Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1915, p. 5

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CITY COUNCIL SEEKS INCINERATOR SITE ON CITY'S - POWER PLANT PROPERTY Instead Of at the Waterworks, And Appoints Special Committee to See If the Commission Will Grant It. The City Counc'l seeks a small plece of ground on the Light, Heat and Power plant property on King street as the site of the proposed gar- bage incinerator, and a special com- mittee consisting of Mayor Suther- land and Alds. Wright, Fair and Richardson will have a conference this afterfioon with the Utilities Com- mission with the view of prevailing upon that body to grant this neces- sary ground alongside the power plant and so save the necessity of otherwise establishing garbage head- quarters on the Waterworks proper- ty. The Council had a lengthy dlseus- sion, Thursday night upon the Gar- bage Committee's report, submitted Jast Monday night by the Charman, Ald. Wright and held over to enable the aldermen to look into tne mat- ter. Objections have since been raised to installing the incinerator on the Waterworks property near the foot of West street, as recommended in the report. On motion of Ald, Fair, sec- onded by Ald Newman the location mentioried in the clause was changed to the Light, Heat and Power pro- perty, and then a gpecial committee was appointed to try and overcome the objections of the Utilities Com- mission to granting the latter ste, Ald. Wright made it clear that the Garbage Committee preferrea the power plant site for the incinerator, in the heart of residential and busi-| ACCEPTED { and said there was no reason why it! ness sections. | should not be granted, but the fact remained that after four conferences the Commission refused to grant the King street site and finally offered a piece of the Waterworks property. The committee, he said, would be glad indeed if the commission could THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY Ald. Nickle--*Yes." Ald Fair--"Well I'm surprised to hear that." f | "Incingrators in other places are Some are churches and hospitals. offensive odor from them," ed Ald. Nickle. { Ald. Wright gave a full explana- tion of the garbage proposals. He] pointed out that with an incinerator the city would save $300 a year ex-| next to) There's no | explain- | KINGSTON PRESBYTERY THREE RESIGNA- TIONS OF MINISTERS, Rev. Dr, Henry Gracey, Gananoque, " o APRIL 30, 1915. Will Receive a Retiring "Allowance fi i Of $1,000 a Year. A special bytery of Kingston was held in Chal- be prevailed 'upon to give the site| pended for the rental of a nuisance! ..o church on Thursday afternoon, originally asked, but it had failed to get it. Perhaps when the Commis gion saw that the Council was urgent about having the incinerator placed | in the. Garbage Committee's report. T. Wilkins, on the Power plant property, it would reconsider its decision. Ald Fair intimated that he had of the Civie Utilities, reported that] j' w been in conversation with the Chair- | the steam would be worth $1,360 to 2 1 : man of the Utilities Commission that very evening, and the Chairman re-| that even this figure was theoretical. | 7 wallace, Prof. Alexander marked that the Commisston would be glad to further consider the mat- ter with the Council's tives. Ald. Fair had vigorously opposed Wright explained that the spot the| jy Dawson, Portsmouth. erecting the incinerator on the Wa- terworks property and said that the small piece of land next to the power | sent : propeg place was on the site of the | building on King street, owned bY 1. ance, city; Prof. power plant in the midst of the ram- shackles of that region. * Ald. Nickle resented this ment, and claimed that if the state- in- ground. Even dead animals would be incinerated at-the plant. i Ald. Fair disputed the statement | that the incinerator would yield a| revenue of $2,000. Manager Folger the Utilities, but Ald. Fair claimed | + Ald. Wright replied that there was nothing theoretical about it. The in-| the Ald; With regard to site, Garbage Committee wanted was a | | the city. The Utilities Commission said it wished to hold this land for the Hydro-Electric sub-station that might some day be built. When it| G. Jordan, Rev. Dr the moderator,Prof.. W. presiding. Others present were : Rev. H. Gracey, Gananoque; Trenton; Rev, Macgillivray, Rev. J. D. W. Morgan, Prof. E. T. Scott, McIntosh, Kingston; Rev. ploward, Napanee; Rev, N. Beckstedt, Lansdowne; Prof. G. H. Rev. J. Fairlie, Rev. S. J. M. Compton, Kingston; representa- | cinerator would generate the steam. | poy. A. A. Acton, Harrowsmith; Rev. D. T. Foster, B.A., Trenton; Rev. H. The following elders were also pre- J. J. city; D. Darling, Gananoque. Communications byteries were their intention regarding apply to received to Boyd, Prof. | Rev. | Dr. | Laird, | Rev. H. T. Steers, | from twelve Pres- | meeting of the Pres--| patterns. Newest Toes Newest Heels | Gordon, Napanee; Rev, Dr. | Matheson, | cinerator was an offence in any way, | refused to give that site, the commit- | 1}, noxt General Assembly for leave | which it was not, the people ltving in | tee had to do the next best thing and |; receive as ministers of the Pres- | what Ald. Fair called ramshackles | accept a piece of the Waterworks | jy terian Church of Canada some sev- | should net have it in their midst any more than the residents+of Sydenham ward; Ald. Fair--""Do you want the in- cinerator at the Waterworks?" nom -------------- OO RETA FRUIT LAXATIVE FOE MAMMA, DAD, BABY, "CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS -------------------- Better Than Calomel, For Liver, Bowels and Stomach, Mother, daddy and the children can always keep feeling fine by tak- ing this delicious fruit laxative as occasion demands. Nothing else cleanses the stomach, liver and bow- els 80 thoroughly without griping. You take a little at night and in the morning all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and fermenting food, delayed in the bowels gently moves out of the system. When you awak- en all headache, indigestion, sour- ness, foul taste, bad breath, fever and dizziness is gone; your stomach -- Oil or Salts |is sweet, liver and bowels clean, and | you feel grand. "California Syrup of Figs" is a family laxative. Everyone from grandpa to baby can safely take it and no one is ever disappointed in its pleasant action. Millions of moth- ers know that it is the ideal laxative to give cr , sick, feverish children. But get thé genuine. Ask your drug- gist for a 50 cent bottle of *'Califor- nda Syrup of Figs," which has direc-| tions for babies, children of all ag-| es and for grown-ups on each bottle. | property. | Ald. Litton did not see how all the | garbage could be collected by three wagons. At present four wagons] were used and less than five tons of | | garbage was being collected. About| half the city was covered. | | "Well the collectors should be] | ashamed of themselves if that is the | case," said Ald. Wright. "We say| tons a day with the three wagons | because of the short haul. Three! | small carts will be used for other | {combustible material." | Ald. Litton questioned the estima-| | ted cost. Ald. Hughes said it was| | not wholly a question of cost, the | garbage had to be collected, and to! handle it properly an incinerator had | to be erected. | The Area Defined. | There was some discussion upon the | area outlined in the report which was | suggested as follows » * Commencing at the water's edge at | the south-westerly corner if the city | | | | enteen ministers of other churches. The Cloth Top Boot for Ladies is the leading Shoe of to-day --Black, Grey--Sand Colors are most popular--in lace or button $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Abernethy's Rev. Mr. Steers, St. John's church, | Pittsburgh, tendered the resignation of hjs vhange and it was resolved to hold a special meeting of the Pres- bytery in Queen's University on May | 10th at 2 pan. to which the con- | gregation concerned will be cited to | appear Rev. 8S. J. M. Compton was ap- bly, vice Prof. J. Dall resigned. y | positively that we will collect twenty | pointed Commissioner to the Assem- | A committee which looked after the | examination of students that thé students who were licensed in the evening were satisfactory as to qualifications. A eall to Dr. Tloward, of cester, Presbytery of Ottawa, considered, and the transfer of Howard to Ottawa Presbytery granted. Rev. A. A. Acton was panee vacant on the 16th inst to act as moderator. The Presbytery considered the Refuse with contempt the cheaper | limits, thence along the city limils to | Gananoque. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Dar Fig Syrups and counterfeits. See that it bears the name--"California Fig Syrup Compdny." New York Fruit Store Special Large Oranges Pineapple» Grapefruit ......... Bananas , .. New arriva to all parts of the city. 314 Princess St. 29¢ a dozen .......18¢ and 20c each ver...3, 4 and 5 for 25¢ ...16c and 20c a dozen 1 of Strawberries to-day. Fruit delivered ~ Phone 1403 Ostermoo special Commencing Tuesday, 27th, we are in a position to offer the King- ston public the regular £23.50 Oster. moor Mattress at $106.50, the same price it is being sold at to-day in New York----it weighs 50 Ibs., and is thicker than the regular $15 style-- covered in absolutely dustproof-satin finished tick--and is the bargain of the year---place your order at once, as only a limited number are allows ed to each agent. r Mattress OSTERMOOR PATENT ELASTIC Foul MATTRESS $1800 First Cost is Last Cost sod Qaly Oost Verandah Furniture--Chairs, Swings, Settees, from $1 up to $7.50 each Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Window Poles Repair and Up " Vauee Phone 90, and Shades, holstering work promptly done. . T.F.Harrison Co ] who was killed in action. Union street, along Union street to Victoria street, ..Vigtoria street to! Princess street, Priness street to Nel- | !son street, Nelson street to York street, York street to Alired street, | | Alfred strect to Pine srreet, Pine street | to Patrick street, Patrick street to! | James street, James street to Rideau | street,' Rideau street to Ordnance | street, Ordnance street to Wellington | street, Wellington street to Place | d'Armes, Place d'Armes to Ontario | street, Ontario street to West street, { thence westerly along the water's | | edge to the place of beginning. Ald. Kent wanted the garbage of | the whole city collected. He was op- | posed -to limiting the area. All the | garbage possible should be collected. | Alds. O'Connor Richardson fa- vored a general rate for garbage collection. All should pay, just as they do for street lighting. | Ald. Wright, replying to Ald.Niekle, | said it was not advisable to extend the area. It would cost too much to make the additional collection. It was finally decided to leave the | area as recommended by the commit- i i ee, Tie adoption of the report as amend- el was left over until it is learned | whether the Utilities Commission will rant the King street sito. 4n attendance at the meeting were : Mayor Sutherland and Aldsy Fair, | Gardiner, Hughes, Kent, Litton, Me- | Cann, Newman, Nickle, O'Connor, Pe- ters, Richardson, Wright, White and | Wormwith, WN! To Send a Cable to Capt. Goorss| T. Richardson. At the annual meeting of i teachers and officers of Sydenham | Street Methodist Bible School, held | in the church parlors on Thursday | evening, T. F. Harrison was elected | superintendent of the school for an-| other year. All the other officers) were re-elected. The "reports pre-| sented by the different convenors showed that splendid work had been accomplished. It was decided to hold the anmual flower Sunday service and the picnic. | The picnic will be held at Brophy's Point on July 9th, while the flower service will take place about the third Sunday in June. Resignations were received from three of the teachers. Two have left the city while the third was Shmpell- ed to give up for other reasons. Miss Florence Valleau and Miss Pearl Blythe, who have been supply teach- ars were added to the permanent 8 | It was decided to send a cable to Capt. George T. Richardson, one of the teachers of the schoel who is at present time lying wounded in one 'of the hospitals in Frince, as a re- sult of the fight in which the Cana- dians took place on Friday last. ~ A letter of sympathy will be sent to the family of Lieut. Calvin W. Day a former member of the school, It was also decided to help in some way to equip a room in Queen's Sta- tionary Hospital. At the closs of the meeting a collection was taken up for this fu.d. : IH 1 BASEBALL RECORD National League Brooklyn, 7; Philadelphia, 4. Cincinnati, 10; St. Louis, § Boston, 13; New York, 8 innings, darkness). t seven | preside at SYDENHAM BIBLE SCHOOLS, TMcCandless, Victoria, B.C.; : 48: John Lowden, Toronto: ling appeared on behali of the coun- gregation and expressed regret that Dr. Gracey should feel called to resign the charge and seek The Sungregation, solved, should he press his tion, and the Assembly grant' leave to retire, that it would vide $1,000 as a retiring allowante. The . Presbytery regretfully accepted | the resignation to take effect Sep- tember 30th. A call from Sunbury to Rev. J. T. Caswell was sustained, apd his or- dination and induction were appoint- ed to take place at Sunbury = May 11th, at 2 pm. The moderator will ordination. Rev. Mr. Acton will Principal Ross will address the minister and Rev. J. Dawson the people. The next regular meeting of Preshytery w 29th at 11 a.m. in Napanee. the MORE COMMISSIONERS. June. The following is a further list Commissioners to the General sembly, received by the © Convenor, Rov. J. D. Boyd : Presbytery of Vietoria--Rev. C. E. Kidd, M.A, B.D., Union Bay, B.C; Rev. A. K. Maclennan, D.D., Nana- imo, B.C.; Rev. eH. ean, M.A., Ph.D., Victoria; Rev. J. Camp- bell, M.A., Ph.D., Victoria, BCs GC. W. Dun- can, Sandwich, B.C; Rev. G. Taylor, Nanaimo, B.C5 Rev. W. M. hester, D.D., Toronto. Presbytery of Lacombe--Rev. D. C. A., Camrose, Alta.; of As- 3 William Hamilton, Provost, Alta.; | Bot militarism--in Canada. W. M. Gibson, Lacombe, Alta.; W. McGregor, Datsland, Alta. Presbytery of Kimloops--Rev. A. Dow, B.A., Enderby; Rev. C.: A. Mitchell, North Bend. Preshytery of Prince Albert--Rev. Colin G. Young, B.A, Saskatoon, Sask.; Rev. Lennox Fraser, Melfort, Sask.; Rev. J. WM, Fisher, Shell brool Sask; J. B. Kermaghan, Prince Albert, Sask; Fred. A. sa, Prince Albert, Sask.; John McIntosh, Rosthern, Sask. Preshytery of Whithy--Rev. W. M. Haig, Columbus; Rev. A. L. MacFad- gen, Dunbarton; Thos. Poucher, y nt. ytery of TorontogRev. Prof James Ballantyne, D.D,, Toronto; Rev, W. W. Craw, Ph.D., Bolton; Rev. Prof. Richard Davidson. D.D., Toron- to; Principal Gandier, D.D., Toronth; Rev a. I 0, € wie ' J atanto; Ba < ray, B.A., Toronto; Vv. Prof. Robert Law, D.1., Toronto; Alexander MacMillan, Toronto; Rev. Norman A. McEnachern, M.A. Brampton; Rev. John Neil, D.D., To ronto; Rev. J id, B.A., Toron- to: Rev. J. C. , BD, To- ronto; Rev. W. G. Wallace, D.D., To- ronto: Rev. T. A. Watson, BD., Fair- hank; Rev. James Wilson, B.A., To- ronto; Dr. Hamilton Cassels, K.C.. Toronto: President Falconer, D.D., To- ronto; Ferguson, Aurora; Dr. A. RP. Grant, Toronto; Dr. Robert Had dow, Toronts; George Keith, Jorn Dona'd, Toronto; C.S. McDonald, To: ronto; Thomas MeMillan, Toronto John Stapmers. Toronto; James Steele, Sutton West; James Weir, To ronto; John Wilcox, Fairbank. of St. John--Rev. Tho- ma% A. Mitchell, Susser, NB. Rev. James Colhoun, Glassville, NX.B.: Rav, Thomas Harrison, St. © » X.B.. Per. James Ross. St. Jobn, N.B.; Rev. J. H. A. Anderson, St. John, . MacKeigan, St. . Forbes, St Robert Scott, Frederie- B. W. 8S. Clawson. St. J NB.: S. R. Jack, St. John, NB} C. Whittaker. St. Jobn. N.B.: 4 Woodstock, Ww. + » SW, Hon. | Napa- nee, from Mahotick and South 'Glou- | was | Dr. | was | ap- | pointed to declare the pulpit of Na- | and | re signation of Rev. Dr. Henry Gracey, | upon | ap- | plication to retire from active work. | however, had re- | resigna- | him | pro | all take place on June | G. | reported | I As to Style In Young Men's Hats Every critical dresser knows there is no half way in style. A hat is either ail wrong or all right. It is just that facul- ty of. being right that has made us leaders in the hat trade in Kingston. New shapes, new colors, new styles. "8003 Special Values $2.00, $2.50 CAMPBELL BROS. ep ---------- | John R. Dillon, Craik, Sask.; Alex. | Calven, Bethune, Sask. | Presbytery of Qu Apelle--Rev, H. | McKay, D.D.,Whitewood, 'Sask.; Rev. | To Attend the General Assembly In| W. P. Adam, Grenfell, Sask; lev. R. {| H. Gilmour, B.D., Whitewood, Sask; | Judge Farrell, Mdbsamin, Sask; G. P. Campbell, Ellesboro, Sack.; W. D. | | MacDonald, B.L., Broadview, Sask. | | Presbytery of Castor--Rev. W. M. | | Cruinshank, Drumheller, Alta.; | J. H. Douglas, Youngstown, |J. Hanna, Erskine, Alta; D. Edgar, | Stettler, Alta. | Presbytery Spence, H i : of Brandon John | arding, Man. | Among the Best. | The Canadian Courier, Toronto, re-| | marks: Kingston, once old Fort| { Frontenac, has for two centuries] been a centre of military lite--but| Natur-| ally the old fort and plains adjacent are once again a centre of activity | In preparing men for the fromt.. Kingston is the nearest thing we {have in Canada to West Point, fn the United States, or St. Cyr, in France. Many of the most brilliant Canadian officers now at the front and preparing to go were trained in the art of war at Kingston, where the strategic situation and the his- toric atmosphere made war 2 patur- al thing. And in the final test of war on 'the firing line, the men trained at old Fort Froatenac will be found among the best of Cana- da"s fighting men. Queen's Stationary Hospital, Donations already acknowl $5,301.20. 2 aged, $100--Queen's Alumni tion, Ottawa. $50---D. M. McIntyre, Toronto. $25.--Dr. F. A. Cays; Dr..J. R. Shannon, New York; Sir. J. 8. Willi- son, Toronto; 8. J. Keyes, Peterboro; C. G. 8. Rogers, Toronto; Mrs, A, F. Richardson, W. Munden. $10--Mrs. C. H. Boyes; H. T. White, North Battleford, Sask., Dr. R. E. Sparks. $5--8. M. Anglin, Lowell, Mass. peo le s------ ® | and up. Associa-| Ji ICE CREAM BRICKS OR IN BULK Delivered to all parts of the City By Government Test, Best in Kingston. SAKELL'S Next Opera House. Phone 640 Ha a i Electric Carpet and Vacuum Cleaning, Sewing and Laying. Cleveland, Standard | Faleon Bicycles. Phone 542. 272 Bagot St. SUITSTHAT SUIT We make a specialty of suits that | please both as to quality and price. | See our special Blue Serge at $15.00. It's a winner. Splendid Suits, eee fo rears rere ptm emoats NE THE SEASON FOR OIL CLOTH, LINOLEUM Jinoclexam and | rr | | i $7.50, $10, $12 Balbriggen Underwear, ol we. | UL Cloth Fine Shirts, 7Bc, $1 and $1.25. | Latent English and Canadian Patterns. oO Shoes--splendid Y 7 prices. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET. Stock at lowest | Tapestry, Axminster Rugs and Art Blinds. | Gold Coin Vacuum Sweepers only $0.50, JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. [LIN WHI KINGSTON, ONT. LIRA TI ENVELOPES STATEMENTS Khaki Handkerchiefs, Spurs, | Waterproof Cap Covers, Walking Sticks, Putties | Crawford & Walsh

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