THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1915. Established wg INCIDENTS OF THE DAY L)CAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the HUSBANDS Readers of the Whig. AND "the clean up" spire, WIVES i oth pre : Gibson's. College Ge bags.' 15¢, Book very heavy British 1 the city on Friday. 1 Swaine, piano tuner. Orders it McAuley's Phone 564. E a Dbirck-ve- Stephen street we ¢ mail nt Treas 3 Of The Bank count of a of Tor nature, Or partners ir sine ocietl lu r Jo Trust Fund A onto very either party the death of A Joint in a and in Vor ment. Spring Tonic." Gib- inningham, piano tuner, 21 King wt. leave orders at Me- Auley's Book Store. The qualifying examinations for nurses in the Kingston General Hos- tal are now being held. Ice credatn bricks" at Gibson's. OF When does the civic authorities purpose cleaning the streets. They my abound with dirt and refuse. ° £35,000,000 $6,102 810 st Capital Reserved Funds Only 10 to 20 per cent. difference in cost between a brick and frame house to build and 50 per cent. -differ- ence in the insurance, and then why not build with brick and save the cost of upkeep. We have the brick and the price is right Kingston Brick Yard, A. NEAL. who is will be Monday Noah Wood, Harrowsmith charged with horse-stealing, tried by Judge Lavell on morning. ropwiar music, 2 for Book Store. I'he accounts of the will of tne ate John unders, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, were audited before Judge Lavell on Friday morning. Had the Finance Minister printed the war stamps in purple it would have helped the people and postal employees to £pot them quickly Ribbon 10c¢ yd, Vests 2 for 25¢, Drawers *, Hose 2 pairs 25¢, Cor- set-Covers 25c¢. Dutton's. What a delapidated and the city authorities permit to t along Clergy street in front of ld Collegiate Institute! Why ? Corsets 0c. Dutton's, The Bay of Quinte Clerical Union will meet in Brockville on April 21st and -22nd In the evening of the first day the Bishop of Kingston will preach, The war tax stamps correspona identically with the regular Cana- dian postage stamp, only that they have the words '"'war tax" printed on the lower portian of the stamp. "Malt Extraet, 23c. (iibson's. Don't fail to read the Walt son feature article on page It will appear daily, and you [find something bright and in every line. The firemen were called to extin- guish a fire in a manure pilé near the Riding School at 6.55 o'clock on Thursday evening. The fire was extinguished with chemicals. 'Double strength moth proof bags." (sibson's. Children's Waists 25c. - Dutton's. Truman Cherry, the newly-ap- pointed police constable was sworn in by Magistrate Farrell, after the session of the Police Court Friday morning and was "on the beat" af- terwards. 25¢ only, at College Phone 1396 3 FOR SALE id Brick, and pr Mack Str t rick BE. and C.; price LOY--Kensington wretched 1} alk 9 rooms furnace, electric light and gas, $4,000 Hight, gas, $2,800 $800 ce Dn vi : Veneered, ) rooms, furnace, electric Ave, 5H0x120 teen, Houses Rented; Rents Collected, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, J. DRIVER, Representative. 66 Brock Street Phone 68 Ma- four. will cheerful Are more desired than awkward, ill- BECOMING fitting ones, EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES and satisfy. YOU NEED US IF YOU NEED GLASSES. Rodger Optical Parlors - 347 King Stree Our opti ful with is particularly care- ustomer, to please - | pation. Rexall | cially good laxative for ageing le. Sold by Geo. W. Mahood, exall Store, 10¢., 20c. and i boxes. peo- wy { Remember That we carry the latest and most up-to-date stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited 210-14 Wellington St. Phohe 454 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE to the sidewalk in front of Z. Prevost's store, Brock street, Friday morning and a plank extending out of the rear of the waggon went | through thre store window. A SONG OF YPRES. "Soldier, soldier over the sea Pray can you-sing a song for me? For the hot tears blind and I cannot see, The graves lie thick and the blood flows free And the crosses me-- | IT call--your mother--England!" stab the heart o' What About Your Garden Seeds? x's oft Parisian Ladies' Tailoring . W. D. Rich, Manager. High Class Suits made to order Golden Lion Block, Opposite Post Office. , And they sleep a sleep that is sweet Now is the time to buy Garden * "a - we sme to tus cers BtiSH American Hote] *- v.yiie,s eo ost and complete variety which we 80c Special Sunday bioner 30¢ The suns Tor their lullaby, guarantee to be fresh. 12.30 to 2 p.m. Sunday, April 18th. |The men who fell at Ypres "Worth a Dollar." {| Fought their grim fight alone, Ox tall Anglaise { They trod the shade of a bitter glade " . Fish That ye might see the sun, Jobster sauce That glorious sun, that set for them trout, Maitre de hotel | Ere their noontide had begun, Pommes a 1a Hongroise| put they hurled the flame of thy sae- red name Relishes [ Through the twilight of the Hun. { The men who sleep at Ypres Were not afraid to die, { Those hero men whose strength was ten, Though smitten hip and thigh, | They paid the worth of their Eng- lish birth And the gleam of their island sky, Why not try our "Limestone City" Lawn Grass Seed at 25¢ per 1b. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opp. YM.CA. . KINGSTON, ONT. somme au celery Fillet of sole, Lake English cucumbers Iced celery Hothouse tomatoes { Queen olives Lettuce fs Bolled { The men who die for England {Choice cornfed ham, Champagne Sauce | sre like a pillared fire, N 0 TI C F ! ! | fo | From East and West to thy behest Ei Chicken a la King on toast We handle all Animelles breaded, Bernaise sauce | They came---but not for hire, Strawberry fompote en crustade | Their names shall ring where thy oints Prime ribs of western beef au jus, | banners swing; Yorkshire pudding young turkey, celery Cranberry sauce Vegetublen Roast dressing, | Ana each is a gem in thy diadem, {In the land of their long desire, [This is the song I bring to thee, se . A | Though the graves lle thick and the Engl'sh plum pudd'ng au cognac { blood flows free Deep apple pie, whipped cream 1 * . Fineabpie jelly Port ve Sony The crosses are for the love 0' thee-- anita ice cream with cake Their gift to thy children---liberty, s Raisins Assorted fruits | Mother, my mother--England!" i GLYN PRYS JONES. McLaren's Imperial cheese Canadian cheese Christie's soda 3 crackers niii------------ Coffee Cocoa Milk He Had Forgotten the "Missus." | Lord Gladstone has been vigorous- | 1y defending the intelligence of the ! black . races in South Africa. His | lordship inherits his powers of orat- {ory from his famous father, the "G. 10. M.," and. like most public speak- Deviled egw. en mayonalise Inspected Meats Nothing but the hest heal-| thy young Beef, Pork and, | Veal allowed in Meat Mar-| ket. | : Anderson Bros. Phone 458. ut ea 8. In his early days as a public man the was once addressing a meeting in | Yorkshire at whic Old Dutch Cleanser .3 for 23¢ Stor Ammonia .....3 for 25¢ Snow Flake Ammonia 6 for 25¢ Anti<Dust .......6 Ib for 25¢ Mops, Brushes, Brooms, ete. GORDON'S GROCERY, 9 & Nentreal Street Phose 88. FARM, 500 ACRES, Good Buildings, Wn oti & Su. | Mr. Gladstone, as he then was, {complimented the ladies warmly on { their remarks, and ended by saying: | "It always gives the sterner sex great | pleasure to listen to the ladies talk- {ing."" "Canon Elliott, Carleton Place, bas | The words had hardly left his (completed his twenty-fifth year as | WPUth when a deep male voice pro- rector of the parish. In that time he Ceeded from the back of the hall and baptised 979; there were confirmed, Proclaimed in broad Yorkshire, dia- | 698; marriages, 288: buriale, 563. lect: : J "Malt Extract, 23¢." Gibson's. {| Eh, lad, thou'st no' wed yet, I see." ¥ With advancing years comes consti- | Orderlies are a spe- | The | 50¢. | A driver back his waggon up on | | Though theif bodies choke the mire, | ers, he has hadisome funny experien- | ce some aldy ora-| | tors had been speakiiig very eloquent i | OPERA! GRA N HOUSE PAGE SEVEN To-Night And Every After- noen and Evening CONTINLOUS PERFORMANCE AT 230 PM. AND 7.30 PM. Feature Vaudeville Acts. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | & Famous Players Films, 4 Reels, Charles Frohman Presents "THE LOVE ROUTE." New Programme Monday and Thursday Prices: Mat, 10e, any sent. Evening, 10¢; reserved Je extra. Tuesday, April 20th 8.135, Laughter and eee CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion, Tc & word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for one Imsertion, Ze ree insertions SOc; six, $1; one month, $2, HELP WANTED, DVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS ay A this head. 'costs 2b¢ for one nignt, or §0¢c for three. Matinee 2.30, One Big Cyclone surprises, "MUTT and JEFF in MEXICO" See the Big Chorus Mexican Beauties. 30 and 1-3 People at Evening SMART KINGSTON Hagler A GENERAL SERVANT APPLY MRS, H. A. Lavell, 22 Barrie street HOY. vy Co, APPLY Ad. AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBER-MAID at once Apply the Pri ueorge Hotel OK. APPLY IN ss Hora, 45 King A GOOD t t MacDonald Park PLAIN CO zr 10 M of BAKER'S Ar y to RH a : r., THE UPTOWN and second- cheap for A high- Auge, prac- t half price Kes 'repaired. C. A 84. FOUND ON W s 0 1LEY STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, clean and dry. McCann, $ Street. a 7 ROOM HOUSE, Apply to J. R street. ETC, Brock 198 STEWART ST. Laidlaw, 248 Division DWELLINGS, Cann's Brock St. OFFICES, STORES. Mo- teal Estate Agency, §2 OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence BRICK Als for HOUSE ON FRANTENAC 0 newer brick house or Or Apply 98 F sale A HOUSEMAID, I. Martin, «« Hverything New This Year Bring the Kiddies MUSIC, PRETTY GIRLS Beautiful Scenery. Matinee: 25¢, ? APPLY TT rner King SONGS, AN EXPERIENCED HGUS othe app! referer reel Prices, Evening: Barrie $1.00, AY. A CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework Good wages No washing. Apply 162 University avenue TO TAKE UP TRAINING nurses Apply to Alice M HOME OF THE BIG TU. h Ingleside Hospital, Can- FRIT'AY AND SATURDAY Our Feature Phote-Play (in 2 Parts, "THE INN OF THE WINGED GOD," The third the rful Louis J. Vance I the hand- som man , "J. Warren Kerrigan." SL RUMANC An Eclair merit, "IN AND OUT OF SOCIETY," Roaring 1-Ko comedy Our prices never change. Supt ton, Ohi RE- Mac- 143 1. Apply to M St. Lawrence « street We A HOUSE MAlID; REFERENCES ' r H of 'ottage, geri AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. no_ canvassing Send for particulars. Press Syndi- 3.969 Lockport, N.Y. , COMPETENT general housework desired. Good wages to Person Apply to Mrs &5 Barrack street $10 TO 8100 the n@vies demand. Send photo-play and Arrow Photo oledo, O TEACHER WANTED, JIN BEAR CREEK." drama of exceptional MAID FOR ces ble Admission Se s MAL "La FOR Big for sample iculars, The Co, Box 474 WRITING n How" BE PARTICULAR BUY ONLY pi Play S. S§, NO. 12, OLARENDON Township; duties to commence at Please apply f« particu- stating salary wanted, to D Cox, Sec.-Treas., Coxvale P. O, Ont TEACHER WANTED FOR 8S. 8. No. 8, Barrie. Duties to commence April 12th Salary $300 per year Apply to William Head, Secretary-Treas- urer, Cloyne, Ont. POSITION WANTED. EXPERIENCED, FIRST-CLASS COOK desires position in hotel or steam- Apply Mr ck Quinn, Gen- Delivery, C > t eral | STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de- sires position. Woul accept any kind of remunerative job. Good references. Apply in first instance to Box 1167, care Whig office. to WANTED GENRRAL MOTOR BOAT, 20 TO 23 FEET LONG. - Apply Box 415, Whig office sived by to 3 o'clock pm, LADY'S SECOND-HAND CYCLE; MUST Oth Inst, for the hire he 38 good condition Apply Box B.. Whig office and buggy by the month; LS] se of the Works Department. | W. W, SANDS, PAPER HANGING, PAINTING City Clerk. graining. A bargain, including the paper. 1398 Colborne street be hor the u AND $4 per_reom, April 16th Young, 1915 AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE Saturday, April 17th, 12 o'clock noon I. will offer for sale at my Auction Roous, 113 Breck street, April 17th, at 12 o'clock tedan street Co. 0 your shut- We also KINGSTON WINDOW COLEANEN( 281 Princess street; phone 163 Simpson, Mrr. We clean ters and put them up take off storm windows. 1 MEMBERS OF THE ANCIENT ORDER - of Foresters residing in Kingston kindly communicate with P Bterry, Organizer, Stua¥t street, or send address. 158 8 ms and Phon of 'sale ALLEN THE Phone 252 detailed information time 'NEER, AUCTIC ' -t 113 Brock St ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD SEC. ond-hand furniture and stoves to dispose of, let me know. I will pay good prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess street, phone 1600. (CUSTOMERS, I PAY THE HIGHEST prices for new and second-hand furniture. All kinds of furniture clothing, boots, tools, ete, sell. Drop a card and I. will call. 8 Shapiro, 45 Princess street GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it m: - date sults, P Dante up Ship guaranteed to please. ing and jepuiring Rone - shortest notice. omas Gallow Bie ri Tenders Wanted For the improving and levelling of the grouhds at (he Collegiate Institute and Victoria Sehool and the ronstruc- tion of a concrete walk, Tenders to he sent to the Secretary, Hoard of Educa- tion, hefore 7 p.m. Tuesday, 20th inst. Specifications at the Hoard coms. JOHN MACDONALD, 'Seey.~Treas, A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's - Roman Meal This is not only a medicinal cer. eal but it is tasty as well, It is de- licious- as a cereal or made in pan. cakes. Trial size UPHOLSTERING. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERIN R pairing and carpet RIN ne mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 218 Bagot Street. "SLAT GIRL ALIVE. Tree ar cen At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. (Distributors.) }-FNew York, April 16,~New latest murder mystery assumed | proportions yesterday after the had established, to their | satisfaction, identity of the victim {a8 Miss Claudia Hansbury, Lansing- 2; burg, arrested Raffaele "Viulla, a well- Brooklyn, 0. Philadelphia, 7; Bos- to-do contractor, and charged ton, 1. Cincinnati, 2; Pittsburg, 1. St. Louis; 4; Chicago, 2. new . apparent Baseball On Thursday, National League--New York, with homicide. The next element {was fhe declaration of I persons in { Troy that they had found Miss Hans- { American League-- Boston, Philadelphia, 3. Detroit 6; Cleve- land, 4. New York, 3; Washing- ton, 1. Chicago, 16; St Bouis, 0. i Federal Leazno--irSkiys. 17; Newark, 6. Pittsburg, 3; Chicago 1. Buffalo, ¢; Baltimo City, 4; St. Louis, 3. The greatest small feature in newspaper world--Walt Mason's her The spot where, the! slain girl's body was found in a vacant lot of the Astor estate, in the Bronx, {according to Te, 2; Kansas watchman of the estate. McKenna ee itold detectives. that he had seen girl and a men near the spot om the | several occasions. The girl he iden- prose {ified as the Se whose body lies in poems--are now appear: tly mm the m e, t Viullo. the British Whig. They have a mel- | ree an ody and swing that is captivating, If you read ome or two of vou will never miss any of The Congregational College, Mon- them, treal, has conferred the degrees of them. | Doctor of Divinity upon Rev. Prin- | Look for it to-day, om four. cipal BE. Munsan Hill, Rev. F. J. Speaking to the Whig, Harry Day, Toronto, and Rev. W. T. Gunn, | Beardeall who left Kingston with the To+snto. | First Contingent, stated that he met| Thee is more Kentucky Lawn grass with an accident and had his collar seed used in Kingston t all other | bone broken. He says he has not | sceds put together. Sold anly received his discharge papers as yet. son's Red Cross, Drug Store * LARGE e 1034. | rices and workman. | Y. ak street, near Bibby ciiiiiieiioi.. 10 cents, A NOW York Murder That Baffles The police | him | 5; bury living there and had) talked with | was | her /trysting place, whoever she' was, | John F. McKenna, | al at Gib- | ROOMS, SUITABLE @ Central Wo pe FRONT for s GORE HARDWOOD Boor sAventa yors, all mo veniences ALL MOD- May 1st 151 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lack and key Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen St Phone B26b 1D BRICK HOUS t NEW SEVEN ROOY y e ga elect: E COTTAGE all moderr vate dock Rowan- FRED STREET, RAL ju ply z s evenings, B Y FRAME HOUSE i, west of Lower ni- 1 Six rooms and newly clean- ainted. Small 8 and down. Pos- ¢ Key next door, ly in ngs FIRST WHY Stu Apr morni DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE- moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND 158 WEL~ lington St. Carnovsky's) Phone 346. SPARKS, (over DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST Renton, assistant. 133 Street. Phone 735 DR. T. B, BUSINESS NOTICES WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER- hanger, 132 Victoria street, best of materfal used, with skilled work- men, Phone 1527. NEW LADIES' AND GENTS TAILOR- ing shop, Bagot street, next to Macnee & Minnes' All kinds of repairing and pressing also done Your patronage will be appreciat- e J. Bullick]" proprietor FINANCIAL LOAN INVEST. ment Soeclety; 'ncorporated 1863; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith Money . issued on city and farm properties, munic'pal and country depentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed. 8: C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company Available assets $61,187,215 In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of elty property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325 FRONTENAC AND | CARPENTERING. {FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALL kinds of interior finish, try Jameg | Selby, 212 University avenue STORM SASHES REMOVED, ESTIM. | ates given on old or new ter work. Raisin or buildings. C. W. Kellar, rick street, phone 1458 BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE a mall order business canvassing; be your nd for free booklet; Heacock. 2.969 Lockport, MEDICAL. | D. A. COON, M.D.C.M, (FORMERLY OF Elgin). Surgery, 93 Fran) kd Y, 93 Wellington St. Street. > carpen- movin 10 Pat- CAN START at home; no own boss te N | York's | 11s how Xa i _ WOR SALE. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVYS, ool little. Once, 25¢; three times, $06} one week, 31.00. ' essen emerge eee e----. FIRST-CLASS, NEW 1 PRIGHT PIANO, Apply 440 Alfred sirec? 1 APPLY TO T™WoO i Earl street, YOUNG VRSES. Ww 3 89 A AND CAR. easonable prices, at & 8, at pn Turk's. Phone 705, WORMWITH PIANO, P ALMOST NEW, rice reasonable and terms easy. Write to Box 1242, Whig office. GOOD HORSE, buggy or {enac HARNESS AND Fearless driver or saddle, delivery. Apply 32 Fron- street. BLACK GELDING, IN GOOD io also chean WORK. express % quick William street sell 96 HULL conditior pply Box 22 FT. 6. BY Will be 180, Whig UPRIGHT WALL SHOW CASE, TENTS awnings, fishing tackle, ete, Everything must be sold by July 1st Lease expires Frank W Cooke, 39 Clarence street. BLACK RUBBER RAIN ble all through overcoa new erge, perfectly 9, Whig office COAT, spring and two suits Apply Dot. fall of Box also new BEGGS FOR HATCHING FROM HENS bred to lay Well bred white Leg- horns, barred rocks and Rohde Is. land 5 cents per setting. reds 5 M. G. Boyd, 106 Pine, Kingston JE OF BICYCLES -- SCOUT BI. ¢ycles, $27; Pastime Bicycles, $35; Perfect Rigid Frame, $40; Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; fitted with 3. speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 373 King street. SOLID RRICK street, $2,100; HOUSE, CHESTNUT? improvements, BRICK HOUSE, EARL ST. $3,650, BRICK VENEER HOUSE, PATRICK A-snap to a quick buyer, ; all improvements, ROUGH CAST HOUSE, UNIVERSITY avenue, 7 rooms, hot water heat ing, gas and electric light, FRAME HOUSE, STUART STRERT) improvements, $2,000. SOLID BRICK, NEW, FRONTENAC street; all improvements, $3,500, George A. Bateman, [real estate, in- surance, 67 Clarence street © FOR SALE OR TO LET. - ep 25 ACRE FARM, NEAR GLENBUR- nie, good bullding and orchard, six miles from city. Apply to R. H, Fair, Kingston Station, Princess | WM, NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. tects, ete. Offices, 25 N 8 Bagot 8 Phone 61. ® t POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' ank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington Streets, Drof a card. | PEEP PIe TELEGRAPHY, Civil Service, "8 writing, kk Business Ooll Limited. o, Head of Queen Street. Rates moderate. Phone 440, H, KE. Metenlfe, FERRER PERSONAL. MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish ' ox Dr, - J. Lak ly Ear, Rods, bt "Boeciaiiat, 264 Bagot St LEGAL, B., CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, 70 Clar- ence St, Kingston. FRENCH LESSONS. | LES SONS TAUGHT TO THOSE WHO desire to perfect themselves In French. Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. "and 4. to § pm Phone 14756. Apply at 202 William street, city. A - lang, B. A, attorney, late of Mont. real. CATERING CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, e also rent dishes, table linens a sliverare. Reid and _Hambrool x P. Rela, 30 on Street Ambroo) 7 Phones #43 ar 303. Take Off the Chill Hardwood blocks for _the fimace. Get a load $1.75, JAMES SWIFT & €0 Austria-Hungary Took a "Feeler" At Russia. London, April 16.--A Petrograd de- spatch to the Daily Mail says: "While ' denying categorically that Austria has made any direct peacs advances to Russia, officials here ad- mit, that ce suggestions have come from the Pope at the instigation of private rersoms in Austria-Hungary. "The Pope's communication merely asked whether, if Austria were will- ling, Russia would enter ioto ine tions with a view to peace. wer was i that if Austria desired | peace she must ask the Allies for their conditions, whieh would then be considered and communicated to_the Ausirian Government, The inevitable hand of ' death fell ufon Dalhousic s grand old woman on April 10th, in the person of Mrs. John Easton, of the 4th live. She had reached the extreme age of nive- ty-iwoyears and two days, retaining almost to the last her bright mental faculties. "lee cream bricks" at Gibson's. Capt. Darling of the 4Kth High- landers, Torunto,' Is seriously ill In England. : a * ie