvent | Colds" is asked a thousand times | A cold is really a fever, | not always caused by the weather but | due to a disordered condition of the | blood or lack' of importapt food | elements. In changing seasons fat- a the fate of the 14 others is unknow:, | i and other sins against pure food: Guiding Stars. Rev. H. G. Spalding, in Register. Friend after friend departs; and the sky implies if discovered, instant death | shooting "I will cite one of thc happenings | during the expulsion of the Jews from Jaffa about two and half months ago. ia y ; . "An Italian steamer came to Jaffa | Which ove as life for a stay af four hours. Immediate- | rh y by, : ly-after its arrival Turkish police~| Star after star appears to light jthe men began to capture Jewish old way, i" : " n Aho drer About | Through darkening night into thus brought to the docks, | endless day. of them were given the op- What y to take any of their belon- | : by Christian a n moves the souls I've known, who from earth set free, Their starry light to swell heaven's brilliancy ! Our loss, their gain; our night, eter- nal morn. gave, Taleum Powder For Soldiers Madoc, April 16.--The Madoc Wo- men's Patriotic League has shipped | to the central medical stores, Otta- wa, 600 pounds of finest talcum, for the use of the Canadian hospit- als in England and France. . This: is the first con iment of the 4000 pounds given by George H. Gillespie & Company, Madoe, the Madoc Women's Patriotic League. land forvver fair, forever bright ! Reflections from thy pure, unsullied light Fall often on earth's ways; me still Walk duty's will; yet let path with considerate ' to Still cheered and guided stars above, That kindle hope and feed the flame of love; by those good time Who knoweth all, I seek the clime. . ------------ better The world's greatest misfit is illus- trated 'by the big opinions of a small man. 3 FRUIT LAX Best Liver and Bowel Regulator for Mamma, Daddy and Children. If you're headachy, constipated, bilious or stomach is disordered and you want to enjoy the nicest liver and bowel cleansing you ever exper- lenced, take a tablespoonful of '"Cal- iifornia Syrup of Figs" to-night and in the morning all the constipation polson, bile and clogged-up waste will gently move out of the system without griping and you will feel splendid. Every. member of the family should use this fruit laxative as oc- casion demands. It is just as effec- tive for grandpa as it is for baby. ADDY PELLATT HONORED. y 'Pellatt, of Toronto, has receiv- wrd from England shat she has appointed a lady of Grace of Omer of the Hospital of St. John Jerusalem England, * Lad ed been the of Punishment Fit The Crime. In the year 1481 Jacques de Tour- vie- | ver on ac- {tors caused the German aeroplane to | amounts of from £100 to £500 in-| 2,000 in excess of those received in! | £500 were allotted in full, while the | Still perye while waiting, till, in His | it is Attacked on Both Horns by Germans. ONLY ONE PASS HELD IN THE CARPATHIANS CZAR'S ENEMIES, BY THE A Tremendous Battle Line--All Ger Man-Austro Frantic Attacks In Uzsok Region Result In Enormous Losses, Petrograd, April 16. Fighting is now in progress, with more or less intensity, over the whole Russian strategic front, fully one thousand miles in extent. Of the Irreguidr winding line, at present the Russian lines show sharp salient angles to- ward the enemy over a considerable part /of the whole front, from the Baltic Coast to the frontiers of Hes- sarabia. The Germans are attacking more or less on both horns of = the cent moon-shaped battléfront sians. On the northern horn still hold a few miles of cress if Rus- they Russian swamps and are fighting with some _ desperation there. On the other horn, in Bukowina, the fighting is still more stubborn and enterprising, while about Kozipwa and the Uzsok Pass very large German forces are | engaged in trying to turn the tunes of war, The fact that the latter region is the only remaining section of the hundred mile Carpathian front where i the Austro-Germans still hold one pass and some heights explains the prediction of the Germans for this point of attack. If they filnally lose this they can hardly hope to hold on the plains an enemy whom they have been unable to preyent from forcing .the formidable barriers = of | the Carpathians. Supposing' for-a moment the seven | Germany army corps should succeed in winning a final victory at this | point, whither does it lead? The point was chosen obviously for the Lpurpose-of-relieving --Przemysl and based upon that the conquest of Gal- icia without the fortress for a hase the dream is even more futile than several other manifestations of German strategy on this side The most they could now hope to | accomplished if they forced a way through the Nzsok Paes would be to | cut Russian communications, Mean- | while, the only result of hteir fran- | tie attacks in this region has been more enérmous losses, As matters | are now, neither in Bukowlina nor in | the province of Suwalki could Ger- man successes much affect the main advance. : ' Russia is sending quantities of seed and corn into Galicia for free | distribution in order to insure the re. habilitation of her devastated new province as speedily as possible, All He Wanted To Know. | "Do you remember that three dol- {lars you loaned me a few weeks age?" | "Yes, perfectly. , to repay it?" "No. I just dropped in to see if { ¥ou had forgotten it." Have you come ATIVE IF CONSTPATID.- TAKE "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF figs" cross, sick, feverish children . just love its pleasant taste and mothers can rest easy after giving it, bhe- cause it never fails to effect a good "inside cleansing." For thirty years "California' Syrup of Figs' has been recommended by physicians as the ideal stomach, liv- er and bowel cleanser, Millions of for ~ familieseho are well informed use. nothing else, but recently there has come a flood of spurious fig syrups, 80 'We warn the public to ask plain- ly at drug stores for a 50 cent hot- tle of "California Syrup of Figs," and see that it is prepared by "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup Company." make no cheaper size. Hand back It simply . can not injure. Evenany "counterfeit" with contempt, zel, Sidur d"Alegree, decreed the fol- lowing. for adulteration "Any man or woman who sells wa- tered milk shall have a funnel thrust into his or her mouth and be compel- led to drink as much watered milk as in the judgement ofthe surgeon can be borne without danger to life. Any man or woman who sells butter mixed with beets, stones or other ob- jects with the object of increasiing the weight, shall be arrested and put in our pillory. Then the butter shall be placed upon his or her head and there remain until it shall have been melted by the heat of the sun. The dogs shall be allowed to lick them, and the people may scold them with any words it pleases them, pro- vided that neither God, the king, nor Electric Kalliday's 2 Phone |Big Discount Get your electric repairs oie by us. guaran Electric Store, t Off Fixtures Satisfaction . 245 King BA. any other persons be thereby libeled If the weather is cold & fire shall be glance. Seld in 30c and 50c tins. Some prefer Postum Cereal--the original form, which must be well boiled, 15¢ and 25¢ packages. Grocers sell both kinds, the flavor is equally delicious and the cost per cup is about the same. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL CO_LTD, WINDSOR, ONT. \ Inquired her friend Marie, ! And: the other miss, nonplussed at Replied : { "I think I'll vote in a sealdkin coat' | {+ Jeannette went on to say, "And -q foun of red." "Then the i of ' "Well, that's a lovely way." : --Kansas City Journal. There isn't much hope for Lie_whe would rather tell than be popular, { foods are essential because they dis- and so render the body befter able to withstand the varying elements' This is the underlying reason why the medicinal fats in Scott's Emulsion quickly overcome colds and build strength to prevent more serious sick- hess. It contains nature's medicinal fats, so skillfully prepared that the blood profits from every drop, and it is totally free from harmful drugs. Sr "Now let me sce." the peo- Shir grou- 3 | tribute heat by enriching the blood | fouile in front of the guilty one. Any { dn or woman who sells rotten eggs 3 | shall be bound to the pillory and the { street urchins shall be given the rot- | ten eggs, that they may therewith | pelt the offender, to the amusement | of the people, but it shall be forbid- {den to throw at them any ob- { ject than rotten eggs.--Exchahge. ! ° . Cable Adviees, [orm new in the cigar business, so | I'm trying to familinrize myself with | the various ands. 3 i "Learning the ropes, so to speak." Ta Pure The Children's Health Milk is the best food known. Pasturized in sealed bottles is both clean and pure. Prices | Wa

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