| FRENCH FORGE AHEAD DESPITE THE TRESISTANC E OF A STUBBORN FOE, Joffre"s Army Assuming General or.| fensive in Alsace and Along the Lorraine Border -- Twenty-Five Miles From The Rhine. Paris, April 20.--The activity of the French arms in Alsace and along the border of Lorraine is gradually increasifig to the proportions of a general offensive, which has ds its object the oecupation of the lost pro- vinces, The German defence of this region, as elsewhere, is stubborn, but in the face of it the French forces are making headway. Further progress has been made in the region of Bc hnepfenreith Kopf the capture of which was announced yesterday. The scene of this fighting is about 25 miles southwest of Col- mar, a city on the Lauch River. to- wards which two, and poss :ibly three, offenzive diives seem 10 be converg- n . little to the north of S¢ hnepfen- reith Kopf, on the other glide of the Fecht River, there has been -an al tack hy the Germans on the trenches on little Reichacker Kopf The at tack, says the War Office, which was repeated three times, has been re pulsed and the' enemy, driven back This locality is but a short distance from Muenster, a town which guard the principal highway from the west to Colmar. Further north, at Orbey, a village only fourteen miles from Colmar, there has also been fighting wkich, according to to-night's communique, resulted in severe losses to the Ger mans, who were forced to retredd, leaving many dead before (the Freuch trenches. Colmar, which is an important centre for traffic leading to Strass-| burg, some fifty miles away, is only | ten miles from the Rkiume. It will} thus be seen that the French activi- | ties, which seem to be de veloping | Ordey, Little Reichacker Kopf and | Schnepfenreith Kopf, are re moved | from the Rhine by only twenty- five | to thirty miles, an hour's ride by | automobile. | The night momminique tells of a| Lorraine, reported to-night by the| War Office, has apparently been pro-| voked for the most part by German attack. The localities where fight] ing is recorded are just inside French territory. St. Martin is about 2 miles from Blamont, a town on the high road to Sarrebopurg, an fmport-| ant city in Lorraine. Mouracourt js a | little more than two miles from the | boundary and the other two towns| mentioned are not much further. The night comminique tells of a German attack in the Valley of the Alsne, in the. Saint Mard Wood, was stopped by artillery fire: The | German advance having been check- ed the French troops charged with | ho ' i y THE DAILY BRITISH 1 WHIG, TUESDAY. APRIL | 20. 1915. -6ary , & Practical Tomé Dress Making = Lerrons Prepared Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial Review EMPIRE FROCK IN PINK MULL. The lining is very quickly made by closing the shoulder seam and stiteh- ing the hem in tbe back as notched. The center-back of the outer waist is indicated by double "oo" perfora- tions. With this in mind now close under-arm seams as notched; then upper edge between double T" perforations, Gather lower edge and 'arrange on lining, centers even, and stitch. Bring corresponding small ve Tf AOF RUFHE ~~ pal ATEDNCIND #g» perforations at shoulder together and tack. Stitch gathers near lower edge of outer waist to position on lin- ing, upper row along small "0" per- forations. Close back seam of skirt from large "0" perforation to lower edge, finish edges apove for opening. Turn hem at lower edge on double "00" perforations. Close back seam of ruffle; turn under upper edge on slot perforations, gath- 4 er 1 inch from folded edge. Adjust on 3 - skirt, centers even; stitch gathers KS along crossiine of single small "o" per- / 6162 - forations. Gather upper edge of skirt between double "TT" perforations. Ad- Delightful little frock In pink mull just skirt, stifching gathers to posi- made in Empire style for the growing tion underneath waist along lower row girl of gathers, bringing small "0" perfora- tion to under-arm seam. What is more comfortable and at the Close sleeve sean' as notched. Gath- same time more adorably pretty for er on crossline of small -"¢o" perfora~ the growing girl than an Bmpire frock tions and draw gathers to the required in soft clinging material? size; stitch tape under gathers. Gather Fora girl of average size this model upper edge between double "TT per= calls for 47% yards of 36-inch material, forations. Sew in armhole, seam at 3% yard 86-inch lining and 1% yard of notch in front. ribbon velvet. If made without the If lace is used on the walst and skirt ruffle on the skirt only 2% yards of 36- frills it will, of course, be repeated at inch material will be needed. the neck and on the sleeves. Pictorig} Reglew Pattern No. 6162. Sizes 8, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Price, 10 cents. A A A A AA At Aa AA Nt AA tt At ANNAN, np | the bayonet and the losses to the | ference in the detonations was very Germans were heavy, Otherwise the | evident. The French gun made a day seems to have been a quiet one | sharp booming sound, while the Ger- | except for gains made in the Cham-| mon guns exploded with a deeper pagne District where 60 metres of | sound. One German shell exploded 50 "Mark of which accurately weighs, 'and automatically seals Lantic Sugar in dust-tight, germ-proof cartons. By this method of packing no hand touches the sugar from the Refinery to your pantry: Look for the Lantic Red Ball on each package ¥ which automatically packs Lantic Sugar in white cotton and jute bags. SMILE WITH ME! | | pagae | trenches were re-captured. -------- TAKE CASCARETS ON ARGONNE FIRING LINE Journalists Visit it Battlefields At ao) ire's Invitation. Paris, April 20.--A a espopdent { has just returned from a forty- -eight- | | hour trip to the firing line, where he | went in the company of three French | journalists. The party was invited { by General Joffre to go to the Argon- {ne battlefields under the guidance of | an officer of the General Staff from | Paris. | Before reaching the concentration Feel bully! "Don't. stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated. Spend 10 cents! Remove winter's poison from your liver and bowels. | point, they passed through villages] | terribly devastated by the Germans, | {among them Sermiaze, Sommeilles | and Clermont, where barely a stone | was left standing. Yet these villages were already showing signs of res- urrection. In the country districts women, {aged men and children were seen | tilling the fields. They live in cel- | lars, cheerfully awaiting better time. {| General Sarrall, who is In com-| | mand of the Third French Army in | the Argonne, and who is one of the | victors of the Battle of the Marne, | acted as their guide along the second { line of the battlefront. Thanks to him | | they were carried' past sentries 'in| En 1 mjoy 1ife! Spring is here and) | natomoblies. your system ig filled with the win-| ter's accumulation of bile and bowel | poison whieh keeps you bitious, | near as possible to Vanouois, where! headachy, dizzy, tongue coated, | | the French offensive is beginning so breath-----bad--and-- ps brilliant a forward march, . > Why don't you get a ,10-] From a hillock they were able to | cent box of Cascarets at the drug!®e® the position of the enemy and to | store and feel fine--Take Cascarets Rote the progress made by the to-night and enjoy the nicest, gent-| French, During their stay at this} lest liver and bowel cleansing you | boint an artillery duel took place be-! __ever experienced---Give Cascarets to] tween the French 75-centimetre | children now. : guns and German howitzers, The dif- | They expressed a wish to get as| paces from where they were stand- ing, but the soldiers around them | took absolutely no notice of it. They were told that in a very short time the men became accustomed to being | under fire. They inspected a second-line trench, General Sarrail ordered that {a gun nearby be manoeuvred for their benefit, but the artillery men suddenly scurried from the weapon at the sound of a whistle. The rea- son was that a Taube was passing overhead. The man sought the shelt- | er of their dug-outs. A second blow- {ing of the whistle brought them out again, wae They were taken also to a rear contonment, where they talked w'th a number of soldiers. They found them full of calm confidence. The | soldiers know the struggle is' not | over, but they daily take their part in it, General Sarrail contrasted the letters these men write to their | homes with the letters found on Ger- man prisoners. While the French- | men write letters full of fun and de- termination, the Germans send home| communications which are mournful {and despairing in tone. General Sarrail expressed his ear- nest wish to resume the offensive in | the Argonne as soon as possible. George TI. Weatherhead, one of the Broeckville's leading citizens, amd man connected with the' anti | life of the Island City for +years; passed -gway-on- : {the residence of his son, Dr. Forrest Weatherhead, im Winkler, { Man., aged seventy-four years. |" The deatn is at Clayton, NY. on April th,of Mrs. Enune Ball, wife of Willlam thirty years. Wonderful machines weigh and stitch tight each bag--no hand touching the product. These machines give an idea of the up- to-date methods employed in our new Model Refinery-- where every step in the process of manufacture is planned to make--*"Sugars of Extra Quality." Buy in Original Packages Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL, QUE. Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been "for over 80 "borne in this. Pom RETIREE bs Exbatiments the health of What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- DS as Sloat, ra -W In Use For Over 30 ears ~ The Kind You Have Always Bought the tare of J has been Sind haa heen nade & Signate 10 SY his vere ST. JOHN, N. B. NOW IS THE TIME To place your. order fora Monument, and by placing your---order- with--s--you-are--- guaranteed first class work. Prompt delivery and mode- rate price. A call of inspes- tion invited. J. E. MULLEN Dor. PHS SAC > In different styles and colors. We have sever- al of latest heels, as well