THE DAILY SSPPISG WhO SEVEEDAY APRIL 22, 1915. | | THE SPORT REVIEW | 0 President Murphy of the N. L. U,, is determined to resign from his po ition, and A. L. Caron of the Na ils will probably be bh simple Way heh apply it at night w enough to moisten the sca it in gently with By morning, your dandrufi i three or four r } completely disse troy ever ingle no matter how Yon may have, You will find all itching and dig ging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. L. U7, will meet in Mont- Saturday, to prepare for the and to admit the Nationals, and any other club or clubs which officer fit to aceept the Feason, the ve and entirely des- ee complete ball team was re- leased to the Guelph Canadian Lea gue club Tuesday uight by President MeCaffery of the Toronto Interna tionals. Nine players will be sent to the Royal City when the teamn there opens its training season Franklin Baker, arch, has harkened to the call of baseball. From authentic sources it was learned yesterday that the slug- trace of dandguff ign and One it, much home-run mon- | the 825. Figures on teains of twenty-one players and four others, including ager, trainer and secretary, this 2,089,825 for the layers and others in the league. 2 mile, the minimum rail- road expended April 1 1.796.50 $41,796.5 by the «clubs, between t and Oct. 7th will amount to Meals and sleeping berth: will add many thousands to these gures Edouard Fabre.the Montreal, win- ner of Boston Marathon race, was lionized by the Bostonians. Fabre was u guest at several of the clubs; where he was forced to rhake speech- es. He proved modest in Iris remarks and gave great credit to Opahan and others for their performances. Fabre said he attributed his to faithful training and perfect condi- tion victor, and cheered the two champions were by the'crowd. Willard saw the finish of the race and econgratul- ated the Canadian. The Intercollegiate Rugby Rules Commission met at Kingston, with following delegates present: Varsity, H, C. Griffith, Dr. W. B. hall He met Jess Willard at a°local| LOOKS FOR END SOON j » » CANADIAN TROOPER CONVINCED TRENCH FIGHTING OVER SOON agg' tharge, the sum to be; | Will Shortly Be On the Move--Saxon Troops Refuse to Fire on Cana- dians Serving in Trenches. london, April 22.--A Canadian trooper at the front writing friends in London , expresses opinion which is shared by the ma- jority of his pals, that the end of summer will see the end of the war, and that the trench war will see the end of the war, and that the trench war will soon be a thing of the past. "There has been little doing dur: ing the past few weeks," he writes, "but I fancy that we shall shortly be on the move. lise "I have seen quite a' few Ameri- Red Cross cars lately, and it is in- teresting and instructive to see signs on them such as 'From Friends in Boston, U, 8. A' Blood is thicker than water, and no doubt you have heard that the Saxons refuse to fire jon our fel bws in the trenches. I am | filled wit amazement and admira- {tion for the British Tommy. 1 thought that I knew him pretty well, Fair to-day and Friday, with a little higher temperature. ACALLTO OUR SILK SECTION The niost distinetive showing of beautiful silk fabries we have ever offered. tion consists of all the new weaves and desirable patterns that have come The eollee- 7 to the world's notice 2 1. XK 7 h Wi for the coming season. will notice FRENCH FAILLE FRANCAISE a: , > ai but I did not. He 4s really wonderfui Hendry; Queen's, E. O. Sliter, Prof, A Baker; R.M.C., Dr. Macauley; Mc- 20d it is a privilege and homor to Gill. St. Clair MeEvente. { do ones bit by his side. "What Le | ¢ | suffered during the winte, | In view of the general disturban- | Hoo oro¢. M wn a oy i beyond i | description. | ces abroad the commission decided to a Among the many you \ * - POPLINS AND { nation will { keep the rules as they are--at least At Best's Owing to alterations to our store front, we will be upset for a short time, although 4 : Ek { business will be carried on as perfect asual with safety to EPPA PFET GPE P FORE FEB FFF PEPE PEP ad our customers. EDOUARD FABRE Montreal man who won the annual | Boston. Marathon on April 19th ger will cover third base for the Up-| land team of the Delaware County League. Arthur Jamieson the Indian run- ner, who was supposed to start in! | the race at Boston but didn't, has lo ' 4 SRL : 2 Zon TTA | got himeelf into a heap of trouble, | Jamieson collected money from sev- | eral Hamilton people for the pur-| pose of defraying the expenses of his | trip to Beantown. 3 By a vote of 72 to 30, the Minnes- | KEELEY Ir, M0.D.O... House of Representatives repas- PTICIAN | %¢d the Mosller-Lennon bill, legaliz- | OPTOMETRIST AND OPT a Ing ten-round, no-decision boXing 8 doors above the Opera House. | Matches in Minneapalis, St. Paul and Duluth, after concurring in the two Th B - amendments made in the Senate yes- terday: Ope of the amendments ac- cepted would prohibit more than twelve bouts in any one of the three! { cities in one year. | After many years of effort, it now | | looks as if a lacrosse league, will be | formed in northern Alberta this sea-| | son. Edmonton stands prepared to] enter a team, while Red Deer is also} | taking kindly to the idea. This goes | | to show the effect of the lacrosse] | boom, b spite of the failing off of in- terest in-other lines of sport. i Struck in the temple by a batted | | ball during the Point Pleasant and} Freehold High School game at Free- | bold, N.J., John A. Daroche, Jr., al | Freehold freshmam, died. The blow! {burst a blood vessel in the boy's | head. = a | & -- | Jack Johnson, the former heavy- | weight pugilist, and his wife has {salled-for-Spain-on-the- stexmer-Mar-+---- - i ia Cristina from Havana. From Spain - oh Johnson" NMtends to proceed to Eng-| : { land. Although he has mo passport | Johnson says he expects to experien- ce no trouble. He says he will return to Hagana in June and open a gym- until the war is over. { St. Clair McEvenue, who is now | located in Toronto, wds elected pre-| sident, and E. O. Sliter secretary. | They were delegated to attend the meeting of the Canadian Rugby Un- ion Rules Commission. which is to meet shortly, but with no power to bind the Intercollegiate to anything that may be done. ' hb dd bdo bbb bbb bbb bb bbb ddvdd WAR BULLETINS. ! French despatches from the front Wednesday night said that the Allies made satisfac. tory progress. Details were cut out by the censor, Lloyd-George admitted in the British Commons Wednesday night that there were more than a half million British troops in France to-day. It was also stated that more shells were used at the battle of Neuve Chapelle than during the whole Boer war. Admitting the probability of a rupture between Austria and Italy, Prince von Buelow said at Rome that it would be the duty of Germany to stand by Austria to the end. It is reported that at the opening session of the Hungar- ian chamber it refused to vote military credits. The United States reply to the German Ambassador's note is the sharpest since the war be- 4+ gan. Seb P PIR RPI FR PrP PPE PEP R Pr PrP PPP r Peed +* Pe Pib db ddd bbb bbb bbb bb dirbd WILL GET REFUND. Travellers Not Using All Rail Tick- ets Benefit By Order, Ottawa, April 22. --Hervaitér the travelling public who do not use rail- way tickéts or portions of tickets will be able to get back their money from the railway companies without having to wait fromy two to three months to a year for it. The Kal way Commission issued an -wrder yes- terday compelling Canadian railway companies to pay the refund on all tickets within thirty days from the time of application in cases where one line only is affected, and with. in sixty days when interlines are af- fected. The order was granted af- ter the Board had heard arguments from counsel for the companies as to why there should not be prompt pay- ment. Chairman Drayton during the course of the discussion declared that he bad waited two years, and was still waiting, for a wefund from the C.P.R. on the return half of a tic ket between Toronto and Ottawg. He +was-prowieed--that- Ahi bwo-sidoid- application would now be 1 af- | ter. Over 2,500,000 people have ready visited the big fair at Francisco. BE FULL OF JOY! al- ] San Feel fine! Remove' the winter's liver and bowel poison while you sleep. She RRA Thé executive of the newly-form- "led Owen Sound Athletic Assoelation {is boosting -the idea of a northern | baseball league. It is proposed to first year probably a dozen or fifteen teams, to be divided into three or four districts and to play regular schedules and later play an elimina- tion series on the same principle as a hockey league or a lacrosse league. Frank Patrick, the Vancouver hoc- key magnate and 'president of the Pacifit Coast Hockey League, is au- thority for the statement that Seat- "1tle will positively be a member .of the big professional circuit next sea- son. The league now is composed of Vancouver, Victoria and Portland and the inclusion of Seattle will round out a strong four-téam eircult and insure plenty of competition. & quiet &¥d genUemunly,| but always" tailored and perfect- Wited. This is a most popular Should be ~+bring--into--the--organization--for the l -- Br mm eg A Bn sa 8 Ae nc Spend 10 cents! Don't stay sick, . - To-night sure! Take Cascarets The National Baseball League schedule for the coming season re- quires the ei ht clubs to trivel § 593 miles. The western clubs will cover more mileage than the eastern teams. Pittsburgh leads with 13.- 595 miles, and the New York G have, the least trav do, . style and we are showing it fn great variety of new and attractive weaves. Prices: $15, $18 and $20. E.P. JENKINS ' '4 8 land enjoy the nicest, genticst liver { and bowel cleansing you eyer experi- | enced. Cascarets will n your {liver and clean vour thirty feet of bowels. without griping. You will i wake up feeling grand. Your head will "be. clear, breath right, tongue clean, stomach sweet---Get a 10-cent | to the local police, having 'given them | youlg man "+were-arrested-aiter-they-refased ive each -weok--by-G {drinks you get in Saloons In not forget him after the | CHIFFON TAFFETAS - : | SATIN DUCHESSE REPORTS FROM BERLIN | CREPE DE CHENES French Attacks Repulsed -- Russi. ans Evacuate Tamow. Berlin, (via wireless to London). April 22.--The War Office to-day an- nounced the repulse" of French sur- prise attacke, accompanied by artil- lery exchanges in the western part of the forest of Petre, north of Hartmannsweilerkopf. Heavy losses! were inflicted on the enemy it is stated. | The War Office also confirms to- day unofficial reports that the Rus- sians have been compelled to evacu-| até Tarnow because of heavy gun fire of the Austrians, | war." ELIGIBLE FOR PENSION Invalided Soldiers To Be Placed Ov List Promptly. Ottawa, April 22.--Soldiers who are being invalided home from the front, are eligible for pensions from the day of their return and steps | are being taken to place them | promptly on the list on the lines of | the recent order-in-council. The Government has also under consid- | eration arrangements whereby sol-| diers incapacitated from working at| their former occupations, will be trained at 'trades suited to ad the great wide ones physical capabifties. i DAVIES' ort me rom con ve |{ F10QY and Saturday terday, before E. L. Lapum, J.P. | BEEF OVEN E. Sheppard was fined 85 and costs for assaulting his wife. {ROUND STEAKS, High Constable VanKoughuet was called to Thorp last evening and brought back a foreigner, apparently | a Russian, who had been giving the SIRLOIN STEAKS A local automobilist was assessed W 85 in Deseronto yesterday for rum- | Tho m. residents some trouble. He could ning his car without the rear light D » 9 C avis LO. A ------ ) Napanee ------ 7 ROASTS) | a lot of trouble last summer. Hig custom when hungry is to go into the house nearest to hand and help himself, and often times he has be forcibly ejected. Bruce Davis was taken to the King- ston hospital yesterday, suffering from appendicitis. Miss Nora Herrington left yesterday for Quebec. She will serve on the nursing staff . of Queen's University Hospital at the frcat. Fenwick Solmes and T. Dickens made a trip to Kingston to gee "Matt and Jefi." to sen, who has carried on a hamess and' saddlery business here for a number of yeats, is leav. | ing to reside in Toromto. His som, | William, will 'take charge of the busi- | ness. ii { --Worle--om---tho-new--armouries---- hav - Ome Spoonful Gives been resumed' and very soon a num- | Astonishing Results £ ill t work the | building, il Jo. ot werk cu | Kingston residents are astonished | not speak English. He is known the other night. FY. Y Limited, Phone. 807. J. John, a vegrant, was remanded | 8t the QUICK resuits from the sims" for' a week in the Police Court yes- { pie. mixture gf buckthorn Bark. si terday, thi i is ' | cerine, eic., known as Adler-i-ka.| Fn AT rg Tr a Hrs remedy acts on BOTH. upper Thursday afternoon Fogar Miller, a | 8nd lower bowel and is so THOR- who is working for C. |OUGH a bowel cleanser that it is Rombough, started from the barn [Used successfully im appendicitis. with" & team and waggon, when the HONE SPOONFUL of Adler-i-ka re= orses ran away. The lieves almost ANY CASE of consti- s corner. of the barn, TpRUION, "SOUL OF gASSY StoMEe, ONE ¥ Miller out. He was shaken up badly | MINUTE after you take (it, the bones were, broken. The | Basses rumble and pass out. G, W. team 'got mstride the pump at the | Mahood, druggist, corner Princess well in the barnyard and one of the 88d Bagot streets. "Korees Broky thy covering End Was badly cut. Tha police had a call to the west ehd of the town last might to inves: tigate a story of a hold-up. They eould find no, trace of the alleged highwaymen. NEED NOT PAY For Drinks Bought On Sunday, Says Judge. ; Chicago, April 22.--Two men who but no NEW SUBMARINE WAR NEAR. | Several New Craft To Enter Block- ade, It Is Said. London, Eng. April 22.-The | Daily Mail's Berne correspondent | says that é Jearps from reliable German sources that several new submarines will enter into the work of blockading England to-day. He adds that now submarines are now being completed at the rate of | Orman, nf pay for drinks which they bought in | Som-------------------------- = | a saloon Sunday, were discharged by| ~~ $100 REWARD, $100. Judge Wiliam H. Gemmill in the| The readers of this paper will be | Muaieipal court here Bliared i earn hat rl ea iene "You do not have to pay Soy [ane Gres to. cure in. all {ts Chicago tages, apd that is an Jails on Sunday." declared the judge. "If Catar ure is the anly post sitive em the slochs are open they are Ope Rote tn Merny s convitucionss disease. in violation of the law. : requires a constitutional trestment. Show "Por Binh Ee Shes Se kt ok % Municipalities. in Tames. of the system, thereby Aberdeen, 8.9., April 22.-- The li- destroying the foundation a anand, west i fo vin, e el el usr dusstion fgureq in ey Isic | tian up the constitution and as. | tute in doing its work. The jand town in the state. Few chan 88 | Brapeietors. pave 80 much faith in its 0 | | curative powers that they offer One Leola, Hundred aotiurs for 2% jase, that on , Sisseton Faulkton chagg-| 46 cure. Sand 5) ed to "dry" 'by small pluralities |" address F. J. CHENEY & CO, To- Yakton and Aberdeen are the | ledo, ©. box now at any drug store. for chi larger cities which voted to remain 5old bY aif Druggists Ise. ; io the "wet" column. | Take Hails Family Pills for conats eS CRE Natural Pongees, in light or he Extra Special Coat Quality, 32 Very special 36 inch quality at $1. See to it Steacy's BENGALINES MOIRES : PAILETTES GEORGETTE CREPES, ETC. avy cord weaves, from ....40c to $1.60 inches wide, at ..................$1.00 The Spripul Petticoat The century old fashion has come in again--and we are ready! Black and White Petticoats Suitable for this purpose are here in abundance--from 1¢ tiny line stripe to I to $1.60 per yard that you get your share. --- KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE NOW Is Houscleaning Time AND MAY 1ST MOVING TIME. "Let us light your home now, when carpets are up. Prices moderate. H. W. Newman Electric Co., Agents for famous "Osram" Tungsten Lamps. Try them. Phone 441 79 Princess Street. The Children's Health Pure Milk is the best food known. Pasturized Milk in sealed bottles is both clean and pure. Phone 845 :: Prices DISTINCTIVE QUALITY _ APPEARANCE About SU. KIST. packages just as distinctive as the quality of their contents, SUN-KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. Have YouSeai [Ou | Latest Match? "THE BUFFALO" | Look for The Buffalo on the Box