Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Apr 1915, p. 5

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_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDA y, APR. 20, 1015, PLACED KINGSTON COLORS IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY 7% pial fis gor PH Banner Presented by Viglen Veterans and Citizens to 22nd Battery Received by Dean Ryle on Mon- day to Keep Till War Is Over. London, April 20.--A little cere- mony not without its moving ele- ment dnd of historic interest in Can- ada took place at Westminster Abbey yesterday. At mid-day as the organ was playing *'O God Our Help In Ages Past," and as the little company of the faithful who - as- semble daily to intereced for those fighting their countries battles were about to disperse a'smal party of Canadian soldiers marched through the grey cloisters, particularly cool and pleasant even in the noonday sun, at this early period spring They were officers and men of the Twenty-second Jattery, Field Artillery from Kingston, On- tario, who, had to come to West minster Abbey to deposit with the dean and chapter for safe keeping "until the war is over the colors pre sented to them by 'Veterans and citizens of Kingston." The officers present were W. R. Riordan, Capt. C. P Lieut, G. T. Cassels and Lieut. MacAulay. The colors were the charge of Sergt. Dixon. men representative of the battery compriséd the rest of the party. On arrival in the nave of the Abbey the colors were unfurled and the pro- cession reformed The Dean of Westminster, Dr. Ryle, preceded by his mace-bearer, was at the head, followed by the officers and men and less than half a dozen others, all Canadians, including Major In- graham, Twenty-fourth Battery, Captain W. Cameron, Sixth Bri- ---- oo -- -- Major Fee, N. H. under Twelve L. { HAIR COMING OUT? } + Dandruff causes a feverish irrita-| tion of the scalp, shrink, loosen -and then the hair comes out fast. Te - stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a 25- cent bottle of Danderine at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After a few applications the hair stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. the hair roots Canadian ly Mrs. Macleod. The cere- mony certainly lost nothing in siz- nificance by being conducted almost privately. The company made its way to the famous Henry VII. Chap- el, rich in mediaeval. associations, andi holding many banners of fam- ous k Dean Ryle, standing at the holy table, offered prayers. Officers and men and bystanders united with him in the great prayer Christendom. Kneeling - on one knee an officer then handed the col: ors to the dean who laid thém rev- rently upon the holy table. A few moments later the short but intense- impressive ceremony was over. Dean Ryle upon leaving the chapel, yssured thie officers and men that the olors Would remain safe in their dig- nified keeping, until they returned to claim them. A photograph of the participants was afterwards taken on the steps of the Cloister entrance. The Dean then conducted the party through parts of the Abbey. It was particularly appropriate that he should point out in the chamber how Henry IV died there he was setting forth for the crusades. The ceremony cm the instructions of the dean will be duly related in the Abbey records = mow extending over tems of centuries. gade, and zhts for as The colors placed in the Abbey were presénted to the 22nd Battéry the day it left Kingston for overseas ser: vice, SUBSCRIPT IONS RECEIVED For Queen's Stationary Hospital Go- in To The Front. ibusly acknowledged,- 3 0," Pre $ 2 &f $: 50- $75--Kingston Curling $25---Prof. James W. Robertson, Macdonald College Ottawa; Harrow- smith Red Cross; Dr. J. W. Camp- bell.» $10--Archdeacon Dobbs; Dr. E. MacCullum. $5---Miss Evelyn Norris; Jordan, Ottawa; Sara Brown, wich, Conn.; P. R. Ruthledge. D J. Green- -- [Big Discount Off | Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs gone by us, Satisfaction guaranteed. * Phone 94 Halliday's Electric Store, 1b King bu. | FOUR POSTERS From taste runs scroll line with present demands for rome- 1 I! when using it. to $15.50, Cleanest, most sanitary mattress made. the colonial period--if your in that line. Napoleon head and foot designs are in thing good. well fe.tured designs in beds that enable you to get away from the metal lines. Did you ever 4ry our Ostermoor Mattress, You can't help sleeping All sizes, $12.50 Our Florida Felt Mattress, made by the Ostermoor people, but not quite so good---has stood 10 years selling by us and still pleases. a $10 mattress and we have some cheaper felts that are not bad. Rugs and Carpets, Linoleums and OH Cloths; Window Shades "and Poles, Draperies. prewar priv ns. Come in and listen to the Edi- son Diamond Point Gramaphohe-- --they're--delighters-- Phone 90,-------- Yours, dt is A fine choire at Jerusalem | 2 James Richardson & Sons. | Club; | C.i We have several other '| any brand now in the market. RED CROSS SUBSCRIPTIONS nowledged By The Treasurer Of The Kingston Society. acknowledged, $2.- Lake Marine Protective As- ion, per Francis Kimg, KIC. Jachelors Ball and rebate City Hall, $136; Miss Martha Neil- son, $100; Elginburg Ladies' Aid concert, $54.50; recital St. George's Cathedral (collection), $69.88; after- noon teas, Daughters of the Empire, $57.50; bridge at residence of Mrs. John Waddell, arranged by Misses Waddell, Kent, Kirkpatrick, $53.50; Harrowsmith Red Cross Society, $25; Harrowsmith Red Cross 'lo- ciety, April 2nd, $25; Queen's His- torical Society lectures, (2 collec- tions) $32.76; afternoon teas,, Char- lity Cirele King's Daughters, $20; Sydenham Street Methodist Church, {for materials), $19.62; Sydenham Street Methodist Lend a Hand Circle, $5; Central Ontario Poultry Associa- tion show, $10; Miss Alice Macnee, $10; Mrs. .W. Kirkpatrick, $10; Ladies _of Mountain Grove (for ma- terial), $7; Queen Street Methodist Church (for material), $8; Mrs. E. H. Marvin (Syracuse), $5; Miss Birch, $5: Miss H. Winnifred Clax- ton, $ Verona Improvement Seo- ciety, per Mrs. Claxton, $5; Mrs. J. 0. Crisp, $5; Miss Gildersleeve, $5; Hértington Epworth League, $4.70 Miss Strange, $3; Mrs. Herbert Rob- inson, $2; Mrs. W. G. Jordon, $2; A Friend, $2; A Friend, $1; A Friend, per Mrs. H. Macpherson, $1; Miss Baker, Mrs. A. G. Wart- man, Miss Crisp, each, $1.00; Mrs. Dalton, Miss Lillian Mowat each, 2; G. Hallam, Collins Bay, per Mrs. IC larke, $1; B. C., 50c¢; Mrs. A. Hird, i Se | Ack FP reviou siy 726.18; sociat $500; 5; Total cash to date, $3,924.50. Total expenditure, $3,900.72 Cash balance to date, $23.79. SPEED BOAT FOR MILLIONAIRE To Enter Kingston Races On The 3rd Of June. { A Lindsay despatch says : The largest speed boat ever in Lindsay, in fact one of the larg- lest (if not the largest) speed boats {ever built in Ontario, is on the skids at the Jesse Perrin boat works, Ri | donut street, here. It is being for a millionaire who summers on the St. Lawrence in the vicinity of King- {ston, and when fully complete equipped will be worth $4,500. The boat is being built in the Perrin - Works ' by the Canadian | Beaver Co., Toronto, and is of solid | mahogany. beantifgl in every respect and when decorated she will be a very hand: { some craft. The boat is thirty-five built V.! feet over all and six feet three inches beam. She will be equipped with a | 220 horse-power engine, capable of | propelling the boat at a guaranteed | spread of forty miles an hour. When | travelling at this rate five feet of | | her long nose will be out of the wa- | ter. + The contract calls for the boat to be ready and complete by May lst | and it is expected she will be in fine trim for the annual regatta at King- | ston on June 3rd. "LANTIC"" SUGARS, Splendid New Plant Just Completed At St. John N. B. St. John, N.B., has the distinction of securing the largest and most important industry which has locat- | ed in Canada for some months, The Atlantic Sugar Refineries, which commenced operations a few days] ago, has been two years under con-| struction. The plant is located on the water front, to receive its raw material ocean-going vessels and the finished product either by rail or water to all parts of the country. These factors, combined with im- proved machinery and labor saving | devices, will enable the company to manufacture a higher grade sugar] without consumer. The plant, which is the very latest in sugar manufacturing concerns, has a capacity of one mil- lion pounds per day, while the out- put will go out to the consume: known as "Lantic" Sugars. The di-| rectors have made a special study of requirements of the trade and of the consuming public and believe that they will be better able to sat- isfy the demands of the public than CITY BASEB! The Teams Are Practising On The a Cricket Field. Every team in the City Ledgue is out practising on the Cricket Field ul daily getting into shape for the sea- | Built | and | Her lines are graceful and | being so situated as! from | trans-ship | | ed States. increasing the cost to the! | tistic accomplishment. whips, Tasso atid" Harp shooting WILL BANISH LIQUOR "TOM" RILEY SAYS HE WILL NEVER DRINK AGAIN. His Declaration Should Serve As a Great Temperance Sermon--Li- quor Was Cause of His Downfall. "I swear that I will never take an- ther drink of liquor as long as | ive. This ig what '"lom" Riley, the man from Missouri, had to say when he was liberated from the Portsmouth penitentiary and the declaration of the railroader who was sentenced to fiiteen years on a charge of murder, should serve as a great temperance sermon, as it was the use of strong ! drink that' placed him behind prison bars. He was not a heavy drinker. 'He was just a moderate tippler, but, like a great many more, Just happen- ed to get "a dtop too much," and then lost possession of him and be cause a bartender refused to" give him a drink he pulled out a rors and | ct the man who stood behind the | bar. He did not know that 'he had committed murder, and was stunned when he was told the story after he came to his senses. His case was ap example of what a man is liable to do when in liquor. "Tom" Riley was one of the best | known and most respected | railroad | men in his home town. It was while on a spree he made his way to Lon- | don, where he committed the crime. Those who know him best state that the e'even months he spent in | the penitentiary - has made him a changed man, and that he will make good his promise never to liquor again. Furthermore, his friends say that in his case the punishment he has al- ready undergone has and that should he be re-arrested and placed in the penitentiary again, the long sentence would not tend to make him a better man. been set free, his friends intend to | put up the fight of their lives to keep him a free man. Foolish To Stay Away. A despatch from London says: | "Tom Riley is a fugitive from jus- I tice, who can be extradited for his original offence; and, in addition, he lis a very foolish boy, for they will put him in peniténtiary again, and this time he will stay there. He had the chance to put himself right| with the authorities by coming back. | This would have brought him .a speedy parole, and perhaps an imme- diate pardon, but when he tries to hide, he is making a mistake, they and 'Tommy' | Brown." This was the statement of a police official in. regard to the attitude all "Fom' Riley, who . killed George | Blackburn and got out of prison, { where he was serving a 15-year term because of a "fluke," whereby he was released in place of another man. | A story was in circulation tha | Riley had decided to give himself u because of the urgings of a friend in| this city, but there was no confirma- | tion of this. It was stated that | | Rev. H. H. Bingham, who was his| spiritual adviser, and to whom Riley | wrote his professions of conversion, | had written to Riley, asking him to} return and give himself up. As the result of a communication | received from Thomas Riley, E Nickle got 'Peg-Leg'! mund Meredith, K. C., who appeared | ; for the former when he was on trial here for the killing of Blackburn, | has sent instructions, that will po be made public, to the man who Yas deported from Kingston to the Uait-| \ VAUDEVILLE AT THE GRAND. Another High-Class Bill To Be Seen On Wednesday. The bill presented last evening at the vaudeville entertainment at the | Grand Opera = House was high- class, | and much appreciated by the large | audience, Miss Annette Link, whe possesses a | rich soprano, sang "High Time in Dixie' and "You Are Always Wel- come at Our House." ing of a Spanish waltz and dance she displayed agility and buck | ar "Jack" Morrisey, Australia's stock X= pert, gave a fine exhibition of the work of an Australian bush-man. /His |expertness with the whip in brush- ing articles. from the hair of his assistant; and his shooting in differ nt positions won for him for | will get him, just as the chief | "Mutt and Jeff." | Hill can keep up the pace. At the "IRON DUKL" The Iron Duke is a new iron covered trunk--well well braced, ete. Iron Duke Trunks are good size, the price made -- It was made to avenge the Baggage Man. moderate--bei ing only ABERNETHY"S very 5.00 touch | been sufficient, | Now that he has | New Hats They have the 'style that helps the appearance of even the best- dressed man. They have tle quality that assures satisfaction. See our immense showing of Soft Hats and Der- bies. Mada by the world's most celebrated hat malers. $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 uo ' CAMPBE!L BROS. The Big Hat Dealers AT THE GRAND. | To-night "Mutt an and Jef" in Mexico. | "A little nonsense now and then | is relished by the best of men" and women too. The old adage is pro- ven over and over again by the con- | inued and most extraordinary sue | cess of Gus Hill's productions New York's best | | citizens, butchers, bakers and under-| takers all turn to the "funny pic- | | tures" in the morning newspapers to | | Gee what those two funny fellows "Mutt and Jeff" are up to, nor is the | habit confined to any class, creed or | | status of life's success. The banker, | {destroy it entirely. | the lawyer and the judge, enjoy the |get about four ounces of ordinary daily cartoons as well as his less for- | tunate brothers and applaud Bud | Fisher's satirical humor. Millions of | ten { the best people in America have lau- | | ghed at Gus Hill's company present- | {ing "Mutt and Jeff" in thelr various In the . dane. | Plays and will continue to laugh at |druff 'will | them as long as Bud Fisher and Gus | Grand to-night. MAY TRY INCINERATOR In Connection With the City Water works Plant. No action was taken at the joint son's games. | The question of granting admit- oH na to the\26th Battery into th he Battery intend 10. play. "T.F.Harrison Co ~ bines the flexibility of a glove with the dur of the "Varsity men who | played in Toronto Senior City Leagu last year. The question of professionals was | brought up at Saturday's meeting. | Tiere are too many well-known am-| ateur sports in the Battery to consid- | er this for a minute. They would | not endanger their amateur stand- ing by playing professionals with so little at stake. The only bad fea- 2 ture of the fourth team's entrance is' necessary double-heading - of | game ° would | have to start sharp at 2 o'clock, and | a number of the players on one team | at least say it would be imposisble "I TOF thew To De Theta off tiie. i i $ { { i | were | break down under a constant strain. Wi 1 are changeable--except 3 hat they siways have the last word. | The photo- play feature aeapel Mme. Bertha Kalich in "Martha of the Low- lands." The Mutual wo, -reel photo s V Not i a Kick," were good, _.. The same bill will be "presen Wednesday afternoon and evening. There will be no vaudeville to-night | las "Mutt and Jeff in Mexico" will | occupy ihe stage. I -- a Examination Of Your Eyes. Demands patience, time.and skill. Haste never made good glasses. Our eyesight specialist, H. C. Brown, Oph. D., believes in a thorough ex- amination for every patient, and glasses ground true to test. Glasses rom Rodger's mean eye fomfort to you. Rodger Optical Parlors, | King street. rrr Beer Pumps On Strike. Two beer pumps in hotels went {on strike Monday night and refused to work. On Tuesday morning they still out of commissi:n thirsty people were mround the {bar fcr the stream to begin to flow. Of late the beer pumps have been | overtaxed 'and even the best wili " Chased By Submarine. J. Oppen ~wife "near dand, B. Blackhall, Ald. at C. W. Lindsay, Limited and hear at Wolfe Island will be heid on Tues day evening, the 27th. viously sold will be good for this meeting of --Commission | and the special garbage committee of the City Council when they met on Monday afternoon to discuss the in- cinerator project. General Manager ye B. Blackhall suggested that a' lot next the pump house be used, and ithe. meeting. day when a full report on the new. site will be submitted. There were present at the meeting Messrs. R. H. Toye (chairman), Dr. | A. R. B. Williamson, Mayor Suther- | G. GQ. YY. "Chown and C. C. Folger. Patriotic 'Bridge. A bridge will be held in the City Hall at 3 o'clock sharp on Thursday afternoon, April served. AdDiission vo eh TE TPres ceeds to go towards the Field Kit chen Fund, 21st Battalion. : Two new records on the Vietrola, English _ contralto, just arrived. Call them. The postponed Methodist concert Tickets pre- London, Eng., have arrived in the city to take up their residence here. They made the trip over on the stea- mer Missanabja which had such a thrilling time when chased by sub- marine. Folger reported that it would prov ng : Linterfere--with-the sity power to erect the incinerator on the pro- | Hi until. Wednes- | t Wright, 'H 22nd Play will |} stop at 5 o'clock, when tea will be} Next Opera House. verve « H. MILNE | Electric Carpetrand Vacuum | Cleaning, Sewing and Laying. | Cleveland, Standard Faleon Bieyeles. Phone 542. 272 Bagot St. Pure Marmalade | Orosse and Blackwell Chivers and Son's In 7 Ib. tins 841-8 Princess St. D. COUPER Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. (Coast Seaied Oysters) | 4 Washing Won't Rid Head of Dandruff The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it, then you To do this, liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring: use enough to mois- the scalp and rub it in gently the finger tips this to-night, most if not all, of be gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how neh dandruff you may---have:- i You will fi «1d, too, that all ite hing and digging of the scalp will stop at once, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky #nd soft, and with Do ing, and by morn- ter, You can get liquid arvon at any | drug store. It is Inexpensive and never falls to do the. work. and | order. your dan-| look and feel a hundged times bet-! ICE CREAM BRICKS OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the City By Government Test, Best in Kingston. SAKELL'S, | | FOR COMFORTABLE NIGHT REST SLEEP ON Not made, but built of fine pure white felt. "SPRING BEDS Soft and resent, never gets out of Made of 108 oil tempered, spiral springs. ; Reid Quality and Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, Phone 147, BUTTER . WRAPPING PAPER "FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN pr MILITARY | Khaki Handkerchiefs, Spurs, ~ Waterproof Cap Covers, | Walking Sti Sticks, a Civil and Military Tailors, Princess and Bagot Sts.

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