¥ have his thumb injured in the first! work was witnessed, ending in a E SS | -A ARMS round but this did not interfere much tableaux. > Parallel bars THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1915. - with his work. was equally interest- and several = PYGHALION AT GRAND Vaulting { MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL IN| | good and ended quite * BERNARD SHAW PLAY, ad - m | . Four rounds were necessary be- ing HELD AT THE ROYAL MILITARY | tore 4 decision could be arrived at! lesux COLLEGE ON WEDNESDAY. were by the judges for the welterweight horses was championship, the decision gomg to lively. A. McMurty over Sergt. F. W. Mor-| The final number was the R.M.C. | The Production Was a Splendid One| i The first three rounds were tableaux. . a ong | PIS. | =--The end on Which the Play And Other. Varied" Events Was er wos tendered by She Col 1 Leg y o> A "slugging." p A Given Aftefnion and Evening. At the end of the second round be- lege to the visitors: and of} at | Is Founded. | The first visit to Kingston of the {J There were séver events in the af- tween R. G. Godson and G. S. Gwyn, the close of the programme. | distinguished and popular English | Ji A Splendid Programme of Boxing ternoon programme of the annual the latter won the college middle- boxing tournament held on Wednes- weight championship. | | actress, Mrs. Patrick Campbell, drew | day in the Royal Military College! The heavy weight championship {forth a large and appreciative au- |f gymnasium. There was a large Was won by F. G. Morse, who by a |dience to the Grand Opera House last | Ji number present and the gentlemen | Well directed blow on the tip of the night! A play from the pen » of | Ji cadets showed the splendid physieal | chin, dazed the C. 8. M., J. A. Chest-| SOU NDED BY PRINCIPAL GOR- (George Bernard Shaw, and interpreted | Ji training they are receiving. by the nut, who after a series of falls took| DON, ADDRESSING GRADUATES. |, ouch 4 clever actress, was suf- punishment they were able to with- the count. Bey -------- | ficient guarantee of its entertaining | stand and their general good appear- | een | Present Struggle Shows How Men | quality. Nor were high expectations | anee physically. Dr. A. W. Rich- The Evening Events. | Are Making "Sacrifice For Honor | disappointing; on the contrary, the ardson and Prof. Martin, were the The Assault-at-Arms was continued And Justice--Degrees Conferred play Lrought forth on all sides ex: judges, Major Thompson was refer- lon Wednesday evening, before a large . Ct Sand lem. | pressions of the warmest commenda- ee, and Capt. Plummer = was time- crowd of spectators. The programme By C ellor Str ford. Flem | tion. Mrs. Campbell is a finished ar- keeper. The different events were carried out was of a more varied na- | Ing. {tist, and her work last evening well contested and brought loud ap- ture and constituted everything from The call to service for the Em |Was superb. She is well fitted, both | Hi plause from the audience, marching and drilling to bayonet | pire was sounded. by Principal Gor-{b¥y natural and histrionic ability, to |} The first event was the final for fighting, pel as ae horas, don in a forceful address to the Present Shave Siews, Sever au the novice championship under 145 Yau vg rae Pata el bars, hori- | graduates of Queen's University, at | cutting > stratie | ou 3 A e. pounds of the college, and after three "0R'al bar a ableaux. The play presented, "Pygmalion," is > : : the Convocation ceremonits on Wed Eo: I y : " : rounds that' wero very 'closely con |,f ON] the most intersting fn. | cody" sermon. [a romance in Bo aéis, amd is vrit tested. D. L. Savage was given the de ® s > bay 8 Lhe The proceedin were unique inten in Shaw's most caustic vein. It cigion over W. C. Thackray. In the bout between X adets, H, U. 8. Page ta or the gn time in the his-| ie a satire on - middle-class moral- | last t ounds, a closer kind of box- |" T. C. Stewart. The two WETe tory of the university graduates) ity. A professor of phonetics takes a ast {wo rounds, Cade tavawe DeAvily padded and also had their | wearing the King's umiform walked girl from the London gutters, and in ing was shown and Cadet Savage inces well protected, which allowed up to the platform and received six months transforms her imto a proved the better man. McC. some quite desperate thrusts to be their degree at the hands of the | society queen. [As Pygmalion, the 3. A Murphy defeated A. McCar- |, "yy pptrations were given by oer chancellor, Sir Sandford Flem- | sculptor, moulded Galatea, so Hig- ISH twa founds fer the NOViESl.., dcfensive amd aggressive parties (yy Thus the whole affair had . gins moulds this unknown flower championship of oyeP 145 pounds by alternately showing the extreme ad- military touch,-and it was a mos'| irl, and, like the sculptor, he falls 20 badly punishing Bim that 2 O° | vantage the latter has over the for- inspiring ome. ' Grand Hall was weli|in love with his subject; In raisinh tingation of the-match was necessary ' | filled and each graduate was show- her up to the level of a duchess--in to make the decision. Cadet McCar- ered with "applause when called up-| appearance at least--he awakens in | ter took a lot of punishment and was {on. No honorary degrees were con- | hor a soul. The appeal 'of the play on the floor for nine seconds twice ing exercises carried out by them terred this year. {lies m the story of her vomance | in each round. Cadet Murphy is 8 ere superb. The squad concluded Principal Gordon and the college! Mrs. Campbell's comedy work is es- | steady, scentific boxer apd put up a| oh (ho 'eSwudish Drill," a very |gtaff occupied seats on the PIALIOrM. | peciylly itty. while the play is splendid exhibition. pretty --scene of marching combined | Rev, James Wallace, M.A., who is 38! continually. enlivened by Hashed of The match for the featherweight with bodily exercise. champlonship brought out two of the | Tha third number upon the pro- The Cloth Top Boot for Ladies is the leading Shoe of to-day Taal Grey--Sand Colors are most popular--in lace or button pa terns. ? hn] . Newest Toes $4.00, $4.50 Newest Heels and $5.00 Abernethy's ICE CREAM BRICKS ©" OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the City By Government Test, Best in Kingston, er. The gymnasium . squad created a very neat appearance and the drill gr cto -------------- THE SEASON FOR OIL CLOTH, LINOLEUM bar feats and some | sacrifice themselves for truth, hon-! against the sex in general. Accord- or and justice, and take up the de fing to Ovid, he made a female sta- fense of the weak against the strong |tue,in ivory, of such exceeding love- v 9 LS ' | the great call for service had 11e¢/liness that he fell desperately in love FLUFFY HAIR---25 CENT DANDERINE ::: 's ewcy response." and Jai ii By "sd nd "a 35 J by ,this required self-sacrifice. The hrodite to andew 33 with life; which claims for social service had beeu | prayer, being ' graciously answered, Men were trying to save oth- | pyomalion married the object of his In one of the latest shapes, is always to be had here. Just now we have the new designs that v 11 he favored this spring. The ma who wants the best in fit and style but does not care to pay extravagant prices can honorary captain in Queen's Sta-|.it and epigrams, such as only Ber- toapht | tionary Hospital Corps, conducted | rq Shaw .eould pen. The manage- "gamiest" fighters of the college. Al- gramme, entitled "High Horse," was | the devotional exercises. iment of the Grand Opera House de- though G. D. McTaggert won the de- very interesting. Several difficult feats in "his opening remarks Principal oo thanks for bringing to King- 3 E cision over C. M. Dobell both enter-| - enacted by the second class | Gordon stated that a speaker coulal oo such a high-class attraction. f 7 Z ed and left the ring with smiles fon |. jois. | not keep away fromthe one subject, | v ' & 7 2 their faces. Heavy punishment was| A, extremely difficult number upon | that of the war, in making an ad-( Pygmalion And Galatea. 7 9 meted out to both contestants and a |}, programme was the '"Tableaux" |dress to-day. In some respects the hich sd Shaw's kood exhibition was given. that comprised six. feats. These were | academic work had been affected by| The legend saw Berugrd § ' L. A. Welch won the lightweight | (he piramids, the fans, the R.M.C, |it. Whatever may be said of the play, a propunted al Vio Lean Optra . championship by defeating -D. G.| 0 to wers, the living wall and | war there was one thing sure anlillouse last night, 1s eC | Next ra House. Phone 640 Robertson, but only after three very | Kington tableaux. The tableaux | that was that it was the means of deed an extramnly itaresting ae, mar Eeeacim Ope U3 saris at------ 10 | closely contested rounds that brought | sane was put on by Class 3a | one seeing the greater things in lune According to, ir og ti ¥-4 co : | out the very best In each boxer. Ca-| The second class produced thehori- | Which were mot seen times. of usn-itory, Pygmalion was % e with 1 : det Welch had the misfortune to) ,ontal clever | broken peace. The present struggic prus, who became so disgust -- p-- ---- i | showed what men would do to put|the lictntious conduct of his coun- a EE -- {down brute force, how they would trywomen that he conceived q hatred ? H MII NE i » Eijectric Carpet and Vacuum | Cleaning, Sewing and No more dandruff or falling hair-- of dandruff or falling hair; but your | ™et- real surprise awaits you, To be possessed of a head of heavy beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy wavy and free from dandruff is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. it-is-easy and inexpensive to have' nice soft hair and lots of it. Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now-----all drug stofes reec- ommend it--apply a little as direct- ed and within ten minutes there . Will be an appearance of abund- ance; freshness, fluffiness and an in- comparable gloss and lustre and try real surprise will be after about two © instead of asking the questiot.s| So tte, when Tou wil eo new 82 10 Bow they might be "umved air--fine and downy at first--yes-- | . 1 | Te Te eR Ae Be ut pos einen khaki-clad men could be seen dri. er; destroyer of dandruff and cure{id& il preparation for the fight for | for itchy scalp and it never fails is their country. They were citizen: | falling 23 at once soldiers, walking with a free stride | atop ra want to prove how and would be all the better citizens pretty | oe hey had been tramed 1 and. soft your hair really is, moisten ause they een d to a cloth with a little Danderine and |33cTifice themselves. ° Germany carefully draw It through your hair | {feted men as soldiers to muke| --taki them citizens, while we made me | Your BE 0 uo Sal) bois nd ot 3 time, respectable citizens and then they | beautiful In just a few moments-- | Made the very best soldiers. a delightful surprise awaits every- Men had 'not volunteered because of | affections, and presumably lived hap- py ever after. This beautiful legend has been a fruitful theme for poets, painters and lijterateurs. One of the best modern contributions to the k- | terature of this subject is a short | poem by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, called "Galatea." Following is an extract : "A .moment's grace, Pygmalion! A Drea ype longer on this hither land. Whether 10 be thy statue thy An InBaTe spare me! Terrible the choice, . man kmowest, being only man; Let or As no get suited here. Special values in high class Hats. $2.00 and $2.50. Laying. Cleveland, Standard and | Falcon Bicycles. ] Phone 542. = 272 Bagot St. Campbell Bros. | Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers { | AUTO LIVERY RE YF aE LARS YY 2 1044800000000 000¢ ry AAAAALIALE TL NY J ; {Bibby's Garage Recipe' to Stop Dandruff {| A) Auto Mechanics This Home Made Mixture Stops Dan- | Agents, Dodge Bros. druff and Falling Hair and Aids Its Growth. Phones: 201, Garage; 917, Residence. as"you WHI 'you cannot find a trace |one who tries this. their love for adventure. They had|Nor any, saving her who hath been heard the call for service, and had. And Be, senlptor. "Shall 1 dure | the conviction that they must serve! exchang g a OSTERMOOR e their country. Veins of the quarry for the throbbing ise? PATENT ELASTIC Commencing Tuesday, 27th, we The speaker referred to the Norin-| t ; west Rebellion, and declared vhayjIP0ensite. calm for. .suresaching MATTRESS are in a position to offer the King- ston public the regular $23.50 Oster- this campaign of three months had! Repose Sternal Jor a Noman's lot? | been the means of binding the pro- | Foregd 's quiet for the lov. «| 3 | To float on his uncertain tenderness-- vinces of Canada together. EAS 3 moor Mattress at $16.50, the same price 'it is being sold at to-day in New York--it weighs 50 Ibs., and is Tribute 'wave tossed on the shores of his was paid to the men in the trenches. | desire, { Bay Rum 1 oz. thicker than the regular $15 style covered in absolutely dustproof-satin --y- |The cause was a great one. Sym- | To ebb and flow whene'er it pleaseth Oriex Compound a smal box| nln | pathy would be Shtended So thor? | Remembered at his Jotiute, and Jorgot Glycerine ' { | n wou and with | Worshipped and worried, clasp an | These are all simple ingredients SU | | a d od, TS TT Ba vo ons 1 1 Yat Semets SUITS THAT SUIT ; ! at very little cost, and mix them { finished tiek="und is the bargain of the year----place your order at once, as only a limited number are allow ed to each agent. s To a balf pint of water add: In closing Principal Gordon sta | Now paradise my portion, and now We make a specialty of suits that | "arg ! ted that all the graduates were call-| hell: y yourself. Apply to the scalp once a janes both as to quality and price, | ) i |And every single several nerve that|day for two weeks, then once every gee our special Blue Serge at $15.00. | : 34.10 Sapvics, 329_be expressed the, beats | other 'week until all the mixture is| fy g winner. i TARCRtry; JAXminster Rugs ed to different parts of the country| sou} ahd body, like some rare vase. | uged, A half pint should be enough | Splendid Suits, $7.30, $10, $12 Gold Coln Vacuum Sweepers only $0.50, they would ever remember that th: In fire at first, and 'then in frost, until|to rid the head of dandruff and kill |g.q up. | JAMES REID spirit of Queen's University was one| '° fine plotesting fibre snaps? the dandruff germs. It stops = the| Ralbriggen Underwear, 50c, 70c | r A of service | Foreknowhos: whe. chose a fate like | air from falling out, and relieves and $1. i LEADING Tyvumvakun, . | Fe be - At the close of the ceremonies,! thise ; {itching and scalp. diseases. Pine Shirts, 70, $1 and $1.23, | ; What woman, out of all the breathing] Although it is not dye, it acts upon Sh ' a tea was held in one of the college | world, [the bair roots and Will darken 0es--splendid stack at lowest rooms, the proceeds of which will Would be & woman, could her heart! i hed, faded, gray hair in ten a. be devoted to the work of the Rea 3 ; fifteen days. It promotes the growth | Crom Society. It was well attend jue the hair and makes harsh hair soft ISAAC ACKS, Then let me be that only. only one: | 271 PRINCESS STREET. Thus let me make that sacrifice su- and glossy. prenve, | ud WOUNDED IN THE HEAD evar revise Pill for Women. ---- 6 at ull Drag -- -- ares No other ever made, or can, or shall | or mailed ' { on recelptof price. Tug ScoexLt Rue FREDERICK MURRAY, KINGS. | Co. St Ontario, BOULOGNE HOSPIT. Behold, the future shall stand to ask TON, IN AL. L FOR MEN. 2 Yim -- Yhat man was worth a price so He Was a Cab Driver Here--Three er a pe pei ; [Li]: BRITISH Ll Of His Brothers Are At the Front Co. Oniharinea ARTA NLA A --His Father An Imperial Soldier. g ssid "Mrs. J. W, Murray, 224 Montreal street, has received the fol telegram from the Adjutant-Gen at Ottawa: : "Sincerely regret to inform you that "Driver Frederick Muray: is clilly cr -- SOCIETY PRINTING VISITING CARDS AT HOME CARDS WEDDING STATIONERY } select, Or love her lover, could her life pre- t inn Heard the News Here -- Rev. A. H. Scott, B.D., Pert, got the first intimation, on Wed- nesday from the Whig bulletin board as to the fate of his son Lieut. Clive R. Scott, with the Sec- ond Battalion of the First Canadian Contingent. There is anxiety as the report placed him among the missing or wounded. The young man, aged twenty one, felt the con- viction that his country needed him and he went ready to meet what- Lieut. W ever contingency bad his } best ability. . i Mr. Scott talked with calmness ov- allege. J» bei er the matter and awaited patient- ei ut ly, amidst the confusion and disor- is twenty-two as Ary son's condition either as wéun Or as & prisoner of the Germans. First Cost is Last Cost end Only Cost Verandah Furniture--Chairs, Swings, Settees, isolate, from $1 up to $7.50 each And rate thee at its value for all time." Wounded In Forearm. Lieut. J. Kerr Cronyn, Toronto, Sadunte of the Royal Military Col: forearm in the big His injury is not Hi Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Window Poles and Shades. _ real 4 Coben work be ct slate) MILITARY Khaki Handkerchiefs, Spurs, Waterproof Cap Covers, || Walking Sticks, Putties Crawford & Walsh| ------ Algonquin Park. Away up in the Highlands of On- 'i tario, 2,000 feet above the level of the sea, Algonquin Park remains to- day unspoiled, a perfect the creatures of t 4 ae- offered at the High- he log cabin camps, owned and operated by the Grand Arunk Railway System, in this Gov- ernment reserve, at reasonable rates all those who desire to forget the ts of civilization dnd |" solace of nature." win o where ort of Vg LY nr rrr ' 4.