THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1915. THO YEARS IN PRISON A HOME WAS BURNED Pers roe vs IA Message to You from Livingston's En PE IES ee » We're showing some attractive values in Suits at Fifteen Dol- lars. Not a style detail or good feature of clothes making is omitted; they are the limit of value for the money. Take a look at our Fifteen Suits this spring and we'll wager anything that you'll leave your suit money here. Livingston's, Brock St. A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. Spring and Summer Underwear All he correct weights in Vests, Draw- ers and Combinations for ~ Men, Women and Children Women's and Girls' Cotton Lisle and Silk Vests; no sleeves, short and long sleeves; high and low neck, from 12 1-2¢ to $1.25 a Garment Women's_Cotton aud Lisle. Combinations, all styles and sizes, from a 50c to $1.50 a Suit FOR NOAH WOOD, HARROW- SMITH FOR HORSE STEALING. Traded Another Man's Horse And] Was Arrested Attempting To | Sell the Second Horse He Got. "Two years in penitentiary," said Judge Lavell in passing sentence for horse-stealing on Noah Wood, Har- chambers. Wood seems to have lost rowsmith, on Monday morning in the power to distinguish between honesty and dishonesty in his de-| sire to get money for whiskey. Al few weeks ago he was passing through Flinton and asked Jamies] Delph of that place for a horse as explained he wanted to attend the} i burial of his child at Cataraqui. The request was granted, but instead ot going to the cemetery he applied Lo] several people in an attempt to sell! the animal. At last he met William Simpson and traded Delph's horse for his receiving $1.50 to boot. He took Delph"s horse to ilarrowaniith and tried to sell it, but was arie-t- {ed in the attempt. | Wood has a bad record. He hus served a year in Central Prison, be- side other smaller terms and the i judge thought his plea of drunken nest was not sufficient to allow hin. | his ircedom:. [lis wife left him about three {weeks ago and his three children ar now in the care of an aunt in the city. He admitted to the court that {after his wife had left him he] { brought the children to the city and {kad go: drunk and a friend had to take the children to friends unui { he Lecame sober enough te take care {of them. { It was also brought out that he had been on trial for stealing a bi- | cycle but the plaintiff in that case { had died before the case came up. A. B. Cunningham acted for 'he accused and J. L. Whiting conduct- ed the prosecution. The Barriefield Camp to Open On May 15th Barriefleld camp will open on aiay | + 15th. This 'is the first definite in- | formation that has been received. | Only overseas troops will be sta- tioned there besides the P.A. S.C, { which will of course look after the i§ | supplies. The name of the com- { mandant of the camp has not yet | been made public. It is understood that the 38th | Battalion, Belleville, and the 8th | Regiment, C.M.R., will be stationed (here. Any other battalion that is { mobilized will also come. | There is a great deal of specuia- | | tion as to whether the artillery will | be in camp at Barriefield or at Peta- | wawa. The latter place is claimed to be more adaptable as it is impos- sible to have any extensive gun prac- tice at the local camp, but if all the | infantry come here the two bran- ches should have a chance to work | together. i HELPING THE BELGIANS. Kingston People Have Contributed | Sum of $5,700.85. Through the Board of Trade the people of Kingston have contributed ! the sum of $5,790.85 to the Belgian | Relief Fund. The, thoney has been | handed in to the Board of Trade of-| fice here and has been forwarded to! the Honorary-Treasurer of the fund! in Montreal. | This is in addition to the large! amount of clothing which has been forwarded from time to time by peo- | ple of Kingston to help the suffer-| ers. | To-Night At The Grand. | The bill that has been secured for | the first half of the week is an excel- | lent one. It imcludes the Famous! Players Film Company's picture of Mme. Bertha Kalich in "Martha, of! The Lowlands," in five parts. Along | with this there will be a two-reel Mu- | tual photoplay, "Not of The Flock" | and a Keystone Comedy, "Shotguns That Kick." The vaudeville will include Miss Annetta Link in a sing- | ing and dancing act, and "Jack Mor-| rissey and Company, Australia's premier stock whip, lasso and sharp- | shooting expert. This bill will be shown on Monday night and on Wed- nesday afternoon and night but not on Tuesday, when the big musical comedy "Mutt and Jeff In Mexico" will be seen at the Opera House. A GERMAN SUSPECT ~ MMESED AT MP Men's and Boys' Balbriggan Shirts, Draw- ers, and Combinations; short and lo: sleeves; ankle and knee length; al siges, from ..............25c to $1.00 A full range of Light Wool and Silk and Wecol Garments for those who do not wear 5 Ci on oO Extra large sizes in all styles for stout . people. : ; ] di sisibis Bye ol 555-3 ge ¥ St. Louis, 3; Chicago, 1. [~~ Very Ill Of Meningitis. WHILE HUSBAND AND WIFE WERE ON KINGSTON MARKET. | -- i Children Saved Some Effects--An In- fant Was Rescued By the Eldest Of The Children. be +o While Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil- ton were selling produce upon the Kingston market on Saturday, their home, one and one-half miles east of Odessa, was burned to the ground and only a few small articles were saved by the children, who were left behind. It is thought the fire origin-| ated from a defective chimney and considerable headway was made by the blaze before the children no-| ticed it. As soon as they did they started in to rescue the household | !effects at first, not thinking of the! little child who lay sleeping, up stairs. Amid all the smoke, the oldest of the children groped her woy to the) top of the burning house and rescued the slumbering child from death. | No sooner had the child and baby gotten down stairs when the roof caved in crashing down through a' portion of the lower flat. Noighbors who had been attracted lent a help- ing hand and kept the flames from spreading. It is reported that there was no insurance on the Louse. A JUVENILE AUXILIARY Has Been Formed By the Kingston | Humane Society. i At the monthly meeting of the | Board of Managers of Kingston Hu- | mane Society, held last Thursday af- | ternoon, a number of members of the | new auxilihry to the society were enrolled, consisting of members of | the Bands of Mercy in the Public Schools, who are interested in the ob- jects of the society, and willing to aid it by scout work in reparting any cases of the ill-treatment of animals | that may come ander their observa- | tion. Kingston is not so free from this evil as is to be desired, and abuse of horses has been a good | {deal in evidence of late, espectally among young drivers of delivery wag- | gons, who should not be allowed to | drive until better instructed in their | duties. | The attendance of auxiliary mem- | | bers represented four of the Public | Schools, one being represented by he | President of its Band of Mercy, and it is hoped that all will be at future | meetings, though all boys and girls {willing to act will be welcomed. | The next meeting a month hence | is expected to be of special interest, | as there will be the election of office | | bearers, and some interesting first. hand information is expected concern- | ing the wild animals of our own | North-West. | BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL. | American League (Saturday). | NewYork, 9; Philadelphia, 1. Detroit, 5; Cleveland, 0. St. Louis, 4; Chicago, 3. Boston, 7; Washington, 5. American League /Sunday). Cleveland, 6; St. Louis, 1. Detroit, 8; Chicago, 7. National League (Saturday). Philadelphia, 7; New York, 1. Boston, 5; Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburgh, 3; Cincinnati, 2. St. Louis, 7; Chicago, 4. National League (Sunday). Cincinnati, 6; St. Louis, 2. Chicago, 2; Pittsburgh, 1. Federal League (Saturday). Brooklyn, 8; Buffalo, 4. Newark, 5; Baltimore, 1. Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 1. Pittsburgh, 4; Kansas City 1 Federal League (Sunday). Baltimore, 12; Newark, 5. "THE HIDDEN HANDS." Second Installment Of "The Black Box." The second episode of the Uni- versal- Special Feature Serial, "The Black Box," which will be shown at the Ideal Theatre, Monday and Tues- day, contains situations which su pass in interest anything ever be- fore attempted in motion pictures. In the film the latest invention of science, the p with telling effect) woman of her necklacg of jewels; an anthropoid ape skeleton is stolen and Sandford Quest, criminologist, is hard pressed to unravel the mys- teries which confront him. If you did not commence last week, it is not too late to start with: this episode and follow, it to the end. It will pay you. At Ideal Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. _ On Sunday George Tryon, 21st Battalion" "police section received word that his brother George with in the hospital in that place very low of spinal meningitis. Their par- portation Company's elevator here before joining the militia. His wife ho has been residing on Sydenham * culars in to-morrow's paper. "Charming | Wash Materials Are Displayed for Your Choosing In spite of difficulties in manufacture, uncertain deliver- ies and generally unsettléd buying markets. We have secured the most complete and most varied stock of Wash Goods that have ever been offered in Kingston, but we suggest an carly se- lection, as many of these we cannot replace this season. Reception Voile For Summer Dresses, in all the newest colorings and 3 hi X ; 3 . OT designs. White and colored ground with neat flower designs, 27 to BOINCROS Wide . . ou he st ae av eae pa Ee .20¢, 25¢, 35¢ Ammann Embroidered Voile White ground, with pink, blue, mauve and yellow em- broidered flower, 45 inches wide 75¢, 90c, $1.25 yd. Embroidered Crepe This is a most popular material for Summer Dresses. Only one dress length of each pattern. 42 in. wide, $1.25, $1.49, $1.75 yd. eo " Plain Voiles In white, pink, blue, mauve, 42 inches wide WHITE CREPES, with silk spots or stripes. PLAIN CREPES, in pure white. WHITE RICE CLOTH. WHITE LACE CLOTH. BLACK AND WHITE STRIPE VOILE. Printed Crepe, In neat flower and stripe designs. A large range of the newest coloring. 7 12%, 15¢, 20¢c, 25¢ Butterick Fashions For summier now ready, any Butterick pattern free with every copy of Butterick Fashions. : On Wednesday We Start a Big Sale of Ladies' Fine Boots Scle will last until Saturday night (4 days) During this sale there will be some great bargains.' Parti- Look for it. The Lockett Shoe Store