Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Apr 1915, p. 7

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Established 1 The use of one of our Safety De ARE YOUR PAPERS AND VALUABLES SAFE? posit Boxes will give you'a con- fortable assurance of safety from danger of fire, burglary or other loss to your valuable and woul venience, These boxes will be found very jewellery or valuable papers, gucl bonds and stock certificates to care ording to size boxes is $2.00 and upwards, ace prove to be a great? con to all who have articles of insurances, wills, deeds, for The annual rental of the You are invited to call and inspect our Safety -Deposit Boxes. Hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Saturdays, 10 a.fh. to 1 pm.) $5,000,000 Capital .. tar evia 3, . HE Reserved I oly "ie . $6,102,810 BANK or TORONTC Brick and Stone' We can supply all Kin and the best of stone for fi Is of brick for vour houses undation. Also all kinds of dimension stone. Prices right and prompt delivery. Give us a call. Kingston Brick Yard, A. NEAL. Phone 1396 _-- -- EE ---------- FOR SALE Centre Street, Solid Brick, 9 rooms furnace, electric light and gas, B: and C.; wide lot; price Mack Street, Brick V eneered, B. and price - LOT" cnsington Ave. 50x120 Houses Rented; yin 2 RL $4,000. rooms, furnace, electric light, gas, cee. $2,800 "$800 Rents 'Collected. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. J. DRIVER, 66 Brock Street - Representative. - - Phone 68 King Albert |No has of Belgium Souvenir of Modern Times proved more popular than this series of spoons--in silver plate, .t + each, in sterling at $1.50 each. The die work is unequalled by any -- ALSO other spoon on the market, KITCHENER FRENOH JOFFRE R. J. RODGER, Jeweler - - 347 King St. JELLICOE tian Others - to follow - weekly. | "Where the clock is on the walk." Remember That we carry the latest and most up-to-date stock of Motor Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited 210-14 Wellington St. aay . Phone 454 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE 3 What About Your Garden Seeds? Now is the time to buy Garden and Wlower Seeds. We have a full and complete variety which we guarantee to be fresh. Why not try our "Limestone City" | Lawn Grass Seed at 25¢ per Ib. HOAG'S DRUG STORE: Opp, Y.M.CA. KINGSTON, ON -- GET OUR PRICES For plumbing work, or gas piping Ha your repairing done by us. Sat- ion guaranteed 'A. AND J. JAMIESON Plumbers and Gasfitters. Phone 287 - - 253 King st. | aii oe iin | High Class Suits made to order Golden Lin Block, Opposite : ost Office, KINGSTON CEMENT PRODUCTS {Can supply Cement Blocks, Sills, Lintles, Bricks, Flower Vases, Caps, P'ér Blocks, etc. We also manufacture Cement Grave Vaults, Estimates given for all kinds of Ce- Kingston Comont Products. H. F. NORMAN, MANAGER, Office, 177 Wellington Street. Phones: Oftice, 730; Factory, 1204. . Pork Spare Ribs Choice Rib Roasts or Cooked | Meats. Ladies & Gentlemen Do Not Throw Your {WE WiLL CLEAN AND RE-SHAPE IT INTO THE SEASON'S LATEST STYLE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 7 "| aM, Gavanoque, who was present at n Hat and Fea thercleaning Co. S81 Princess St. i Dr. eG, Smith's Falls, has been appointed dentist to the military camp at Petawawa. Specialty made of shoulder braces, supports, etc. Dutton's. » v 0 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1915. PAGE SEVEN INSPECTION OF TROOPS GRAN] D> -- : = cn hats (J) THE PEOPLE'S FORUM Re r= : Who Told the 21st Battalion That 1¢ Feature Vaudeville Acts. Was To Have Left Three Days Famous layers - ilms, 5 Reels. Ago. But Arrangements Were Can- oud Higiiis mn 5 | ct elled. "HIS LA LLAR. = ------ a" 5 New Programme Monday and Thursday CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FOUND 5 FOR SALE. Major-Gen. Sam. Hughes, Mini Prices: Mat. 10¢, any seat. My rE MVE ADVTS, CONT abe . Evening, 10e; "Fenerved Se extra. word, Each con- THESE EF rey Ley Ble eu, oad Susan Sol tie bh ee > thereafter, half- AT 610 DIVISION ST, THE UPTOWN little Once, Ic; three Wm 500; J. u iy @ « a . & > cycle a prot ¢ T > d- one week, $1.00 Minimum charge for Bicycle Depot, new and secon Ottawa, arrived in the city on Thurs. Ln three | tnsertions, hand bikes, Sdod and chiap 107i RI AUTON BILE, NEW 1014, $450. day morning from Ottawa and made Bbc: six, $1; one month, $3. cash or on instalments. A high- Fo \ " " A L p Le alderwood priced duck gun, 10 gauge, prac- Apply Mrs Ca an inspection of the troops here. The Distinguished } ectieh Actress, tically new, for sale at half price House, Union Street «'C" Battery, K.C. HLA. ¥as me HELP WANTED. Ouns of wil makes repaired. CO. A. fro mors _GO-CARTS AND 'CAR. spected on Tete de Pont Barracks Jones J pm-- riages, at reasonable prices, at Square before leaving for Barrie- i S AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR Les Turk's. Bos 705. - °. 5 C r C i . for ome field," ahd No. 5 Company, Canadian under this head, costs 3c TO LET - ------ . ta a » NVICKER CARRIAGE, Enginters, and the 21st 'Battalion nigat, or 0c for three. BABYS wi * slightly used; also pocket. fur robe Brags Req o> Barrienaid about eight Patrick T ONCE, A WAITRESS. APPLY TO SOLID BRICK, 7 ROOMED HOUSE: 35 41 Division t o'clock e inspection of the En- Ton at osel: gas and electric oo ee gineers and the Battalion took place lights. Apply 237 Victoria siTeel WwoRMWITH PIANO, ALMOST NEV on the field south of the camp Goob COOK. MUST "ave mere. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR ETO. Trile Tea, A i tanto as . grounds. After watching the move ences. Apply Genera! onspita. clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock -- . ments of the Engineers, over . two A GIRL STO RSSIST WITH HOUSE. Street. ; . Goop HORSE, HARNESS AND | hours were devoted to detailed in- Apply to 150 University |;"RoomM HOUSE, 198 STEWART ST. digg RE i Te gi spection of the Battalion. Every . : Bernard S Apply to J. R. Laidlaw, 248 Division a aca TY APPIY Ug Son i company section was taken se street. par- OT ately and put through different move i " A HOUSE MAID; REFERENC ES ot. DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, Me- V1¢ TROLA AND ment finishing with "fixing bayon- ired, Apply to Mrs F Mae: Cann's Real Estate Agency, 82 t » 5 -- 8 3 Lawrence Cottage, Brock St. X : PRICES: 5c, The, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. 1 reer West. At thre close of the inspection, the : -------- es me im: " ST. CHA Minister addressed the a, His Seat aly Nowia)-- Nay Sri aw A MAID TO ASSIST WITH nu PFI prix ARE NR annem a" v rym n 1 first words were rather a surprise 'housework; Just Shderssand pan Mudie, 79 Clarence St "I hear," he said, "that you are be 34 Stuart street, just off Bar- coming excellent singers at that BRICK HOUSE ON FRANTENAC ST song, "Tell Me the Old, OM Story ME. OF THE BIG 1 : COMPETENT MAID FOR flse new DICK hous Brock St1psan We're Going Away Next Week: WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ' 1 housework References b Just at that minute 3 number of the Episode No. 12, . ¢ Good wages (0 a capable . To MAY soldiers who were resting on ths "THE MASTER KEY." person. Apply to Mrs. 8. Anghn, 1 Stuart street, Eight rooms 1 i" at 55 Barrack street 4 nd er pp ? 'laren ground in the rear, started up this Searching for the missing Idol, and water. Apply 38 Clarence popular song to prove that the Min-| what do Ruth and John Dere learn LLIGENT PERSON MAY iii reiiumadniaiesi emer ¥ UPRIGHY YALL Suw CALE, TENTS ister was right. from the pawn-broker about the AN veers corresponding Everything must #¥ygold by "There it is now. Well 1 do not | strange Hindu? This and other in- for newspape rs; no canvassing LARGE FURNISHED SLEEPING 1st. * Lease expires 'rank W know when you will be going, as teresting questions are answered by particulars. Press Syndi- I in Ol wr Le Dera Cooks, that rests with the British Govern. | the 12th instalment. » 3.969 Lockport, N.Y pot Sp pe' EGGS FOR HATCHING ment in furaishing convoys. You "PHANTOM WARNING," 4 err ~ - "bred to lay. Well bred white were to have gone three days ago, Featuring Ben Wilson and Dorothy TAKE CHARGE 29% KING ST, BE. » ROOMS. ALL Moo. horns, barred rocks and Rohde but through an unfortunate change Phillips. ° perty and work I i bg 151 Wel. reds. 78 cents per sett that could not be helped, the order "DAD," ! n 8 Apply C. 8. Me. "street. 1s XK could not be issued. | am sure you Comedy-Drama, with Murdoch Mec: : : ; eC Frontenac -- ce ------ -------- JB BICYCLES « &( are ready to go at any time. You Quarrie. : PT ea S---- > . a . : Pastime Bleycles, certainly shew by your drilling that Our prices never change. Admission Je E ; FOR OFFICE LL ST. t Rigid Frame, $40; Dorf I and no " ATL ow." 3g pre 00k I y shion Frame, $50; fitted with § you are ready, and I hope that you, = Mi or Arn How LL julgley ssior v 1si Ape speed gear, $60. Geo. Muller, '37 will get away in the near' future photo-play and ticulars. The Ay at 2 Y reel Ing street. I can promise you that you will." Arrow Photo Play Co. Box 474, = _ RA ig . ¢ . rede ( FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN . W. ¥. Nickle, M.P., was present, BE PARTICULAR Toledo, O alry rooms; your own lock and |* NE we CH (A YRAHIRE) cow, and turning to him the Minister /. Frost's City Storage 299 2 jars ola. miiker, one said : "I am not making any 'mis- TEACHER WANTED. Queen St. Phone 526b 8 er, take, am I Mr. Nickle, when | say Ar v ROOM: D FURNISHED FLAT; Theriault, 14 Condes that. the citizens of Kingston . have : TEACHER WANTED FOR §, 8 No. - ligh Ki a Jooking > a : - - Ba Duties to commence Apry Lr * A < AS ue Joo appreciated having the battalion in -- Ee Parle Salary $300 per year. apply» . Possession at once. Apply Bex $1 SOLID BRICK HOUSE, CHESTNUT J ihe city Ty past hid 1 know _- ¢ to William Head, Secretary-Treas- Whi ) street, $2,100; improvements. . that it 8 been one of the best be- a urer, Cloyne, Ont. rr % IR . h : " . iE ROOMS, NIS ) BRICK HOUSE, EARL haved battalions that have ever {ead i ) : an R ne, rn nn ¥ HOUSE, E ARL ST., $3,650 been here, and Kingston has long i cee} Central location All BRICK VENEER HOUSE, PATRICK been' n miliary city, filled 'with ap > : POSITION WANTED, modern conveniences. Apply Bok, street. A snap to a quick buyer, ' R : B, Whig offic $1,850; all improvements. ways well-behaved soldiers. Their STEADY, RELIABLE MAN AT conduct has shown that they are able . : blacksmithing or rarpentering, de- - RovGn CAST HOUSE, UNIVERSITY \to take care of themselves and the sires position. Would accept any SMALL BRICK HOUSE, NO. 86 BAR- avenue, 7 raoms, hot water heat- le } > kind of remunerative job. Good street. Beautifully situated ing, gas and electri light, Tpeople have appreciated having you > { references. Apply In first Instance t I modern improvements here and will miss you when you REMESE 4 4 to Box 1167, care Whig office. Possession May 1st, 1315. Apply FRAME HOUSE, ah ART STREETS leave. 1 hope that the battalion will Ty 3 -- . 30 Barrie improvements, $2,00 always bear as good a reputation as - CA > rN ' TAG "x SOLID BRICK, NEW RONTENAQ it has gained in Kingston. ur Jd WANTED GENWRAL Bi rooms. a1 ie 2 pe COLL NS stre et; an Improvements, $3,500 i g : . rp --_---- ; SEs be inorge J iteman, real estate, ih+ : i Un sions, the ut talion hoa el A DELIVERY HORSE. T. F. HARRI hres haa house 300 privals duck. surance, 67 Clarence street Sooty ica What is a od == son Co. wood. Ave, Toronto, Ont ® ---- - rs---- A - ------ | "FOR SALE OR 10 LET. at the front is accurate and rapid ABSOLUTELY PURE HOUSE « LEANING OR CLEANING HOUSE, 88 LOWER ALFRED STR -- - a |shooting. The war now is a game horre streer. Jay. . Apply ear treet car junction, Ae Fu LENBUR- lof brains even more than lof phy- ---------------- -------- nN street, ¢ rooms, gas, con- e &00 i WB and orchard, six sigue. The soldiers must: he well FENIAN RAND RDA I PAY rete cellar All modern conveni- miles from city. Apply to R. 1b ] ! M n is Possession May 1st Ape Fair, Kingston Station, trained in mind as well as body. $4. Al HB. Way, 384 Oakwood ave-) ply mornings or evenings, 430! "I am quite satisfied with the Bue Toronto. Brock street | work you hase, done foday, and as ac 80 's | PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND FIST WHITE FRAME HOUSE, 163 ARCHITECT speec is one of the details am Tr 1 graining. 'A bargain, $4 per room, mart stress west of Lower Uni | wa, WLANDS _ & SON, "A i i werv . . including the paper. F. Young. versity Av nue Six rooms and Co eigen SON ARC TR anxious to impress on everyone as 198 Colborne street attic, Elv-tric light: newly . andy jootn, ate. Offices, 258 Bagot St a BOCeaATY part : o ining, 1 R M ] #4. Ssliom ~ And na down. Small | m-- - ¢ 3 ; ri the tin- man p: ah tpstairs and dow Pos- Jo rm lo Irs ie ie | KO CAT wren ramos axe wrens wy gE LEE HE LI POWER, 8 Wo aRGRTCr sa: t T . " bp ol requiring women (0 work by the 65 est ay in mornings pidly as possible. This is not only a medicinal cer. any OF clean oMices Please apply to : ing Brovk and Wellington streets. "IT will try to see you before you eal but 'it is tasty as well, It is de- Pay Nursery. Phone 1115 | ~ [leave and will try to be present and licious as a cereal or made in pan- DENTAL > { | give you a sendoff.' cakes. RINGETUN WINDOW CL LEANING Co. 2 n oy rincess street, phone 163. O. A, EB. KNAPP, 1 Ss, D , Four minutes after the Minister Trial size ttre . Jo cents Simpson, M~r. We clean your shut-| moved a Bran te n finished speaking the battalion was Regular size ... 25 cents. ters and. put them up. We also | rondy to march off At Your Family Grocers, take off storm windows. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL ready tg ith th Micors FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. lington St. (over Carnovsky's). | The minister with the two officers (Distributors. ) ANY, PERSON HAVING GOOD SEC-| Phone 346. who accompanied him left the city . ond-hand furniture and stoves to t 1, going to Lindsay dispose of, let me know. 1 will| PR, C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B, {at noon, going 4 . pay good prices. J. Thompson, 333! Renton, apsistant, 143 Princess | Princess street, Phone 1 1600. Street. Phone 1 5. . SHAT. CUSTOMERS, ie 5! 0 I Spring prices for ' PAY THE HIGH BUSINESS NOTICES. PASSPORTS NOT REQUIRED. 39 Clarence stfee cet ------ 4. Sp------ ¥ reasonable coz TELEGRAPH Y. ivf Selvien, "Shorthand, Type. writin, Bookkeeping, Danking an ral Improvement. Day Night Classes. Kingston Business College, Head of . 3 Rates ® Rucen treet. Metealte. n= second-hand furniture. All kinds of furniture, 4 - House Cleaning clothing, boots, tools, ete, to sel. | CLAY CAN BE HAD FOR THE CART- Drop, a eard And I will call 8. ing. Apply at building lot, Johnson » = apiro, 'rincess street street, above Division | PI NA Old Dutch Cleanser .3 for 23¢ ERSONAL. Star Ammonia 3 25¢ GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMA RK § ; cloth and have 1 - | , : . ly Snow Flake Ammonia 6 for 25¢ aad ha Brads up Into Up. H, WARD, PAINTER AND PAPER- and all growths and skin blemish t 12% Vie no E Anti<Dust 6 Ib for 23¢ ship guaranteed to please. Press. hanger, 132 Victoria street, best of és removed permanently, withouy inl used, with skilled work~+ BCAT- 30-Fears' -o% Hente. py a ing and repairin done ol t astes Mops, Brushes, Brooms, etc. shortest notice Hhonas aw | et wTRone 1537 Throat ; Fhtoat and ey pea eclall » 41 Brock streel, near Bibby's| NEW LADIES' AND GENTS TAILONH- Bag. » iol! i age. | ing shop, Bagot street, next to ' Macnee & Minnes'. All kinds of { repairing and pressing also done . 149, & Montreal Street Phone 88. UPHOLSTERING. Your patronage will be appreciat HvAL : . ed. J. Bullick, proprietor. A. B, CUNNINGHAM i sessment. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. and solicitor. Law PP ir pairing and carpet work, and ence St, Kingston. mattress renovating. Prop a card " or call 216 Bagot Street. NANCIAL em ain TEEN : Ei pe FRENCH LESSONS, INCIDEN S OF THE DAY | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. OATERING ment Seoclety: 'ncorporated 1863; LESSONS TAUGHT TO THOSE WHO resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith desire to perfect themselves in -- PARR | oney issued on city and farm French. Hours: 10 to 12 ! properties, munic'pal and country 4t06 pm Phone 1 ; LJ)CAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF Jedding, DE akrasts Daligucts, ha] depentures: mortgages purchased; 202 Willlam . A, "Al- GENERAL INTEREST. ir gd, dd | frecats recgivet an Shere ar | Id BA wtlorney) aid of Son Rambronk 176 Alfred Str Clarence Street. : i | » rook, . " . Tile. |. --------------+ Happenings In the City and Vicinity Phones #43 or 303. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE CARPENTERING. 4 ----What the Merchants Offer to the ! Dea" grance Sompany. A ® FOR HARDWOOD yi ODORS AND ALY 8 ' he ti 4 Readers of the Whig. BUSINESS CHANCKS wich the' poiicyholders av ie Kinds-of Snterior Buixh. try James ee + eee security the unlimited i 212 sity aves. ~The Late Rev. H. VN. Mounteer......... Osder. your corsets. now. Dutton's. ANYONE AN AN_STARS cis property. inenred- at tower STORN SE WERE Rev. H. A. Mounteer, Madoc, died William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders at hou Doasible rates. Before renewlag |" "ates given qi orn or Loy dg | sudenly on Wednesday. Deceased Teceivad at "MeAuley's. "Phone 564. for Ale am i, . us yr BLY er work. Raising or moving was one of the pioner clergymen of, Alexander Shaw, Kingston, is spend. ! port, NY. "© Agents. Phone 325 bullaings. e ellar, 10 Pat- the Bay of Quinte Conference, and ng a few days at his home in Carle- ref, phone 1288. was Chairman of the Madoc District. ton Place. A SE | He was also a prospective candidate Green Cabbage, spinach, as' FARMERS ENRICHED BY WAR. | for the presidency of the Conference Daragus. Head lettuce, etc., at Car- : : YUALIT . The late Mr. Mounteer was out DOVSKY's. Grain Growers Gain $200,000,000 by . a ' {driving Tuesday evening, and upon The Board of Trade acknowled Higher Prices. eat | returning to the home he was seiz- 5¢s a subscription of $2.00 for the i - i a {ed with Hines. Belgian Relief Fund from Miss M r- Apa pe ig RE ar : Died Tn Montreal. 3 Cuningham, piano tuner, 31 | approximately $200,000,000, whic : r ? H: rd bl k fi i ps has gone chiefly to growers of grain. | ' ood OC The death occurred in Montreal on Bing, street. arti orders at Mo | wi,¢ spectators have made perhaps 9% - ardw ; 8, lor Lie, April 16th, of Mrs. Elicabetir| ATieYls Jlook Slave. = © ie | 0€vEr will be known. | Ie | Mok nt of f that © city for | es tra on ng a . Fy milion dollars, itis conser- | the, furnace. Get a load a al i atively estimated, that would not t - . endeared heel to FS dese knew her | IY and; the removal of offal which | | have been forthcoming by way of in- | "charitable crearved prices had it HOU Been To [ disposition. . She 'was a member of the- Black Undershirts, 5 . Dutton's. S. | the war, have been poured into the | | Christian Mothers' Society. The fun- ods, Joyceville, has puri gers of the packers. { PE! eral took place on Monday from St. chased an automobile and bis mad» Prominent n merchants i * i 'eter's Church and was largely at- 2 contract to jandie all St he rural, the $300,000,000 "extra a a | tend:d. The floral offerings were many mail in Pittsburg Township | by the farmers * for their bumper! {and beautiful. The Inte Mrs. McKin- wheat, corn and oats crops can be {ney was a sister of Ronald Maecdon- readily accounted 'for by citing the meee ie sin | od, Sam © NURSE NOT DEAD. @ Jane lnatance in regard to prices on . HOG CHOLERA ERA OUTBREAK, ; ab hm the average. In a ing warp -- w : Ling of 1 ng cholera, 'r. Marriot { (Special to the Whig.) They polated out that for 'months | Federal Officer Investigates Cases At says all garbage must be cooted fo- | Woman, Aged 74, Mayor. Ottawa, April 232---A cable #| i trop 35 cents to 50 cents mors Sceley's Bay. at least one hour before being fed! Chicago, April 22.--Mrs. A. R | & received at the Militia Depart. #1, 00) than it would have brought Brockvill, April 22.-Dr. Marriot, | Otherwise the Government will not Oantield. seventy-four years of age, | but for the war. {of the Animal Health Branch of the §i*¢ the usual compensation lor lected Mayor of Warren, Ills of Nurse Derartment of Agriculture, Ottawa, | 109%. yemterday. defeating her opponent ® Richardson, of the First Cana- | The letter Sarriers of the: ote was in Brockville on his return from | by four votes. Mrs. Canfield is the | + Camtinget, my pire Seelex s Bey, whers he was investi- | Music! Call at Dutton's for what first woman in Hlinois to have been A E: Ross' cass of hog cholern. In com- [you want, opposite Grifia's Thea» made chiel ig ical at the front, These EE the local veterinary, Dr. tre. Phone 2390, wid ty. populations is s ; ; on Monday night ¢ ink Visited plaves in this vicinity, | Have you got 10 work 35 : : a | found existing conditions much | yard 2 This is the Ottawa, Ont., April 28.--Sup- erintendent of Immigration W. D. Scott, in view of statements in the American press advising their people to secure passports when visiting or passing through Canada, has issued a memorandum announcing that + Cxndian immigration officers are not interfering with bona 3: fide tourists traffic, and that + passports are not required. 4 FITTS Passat ta ir --Rt-jowestt

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