Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Apr 1915, p. 11

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{HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1915. . MARCONI TALKS WAR[. nnn FINANCIAL MATTERS Established over Forty-one Years ue SAYS IFALY WILL FIGHT] London Aur 20 SD eiing to] THE ABTNA™ EXPLOSIVES IN- E STANDARD BANK Times' CREASES ITS CAPITAL. | WITH ALLIES. the Times' correspondent, the Cana- OF a dians on Friday were pitted against CANADA ae . dina UREATis 2in «| Authorizes $3,500,000 6 p. ¢. Bonds, H aR] #2 . X s That His Country ( id a number of Hungarian regimens v < oo) Eg |e "iy a Wight . oo. et th which had been brought up to fill £5,000,000 Preferred and $7,000,- 3 fh | ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 Lie] ---- i Not _Possih\y Tig Aga Wel ihe gaps in the Duke r Murtem 000 Common. UE . Be i | Triple Entente, jburg's army., When the left of the | |S The A,B,C of Banking El WV | | New York, April 27.--The German } Canadian division was exposed tihe| ~ Montreal, April 26.--The Aetna > . { sentient in Italy may. be described | troops responded to the call with|Explsoive Company has increased its g V e You {us negligible and that a majority oi | magnificent spirit, and with two bay-| capitalization by the authorization = alu our Money. | the ltalian people fuvor intervention | Onet charges forced the enemy to re- fof $3,500,000 6 per cent. bonds - Waste and in the present war on the side of the [treat in disorder. dated January 1st, 1915, and due in Aflies, was the statement made yes- The whole of the Paris press pays|1945; $5,000,000 7 per cent. cumu- 1 X : a | terday by William Marconi, the re homage to the admirable and mar lative preferred and $7,000,000 7 L travagance Bring Disaster | vemtor of wireless telegraphy. Mr, |Vellous dash of the Canadians. Lord common. ) [VD ey » art 7 who mirived graphy. the | Charles Beresford during an inspec-| The entire common stock will be We solicit your account in our } Lusitania; left italy three weeks |tion said toeir hearts had been thril' | issued, $2,800,000 of the preferred ago, and in the last t a ed 'by the story of the gallantry oijand $2,225,600 of the bonds. fags, an Ee his Wo dks Fh the Canadians. They had saved the The first divided of the preferred land his Jeparture jor New York day, and the story of their glorious|stock will be for the four-month 3 a in pas and England n both achievement would run through the|period beginning December 1st, 1914, Fo ich countties. he ri what | Empire, giving fresh stimulus to ou: at the 7 per cent. per annum rate, 3 a Jus fletermination 4 patriotic songs across the seas, They}and in payable April 26th to stock lao i - the ash to the < had already seen what Canadians|of record, April 20th. | ight i ol was Allie" 9 end | were capable of in previous years. desired v "3 : Utah Copper 1914 Profits ey Sah Toe pouon 1a the| ITALY HAS 2.000000 MEX | New York, April 36.--The Utah HERE TRGTIV ALITY : 0 oy : 2 = 4 Copper Company in its annual re- T IS A DIST E QU a ition." said Mr. M With Son of Crimea Hero Cadorna|port for the year ended December & y 8 IC 2 . 'CO~ > ds I al ea At Head. 31st, 1914, shows a net profit of APPEARANCE { false move: on her part might have Paris, April 27.--French military $165,386 greater than the previous | the most serious consexjuences for the writers estimate the full military year In the BOREL . $8,678,491 y on . 2a . | nation, mod she has bad 10 be alert |dtrength of Italy at 2,000,000 men, |earned as aviilaile for Adiidends. About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinetive as a , yt 1 { 0 ( ' 8 p D3. - " ¥ all hos Tie, Jaive Pusinon Pecause Sf Whom 300,009 probably teem Ine earned on the $16,241,900 outstand- the quality of their contents. of her being in alliance wit er . ine C2 58 7 no y : JINLKRTIST @ vin any and Austria, was rendered dou- | Italian General Staff is Lieut.-Gen-|™mE capital, pealliet WS.7 a gant SUN-KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. bly dificult. We have had mo yuar- | eral Count Cadorna. . He was born $36 $00 ne ¥ 9 Uy ' vel with Germany and the alliance | September 4th, 1850, and is a son of y . " 7s. A » : may have been beneficial to Italy, Raphael Cadorna, who was distin- To Erect Oil Refineries. GEO. ROBER N & SON, LTD. ntroducin alittlelady od until militiarism gained the upper | guished for his services in Crimea. lities : 4 g Calgary, Alta, April 26.~--At least hand in Germany. The Italian nation | Lieut.-Gen. Cadorna is regarded as a], "© i y who kaows about the finer 9 did not approve of this war, and, as | brilliant thinker, cool and tenacious, two oil companies operating here are Tai : i oi : | making plans for the erection of re- 0, Cocoa « Chocolate a memtber of the Triple Alliance, Italy | and is still jn the height of his Pow- |, . jes to handle the product of the felt that , she should have heen con. | ers. | et . ; ; : Wa 7 h for hb z/ sulted. Had she been, this war, that The principal assistant to Lieut.- Hells 4s soon as'they go on a produe alc. orper. staggers humanity, might possibly | Gen. Cadorna is Lieut.-Gen. Porro, Fie scheme which was on foot be- have been averted. under-chief of the General Staff. The "Btatements that Italy has been {latter is sixty-one years old. He is De I ha Dauies ome | i my and 1 Sombie 0s alin lave You Seen Our FHERAPION T~=a hard bargain - with Vienna ave in my riputed to possess high strategic] ~® . | Usedin opinion unjust and untrue. 1 do not | abilities. Calgary Notes Offered our pan onoum on. || DHERABION LESS omer Joi, i,m, Love! Monten Ro Shree 92: FEE AT Ae. OA ordér and be I 'uPes we. bRGaIwTS or wali i. Fost 4 S78 ing to drive a hard bargain with A= GREAT OUTLOOK FOR CROPS. | & Co. and the Quebec Bond Co. are test at convinced FOUGERA Co, #8, BEKKMAN ST_NEW YORK ar L YMAR tria, but, rather, that Austria as offering jointly $1,000,000 6 per ! ° ""NOLAN'S GROCERY | ER Se ersenen Ri anrevaan, Lonoon, Bua. heen making advances in the effort | : one I NL 4 { v. roRMOP ass : ¥ " : r Thomas Shaughnessy Reaches . ye ity Princess St. | EREREW UR OER (TS ane to win the favor of Italy. Italians oh Calgary at par and interest The Phone 720. Frompt Delivery M prey' do not feel that their relations with Victoria From "Frisco. bonds are due March 1918. Inter Ask for . Austria have been any too pleasant | Vancouver, April 27.--Sir Thomas | est is payable semi-annually, or that Italy has been treated any too | Shaughnessy reached Victoria last fairly by Austria. Italy has been ir- [night from San Francisco. He will Studebaker Earnings is , : 9 AALAAMAMMAMAY | ©. 1° Ly Austrian encroachments, | leave on Tuesday for the East. .He New York. A . te A " J : : aha : y ; 1 , April 26.~It is under- A and by harsh treatment' of Ttalians |is enthusiastic about the Canadian stood that the earnings of the Stud : within the borders of the Austros| Building at the Panama-Pacific Fx- baker Corporation Be ioe re . The kind you are look- Ie dima a e Hungarian Empire." : . | position and really had a fine holi- dividends are running tithe rate of : T . 'Do you think Italy will enter this | day trip in' the South, Never before | (00) $§ 000,000 a year. In the full Look £ The Buffalo on the Box ng for is the kind we Orosse and Blackwell : war on the side of the Allies ?"" Mr. | has Sir Thomas roceivad such a re- year 1914 Studebaker "earned $4, or . : v Son's Marconi was asked. ception on the Pacific Coast. . | 400,000. Al : ' ) 8 Shin Coal i Chivers fing So "That is a question that is very | Sir Thomas said advices to him |44viqends A i Jn bl Wg E. B. EDDY CO. - - - LIMITED. n Co 841-8 Princess St. difficult to answer," she replied, "and | showed that in Canada business was | ot of $6,000,000 is equivalent to . Is good Coal and we I do not feel in a position to say |proceeding with renewed confidence | 19 pep gent. on the common stock guarantee prompt de- D. COUPER at this time whether or not Italy |and special investigations carried out | compared with 14.23 per cent. in 5 Vn will go in. The majority of Italians Lby the C.P.R. during the last few |j914 The Studebaker Corporation livery Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. faves tie lies. Thute ir] be id days show fat, tho outlovle jor The is in a position to-day to earn 15 a doubt © at, and a great many of | crop in the Northwest tims year 1 per cent. on the common stock from BOOTH 3 co. (Coast Sealed Oysters) them favor going to war on their ithe very best. domestic business alone. side. There is also a large peace ----_ War orders which extend over party -in Italy which; while net fave | ARMENIANS MASSACRED 4 next year's at least, wil be just so oring war, is nevertheless ready to rrr much in 'excess of this amount. Children Cr y for Fletcher's stand behind fhe Government in tho | Inhabitants Of Tew Villages Put To RANA ; 6 event. the step is taken. As for Death, Light and Power Earnings Up German sentiment in Italy, my own Tiflis, Transcaucasia, April 27.-- New York, April 26.--Reports re- THE FIRST CARE OF EVERY PARENT IS personal experience is that it is mne- | pargoeas who have reached the Russ-| ceived by the Electrical World from ghigible. . hy oie ey fan line report that the massacve)65 per cent. of the electric light and * 9 "for instance, as indicative of Ital- | ov Armenians by Mohammedans Ja] power stations of the 'country show X en Ss e ian sentiment, I only have to - ell | ing continued on even a greaterjthat the January, 1915," earning : A * your attention to the fact that there | BL "© | scale. in this industry were 4.8 per cent. is in Maly a very strong democratic They say that all the inhabitants |better than the earnings for Janu- Pure Milk is the best food known. Pasturized element which belongs to what = is | of ten villages near Van, in Armenia, {ary, 1914. The reports of the six Se known as the Social Democratic par- | Agiati¢ Turkey, have been put to|months ending with January show- Y ; : Milk in sealed bottles is both clean and pure. ty. The majority of thess Social | death. ed a gross gain of 4.75 per cent., e XY a ong! : Democrats are laboring men and from On being advised of massacres allan indication that the war had nol The Hina You Have Aways Boos ht, snd Which has hee po » the first they have been horrified at | Wirzerom, Berjan and Zeitun, and ot effect at least, on the electric light- . and has been made under his pere one 845 °° 1CeS the treatment accorded Belgium. Tho | the conditions at Van, the Katolikos, |ing industry. The gross revenues / , . sonal supervision since its infancy. 4 La invasion of that little meutral state !head of the Armenian Church, atffor January were 66 per cent. great- Allow no ono to decsive Yonlr thin, by the Germans is something they | Etchmiadzin an appeal to the ped-jer than for July, 1914, and 74.5 All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Jvsi-as good ** are but cannot stand for, and if, ' for a ple of the Tuhed States on behalf per Font. Greater tahn the earnings B nts that trifle with and er the of other reasom, they are against Ger: |of the Armenians. or July SEARS xperime Bh and enga health many because of this, act against tt : Infants and Children-- Experinicnt. the Belgians. Tt is my own opinion, CALCULATIONS ALL WRONG i Commercial Notes. ro. and in stating it I do so under the . ---- t is stated that is bi Wh t CASTORIA % tien ay 1 know my own coun-.|Those Who Made Mistakes Have goats on the Rd on A a IS . try pretty well. ; Responsibility and one seat offered at $1,500, QCastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare "The Italians, I should mention, | London, April 87.--A recent is | American Locomotive Company has goric, Props and 8: Syraps. It is pleasant. It have always entertained'an admira- [gue of the German newspaper De: [closed orders for from $30,000,000 to contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio tion for the Creat German military | Tag, a copy of which has heen re-[$40,000,000 of shrapnel. substance. ¥ts age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms machine as a machine--but that is | ceived here, remarks how numerous| TheéWmerican Nitrogen Company, and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it all. The methods of that. machine {of the German calculations have|Ltd., has been 'acorporated with : bas been in constant use for the relict of Co n have not the approval of the Italian | gone wrong, namely that British In- fhead office in Montreai and capitali- Flatulency, Wind Colic, all T 5 and Fpeople. They do not and could. not | dia would mutiny, that the Britishlzation of $4,000,000, Diarrhea." It regulutes the Stomach and Bowls, approve of German methods of war-| Empire would be torn to pieces, thal} President Thomas, Lehigh Valley assimilates the Food, giving healthy and fare, such as:, for instance, the criel- {South Africa would triumphantly re-| R.R., says the road will soon spend The Children's Panccsa The Mother's ty and @estruction that have marked | bel, that Ireland would revolt and|$1,000,000 fifor improvements as a re- ! " : their invasion of Belgium. that Britain, France and Rus 3|glt of better conditions. 3 "But to revert to the question as | would be unable to fight, and says.| The annual report of the Robert GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS to whether or not Italy will become "Those who led us into all thess|gi con Company, Limited Toronto, a participant of this war. The mili- mistakes and miscaleulations = havajg 1914, shows a decline: of $100, th . of tary men say that Taly will go in, [laid upon themselves a4 heavy Te: |;45 in merchandise profits from the Bears the Signature of the great politicians sponsibility. former Compared with 1912 sn maintain that her entry is doubtful. g ; we . fF : Flowever, it is a fact that all Col. Buell's Woind Not Serious s : Behind Your Telephone. || [mein bt fits fh | Sri: fom 31 The | eveones Br ready, should it-be decided to take y Behind your Bell Telephone is a little is es Ye nd Over 30 Years ; i N nnn laboring to perform well the task assigned. Ee deter d 3 " Ee L.. in Use For The sum total of their efforts results in the go : RE cd : ountgin Grove, The Kind You Haw Always Bought commodity in which we deal--telephone ! r : Cp NM A all ; 3 . x THE CENTAURN aw airy, of the world largely because of the faith- - : "| He wa ro TH bo Reds Data gy : fulness and efficiency of Bell Telephone el Hi 37.4 a | sont and Queen. His wife, w tin the GPRS, iy Lo YT in your own service--why not call them to "Yn different styles and § colors. We have sever-

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