PAGE TWELVE. MONA LISA WALTZES Especially siitable for dancing the"Hesitation" Valse Moderato wv 4a Used by Permission, Murray Musio Co, New ha OF THE MOVE TO FORCE THE DARDANELLES? Some Gloomy Predictions Are Heard As To the Results Of the Expedi- tion Against the Turks. London, April 30.--A warm con- troversy is being waged in political and newspaper circles as to whether the operations against the Dardanel- ted les. are of a major or minor charac- ter, and, incidentaly, whether or not Winston Churchill is personally res- ponsible for their having been un- dertaken. Many observers suggest that there is a personal animus be- hind the attacks which are being made against the First Lord of the Admiralty. It is remarked, as instance, that the editor of the Morning Post, which {8 Mr. Churchill's severest eritie, is a particular friend of Lord Charles Beresford, whose questions in Parliament first drew public at- tention to the discussion of the lat- est phases of the Dardanelles' prob- lem. The Morning Post publishes a despatch from Berne, saying: "Much anxiety is felt in German naval eir- cles lest the rumor current in Ger- many that Churchill may resign should prove true." In some quarters here gloomy pre- dictions are heard as to the results of the expedition. When, months ago, the first naval attack on the Dardan- elles forts was made, the most opti- mistic statements were current in quarters which were supposed to de- rive their inspiration from the Admir \ though noth- Ing to that effect was published, that |- the naval effort was to be backed up b, sufficiently strong landing force, already gathered within easy reach of the Strait. The publication of ex- Premier Venizelos' statemest has Soo Sense "era 'eek army may have influence in determining AR SELDIN MUSIC CO. Ine.1560 - N.-¥. STANDARD OIL REPORT. $6,000,000 In Dividends Paid-----As- serts $102,024 542 New York, April 28.--The Stand ard Oil Company of New York re- ports total earnings of $7.785,919 in the year ended December 31st, 1914, as compared wtih $16,212,985 in the preceding twelve months Dividends aggregating $6,000,000 were paid out and a surplus of $1, 735,919 remained, against $15,312, 985 in 1813, a year in which only $900,000 dividends were distribu The company's plants, real estate and ships are valued $44,406,018, a gain of more than $4,000,000 for TS A ---- EPRI - RE ere a Cl peel CAPTAIN 7.0. VER, OF ORILLIA, a 000 cash and $44,460,000 'worth of merchandise, v for money. Victoria is issuing $ 250,000 41-2 per cent. bonds redeemable te Bn at ment option 5 > devoted to Officer of Fourth BattaBon, killed we Langemarck, A the year. Total assets amounted $10,024,542, including $10,914,-| ALFRED J DOYLE Valse Secyred. "wo ion Farming Company has been form ed for the purpose of acquiring and developing western farm lands sit- uated at Bassano and Beaufield, Al- ta. It has an authorized capital of $250,000, of which $170,000 is be- ing offered to the public for subscrip- tion at par, Absorbed Bonds. New York, April 28.--Charles M. Pepper, former trade adviser, United thes) ent of State, says that Since the beginning of the year in- vestors in the United States have ob- sorbed over $50,000,000 worth of Canadian municipal and provincial loans. In 1913, out of total munici- pal iss of $110,000,000, they took $21,000,000. In 1914 they took $12, 000,000 out of $79,000,000. -- Sale Of Debentures. Montreal, April 28.--In connec tion with the recent issue of $2,000, 000 six per cent, three year treasury bills by understood the $1,000,000 has been purchased by an American bénd house, and will shortly be offered to the United States public. Made Good Returns. ~~" New York, April 28.--8ome au- thorities estimate that American Ice fh the city of Calgary, it is now | + & Practical Home Dress Making _ Gary Lerrons Wt R&R = by Pictorial Review 4 pt den Pas nme APRIL 300 Prepared Especially For This Newspaper A SKIRT THAT PLEASES. Four-plece skirt In broadcloth for misses and small women. The notch- ed yolke strikes a decidedly mew note in hip trimming. Here is a new model for a separate skirt that has sprung into instant fa- vor. It is a four-piece affair with a two-piece yoke, pointed at the side where the adjustment is effected. Both pleats are gathers, are used to dispose of the fulness below the hip yoke and the bottom is finished with a plain hem. To make the design one will need 2% yards of 54-inch or 3% yards of ¢4- inch material The home dressmaker who has had but very little experience can develop this skirt very successfully. Using 54- goods, first fold it, them wrrange on the fold the side gore. 3 Now fold the material again, mak. ing a quarter, instead of a half fold as in the first Instance, and along the lengthwise fold place the front also front yoke. Along the opposite edge arrange the back gore and back E12ERE.E eit ge 1 § : aif THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine wanting anything done in will recelve prompt attention. 40 Queen Street. NOW IS . the Shinn. line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard wood floors of all kinds. Al ors AUTO LIVERY Bibby's Garage A-1 Auto Mechanics Agents, Dodge Bros. Phones: 201, Garage; 917, Residence. : Six room brick veneer ho on the west side of city, fo $2,150.00 for quick sale. Six room frame house, Frontenac Park, with imp ments, for $1,850.00, Solid birck house on Street, with hot water fy all improvements, | $3,250.00. corner Frame house on fble for with good stable, ir May 1. carter, must be so! six rooms, $1,800.00. . ¥ fp chute Rough cast on very easy t | | | | | who talks like a W his wile to 'fnterv ery time he has Many a gng hero compel; the janitor make a ki THE XIN To place your order fora Monumeqt, #nd by placing your ordpr with us you are rantedd first class work, nn elivery and mode- rate price} A call of imspec- tion 1nvi J. E. MULLEN * Cor. Princess and Clergy St Phone No. 1417. rd LABATT'S STOUT = F¥ie very best for ust In. Il-heaith 4nd cxnhalessence : § Awarded Medal and Highest Points ih America 3 at World's Fair, 1893 | JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LON J bo) Lo | land, Agent, SEE] . * [LINN