#7 appearance, deep in color, which cle- IN BREEDING STOCK The first object in selecting breed- ing stock is to select the most vigor- ous ones, Vitality is the most im- portant factor, nly - with good, healthy stock, full of vitality, can one expect to raise young birds that will be able to accomplish what we expect of them. The male bird should receive particular A attention. Select a male with a bright, keen eye, one having a look of @lertness; his plumage should have a rich, glossy arly "denotes health; the comb and face should be of a bright red color. A male of a strong vitality also will have courage and will engage in bat- tle any other male that may pass his way. - The females should be select- ed in the same way. From this selection of high vital- ity birds, a breéding pen may be sel- ected for standard requirements. Type is pre-eminently the highest standard attainment and all birds of good type should be retained. Color is a secondary matter to type, and should in all cases be so regarded When type has become definitaly fix- ed and the young stock each year comes with good average type, then color can receive more attention. To become a color faddist, and to strive for good color only, is generally the cause of vexation and discourage- ment in the show room, when a typi- cal bird of only average color, wins over a bird of excellent color, but de- ficlent in type. The shape of comb, serrations, ete, are all factors that must receive attention, but are minor poigts when compared to vitality, type and color. «1 Any radical change In [feeding ghould be done gradually and with care, No well bred tents himself with scrub poor crops. farmer ever con- stock or BL RR A J BURL] xn u 7 Oo THE DAILY EM. -- CORLL News And Views Of VARIETIES OF CORN TO GROW. An investigation conducted by the seed branch of the Department of | Agriculture shows that about sixty | so-called varieties of corn are grown | for ensilage in Ontario and Quebec, and many farmers do not know what variety they are planting. Late va- rieties are being * used in districts where they will not mature one year | in five to the glazing of the grain, which is the necessary condition to' make sweet ensilage. Some ordinary | feed corn imported from the Central and Southern States is used for seed | Most of this is of a late variety en- tirely unsuited to Canadian condi- tions, and is often injured by heating The following recommended varieti- | es of corn are arranged in order of | their, maturity: Quebec Yellgw, | Longfellow, Sandford, or North Da- kota, Compton's Early, Golden Glow, | Early White Cap, Wisconsin No. 7.1! In selecting varieties for northern | district¢, later-maturing, heavier-| yielding varieties may be planted on a warm sandy soil than on a cold clayey one, The proper maturity is essential to high quality ensilage, and this should be aimed at even al- though an increased acreage is need- ed to give the desired quantity. A Barn--A Silo--A Tornado, Onge upon a time there were a barn, a silo and a tornado. The barn was made of the very best wood, the silo was made of the best reinforced concrete, and the tornado was made of the very worst twister type of wind. The silo stood at the end of the barn. s One day the tornado decided to pay the barn and silo a visit. When that visit was over the barn was re- duced to kindling and the silo to lonesomeness. The tornado was so exasperated by the gublime stubborn- ness of that Polk System silo that it ripped and tore over the country until eighty-one wooden barns were destroyed. --From the Silo Book of KINGSTON Kingston, April 17. Meats, Beef, local ecarease, Ib 10 11 10 10% Beef, cuts, 1b. . Beef, western, 1b. . Hogs, live, cwt. Hogs, dressed, Ib. . Hogs, pork, by quarter, 1b. Lamb,by carcase Ib. Mutton..lb. .. Veal, by ecarcase,lb. 0S BO BS Me 7 ad BD pd 11 -- ov . » eo Fish, Blue-fish, 1b, ..... 3 Bloaters, doz. .... Cod, steak, 1b, ... Fillets, smoked, I» Haddles, finnan, 1b Haddock, fresh, 1b. Haddock, frozen, Ib Herring fresh wa- ter, doz. Live lobsters, Oysters, quart Pickerel, 1b. Kippers, doz. .... Mackerel, 1b. .... Salmon, Chinook, 1b Salmon, salt ter, aaa Salmon, smoked Qualla, 1b. oe Salmon,Qualla, 1b, Salmon, cohos, Ib. Shad, smoked, Ib. Smelts, fresh, Ib. Trout, salmon, lb. White fish, Ib. Poultry. Chickens, dressed re ;Buttér, rolls the Polk-Genung-Polk Co. A A A A MARKET Lh | Lime Necessary To Some Soils BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1915. Farmers When a soil is found to be unpro- ductive there are three likely causes for the failure, any one of which is sufficient to prevent profitable culti- vation. These three are lack of drain- age, lack of lime and lack of humus or decaying vegetable matter. On newly cleared lands there is often a need for drainage to admit air and warmth into the soil. Continued cul- tivation will reduce the amount of lime and humus to the point at which good growth can not be made by the Crops. It is probably safe to say that the majority of farms that have been under cultivation for a period of fifty years are lacking in both sub- stance. Out of six hundred samples of soil analyzed last year by Pro- fessor Harcourt at Guelph, over ninety per cent were deficient in lime The necessity for adding lime was not made plain to Canadian farmers until recent years, Many of the soils had their origin from limestone rocks and were unquestionably weil sup- plied. It is, however, the ready so- lubility of limestone that is respon- sible for its steady loss through leaching. The solubility of limestone is illustrated by the large quantities of it contained in well and spring waters, it being the material which is deposited as a crust in ketties and boilers when water is evaporated. The process of cultivating and crop- ping lands tends to cause 4 more ra- pid leaching of lime from the soil as well as removing it in crops. One of the processes going on: in the soil is the formation of acids from the decaying or orgaric matter a A tt a A A HANAN Chickens, Ducks, 1b. Hens, dressed, Ib, Hens, live, 1b. Turkeys, 1b, live, 12% 15 15 v 10 -18 20 Dairy Products. Butter creamery prints, Ib. ib. Cheese, old, 1b. Cheese, new, 1b. .. Eggs, fresh, doz. Butter, Fruit, Apples, peck -....$ Apples, Ben Davis, bbl. A Bananas, doz. .... Cocoanuté, each Cranberries, qt. Cucumbers, each Dates, 1b. Figs, 1b." Grape-fruit, each Grapes, Malaga, 1b. Lemons; Messina, doz. Nuts, mixed, 1b, .. Oranges, doz. .... Pineapples, each Tomatoes, 1b. Jelery, bunch Lettuce, bunch ... Onions, green, bush, 1 Potatoes, bush. .. Rhubarb, bunch .. .e Turnips, bag .... .e 10 Grain. Barley, bush. ....$ 3 Bran ton Buckwheat, bush, . on Corn, yellow feed, i bush. "se Corn, cracked cwt. Corn, meal, ¢wt. .. Flour, cwt. Hay, baled, ton Hay, loose Oats, local bush. Oats, Man., bush.. Straw, baled, ton. . Straw, loose, ton Wheat, bush. en AR] NSD Fox, large Fox, medium Fox, small Lynx Mink, large Mink, medium Mink, small Muskrat, large ... Muskrat, medium. Muskrat, small Raccoon, large ... Raccoon, medium . Raccoon, oan oe Skunk, bla! .e Skunk, short strips Weasel, white Hides. Hides, green, 1b, Heavy bulls, 1b. Veals, green, Ib. Deacons, 1b 5c to Tallow rendered in cakes .... Kips or grassers, 1b. REPORTS! just as acid is formed in the souring of milk or in the ferme ting of sil- age. It is important to have in the soil at all timgs a material like limestone which will keep these ac- ids neutralized. Lime carbonate or limestone also gives to soils a hetter tilth by tending to produce a crumb- ly structure or in other words ip good tilth. Acids have the effect of causing the soil to run together in a more or less solid mass, which is just the opposite of tilth. Nearly all farm crops are sensitive to an acid condition of the soil, but clover, alfalfa, vétch, bluegrass, ti- mothy, beets and others can scarcely be grown with success unless a fair amount of lime carbonate is present. On acid soils timothy hay and many of the other grasses will respond generouslyl to liming Corn, oats, barley and wieat themselves often will give returns from the direct ap- plication of lime sufficient to pay for its use. Potatees and nearly all gar- den and truck crops demand a nor- mal amount qf lime carbonate for their most profitable production. With fruit tlie tendency of lime seems to be to check excessive wood growth and promote fruitfulness. A strong prejudice has existed among farmers against lime because of an unwise use of lime in the past. Owners. of good soils learned that a heavy application of caustic or burn-' ed lime would increase crop produc- tion to a marked degree. The physi- cal condition was improved and the organic matter in the soil made quickly available as plant-food. The natural result was that the vegetable matter (humus) was used up, some of the more avallable mineral plant food was changed into soluble forms NOTES OF INTEREST Give the colts the lightest of the seeding work. They are far more able to do harrowing than they are to take their places on the cultiva- tor or disk. Where they are to be used on the cultivator do not put them on. the tongue. The first day in the fields allow the horses to stand for a few minutes at frequent intervals. Remember they are soft, have done little work through the winter, and there is a danger of overdoing them, especially if the day be hot with little breeze blowing. Be careful in watering overwarm animals. Scme will stand it, but many will not. It is good practice to give them a little water when com- ing in from work, and allow them more when going out again. This insures against their taking too much at once Give the seHs that are going to help with the seeding this year for the first time exercise in harness as often as possible. Let them do the light team work around the farm from now until seeding begins. They will then be much more fit when the hard work comes. ao. - ----- a > a - Raise the collars off the horses' shoulders frequently, and -twith the hand rub down the shoulders well. This may be done when allowing the horses to stand for a breath of fresh air, It will cool the shoulder, re- move the sweat, and prevent, to a considerable extent, scalding. The amount of silage which may be stored in a silo depends upon the ~-- and before many years paitial soit exhaustion followed. The different forms in which lime may be applied were fully described by Professor R. Harcourt in an arti- cle last fall. Ground limestone is the safest to use. since it may be applied in almost any quantity without in- jurious effect upon the succeeding crop or upon the organic matter of the soil. Where land has drainage and a fairly good amount of available fer- tility as evidenced by growing of grass, a failure of red clover leads immediately to a strong suspicion that lime is lacking. If alsike clov- er grows more rapidly than the red because the alsike can thrive under more acid conditions than can the red. Acid soils favor red-top rather than timothy. f A test that is fairly reliable may be made with litmus paper. A pack- age of blue litmus paper can be bought for a few cents at any drug store. This paper will turn pink when brought into contact with an acid and will return to a blue if ced in lime water. To test the a sample of it may be put into a asin and moistened with rain water everal sheets of blue litmus paper 'should be buried in the mud, care being taken that the hands are dry and clean. The rapidity with which the color changes 40 pink and the in- tensity of the color are an indication of the degree of acidity. If a sheet of the paper retains its blue color in the soil for twenty minutes there' prob- ably is not deficiency. The test should be made with samples of soil from various parts of the field and they should be taken beneath the surface. nr COW A A the probability of acidity is stronger | | { | ¥ i CORN IMPROVEMENT. The greater part of the report of the Ontario Corn Growers' Associa- tion, now ready for distribution, is taken up with valuable hints on the breeding of seed corn. Methods of improving the yield of husking and silage varieties are given by both college trained specialists and by practical farmers, with the result that the report contains what may be termed the. latest word in corn growing. The raising wf -alfalfa as an al- ternate crop is advocated, and some excellent pointers are given con- cerning its cultivation. The report also contains a home- ly but very timely talk by an Essex country man on "The Value and In- telligence of Birds on_ the Farm," which will be found most refresh- ing as well as informing reading. A brief but suggestive' article is also «given on the use of electricity on the farm. Examining Horse's Leg. The blacksmith's method of rest- ing one hand on a horse's hip and us- ing the claw of a hammer to pick up the hind foot is not always the best and safest method, where a colt is the subject. Lead the horse forward until the hind leg to be picked up is well for- ward of the other one. Next stoop down and pass the hand nearest the horse quickly inside the hind leg--- just above the fet-lock-- grasping firmly at that point, and pulling the back tendon inward with the fingers Thus the leg can be raised and drawn forward with ease, and any reasonab- ly strong man can retain his hold so long as the back tendon is pulled in- side. The safety of this method lies in the fact that a horse cannot kick with the hind leg that is forward, and must draw it back before he can effect damage. If a man misses his grab at the leg, therefore, there is ample time for him to get clear. EGGS FOR HATCRING "The first consideration in hatch- ing eggs is the selection of the egg itself," says Professor F. S. Jacoby; State University. "Not every egg Is desired for hatching purposes. If possible, eggs from 'only the best hens should be used. These may be by the use of trap nests or by hav- ing a small breeding pen separate from. the main flock. Eggs for hat- ching should be put into the incuba- tor or under the hens as soon as pos- sible after being laid. Eggs may be kept 10 days or even two weeks if they are kept in a cool, dry place and turned daily. However, the germ is not as strong in an egg two week's old, as in one a day old; The shape and color of the eggs should be con- sidered. Only regular, medium-sixed eggs, with a shell in accordance with the breed, will produce healthy, vig- orous chicks. Irregular, round, ex- tremely large or extremely small eggs will not produce the best chicks. Old Silaze. We recently read an interesting note about how long silage will keep in a silo. O. W. Righter, an Indiana farmer has reported:that he placed well-matured corn in a con- crete silo fourteen years ago, and the bottom of this silo was only emp- tied last July. The only différence noticed between the fourteen-year old and the one-year-old silage was that the former was slightly more acid than the latter, but the cattle ate the old equally as well as the new. Readers should note that the corn was ripe when it was placed in the silo. The silo was a home- made one, with the base five feet be low the surface of the ground. This face, coupled with that of the corn being so well ripened, no doubt had an important bearing on the keeping qualities of the silage. -- Farmers' Advocate and Home Maga ine. A tt A tN. A Pmt AND UDDER TROUBLES One practice that has become so common as to be accepted with un- | blinking eyes was badly noticeable at the National dairy show at Chicago. This is the custom of "bagging up' the cows for house previous to the showing. It must be remembered that a udder is not a mere sack to hold so much milk. The average reservoir in each quarter holds about a cupful, hence the increase in size is due to far more than the accumulated milk. The delicate alveoli that actually produce the milk, are so irritated by the accumulation of undrawn and un- manufactured products that it is sel- dom a cow can return to her most profitable production after a season on the circuit. In one of the breeds depth, the diameter and the amount of watergin the silage. A silo 36 feet deep will store nearly five times the amount of feed that one twelve feet deep will. Doubling the dia- meter increases the capacity four times. A silo thirty feet in diameter will hold more than nine times as much as one ten feet in diameter, and at the same depth. The late Professor F. H. King, the authority for the above statements, worked out "out a™table showfiig the capacity 'of silos of various sizes. This table shows that a silo 10 by 28 feet would hold 42 tons of silage, and it would require 2.8 acres of corn, producing 15 tons per acre, to fill it. A silo ten by forty would hold seventy tons, and require 4.6 acres of corn to fill it; a silo fourteen by twenty-eight feet would hold eighty-three tons, and require 5.5 acres of corn to fill it. A cubic foot of silage in a silo A a tg A tpt PP ml i at the recent shows, cows and heif- ers that stood high in class carried udders engorged to a serious degree. A very superior four-year-old cow was in such misery that she cculd not walk without palpabje pain. The practice deceives no cattleman it occasionally deceives an inexperi- enced judge, and it frequently per- manently injures valuable animals. It has become a show-ring custom that sometimes transcends humane bounds. It does not represent what is taught as the correct type of ud- der, because no man can ccnceive as ideal an udder that in one-third ef the cases is gargety. Such an ud- der will not milk down nor will it even indicate the possibilities of de- velopment, an argument frequently -- one foot deep weighs 18.7 pounds. In a silo twenty feet deep, a cubic foot of silage, taking an average of the whele depth, will weigh 23.3 pounds. A deep silo will hold more in propor- tion than a shallow cne and the sil- age will keep better. The height should be at least twice the diameter The Dairy Cow. Everybody knows that Irish peas- ant's-alleged name for-the pig, "The gintleman that pays the rint." We may say of the dairy cow that she is the lady that gives prosperity. I'ere are some interesting and very impor- tant facts: 7 . The rati» of dairy cows to the po- pulation in Canada is steadily declin- ing. The per capita consumption of but- ter in Canada is increasing. The export of cheese from Canada advanced by the man who follow this practice. At a circuit fair this fall, a cow won her way to the champion- ship largely as a result of the exces- sive inflammation and distension pre- ceding parturition. While no one den- ied the merit of the cow, few approv- ed of her winning under such condi- tions. The true estimate of the worth of a cow's udder is based on its working form. What it is un- der abnormal conditions means no- thing to the breeder or milk-produc- er, Many judges have taken a de- cisive stand against it by disqualify- ing animals with the slightest trace of inflammation. Rigorous elimina- tion by experienced men will be need- ed before the abuse is abated. -- I 'Breeder's Gazette." NAN A AANA is decreasing. The importation of butter Is rapid- ly increasing. These are serious conditions to be found existing in a country like ours No matter to what part of the world we look, we shall find that, where dairy farming is developed along right lines, general prosperity exists. --Victoria Colonist. Testing Soil For Sourness. It is an easy matter to determine whether a soil needs lime. A little blue' litmus paper purchased from a druggist will test a large field. Cut the paper into narrow strips and make tests in different parts of the field by pressing the moist soil into close contact with the paper. If the paper turns red in a few minutes, a a sour soil is indicated, and lime should be applied COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS, ---- Who Says the German Empire Is Rocking To Its Fall. A--A goodly toll of our men taken at the front. B--But martial ardor is only quick- enod thereby. >-Canadians courage equal to the best. D----Daring to die. laa Be Bath ben g School Instruction, The Saskatchewan Government be- lieves that in this purely agricultur- al province, every possible effort should be made to encourage and de- velop an interest in fdrming; from the" very outset of the child's school career. In addition to a generous grant to the Educational Department for ndture study, school gardening and similar lines of work, it is now proposed to appoint two suitable ' ~~ men in connection with elementary agriculture. These instructors will be associated with the Normal Schools at Regina and Saskatoon, and will thus cover the northern and southern halves of the Province, ery "Face the foe undaunted. fi--=fierman empire rocking to its fall. ' H~Hope for Allies brighter than is doomed. ever, I---Islamism, too J--Just retribution for centuries of misdeeds. ' . K-Killing. of vermin a relief to civilization. 1--~Loyal British Pwpire emerge from this un- paralleled struggle. N--No sacrifice is too great that shall rid She orl of barbarism, O0--0f eart blessings none sweeter than liberty, -- PPrussian must go. Q--Quietude k at that Phos. R--Rally, all, round the flag. S--Salus i . People who come to high words | are apt to indulge in some low ones. body=--all prepared the wafer- toast, for any meal as a substitute for white Furnitur MADE IN CANADA Nature's laxative is cellulose--the woody fibre that 1s found in many vegetables and in the bran coat of the whole wheat grain. It serves the useful fune- tion of promoting "bowel exercise." You find it in SHREDDED WHEAT | in a form that does not irritate the intestines. It is combined with * carbohydrates and mineral salts that build the perfect human in a digestible form--more nourishing than meat and costs much less. Shredded Wheat is made in two forms, BISCUIT and TRISCUIT-- the Biscuit for breakfast with milk or cream, or with fruits; Triscuit, delicious with butter or soft cheese, or for luncheon Made at Niagara Falls, Ontario Toronto Office: 49 Wellington Street East TRON BEDS $2.30, $3.50 up BRASS BEDS _ $10.50, $13.50, $18 Dinim, $10.50, $12.50, $18.00, LR. J. Reid, Phone 577 Leading Undertaker The Key To . Success Many a man owes his 'start in life policy. to the purchase of an endowment This has proved the beginning of many a fortune. Start a good thing going at once by purchasing a policy in the Mutual A] Life of Ca S.ROUGHTON,z Phone 610 or Bol. on request. GENERAL AGENT, rock St, Kingston. Office Res, 561. Harry Sharp, Agent. Srectai op Boots Ladies' Cloth In different styles and colors. We have sever- al of latest heels, as well as the spool heel, H. JENNINGS, of the College of Agriculture, Ohio /