Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Apr 1915, p. 8

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f THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 20,1915. a | IN MILITARY CIRCLES i sm | the destruction of garbage but. it LONG MARCHES OF 21ST BAT-|, = 1 "le it located in | FOR SPEEDING ON PRINCESS TALION ARE PUSTPONED | the most beautiful part of the city. | STREET SATURDAY NIGHT. ! As the Shoes of Many of the Men When Kingston's town planning be- | Police Constable Arniel Used a Stop || Were Worn Out By Their Marches comes a purposeful scheme the water | watch To Catch Him--Man Fined Over the Country Roads. {front from Gore street westerly pro- | por Making Himself Offensive. {mises to become a much-desired re- | ' The police are getting after ail As a compliment to the visitors of | ¥ k arty © | the A a, Le at the Royal |": The Water Works property oan | motor-cycle 'joy-riders" if they per- il} | Military College, the 21st Battalion be made most attractive, with such {sist in speeding. James Duffy was if took their usual morning march a garden ahgut it as canbe seen. in | charged in Police Court on Thur:-| if | through tne city streets. The battal- | many American cities. If an incinera- | d4y morning with speeding on Prie- or, on tr FE were Toca thers it would bo 668 Shot, on Saturday "night cau sen a > Para o ak- | . A i . i if ing of the Assault-at-Arms Lieut.-Col. |» serious detraction. |Arniel said that he had been suv | if! W. S. Hughes said: "I have seen a| The mew plant will cost money,' plied with a stop-watch by the| On Saturdey night] | great number of them at the Royal | i ti is for all time to | Chief of Police. Military Collage, but 1 must coy]? its location {he with W. H. Wyllie, Children's| | Ald Society Inspector, was standing | | | MOTOR CYCLIST FINED Kingston needs an incinerator for-| if NOT DESIRABLE SITE. ll} that the programme on Wednesday | "O™e> hence our conviction that the | was better than any I have ever seen | Water works property is not suitable 'at Sargent's corner when the accus.| jj and there have been some excellent [for this purpose. It is in the midst |ed came down Princess street on his | | ones over there." {of the best residential sites; it is too | motorcycle. The stop-watch show-| Loo | ledose to tha water: it is: tob meme] that it took only five seconds | | The 2st Battalion has had to tem- |*'% 4 . { for the machine to go from the cor-| | porarily postpone its long route public resorts, the Park, the Yacht !ner to a light in front of Laidlaw's! | marches, ag so many of the shoes of Club, and what is hoped some day |5tOre and this distance when meas-| [the men were worn out by long {a new hotel on the Carruthers site. | Ured later by himself, the City En | marches over the country roads that Ip th 1 oth the i " |gineer and Police Constable Mul-| | repair ng was pecessary. A number of "°F '€8e and other reasons the in- |linger was 167 feet. The machiie| { men are busy with the work and as |cincrator should be elsewhere. Kiar- | must therefore, have been travellin= | soon as they are completed the regular | hage waggons passing around this de- | about twenty-two miles an hour. and Supplies FOR ALL OFFICERS OF HIS MAJESTY'S |{ | sirable city section would not be a |. MF- Duffy explained that he had| | -_-- 4 {looked at his speedometer a shoit| SERVICE. §| Russell Revelle has been taken on |Pleasurable sight. .| time before, but on the hill a little | + | the strength of the 14th Regiment for | ; Let the incinerator be built in a [Speed might have been gained. ~ . . | overseas service with the Third Con- | jess conspicuous place, equally easy | This is the third charge that ha: We have in stock a large and complete assort- $f tingent. : ? | 5 I i | -- fof access, but less prominent. The | been Bade rating 1 a motor. | ment of goods which are the exact shade and ma- i "Sid" Munro, the Toronto West End | Utilities' Commission does not care | James Nouldy made a nuisance! terial as are now being worn by British officers. basketball player, and an employes of for the incinerator on the Water | Of himself to two ladies with vabsy the Hydro-Flectric, has secured a place | I it puts th | carriages on Princess street on Wac- || with the 26th Battery and will re- Slee geoutsls, my . i 8 . onus | nesday, and was arrested by Sergt.|| port Thursday. He is well known in [oF it8 location on the Council. | gnodden ana Police Constable Cot. | Toronto sporting circles. The garbage committee thinks it ter. He was touched a dollar and | {can get revenue, up to $2,000, from |COSts or ten days. He remarxel, Barriefield and is ki {the plant, but the Commission, while lo Te a Was heres owt the selection of the areas that will ne {willing to buy the steam power, does | --ean 5 | : used by the different units to be in [not believe it can produce anything Baaaanandss tlle PERRET Tom p ive | camp there. |like the quantity estimated. Rather | # Senna ee RL BE -- than put the new equipment at the |% HAVE REACHED ENGLAND. % | The annual camp for students of the | " . . f | -- | School of Mining opened at Barriefield | Water Works the Council might fore- {% Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm on on Thursday morning, with about |go any pecuniary advantage from the | & Thursday received a cable from | sixty students enrolled. Capt. W. P.|gale of steam, especially as evidence | # her husband, Major Malcolm, | Wilgar is in charge of the CAMP: | pocumulates to prove that it is a ne- | # Who comamnds the Queen's En- | which is located in the same position | ligible thin ! | # gineering Corps which left Ot- | as last year. The camp will last for |® 8! 8. iis + tawa recently to proceed Over- | ten days. | By all means have an incinerator but | & Zor stating that they had ar- es mmsom-------- |not at the site proposed. It would | g rived in England withont mis. [$EFPPEP LILLE EEF P00000 0844 | mitigate against ug the future develop- {% bap. FIRED TWO BRIDGES. | ment of the best breathing places |® 0 q |the city now possesses. | FEEL IEE 1 IEE P 00 PINS Sh | -- ---------------- (Special to the Whig.) &* | v Vancouver, April 20.--Ger- 4| INCINERATION OF GARBAGE | | man sympathizers are alleged 4 ---- | For Cheese Offered On Front in fanc designs to have fired the Granville and # To Be Considered By City Council | Board Tours. pid ay i y | { | PIQUES OC ht , th oh teries of the- 06; {he natn ax This Evening. | At the Frontenac Cheese Board| A ial meeting of the City Coun- | meeting on Thursday afternoon, 17 has In fine cords, in medium cords, in broad cords, for suits or southward near here to-day. + 3 A : The great Connaught bridge + | cil has been called for this evening | 1-8¢c. was offered for white cheese, will be a. total loss. The wind to take action upon, the report of | but the offer was refused. This is is unfavorable for the destruc #|the Garbpge Committee with regard (a record price. The market opened | und tion of the Granville structure, to the erection of am incinerator at [at 15c bid by L. W. Murphy and in| skirtings. and it probably will be saved. the Water Works plant. od ch | fick order the nd was faited 10} / jection to the pr scheme | 17 1-8¢ e white offered, and| Objection to the propo po COTTON POPLINS - In all the wanted summer shades, also in white or black. tention camps.' Following the i . the buyers t. Mr. Cleall i F ED announcement of heavy casual. 4 | collection contract with Smith El- pers Mosemt. Lo a Dainty d to make up in ties among the Canadians at | liott Was renewed for two months, | Presen 3 4 i Alexander, Na- vile Langemarck, the Germans h the contractorto receive a bonus of LP NONE factories boarded new style Testes. made a. demonstration at Po Ma ation, to the con- cheese: Elm Grove, 25; Forest, 40.| : Company came very near getting in-| to trouble at Parham while coming! to the city on Wednesday. In the] wait of an hour between trains at| Parham Junction, the actor went to! of cream roses and also a white pray- : : ioh. | for. The six miles of the drive er-book, the gift of Mrs. W. ¥ Fit. whe hold this old lady in the high were made in record time and the Gerald. The bride was given away esl. esteem, actor was congratulating himself by her father. The bridesmaid was : i when he was met at the station by her s ster, Misa Lulu Tisdale, who alsa The Late E O'Brien. George Killing who asked for an! cotton; new makes, different styles, to music furnished by the 21st Bat-| Union street. Deceased was a son of | pn Thursday afternoon and evening | 25c¢, 35¢, 49c, 75c. Jalion, bead band. which Played the | ths late Lawrence O'Brien. ' | promises to be very attractive. It in- | | endélscohn wedding march. e sur- {cludes Sadie Fondilier, slack wire and pliod choir sang dying the Segvion, The Late Lieut. C. W. Day, M.A. | musical act; Warren and Graham, | ceremony Til party Together the bridges i a million dollars, ES vont vor is raised that the incinerator should | 16 9-16c by G. A. Smith for all the not be erected at such a prominent | colored. The latter bid was only ac.; * Grey. Glenvale, 35; Bay View, 40; Collins| a Bay, 30, all colored, and Glenbur-| Parham village three miles away. | He had telegraphed for an outfit to! was attired in a sand-colored suit of Word was received in the city on {explanation for the stealing of his | broadcloth, with hat to match, and | Wednesday that FEdward J. 0 rien, | horse from the station. Profuse! ary | Peterboro Review. + | s'nging and dancing; the Paramount | proceeded to the home of "the 'bride's | Particularly sad was the n ws that| Company's photo-play with Theodore | Military Tailoring If you are planning a pretty Sum- mer Dress you will find here a great collection of new materials for summer wear, and this is the time to make a choice when color ranges are complete. We mention a few of the many we have: COTTON CREPES White grounds with dainty flor- al designs 12 1-2¢, 15¢ Colored grounds with new de- gins: ... 0. 16¢ WHITE COTTON CREPES Five different makes to select from, VOILES In plain white, in summer colors, Major Burritt, C.R.C.E., is drawin a plan of Supplies * Foxes Spiral Puttees, Spurs, Sam Brown Belts, Forage Cap and other necessties. Kindly favor us with your consideration when wanting anything in Military Tailoring or Supplies. sssssssesas"? i | | | | * + » + | + + + + 4 + + + |B > * + a + + + . +» * + * * REFUSED 17 1.8 CENTS, C. Livingston & Bro. Civil and Military Tailors. PSE 2 SPER PIELER eb McCONNELL-TISDALE Wedding Solemnized In St. Paul's Church Wednesday Evening. A pretty wedding was celebrated in 3 St. Paul's Church on Wednesday even- ing, when Miss Pearl Evelyn Tisdale, Lungs daughter of Mr. and Mrs. uis Tisdalg, 91 Bagot street, was united in marriage to Walter Alexan- der McConnell, elder son of Mrs. J. i} | McConnell, of the: Collender Hotel. The bride was attired in a sand- ARY Underwear Death Of Sunbury Lady. At Sunbury on Thursday the death occurred of Mrs. Sarah Jane Robin- son, aged eighty-nine years. The de- éanded for many years had been a WOMEN'S VESTS, short or long sleeves or sleeveless ....12 1-2¢ to 50c -- These fires followed immedi- y | R Tue, cepted by Forest Factory. L. W, ately after the Government this Pe iia meeting of ' the Civic | Murphy, J. Gibson, city; G. A.| | nie, 50 white. ! In the absence of the president, | be at the station and when the train | pulled in he immediately took PIs | carried a bouquet of pinks roses. The | formerly of this city, 'had died at Ta-| apologies followed. { best man was the brides brother, | coma, Wash., after a brief illness. The | mr ------ | week started rounding up all . . . itt h Wed- | Smith, Parham; Geomge Thompson Germans and Austrians to de- Finss Commitics ay held junk? and George Cleall, Napanee, were! George Potter presided. { vor ook Weems, Horse. + | ummer A member of the "Pygmalion" | colored suit of broadcloth, with hat to | res ft 1 session of the only vehicle waiting, match, and carried a shower bouquet Jesicieny or he Shove place 0 thinking it the one he had arranged Harry Tisdale. remains will be brought here and | Vaudevillé At The Gfand. { The bridal party entered the church | buried from his sister's residence, 267 | The new programme to be presented | COMBINATIONS, in soft white parents, where a wedding supper was served... The toast to the bride, pro- posed by Canon FitzGerald, was re- Lieut. C. W. Day, Kingston, fell back dead almost at the same time as Roberts in "The Circus Man," a story | of life beneath the great white ecano- | : ! > | Major Bennett fell leading the charge | py; a two-reel Mutual photo-play and | sponded to 'by the groom. Harry Tis-| op the Second Battalion at Lange-| a Keystone comedy. | dale Hag oh bur - Jaren was 4| PATck, near Ypres. Lieut. Day was * | & classmate of the writer at Queen's sunburst he sare: to the Ueidesmaid, University, and was one of the most tapi he douple, were. riers of | brilliant students that have gone to a avinber of beautiful and valu- that University. In 1912 he grad- al gifts, among them being one | Uated in Arts with the degree of M. the choir of St. Pauls Church, | A» and was for a4 time lecturer in of which the bride is a member. the Sicence Faculty. He won, among c-------- other prizes, a valuable scholarship LIEUT. JARVIS KILLED. at Harvard 'University, and, since his ------ Sradyatie , has been Song post- Well-Known Toronto Athlete Among | 8Taduate work at the great American . The Canadians Slain. University, where he would Toronto, April 29.--Lieut. W. D,| have received his doctor's degree, P. Jarvis, whose name is in the list| the highest degree in a university, § of those killed, was a son of Aemilius this year. He was very young, be- Jarvis, and prior to leaving for ac-|IN& about twenty-five years of age, tive service was a lieutenant in the| 20d had the prospect of a most use- Governor-Genera¥'s' Body Guard,| fu! and brilliant career. Now, he with the quota from which he went | lies dead in France, having given up abroad. Lieut. Jarvis, who was on- | everything, degrees, medals, career, ly twenty-two years of age, had the !lfé, for his country. Lieut. Day reputation of being a parMcularly| Was a Sumber of the famous Jour fine young athlete. He played » ae) bgt other n hers ot safe in saying his Alma Mater will not let his heroic sacrfice pass with- out a suitable memorial in the halls _ Where be first won distinction. ° ® A------------------------ The Famous Estey Organ. We are sole representatives for the World's famous Estey Organ. Church committees who are interest: ed in the purchase of a cha At the res'dence of the bride's mothe) er, Belleville, a pleasing event took | ace on Wednesday when Miss Annie | . iller, daughter of the late John Mil. | 8 ler, was united in marriage to Jobn Brintaoel! . ' Our Cloth Top Shoes | ~ At$4, $5 and $6 Colored Top Shoes in Lace and Button are the. style this year and we have a very nice assortment. Seven different shades in Fawn, Sand and Grey and in Laced and Button at $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. We also have different widths, A pleasure to show these to you. The Lockett Shoe Store All our Spring Suits and' Coats to be sold Saturday at Half Price. All goods marked in plain figures. No reserve. for 6-925 Suis for $2.50 I ein Rr

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