Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1915, p. 6

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et a Re ! 9 Organs | You have a choice of TheDress At Kingston's ONLY EXCLUSIVE LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR STORE Reduction of the roster of the Bos- House -------------------- ton National League team to bring » The Suit the number of men within the re-!| . quired limit by May 1st, began yes-| " "6mrmrrm--mm--mm--m terday with the release of pitchers, Adolph Luque and Eugene Cocre-| ham to the Toronto team of the In- =" ternational League. { { Douglas Huestis will represent | - Ui garance - University of Toronto at the interna- | tional intercollegiate individual EY-| 125 Individual Style Spring Suits 125 mnastic championships next Satur-| Some only received this week--every size--every new cloth-- YOUR CHOICE ! 1 | day at St. John's College grounds, in| Brooklyn, Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Princeton and all the | representative universities will have! {men in the competition, Huestis is| | one of the best performers on the Limited. 121 Princess St. | | ! | ¥ 5 | HAVE BOMBARDED DUNKIRK 7 Montreal Herald: The difference! { B | between the big Four and the oid N. ken ? : [L.U. is that the latter is dead and] | onl gn wh | BE | buried, . while the former is not. yet| { (Special to the Whig.) ready a squadron has been desptach- | buried. | : | " ' n : : | - : oe in weirs ll FOR SATURDAY & MONDAY according to Vijeial snlormation Ie : ito Jersey City, as an outfierder on ceived at the War Office. 10.18 sta-|. ,om0rdmont Was By Artillery ? | George Wiltse team. 4 Jerlin (via Wireless through Say-| - | killing twenty and wounding forty- | ville), April 30.-To-day's oflicial 're- | lia hockey player, who played for fi five. . | port from the War Office tells of | Preston last winter, is in the Berlin It is believed here that the Ger- Hospital, where he will have to un-| | any of those organs at 1 | the French and British offensive in the a new drive against the French | north has been checked. The report | key, coast. The success of British war- | makes no mention of the reported | pr Belgi const 1 in discussing the 4 as low as . t er Belgian coast, and in discussing the i tors and cruisers is believed to have {shelling of Dunkirk, which the Paris a0 W k yinspired the latest German move. { oflicial statement. says was from war- C d ee fast battle cruisers of the type which | says: "Our aerial forces have bom- : ---- Iraided the English coast durink the | barded the fortified town of Har- winter. It is thought here that al- | wich." Italy War. i From Exchanges Rome, April 30.--Nexi to the; W. F. Maclean, M.P., has declar-| | question whether Italy will join th': ed himself for any early general elec-| in such event. The republic is|tario Government to "wake up" and| bars ever turned out at Varsity, and! credited her with a prepend rance erect a Psychiatric Institute, { he is likely to give a good account of | |of German sympathies, added to| In London, one day's appeal himself. { pass through to attack Italy. It fort to prevent a dissolution of Par-| "Bantams" Regiment. She has been! {would be easy to protest and give liament. [looking after the material comforts | way, representing that it was a caSe| The steamer Keywest, loaded. witn | of the men ever sincé the corps was | YHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1915. A ---------- " os -- ws Pee------ mm | Paris, April 30.--German warships i to head them off, and news of | ho : {are operating on the Belgian coast, another naval battle is expected at | According to re_orts from New | ted that they have shelled Dunkirk, | 5 " -- | a { t i § { 8 fal the Whig. | nineteen ehells falling in tne city, | (Special to ihe Whig.) Quinn Butterfield, the former Oril- | the shelling of Dunkirk and the British ] | Iman warships were sent south to | fortress of Harwick, and declares that | dergo an operation for an injury re-{ leco-operate with the German army. in ceived last winter while playing hoe- | | prices ranging from - | $22.50 to $57.00. Teims ships last fall in checking the first | German raid by warships on the low- German drive with light draft moni- | 3 It is believed here that the war- | ships, says it was 'by German artil- ships now off the Belgian coast are |lery."" Regarding Harwich, thé feport - | A A A AAA Nai 0 | Lindsay | ATTITUDE OF THE SWISS. = | PITH OF THE NEWS | u . | -- ' New Phase of the Question Should | Condensed Items By Telegraphic and 0 war on the side of the Allies, comes | tion on the war issues. that of the attitude of Switzerland A: coroner's jury urged the On | | | which she has the lesson of the fate through the press has given the ar-| -- ! of Belgium before her eyes should|my all the respirators needed. Miss Gladys Ravenscroft, formerly | - 0 ear she resist Germany's pressure to al-| In Montreal, Hon. Thomas Chase | British woman golf champion has| low the troops of the Fatherland to] Casgrain is putting forth every ei-| decided to go to the front with the] 2 of force majeur. | grain from Port Colborne to Mon-| organized. The "Bantams" are com- | On the other hand, Italy centrcs|treal, is reported ashore east Pretty Shoes ts ot es OE SL LSA A wim-- Essential to Stylish Appear- ance No other part of wo- man's dress is more con- spicuous than ber shoes. Her shoes, therefore, play a very important part in the style expres- sion. of her. costume. They make or mar the entire effect. Our styles harmonize agreeably in style with present fash- ions. The Sawyer Shoe Store | her hopes in the sturdy independ- | ence of Switzerland and her pledged | | word to be neutral, also her' fear | | lest she lose the Italian and French | | cantons at the end of the war, | should she give way to the enemies lof the Allies. Moreover, there i: Athe fear of famine should the road [to replenish through Italy be clos-| | ed. E | | The situation is most critical, '» t | Switzerland may escape the fate o' | Belgium owing to her superior | strategical position and the present weakness of Germany and Austria It is felt in Rome that the war stiil may have many unpleasant surpris es. THINK TIME INOPPORTUNE | No Official Memorial Service In London For Fallen Canadians London, April 30.--The acting { High Commissioner for Canada, Sir jeorge H. Perley, thé agents-gener- al and others, held a conference to- | night to comsider the advisability | of arranging a memorial service in | London for Canadians who have fal- Hen-in-battle.--It-was resolved that | the present was an inopportune | time for such a function. It is | auite probable, though, that sucn 'I a service will be arranged by the | friends of the dead heroes. | | { Mr. and Mrs. Francis McManus (nee Hannah Edwards), | joying a part of their honeym Toronto, are en- «in : | Deseronto. : and inexperienced farm help on to interview applicants from 9 FRIDAY, May At the District Office of On All persons who desire to locate required to furnish satisfactory who are in need H. A. MacDONNHLL, rector of © n. FARM HELP WANTED We are In a position to place a large number of experienced Special Representative of the Ontario Government, 'will be pleased TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND j 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. ario Department of Agriculture CITY BUILDINGS, KINGSTON, ONT. help, and those desiring to take up farming, should write at once to the-lirector of Colonization, or see Mr.Howell personally farms in this district, T. Howell, am. till 5 pm. on on farms at a fair rate of wages are references. Farmers in this district HON. J. 8. DUFF, Minister of Agriculture of Ontario, With care, with an eye for well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in Clothes, Hats and Haberdashery for warm weather--an assort- ment to meet every need for town or country wear, for sport, vaca- tion travel or every day. Suits from .......................$650 to $25.00 Straw Hats, from ................. 1.00 to Panamas, from Bes assis rasan Shirts, from ....................... ¥ 'Underwear, from Underwear in Com ~ * Boots and Shoes (Footwear for growing girls, patent and gun-metal boots, button Ladies' Patent and Gun Metal Boots, with cloth or lace . Ladies' Paignt Boots Men's Patent Fess na sre nnnannine , 'with colored toes, button or lace . $4.50 Gun Metal and Tan Boots, button or lace" exclusiveness and individuality, as 2.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 75¢ 2.00 tops, button cies 83.50 to 85 to Be { to matches, covers sundry wood pro- ll | the necessary machinery has been if | contracted for. of | Port Weller, John Purvis, Holyrood, was choz- | en Federa) candidate by the Conser vatives of South Bruce, E. Truax, M.P, ! W. F. Bradshaw has been appoint- | ed géneral manager of Reuter"s Tele- | | to oppose | gram Company in succession to the! late Baron De Reuter. The Secretary of the British Ad- | miralty declared that no hardships | had been imposed upon the German | submarine crew held in Britain. | William Michael, Hamilton Town- | ship, aged eighty-three died sudden- | ly in the arms of his brother on | opening the door to receive him on | a visit. General Von Kluck, the German commander, who was wounded _ last month, is now on the yoad io re covery, according to'the Hamburg Nachrichten. : Six illustration farms are to be managed under the direction of the Deminion Government Department of Agriculture in Southérn' Alberta. each plet contains forty-five acres. Alexander Noble, Toronto, has had | a brother killed in France, another has died of wounds, and his brether- in-law went down when the Good Hope was sunk off the coast of Chili. A' despatch from Stockholm = says that King Gustave is seriously ill, apparently with a recurrence of the stomach trouble for which he under- went an operation a year ago. Persistent reports that parts of submarine hoats have been shipped from the United Stages into Canada are still under investigation, See retary Bryan stated at Washington. Judge David Marr Walker, A. L Bonnycastle and Lendrum McMears are appointed the Board of License Commissioners for the Province ot Manitba, under the new legisla tion. James Stewart Tupper, K. €., Win- nipeg, has died in England, where he had been under the care of Sir Wil- liam Osler for the past few months. The late Mr. Tupper was the oldest son of Sir Charles Tupper. An attempt to burn down the Western Hotel at Sarnia, while for- ty guests were asleep in it, was dis- covered by a passer-by barely in time to save the building and pre- vent possibly the loss of lives. New Industry For Deseronto, Deseronto, April 30.--On April 14th, the Dominion Government granted the application of the Rath- bun Match Co., Limited, for a chart- er of incorporation, the incorporators being Messrs. R. P. Locke, G. Cooper and William Kaspar Fraser, all of Toronto, and the capitalization is $125,000. 'The charter, In addition ducts, which it is the intention of the company to produce. The offi- dent and treasurer, H.-W. Rathbun: manager, G. G. Gardiner; secretary, L. E. 8. Hodge. Improvements to the building purchased by the com- pany have already commenced, and The company in- tend starting operations at the ear- liest opportune moment after the machinery, ete. has been installed. ER ------ Settled Out Of Court ° Smith's Falls, Ont., April nard Saunders sued the Cana- | dian Northern Ontario Rallway Com- pany for $5,000 damages for the loss of his left hand while wor! Ag in a gravel pit on the C.N.O.R/* near Smith's Falla lott September. "The case was set out of eo Uff getting $1,000 for Sts Jain and all costs, and the company undertak- plain {and steady and are quite the best {or three. At once we saw that when cers of the new company are: Presi-|. posed of men under the regulation | size. She marches at their head, | when they parade, and they look up| to her, and upon her, as their mas-| cot. . | Zach Wheat, the Brooklyn outfield. | { er, who goes to the New York Giants | in exchange for outfielders Murray and Robertson, and pitcher Perritt, | is regarded by many as the star out- fielder of the National League. Toronto Globe: For "the first time | on the sereen" so to speak, the John- | son-Willard fight "movies" were] shown here yesterday at Shea's The-| atre. The exhibition was a private | one, and was witnessed by newspap-| ermen and other invited guests of! Tom Flanagan. The films were sent) here in bond from Havana and deve- | loped at the studio at a local moving | Ji picture concern. The "run' was wit-| nessed by Promoted Jack Curley, | who staged the Havana battle, and| "Bob" Vernon, the stakeholder at| the fight, | The pictures are remarkably clear "movies" of a boxing contest shown in this city in years. The knockout right to the jaw, are distinetly seen. Johnson is seen to be very tired af- ter the twentieth round, and was strictly on the defensive from then to theiend in the twenty-sixth. Hom, Sam's Humor, Weekly Sun, Toronto. We begin to see through Major. | General Hon. Sam, or at least to un- | derstand his mode of which is, so unusual that misapprehen' sion will be excused. The truth came | out in a recent interview with a dele- | gation of an Anglican brotherhood which sought the privilege of setting up among the Solts ue aNY canteen. They were inferentially, it seemed, ! "hot air pumpers," a phrase not | known in good literature except in a literal sense, and also on the make. Others just as pretentious and becom- ing in appearance had behaved ra- paciously at Valcartier. Ii he grant- ed their request he would be obliged to concede similar privileges to the! other two hundred and seventy-six thousand brotherhoods of St. Mark, Luke, John, Michael and all the rest, in all probability not {mere than two he said in the House that five thou- sand clergymen had applied to goto the front as chaplains in the army, he meant only four, five or six, at most. It. is a humor destructive of hot air pumpers, and, if effuctive with the people, likely to guard the Hon. Sam against all assaults of the Hon. Ro- bert Rogers. -------- Give A Child An Allowance. An allowance is the best safeguard against the habit of extravagance, if thé child is taught to spend the mo- ney carefully and thoughtfully, and to keep a strict account of all expend- tures. When a child is unaccustom- ed to ing money, rhea he ny she gets a little it will proba "burn a hole in their pockets", as the old saying goes. : - Iti all foolishness to think that will also learn self-reliance, which is a very important attribute. Give your child the chance and see how important and ambitious it will make him. blows, a left to the stomach and } | | exposition, | Hi Special 98c Sale 30 Doz. P.C. & American Model Corsets Broken sizes and discontinued lines--a full range of sizes in the lot. This is a real Corset Bargain, as the regular values were $1.50 to $3.50 a pair. 175 House Dresses New spring materiais--ait Sizes, 'light and dark colors -- values regular $1.25 and $1.50 .. =~ \ --)- 10 Dozen Fine Voile Waists Long sleeves, low necks, good value at 9c ' fine quality -- neatly trimmed and CERES eer Ce EE eas $1.50 Fri sr sss sss create sissnnnne 1.98 Big Millinery Clearance 1.98 Eight dozen new Trimmed Hats-- for present wear. Late $ 1 98 models in all the new shades--values up to $6.50. One price to clear . 25¢, 39¢, 59¢, 89¢ to $2.50. Children's Hats by the hundreds at # . re \ NEW ARRIVALS Late styles in Spring Coats, Silk Suits, Silk Sweat er Coats. See our immense range of Serge Dresses, $4.95 to $18.00. For everything that is new and stylish in Ready-to-Wear, come here: Quality High--Price Low--a pleasure to show you. See Our MENDELS [5 132434 Princess St. Phone 532. T. J. O'Connor, Manager. aaa LL ERA See Our Windows. ------mfaKasaaaasaana The Children's Health Pure Milk is the best food known. Pasturised Milk in sealed bottles is both clean and pure. About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinetive as the ality of their contents. -KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LTD. Seventy-one. hotels in _ Montre 1 ! rsday of the retirement of Hon.! ¢lose their bars at eleven o'clock to- EI A RY L. O. Taillon as postmaster, and the night, not to reopen In accordance iament of J. 'G. H. Bergeron,| with the recent legislation for reduc C., ; successor, ! y Thu tion of licenses to 100,

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