¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1915. - 73 fassssssssssssssnssnsaan. | FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE | pe ---------- PAGE FIFTEEN * Established over Forty-one Years STANDARD BANK OF CANADA pyc] VW VOTY YOY VOY VY VVVOVeUY we - ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B, C of Banking Save Systematically fi Ng Take Care of the Cents and pe, 4 dozen handker.| J timately Become Indepen- tted vash eclcths, 36! - dent 1m 1.000 n Ph | , V We solicit your account in our ow be SAVINGS DEPARTMENT eth they have worked and ¥: wedi KINGSTON BRANCH, arc still to continue their teas | H. E. Richardso npn Manager | every Saturday afternoon in Coxall's ~---- a ad r ociet + ¥ zenl to headquarters $11 nto on 3 Wednes ng articles 34 4 NOTICE TO COUNTRY * CORRESPONDENTS 2 - pairs ape, 2 rey tar :y flznnel day shirt urgical night shirt hir ar od * Some of our correspondents + are sending in news letters with one cent post + affixed, some with two cents, others with, 2 thrice cents, A one-cent stamp Is satlicient, if flap is folded in and the let- ter leit unsealed, will our correspondents please make a note of this ? «a tullon sheets The World's Appetiser cioth ~4 tumbler covers, 15 is used on the dining tables of the British and §|. Canadian Houses §! of Parliament, Tp Pre PEE ELIS MILITARY HONORS PAID TO VICTIM OF ACCIDENT, Pte. W. R. Dobson was a member of the Edmonton Fusiliers but was transferred to the Auto Machine Gun Battery the day of his death. He was killed when the machine in which he was riding collided with an- other truck. Pe er ttre AA ra mA A sin 2 FINANCIAL MATTERS| The Holi- EDMONTON TO BUILD $300,000] meetings are being Georgie Roye spent STOCK YARDS, Thompson's, Miss last week for burial in the left for Deseronto, to Company Raising Necessary Capital In Alberta, Ontario and Great Bri- . 8 a uties as iline Catholic church. resume her duties milliner. Mrs tain. CEPR E bb Sh bbs bh bbb bbs | Hall Everybody should patronize a {them and assist in this most worthy cause : J. A. Hunter is erecting an addi- - | | | tion to his house P. Whalen has on enac bought a new Ford Car' Rev. Mr. WILSON MARINE MOTORS 3 H. P. COMPLETE ..% 63.00 G H. P. 2<CYLINDBER con, 120,00 MADE IN CANADA -- NO 'DUTY. Guaranteed for Five Years. WILSON MOTOR CO. WALKERVILLE, ONT. H. Milne, Agent, 272 Bagot St, Kingston, Ont. Barnes is able to be out. Harold Sim- Dr. Bar- panee, motored to Daniel mond's on Tuesday last. ness Movement well attended Sunday at 1. J Roman I Eva Bradshaw monds is much better. rows and Dr. Horton are frequent callers to the vihage. The remains of the late Walter Harrison arrived Grocers and Stores over here are seling H.P. GLENVALE, { April 20.--Owing to the illness of { Rev. Mr. Coddling, Dr. C. C. Nash, | Kingston, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday 2 ling John Orser left on Thursday | last for Mallorytown, where he has ecured a position in a cheese fac Sven D. Richmond, who has been ill for » some time, is able to be out. Miss tory. J. Butterill and daughter Ola Pearl McGill at Mrs. T. Sexsmith's. ispent a few days with friends at Miss Lillie Bradshaw and Misses Mountain Grove Seeding has com . MSadie and Ethel Lasher spent Sun- day with their paren Miss A Hill returned te her school after oye. SH] Hy Son spending her holidays in Kingston menced it a gous rain 8 Jadiy and other eastern points Vernon needed. he cheese fac ory hnge Wood and Miss Pearl Brown spent the able management of Fenwich Sunday last at N ichmond's. Rey Cramer, opened last week : with a Mr. Clow and wife are svending a large supply of milk. Mrs. Hosea few days with the latter's brother Campsall" is visiting her mother at|yiip her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Jacob. [near Parham Willi Yorke has Westport, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Gib- | yp and Mrs. Peter Barr and son|recovered fr ym hi Ss son and children spent Sunday with | nec victed at Thomas Lee's on Mon- frieméds at Harrowsmith. day. Miss Mary Percy accompan- . MA HS "USHENDALL ied Miss E M. Lee to Sharbot © BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS, Lo CUSHENDALL. > Lake on Tuesday. Miss Clara x 2 April 21.--The sale on the 20thige spent the week-end with MFT at 'W. Lucey's of farm stock, ete. atl Mrs. Peter Gray, Clyde Forks. was largely attended from this part. |The Women's Institute will hold its Everything sold high. Phe genial | rq meeting on Saturday. stage driver, Mr. Wills, has 'pur- A 200 Y chased a new auto for conveying . PEER ve . , . CALDWELL'S MILLS. mails and passengers from Seeley's : DWE I > WELLS Bay to Kingston. B. Hunter has| Aptil 14. Archibald Gray called on friends, in Kingston last week. men engaged in building a cellar{on 2 n : S wer wall under his house and making|Miss Kate Elliott, White, is visiting her aunt, Mes. John Elliott. Miss other improvements, School was | closed for-a part of last week, wing | Clara B. Lee spent the week-end at Mrs. P. Gray's. Mrs. Ben Cameron to the illness of that teacher's mo- : with young children, ther, Mrs. Anglin, who is now im- returned home. after spending a few piemd Jun postal ror : proving. Miss Norma Trotter's|days with her daughter, Mrs. R. descriptive at £ Lyon, Kingston. Benjamin Willis SOLD. BY DRUGOISTS many friends are pleased to hear she . a 1 APO - CRESOLENE CO. is recovering from appendicitis, after jand ©. Hollinger spent 'some time as an operation in the hospital last|!D the village last week. Joseph week. Mrs. J. Smythe, Kingston, |Burke returned after spending some . time at North Bay and Powasson. R. spent Sunday at her brothers, Mrs. he Bay Ward's." Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are|J. Wilson, McGill College, has return. ed again to take charge of this mis- visiting their daughter's, Mrs. C. |e 2 sion field for the summer months. Trotter's. Mr. and Mrs, J. Duffie, Bt aA Atta atresns A i » Big Discount Off Electric Fixtures Get your electric repairs done by us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Halliday's Electric Store, Phone 94 . . - - 345 King Ss. Edmonton, April 24.--The Ed- monton Stock Yards Company will commence building its yards in May, capitalized at $500,000. The com- pany is floating $100,000 worth of tock in Ontario, $150,000 in Alber- ta and $100,000 in Britain. The re- maining $150,000 has already been taken up It is expected that the yards will be in operation by next fall. Mr. J. H. Ashcroft, Jr., presi- dent manager of" the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, has been chosen man- lager of the new enterprise and he will leave for Edmonton early next month LAVANT STATION. April 20.--Mrs. J. P. Wilson re- turned to Madawaska last Saturday after spending a couple of weeks A WHOOPING COUGH SPASMODIC SPRING SKIN TROUBLES Cured By Zam-Buk Without Fail. Are you suffering from pimples, blackheads, an irritation rach, any form of eczema, or any other skin trouble? If so, remember that Zam-| Montreal, April 23.--After allow- Buk is the best skin tonfe. The ing $133,000 extra for dividends on rich herbal essences of which Zam-!| the new stock it is understood that Buk is composed penetrate right to| Montreal Light, Heat & Power Com- the root of the skin troubles, kill| Pany's statement for the eleven disease germs, and so stimulate the| months ending March 31st showed tissues that new healthy skin is! an increase of $70,000 over surplus quickly formed, : for the corresponding period of 1913- Mr. O. M. Smith, of Edmonton; | 14. That is, the net income avail- Alta., was troubled witha blotchy, ir-| able for dividends in the eleven ritable skin. He tried Zam-Buk, months of the current year was ap- and now says,--"My skin was very Proximately $200,000 higher than blotchy and irritable. I used vari- for the same period a year ago--an ous remedies, but nothing gavé re-| exceptional record under the condi- lief until 1 tried Zam-Buk. It| tions which have existed since July. quickly stopped the irritation, and after perseverance with Zam-Buk, I am pleased to say, my skin is again perfectly clear and smooth." In addition to the ordinary spring skin troubles, Zam-Buk is without equal for serious cases of ulcers, eczema, ete, which have defied all ordinary remedies. Many people Gain in Power Eamings, Est. 1079 A simple, safe and effective treatment avoiding drugs: Vaporized Cresolene stops theparoxysms of Whooping Cough and relieves pasmodic Croup at once, It is a boon to sufferers from Asthma, The aircarrying the antiseptic vapor, in- haled with every breath, makes breathing easy; soothes the sore throat and stops the cough, assur ful ni X itis imvalaable fo mothers NOW IS THE TIME To place your order for a Monument, and by placing your order with us you are guaranteed first class work, Prompt delivery and mode- rate price. A call of inspec- tion invited. J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy St Phone No. 1417. New Beet Sugar Plant. Chatham, Ont., April 23.--A mil- lion dellar sugar beet factory. will be built in Chatham this year by the Dominion Sugar Company, of Wal- laceburg. Sixty-three. acres have been purchased on the edge of city limits for a site, and work will be Pure Marmalade Orosse and Blackwell Chivers and Son's In 7 1b. tins 841-3 Princess St, Ir, "Diufférin, spent. Sunday al the former's home, Isle of Man. Mr. Bayer, sr., Kingston, is spending a few days at his son's, F. Bauder's. " INVERARY. D. COUPER Phone 78. Prompt Delivery. April -21.--Charles Patterson af- ter a lengthy stay at 'Haileybury came down and spent a week among DULCEMAINE. have been cured of such, after suf- fering for years and experimenting in vain with numerous so-called rem- | started as soon as a by-law granting concessions has been carried. It will be ready for the crop in 1916. The edies. If you are a victim to any of the more serious forms of skin diseases, profit by such experiences, and instead of wasting time and! money on useless preparations, try| Zam-Buk first. Zam-Buk is also best for cuts, burns, bruises, piles, et¢., or as an embrocation. All druggists and stores sell Zam-buk. Refuse substi- tutes; see name on box when buying. For free trial box, send 1c stamp, this article, and name of paper, to Zawm-Buk Co., Toronto, factory will be located on the bank of 'the river in the western part of the cyt, uy friends here. He returned to re- sum work on Monday. The Public School has re-openedn with J. Ma- guire as teacher. Messrs. Garrison, Colebrook are drilling wells in the neighborhood. They are at Charles Barr's at present. The rural mail Is delivered at an early hour mow, owing to Mr. Babcock having pur- chased an auto. Mrs. Richard .Ar- thur is recovering from her illness. Her sister, Mrs. Sharpe, Kingston, is with her, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Storms and daughter, Florida, spent the week end at the home of Thomas Thompson. Mrs. Storms was called home owing to the serious illness of her mother, who had the misfortune were guests of Miss Maggie Donovan to fall fracturing her ribs. She is Escott, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. slightly improved. J. L. Young and W. Cook, Jr.,: and little son were Edna Dickinson, Leland, were recent week-end visitors in Gananoque. Mrs. visitors at Ross Clow's. "Mack *{ Qugan Patience visited her daughter, Patterson has an elegant buggy Mrs. B, F. Leeder, Ballacanoe, & cou which was presented to him Hy his ple of days last week brother Charles. "Ted" Dagling. . " spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. A. A. McFadden is not recovering as rapidly as her many friends woilld be pleased to see. A number from here httended the fu- neral of the late Mr. Henderson at Le- land on Sunday. Rev, A.- Shorten conducted the funeral service. J. Lake and family are preparing move to 'Kingston about the.firsy ot May. They will be greatly ssed in the neighborhood. Mr. Cunning- ham will take posfession of Mr. Coas 3 April 20,--On Tuesday eveni last ¢ Sealed Oyatery) the friends and neighbors of ¢. Hor McCready gathered at his home and presented him with a Morris chair and half a dozen dining-room chairs. An appropriate address was read by Sam uel Heaslip. Mr. Mctready, though taken completely by surprise, replied in a fitting manner. Refreshments were later served. Mr. McCready is moving to Lindhurst, where he recent- ly purchased the farm of J. Single ton. Spring seeding has begun. Mr. and Mrs. A. Andress, Poole's Resort, spent a day last week in this vicin ity: D: Patience and mister, Anua, Nn A NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. The Quarter's Failures. Toronto, April 23.--R. G. Dun and Company report 798 failures in Canada, in the first three months of the year, with total liabilities of $16,636,915, compared with 620 faflures in the same period a year ago, with total Habilities of $6,230,- 052. INDIA PALE ALE Not a Useless Intoxicant, but a WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and medicinal -uses MB BAT BBB return Ah! What relief! nostrils open right up, the air pas- sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness--no struggling for breath at night, your cold or ca- tarrh is gone. - Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrate through eveny alr passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been peeking, It's just splendid. : -- MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT -- H not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON « =. CANADA Your clogged Winnipeg Firm Reorganizes, Winnipeg, April 23.--The mail order house of Christie, Grant and Company, organized here early last year, has been reorganized and more capital secured. The name has béen changed to Christie, Grant, Limited. mited, CANADA'S MESSAGE TO WOMEN Hope for Peace When German Fist No Longer Threatens, Toronto," April 24.---"When Ger- many has learned that right is strgnger than might, when the first oof one threatens Europe, then may we hope for peace which. our! children may inherit. And with such a peace, we may hand om, un broken, the great traditions of our Empire -- honor unstained, liberty safeguarded, justice vindicated." This, enclosed in a letter, is the con- cluding paragraph of a message from Canada to the International Congress | of Women at The Hague. Boston Seats Higher, Boston, "April 23.--The Stock Ex- change membership of Eugene J. Fabens has been posted for transfer to Harold W. Pjercé. The price of the seat was $16,000, ah advance of $1,- 000 from the last sale in December, 1914. POOLE'S RESORT. April 20.--The fumeral of the = late Julius Kabnt, which toek place or Thursday last, was well attended, showing the esteem in which he was held. Mr. Kahnt had been ill all winter, He is survived by his wife, four sons, Edward, Caintown, Wil. liam, Star Island, Charles, at home, and George, also two daughters, Am- elia and Maggie, at home. The fune- tal took place from the Rockport Methodist church and interment was James McParland, Agent, 3397341 King St. Bast. I uy YODA -------- | Distributed $5,820,000 In Dividends. ltt ttt at DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat Yess Meat and Take Salts for Backache or Bladder Trouble. Grace Conceals Strength =~ | Toronto, Ont., April 23.--The us- In The The many friends of W. B. Close, | Croydon, are sorry to hear that he is not doing as well as expected in Kingston General Hospital, after hav- ing treatment for cellulitis in his ual quarterly dividend of 5 per cent. or 25 cents. a share, declared on Kerr Lake and payable June 15th, means a disbursement of $150,000, or $300,000 for the year so far. It brings the Kerr Lakes total di- MASSEY "Made in Canada' BICYCLE Urle acid in meat excites the kid: rieys, they became overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead, The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irritated, and you may be obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urin- ous waste or you'll bé a real sick persen shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, vou suffer from backache, sick head- ache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu- .matie twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of wat- er; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be- fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will 'then act fine. This famous $alts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for Feneration to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal ac- tivity, also to neutralize the acids in 'urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. x ; . Jad Salts is Inexpensive, cannot injure; makes a delightful effer- vescent lithia--water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and ae lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe tive. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks. who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while - EE RCE NG) The history of - bicycling in Canada is a record of Massey ever-growing success. Every year sees the Massey a leader for class, stuffy street cars. You get to and from your work on time. You get out into the country when you want to. "The exercise strengthens --the fresh air "blows the, cobwebs off your brain." , STi The Massey always sets the pace. The 1915 models are beauties. Cushion frame, CCM. crank hanger, splendid emamelling, perfect nickelling. To see the "Massey is to want to own one. Drop in to-day and see them. Lake's 'houses after his départure, Ernest Bartell is home for a short }made in Rockport cemetery. time. Mr. Sheldon Perry is quite Ford Davis has purchased a milk- and poorly. . ing machine. Mrs. John Dickey and me -- A ------ Mrs. S. D. Wilcox, both of this place, : vidend declarations up to 194 per and Mrs. C. 0. Guild, Mallorytown, | cent. for a total of $5,820,000. . were the ts of Mrs. William An- ENJOY LIFE YOU bo --, Lennox & on dress on Friday last. Mrs. S. A. . Conilagas' Dividend. 4 Guild, Mallogytown, is a | Toronto, April 23.--A dividend of few days with Mrs. W. Williams. | 6 per cent. has been declared on , * | The' Misses Rita and Lucelia Andress, | Coniagas shares, payable Ma Stn. ap Kingston, are renewing acquai ances Tn | This means a disbursement of $240 - 3 Moscow. er Tob Butler, New York, is im- [Be happy! A 10-cemt J keeps 990, and is the second declaration April 22.--The death ocourred at proving his summer home by put- liver and bowels fine Lpthis year, bringing total Coniagas Moscow, on April 20th, of James ting in new walks. for months. "iy | dividends to date up to 133 per cent. German, aged sixty-six years. Death : ddr $7,720,000. was due to heart oi . De d Feel: bully! ot bilious, | ' is survived by one son and one dau; h- sick, headachy and | \ 3 ta ter, Allnnr ar ne {ugh . y mA. an Commercial Notes, at home. i Pace a hi ¥ With the regular dividend at 23% o the Methodist 'Church | per cent. for the second quarter of at Colbrook, and thence to 'White | its fiscal year, the Bank of Montreal Church cemetery at Moscow. Rev. D. - | announced a bonus of one per cent,' L Wilson, Yarker, officiated. The pall-| ROBLILYN. | both Jyeble Jusd atl sharehold- earers i 3 | ers of record, Ap a Benn, David Frink, . opAbril 22.-- R. Storring is recov = {| Miss Gertrude McCaffrey, Brook- Evans and Chatles plark Burgess, 1 sing ane 3 Javers attack of Roo af, | lyn, claims to have made profits of iam Janie. John Donovan shipped a ea:- | $100,000 in Bethlehem Steel during SELBY. Xaq ole ta 1 hh a | the past month. : April 22.--Farmers are seeding. Word taken charge of the village _ school | T. M. Latimer, a Pittsburg broker, has received here this week saving | suing to the illness of Miss Pati | has received $35,000,000 war order. - Cook was improving nicely son. .All are glad to hear that Miss | Contract is not all for munitions of after his serious operation. 3 young i pa tierson Is improving. T. Rick | {war, but is from "leather shoe daughter has arrived at A. Me mond made a business trip to Mos : | strings to tons of powerful explosives! (night's. Miss S. Fitzpatrick, who treal last W. McGill spent a / | and shrapnel." cut her foot, is improving. A gloom | ga days at Damiel Lasher's before | H. H, Vaughan, in charge of the] was cast over the neighborhood by leaving for his western home. Mis: | locomotive and car departments o the sudden demise of Mrs. G. Valleau Jennie Gray has returned from j the C. P. R., has resigned in order to! on Monday, 19th. The funeral was Kingston, where she has been -at- { devote himself to the management of theld to the Methodist Church on Tues tending Business College. "/ Miss - i { the Montreal Ammnuition Co., of day. Mrs. J. Grange, who has been [\yrtier Young In fil at: mean It's Springtime! Clean your torpid| which he is president, : Ta ill, is mot much better. Mr. Melville McCutcheon has purchased {liver and sluggish bowels with good,| At present the C.P.R. has a total nmoit aud. J. W a new auto. John Richmond has harmless Cascarets -- They don t|of 677 beneficiaries on the pension their rented. his .farm and moved to *i.a|gripe or. sicken. Give your insides|roll., Sixty-eight of these are under village where he has resumed hisja good "spring cleaning" and rid 60 years of age, 341 between 60 and duties as night watch for C ton [yourself of headaches, 'bilious spells, 79 years and 268 over 70 years of Woods. Miss Ruth Ki ia dizziness, sallowness, bad: breath age. There is a balance of $648, spending a few days with Mrs: W. J. [stomach s~urness ses, J se her daughter's, Mrs. Wino dru or er's. C. Spencer and A. Rose Na-idren. tended the mother. Miss L. : is visit ise Lucy. Arnold. ng an 6 company conjributes for eli. | year $125,000 to the fukd. The mini- mum pension is $290 per month. i