PAGE SEVEN HUSBANDS AND WIVES Or partners | Trust Fund Clubs, or Joint Treasurers of a Account in The Bank of Tor- an account of this nature, money, and in the event business, Societies, will find a Joint Savir onto a very great convenience } either party may deposit the death of ar, the ba A Joint Accou part ment. The BANK or TORONIC Protect the Home ! / Only 10 to per cent. difference in cost between a brick and frame house to build and 30 per cent. differ- ence in the insur W not build with brick and save the cost « ¢ the brick and the price is right Kingston Brick Furl A. n gs or of la household manag Capital Reserved £3,000,000 Funds $6, 102.810 and then hy ance, { upkeep. Ve he NEAL. Phone 1396 FOR SALE ck, 9 So B rooms and gas, $1,000 at Eas, 82.800 $800 price Brick Venegred, Ave. 0x120 Houses Rented; Rents Collected. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. J. DRIVER, Representative. 856 Brock Street hone 68 » more desired than awkward, ill- NEAT AND BECOMING EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES and satisfy YOU NEED US_IF YOU NEED GLASSES. Rodger Optical Parjors - 347 King Street S---- optician ful-with each partie rly customer, to care- please aang Remember That we carry the latest and most up-to-date stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited 210-14 Wellington St. AUTOMOBILES Phone 454 FOR HIRE = GET OUR PRICES I as What About Your ifm Garden Seeds ? Plumbers and Gasfitters. Now is the time to Phoue 287 253 King St. and Flower Seeds. We have a full+ Parisian Lies Tailoring W. D. Rich, Jareimg and complete variety which we guarantee to he fresh, High Class Suits made to "Why not try our "Limestone City" order Golden Liok Block, Opposite Lawn Grass Seed at 23¢ per 1b. Post Office. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Get Your Awnings Opp. YMCA, KINGSTON, ONT. Government inspected Meats Nothing but the best heal-| thy voung Beef, Pork and] Ye al allowed in Meat Mar- SRASAA AN] 2d 23 a i STATEMENTS 'Anderson Bros. JERS | Phoneass, THM - | gas piping. | by us. Sat-| buy Garden If You want an up-to-date- Awning, | Boat or Waggon Cover, Cork Fenders | or Life Floats for jour boat, drop =» card te CAPTAIN JOSEPH DIX, | THE BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON, ONT. AREGITN rIrwin, who have been working on Made In Kingston | from Osw Be & | urday mo! INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES ANI AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity ----What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. clean up' spire, 1 proof Lags taibson 8. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders AQ at McAuley s rhone Dos. "Burdock Spring Tomic."" (apson s. Alired Brown preaches in inn vetipodist * hwien, Napanee, ihe ou cream bricks" at Gibson's. People are now busy cleaning their ns and removing their storm win YDouble Lib son' 8 Park this Year. H. Cunningham, piano tuper, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me Auley's Book Store. riayer piano roils, 88 note, latest music, at 25 per [Seut. count. C. W. Lindsay Limited, i «S88 swreet, "The double strength moth proof Gibson's. you,/love the simple story the Brock Street Hall ut weeting will suit Children's waists 2 'Malt Extract, 23e¢." Mrs. F. P. Douglas, hingston General £0 an operation th her. "Double strength moth proof bags." Gibson's. Mr. and moved nto strength moth proof bags." avenue should be oiled again year. It proved a success last the ibe Lai if Gospe Sunday You exaciiy. Dution"s, Gibson's. Napanee, is in Hospital to under- Miss >teila Douglas nig 5 W Mrs. Harold the occupied by Nelles, Hughes have on William Mr. and Mrs, house streetlately Harold W. "lee cream br 75c-Corsets Sle. Dutton's, Make your selections of player rolls now. Latest 88 note rolls. Dis- count 25 per cent., till May. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, Princess street I'here is more Kentucky Lawn grass seed hangsion reds put together. Sold only at Gib- son's Red Cross, Drug Store. Mrs. H. T. Coleman, Frontenac street, choir leader of Queen Stree' Church, is confined to her homa Ww ith a nervous breakdown. "lee cream bricks" at Gibson's. Music! Cah at Dutton's and get viat you om th Taeatre. A. Neal, Division street, and James Neal, Main street, leit at noon Norwich, Ont., to dttend the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. James Neal. "Rake your lawn" and sprinkle with Kentucky Lawn grass seed. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug. Store. We have a number of good used Organs in first class condition sell- ing as low at $22.50. Payments $3. cagh--50¢ per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, music store. "Rake your lasu* and sprinkle with Kentucky Lawn grass sced. dold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stor. Mayor Sutherland received a letter from the Treasurer of whe Belgian Re- Hei Fund, Montreal; for all'the donations sent to help the sullerers, "Sarsaparilla Tonic."" Gibson's. During Friday might Constable Mar- shall Armstrobg picked 'up a military coat and cap on Gore street, between Ontario and King streets, and handed them over to the military author ities "Ice cream bricks' at Gibson's. Player piano rolls, 88 note, latest music, at 25 per cent. count. C. W. Lindsay Limited, at Gibson's. Ks ist 121 used in opposite Griffin's the dis- 121 { Princess street. Specialty made of Abdominal Sup- ports, Shoulder Braces, ete. Dut- ton's « 'Moth proof bags." Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Playfair, An- caster, passed an advanced milestone in life on April 6th, when they ce'e brated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. They formerly : resided in Kingston. $1.50 Corsets $1.00. "Bucher Kidney Pills." "Jack" Stansbury Dutton's Gibson's and "Jack" West-Havana steamer all win- ter, returned to the city on Satur- day They saw the -Willard-John- son fight in Havana. "Sarsaparilla Spring Tonic." son 8. & Maternity Corsets, Sanitary Tow- els. Dutton's. We have a number of good used Key Gib- | Organs in first class condition sell ing as low at $22.50. Payments $3 cash----50c per week. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, music store, Marine Notes. schooner St. Louis arrived ego with a cargo of.coal tor | The rth Cow ¥ Six steamers of the Montreal Trans- | portation Company cleared for Fors William early Saturday morning. The vessels which got away are the Fair- { mount, Kinmount, Glenmount, Rose: | mount, Northmount and Westmount. {All the vessels will load grain ior ontreal. The Rideau Canal will be re-opened on May Ist, The steamer Windsor, which has been in the Kingston Shipbuilding | bry Dock for the past week, under- | going repairs, left the dock on Sat- urday afternoon. The Montreal Trans- Hi nd Company's tug Mary VP. all and the Richelieu and Ontario | avigativa Uompariy's steamer New -- Wanderer are 1 the next two | N; boats to enter. War Stamps Goot Good For Postage James wart, Postmaster; on Sa morning received the following message irom R. n. Coulter, Deputy ' Postmaster General ions ing- | Under no circumstances are In- | Revenue stamps to be accepted | in { on létters, post cards, postal notes or | post office money orders." n Ads sixty-four vears irs. sity don Yoon Watertown, | rs ge ores resided at Na years, y Na- i ee KH en - than all other | | Dur prices never change. for 4 extending thanks | 0x tail Fauglaise g ON ie at-eelery + GRAND re To-Nig ht And Every oe noea and Evening olv1g PERFORMANCE AT 230 PM. AND 7.30 P.M. Feature Vaudeville Acts. Famous Players Films, 4 Reels, THE PEOPLE'S FORUM| Charles Frohman Presents "THE LOVE ROUTE." New Programme Monday and Thursday Prices: Mat, 10e, any seat, Evening, lve; reserved Se extra. Tuesday, April 20th CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1c a word. Each con- secutive insertion fhereiifter, ord. Minimum charge tor B0e; six, 81; ome month, $2. Evening 8.13. Laughter and Matinee at One Big Cyclone of Surprises. "MUTT and JEFF in MEXICO" See the Big Chorus of Mexican Beauties. S50 and 1-3 People Everything New This Year Bring the Kiddies MUSIC, PRETTY GIRLS Beautiful Scenery Prices, Mati 35¢, 0c. Evening: 23c, T3c $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SAL HELP WANTED. AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS under this head. costs 28¢c fur one nigat. or B0c for three. A PPL Y MRS, A or NERAL SERV ax H. A. Lavell AN E XPERIESUED tHAMBER MAS Apply the Pr Ge Ho COOK. APPLY IN ii Fora, 15 King 1 Pa A PLAIN vening nea samsonite AT ONCE, steady jab & ¢ 195 A HOU SEMAID, APPLY x KE corner Ki Goon rk WANTED helper: To BAKER'S to HH ro MRS. 1. and Mait- SONGS, « aon € RL. Jor GOOD ning a Kingston ADDRESS, sewing . "Appl ¥ Mattress 2 GIRL OR WOMAN FOR housewor Good wages Apply 162 University general No washing avenue HOME OF THE BIG U. FREDAY AND SATURDAY auired Our Feature Photo-Play in 2 Parts, st "THE INN OF THE WINGED GOD." t The third of wonderful Louis -- J. Vance series, starring the hand- somest man in filmdom, *J. Warren Kerrigan." CSROMANCE IN BEAR GREEK." An Eclair drama of exceptional A HOUSE MAID; REFERENCES RE- Apply to Mrs. F. H. Mac- Lawrence Cottage, 143 reet West the AN INTELLIGENT PERSON earn $100 monthly corresponding for i newspapers. no canvassing Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3.96% Leckport, N.X COMPETENT MAID For o housework References IN AND OU'T OF SOCIETY," Good wages to a capable - ody 3 n. 'Apply to Mrs. 8. Anglin, Roaring 1-Ko comeds Nh Laid pe be a MAY $10 TO $100 MADE WRITING the movies. ear 1 demand Send photo-play and Arrow Photo Toledo, O FOR Bi BE PARTICULAR BUY ONLY pa Play Co, Box 474, TEACHER WANTED. FOR 8S, NO. 12, CLARENDON Tow ne 'duties to commence at once. oars apply for particu- lars, stating salary wanted, to D. J. Cox, Sec.-Treas., Coxvale P. O, Ont. TEACHER WANTED FOR S. 8. Neo. 8, Paiste, Duties to commence April 12th. Salary $300 per year. apply to William Head, SBecretary-Treas- urer, Cloyne, Ont. POSITION WANTED. STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carp ntering, de- sixes position. Would accept kind of remunerative job.- Good references. Apply in ar instance to Box 1167, care Whig office. ABSOLUTELY PURE Tenders Wanted 'or the improving and levellin of the grounds at the Collegiate Instifute and Vietoria School and the construe- tion of a concrete walk, Tenders to be sent 10 the Secretary, Board of Kduea- tion, before 7 pom. Tuesday, 20th Inst. Specifications at the Board Rooms. JORy MACDONALD, Seey «Treas. A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is not only a medicinal cer. eal but it is tasty as well. It is de- licious as a cereal or made in pan- cakes. Trial size 10 cents Regular size ... 25 cents. At Your Family Grocers, FENWICK, HENDRY & CO, (Distributors. ) British American Hotel - 80c Special Sunday Dinner 0c 12.30 to 2 pom, Suaday, Apett ISth. "Worth a em [ WANTED GENKRAL MOTOR ROAT, 20 TO 23 FEET LONG. Apply Box 415, Whig office LADY'S SECOND-HAND OYCLE; MUST be in gand condition Apply Box 8S. B., Whig office GOOD BRIGHT BOY, cycle preferred Book Store GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. between 7 and 8 pm. to Bagot Birch, 136 ONE WITH BI- Apply College APPLY | Mrs. 8 street PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND graining.: 'A bargain, $4 per room, including the paper F. Young, 138 Colborne Stree tMMEM ATELY, A vant for fa ly ences required, to Mrs. Conroy, Gl ER. SER. of three: refer. Apply in evening 105 Alfred street A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework; must understand plain cooking. Apply ¥rs. F. GG. Loe- kett, 24 Stuart street, just off Bar- rie. KINGSTON WINDOW 281. Princess street: Simpson, Mer. We clean your shut- t and put them up We also off storm windows CLEANING C0, phone 163. oO. take PERSON HAVING GOOD SEC. ond-hand furniture and stoves to dispose of, let me know. d pity good prices. J. Thom Princess street, phone 1600 CUSTOMERS, 1 PAY THE HIGHEST | Hees for A und &pnd-h urniture. nas ur ure, | othing, 'tS, tools, etc. to sell & card and I will call 8 Shapiro, 45 Princess street i Fish Fillet of sole, lobster sauce Lake trout, Maitre de hotel | Pommes a la Hougroise Relishes English cucumbers Te ed celery Hothouse tomatoes Queen olives Lettuce THEIR | th and 1 a int TE ud an Xt aran o lease. Press PD rag Ree on the To Brack" near Boones Garage. i UPHOILSTERING. | W. J. GAVINE, ET HOLSTHAING, RE- ring and and | attress renov Sra a card pr. call 216 Toa Holled ' Choice cornfed ham, 'Champagne sauce * Entree Chicken a.da King on toast { Animelles breaded, Bernaise sauce | Strawberry compote en crustade + = Prime ribs of western heef au jus, Yorkshire pudding young turkey, celery Cranberry sauce Vv Roast dressing, | Steamed mashed potatoes Sweet corn Refugee beans Sal Devilled egg. Engl'sh plum pudd ng au cognag Deep apple pic, whipped cream Pinsanple Jelly Port wine pelly lia tee cream with cake Assorted fruits! perial cheege 2 hristie"s soda Milk mayonaise "Ca nadian Cheese e . Cocoa AUCTION SALE THURSHAY, Apr. 22ad, 10 a.m. 28 Johmson Street. | WEDNESDAY, Apr. 21st, 10 am. Mrs. Wade, 1 Johnson St. b aio oak tables and arm chair. " tiaatiery; Tugs mahogany table. B. W.\ Weber upright plano, Wilton and | and silk parior Pieces. hers, easy | Brussels rugs and carpets, B. W. and! chairs, boak shelved, ches: rattan agk tables, onyx tables, couches. B. W.' and ures, lehair t + CORY Sorner. piel t &: curtains. B. 'W. sideboard, mission din- pictures, lace and Sther plurtains, fire chairs, - mission buffet. | Deon hairs, rockers,' table. orna- | and screen, ogy & Isbrary table. Happy Thought BW. sideboard, B. W. tea range, kitchen cabinet, linoleum, ri- iments, silver, china ete. Garland | jEerator, hall mirror. white enamel and! Jewel range. dinner her dressers, iron Beds Ostermoor grange. po . oral EE chair, wardrobe. cabinet. B. W. rofl pillows. etc. 'oak hall ALLEN THE AUCTIONEER. jonk and 112 Broek St: suites, brass Dad, irom Oster ro a 2prings, oak eRiffonter. Renfrew rotepayers will vote on! ardrohe FERRER, 10) wetn, | May Ith upon & rim "to provide stocks. Amps, awit ewer, hose ele, establish tor the Va public "'° s1eEN THE AUCTIONEER. ' Phone 333 - TEC 7 ROOM HOUSE, FOUND xs] FOR BALE. AT G10 DIVISION ST, THE UPTOWN Bicycle Depot, new and second. nand bikes, good and cheap for cash or on instalments. A high- priced duck gun, 10 gauge, prac. tically new, for sale at half price Guns of all makes repaired. C. A. Jones, phone '1284 TO LET A NINE Roo od BRI h oy SE. B APPLY STORAGE FOR FURNITUR clean and dry. McCann, 8 Street. RTC, Brock 198 STEWART ST, Apply to J. R. Laidlaw, 248 Division Street. Real Estate Agency, 2 orrICEs IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 78 Clarence St: BRICK Also for HOUSE ON FRANTENAC newr brick house on Broce k sale. Apply 98 F versity avenue Immediate 328 University 8 FROY r ROO Ws, SUITABLE Central Clarence LARGE for 4 THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. ©OO0s1 ute Once, 238c; three times, $0a) one week, 11.00. TWO YOUNG George IRSES., Boyd, $9: APPLY TO Earl street, GO-CARTS at reasonable Phone 708. AND CAR. prices, at DARK ver Ar Mullen, streets DRI cor CHESTNUT MARE 3 Apply at J E i ess and Clergy HORSE; Mullen Streets GOOD GENERAL PURPOSE Al driver Apply at 1. E Princess and Clergy corner WORMWITH PIANO, ALMOST NEW, Price reasonable and terms easy. Write to Box 1242, Whig office. GOOD MOnse, buggy Fearless driver suit delivery. Apply street. HARNESS AND saddle, Fron- BOAT, HULL in good conditic cheap Apply Box office UPRIGHT WALL SHOW CASE, awnings, fishing tac kle Everything must be sold by Lease expires Frank 39 Clarence street TENTS ete, July Ww Cooke, Fu RISE D HOUSE 1st, 197 Stuart str 1d water TO RENT MAY rt. Fight rooms, I al 38 Clarence et HARDWOOD conveniences Apply a1 8 ™S GORE fio Re nt leph tel vard § Or 208 KING eT. E. 1 ® ROOMS, ALL MOD. ern: conveniences. From May 1st Apply John Carruthers, 151 Wel. lington street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City, Storage, 299 Queen -- Phone 526b. NEW SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE on AMred street: gas electrie ght, furnace, B. 'and C. all mod- rent moderate Possession 1st Apply 462 Barrie street "rooms, all modern conveni- od es, boat-house and private dock. Apply Mrs. R. Grass, wood Ave, Toronto, Ont. % 83 LOWER ALFRED STREET, Street car junction, south of non street, ,7 rooms, gas, cons crete cellar: AH modern conveni- ences. Possession May 1st Ap- ply morr ings or evenings, 43 Brock street FIRST WHITE FRAME HOUSE, 163 Stuart streat, west of Lower Uni- versity Av nue Six rooms and attic. Elee:tric light; newly clean- ed, calsom ed and painted. verandah yLpstairs and down. session at once. Key 185 West. Apply in mornings. DENTAL A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D. RE. moved to 258 Princess Bue SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL. lington Bt. (over Carnovaky's).; Phone 348. DR. ©. ©, NASH DENTIST; DR. T. B. enton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 736. Pos. ---- BUSINESS NOTICES. H. WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER- hanger, 132 Victoria street, best of material used, with skilled work- men Phone 1527. NEW LADIES' AND GENTS TAILOR. ing shop, Bagot street, next to Macnee & Minnes'. All kinds of repairing and pressing also done Your patronage will be appreciat- ed. J. Balliek, proprietor FINANCIAL LOAN oclety; AND INVEST. necorporated 1863; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith Money issued on city and farm properties, munic'pal and country depentures: mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed 8. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61.187.215. In addition te: which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability (of | city property, insured at lowest | Dosaible rales. Before renewing o or giving - new business ot from. 5 " Phone 325. GLOBE Agents. CARPENTERING. FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALL | kinds ot interior finish, try Jamey | Selby, 212 University avenue. STORM SASHES REMOVED, ETI. | ates given on old or new carpen- | ter work. Pc ain buildings. Rellar ABE rick street, po 28%. BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE cA 8 START | a Sanvassing home; no no | be your a booklet; fot: Tolle ow | 54 Rowan- | next door, | RY BLACK RUBBER RAIN ble all through: overcoat, new, also serge, perfectly new 79, Whig office Dot. COAT, r fa spring and two sults Apply EGGS FOR nl ATE NG FROM HENS bred to lay ell bred white Leg horns, barred bse ks and Rohde land reds 75 cents per setting M. G. Boyd, 108 Pine, Kingston SALE op nr 'YOLES we SCOUT Bi. cycles, 7; Pastime 3icycles, $35; Perfect Riera Frame, $40: Perfect Cushion Frame, $50; fitted with 3- speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, 373 King street, $1,750--8 ROO HOUSE street. Imp. £1 80507 ON BROCK MONTREAL 12,3007 ROOM JFRAME, ROOMS, ST. BARRIE A 6 ROOM HOU SE TO LET, Pr street: Apply to A Frontenac street. Phone sr. CLERGY Bond, 26 743, SOLID BRICK HOUSE, CHESTNU? street, $2,100; improvements. BRICK HOUSE, EARL ST, $3,650. BRICK VENEER "HOUSE, PATRICK street. A snap to a quick buyer, $1,850; all improvements. ROUGH CAST HOUSE, UNIVERSITY avenue. 7 rooms, hot water heat. ing, gas and electric light. FRAME HOUSE, "sTU Ant STREET; improvements, $2,000 {SOLID BRICK. NEW, FRONTENAC street; all improvements, $3,800, George A. Bateman, real estate, in- surance, 67 Clarence street. Small FOR SALE OR TO LET. 25 ACRE FARM, NEAR GLENBUR- nie, good building and orchard, gix miles from city. Apply to i H. Fair, Kingston Station. ARCHITBOY NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Phone 61. POWER & SON, ARC HITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop a card wM, ARCHI. Offices, 258 Bagot St. FEEL EEE EIP EPH 000090 ' TELEGRAPHY, Civil Service, "Short wh writing, Dor he het lank and General Improvement, and Night Classes. Kingston Nusiness College, Limited, Street, e. Phone 440. H. KE.' etealfe, ih PERSONAL. LAWS, for copy DIVORCE stamps State 757 57. SEND of laws information. Nevada of any 3) jux Goldfield a -------- * CONEY: dential Success Club has large numbers of wealthy, clizgtble memn- bers, both sexes, wishing early marriage; descriptions free. Mra Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Cal, HATR, MOLES, WAR BIRTHMARKS and all pd gid skin blemish es removed permanently, Dithodt scar; 10 oats oX| artanse. De Ral ond od Btn pe Specialist . a LEGAL. B, CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor. ence St. Kingsto A BARRISTER daw office, 70 Clar- . FRENCH LESSONS. | Tone TAUGHT TO THOSE WHO desire to perfect themselves French. Hours: 10 to 12 4to 8 pm. Phone 1475. Apply at 202 William street, city. A Al- jard, B. A. attorney, late of Mont. ea in am. snd Hardwood blocks for the furnace. Get a load $1.75. JAMES $