The Daily -e a 1 0 | PAGES 1-8 8 PAGES Fitish ees tet ee : - semen ae KINGSTON ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1915 : ae = "LAST EDITION KINGSTON SAID FAREWELL <T0 THE OVERSEAS UNITS > YEAR 82 NO 106 BS ---------------------------- - A -------------- Sy Aa WINNER COULD BOSS U, 8S. ) cans "Awful Trimming." ' | ' Calumet, Mich., May 6.--"Which-! : | ever side wins in Europe will be in! a position to boss the world and dic- : tate to the United States," declared Colonel J. P. Petermann, of Calu- a ie : met, formerly commander of the French Drive Germans Back: RAIDS BY ALLIED AJRCRAFT. |34th Michigan Infantry during an At Steenstraate. rwtdress ere. ENEMY GIVING GROUND BEFORE THE FRENCH ON RIGHT AND CENTRE. Fighting In the North Is Very Des- perate-- Important Developments May Shortly Be Expected From Upper Alsace. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, May 6x (French official communifue )-- Fighting of the most desperate dharacter continues along the battleline in the northwest, both sides losing heavily. It is admitted that the Germans have been able to make substantial gain on the eastern side of Hill 60, south of Ypres, but the French War ° Office » says that the British were reinforced there and have a ready regained part Zeppelins Destroyed, Soldiers Killed and Trains Burned. Paris, May 6.--An official note was issued .Jast night giving details of aerial raids by the allied aircraft, the information being obtained from the aviators themselves and from prisoners. The note says: "On March 22 a bombardment of the railway station at Briey took place. . Damage was doné to Con- flans, Briey and Metz, where pro- vision depots were destroyed'and the railway line was cut. v : *"The station at-St- Quentin and a central depot of munitions was bom- barded. One hundred and fifty cars, many of them containing benzol, | were completely destroyed by fire, which lasted fourteen hours. Explo- | sions were heard throughout the night. Twenty-four soldiers were killed. "On April 28 a bombardment of Friedrichshafen hangars were dam- aged and a Zeppelin was destroyed. Bombs were also dropped at Leopold- shohe and Lorrach, and on thé sta- tion at Haltingen. - Two locomotives and two express trains were disabled "In its present condition of milt tary unpreparedness the United Sta tes would have to take a bad whip- ping if it became embroiled with any other large nation. It would take the United States three years of hard campaigning to whip a good, serviceable, dependable army in shape. "If the Allies whip Germany and Austria they will be in a position to 'boss' the world. This couniry {could not help but bow to them in some measure, because the nation is | not prepared to defend herself. Ii Germany wins, she will be in a position to play 'boss.' The best thing that we, ag Americans, can {hope for, therefore, is a draw { this big European scrap. "There will be more wars. © Jus" | because one man whip another is no sign that the whipped man will quit. He will immediately go into training to whip his rival. So wi' iit be in Europe. When all wars ard {all fighting come to an end Xhen will come the end of the world. Righ® now any of the large nations couid give us an awful trimming." THE "SCRAP OF PAPER MAN." . A recent picture of Von Bethmann Hallweg, the Ger- man Imperial Chaneellor, in military attire. A A A a. nesday Evening. 15,000 PEOPLE LINED | THE ROUTE OF MARCH TO RAIL- | WAY STATION, Mayor Sutherland and W. F. Nickle, M. P., Addressed the Units at The Armouries--Touching Scenes Were | Witnessed At the Junction. Fifteen thousand people said fare- | { well to the 21st Overseas Battalion and the Queen's Stationary Hospital Corps on Wednesday evening when those units left the city. Montreal street was lined from end to end as the battalion and hospital Corps pass- ed through to entrain. There were touching farewells, the bands played "Should Auld Acquaintance be For- got," "The Girl I Left Behind Me" Which Left the City on Wed- | i Ae tn and 3 J ips. Army bands. As the units entered the station gates a great cheer broke | from the crowds. _.. | Every car af.#fie two trains was | marked! with' the number and name of the 'company for which it was meant, and there was no confusion, | although the farewells from so many friends made the soldiers' progress through the mass rather difficult. Ev- | eryone was crowding to get near the line and say good-bye to friends. Needless to say, the nurses were giv- {en a great send-off. 'All were in a cheerful mood. An hour later a short whistle of the locomotive was the signal for the { start and the first train pulled slowly out of the yard, Notes About the Departure. As the 21st Battalion approached the gate of the Junction station, Lieut.-Col. Hughes espied Trooper L. W. Mulloy, the blind South African veteran, in a carriage, and he hur- riedly left the ranks to shake hands and say farewell. It was a touching little scene, WAR VERY UNPOPULAR. "Tipperary" and "Johnny Canuck's| The Kingston Veterans' Assocla- t ' ) eosin vo er the Boy," and then the trains rolled tion, headed by a large Union Jack, of the trenches they lost. and all traffic between Leopoldshehe State To Plant Trees. In Turkey--Only Five Per Cent Of} 8l0Wly out of the station yards amid | led the overseas units on the march poorhals have atiicked In force the and Haltingen Was Suspended. Watertown, N-Y., M# 6.--Water : People Want It. haanty cheers from the assembled | to the station. 3 " y y wk i : SON ' | power owners along Black River are onstantinople, via Bucharest, | ¢TOWds. J There are still in the various hos- Sitcnstrante; Jot Were given Sack LONG PRISON THRMS, PON wie et ron pnt May 5.--An observer in Constantin Reon Li Ion of he} in iol pitals of the city several soldiers con- from this point down to Hill 60 is | Leader of Gang Was Prominent | reforestation of old wood land near oplé cannot but be. struck by the ARV Misi od - . age L 2 nected with the 21st Battalion. They being bitterly contested and Ger- Brooklyn Sales Manager. _ i the head waters of the river within Valuable Interior Pasitions at widespread unpopularity of the war. nett on Wednesday afternoon. The battall th ay ded x may be unfit for further active ser- 1 reeks Severs - Against the Russions - allon w ands paraded tO Ar- vice. Three members, however, Who mans are reported to he strongly re- | 'New York, May ' 6---Philip T | he Next Tew weeks. Several thous against 1 ussions there 18 natur-| yy, "pn. y o 0's p.m. and formed | ghowed signs of marked Improvement inforeing their. Hues : ; ) : P. 1.!and small pine trees are to be set The Dar anelles ally a certain historical animus; to- : } 5 ine Aflly woods the French are | White, sales manager of the Masury > wafd the British there is most indif-| \Pi0 companies. The roll call was © FOO ne nen are -- y : in AYRE v taken from the military hos- { ' out on a plot several times as large v tab becioni EN Jas | were " again on the offensive. The latest Paint g an o Brooklsd, Tho | 4 any where the work has been car- | ference, but for the French there is a Ei ey fo rh So bia) yy Quest Street, Wednsudgy eh reborts to the War Office admit that | Srematically halted his trial last |, "0 "yorore. Warm: and sincere affection. The gu ghiy | pected Any - def Fl ona: And placed Ih a cab, Willd week, confessed that he had been 3 . Reatah. uf ag Greek io ; ughly inspected. ny: defects or, grove them to the railway station. the Germans scored a success there, leading a double life and was the Forty thousand Scotch pine trees ireex proportion of the population ; y ine | will be shi t by the State Con- . taking 'pall of the tient Jue of Joader SL hand of Highwaymen "he | i Spbed out by for the work. | * - (Jews and the Armenians express the: ing, managed to regain a portion of | gers and robbed them of nearly'$3.- This number is expected to be suf-lyw ONE ENGAGEMENT THEY | same sentiments more Cautiously, thorough inspection was made a few | and Pte. Leach, The latter, thinking the lost ground. The fighting con-| gpg, was sentenced to Sing Sing pris- | ficient for nearly fifty acres of land. | LEFT 1.500 DEAD. To these elements,, Greek, Armen- | days ago. that he was going tp be left behind Uhi% Sere. she [on for not less than seven and one- | re e---- lan, and Jewish, must be added the The men wore their overcoats and | cried until the officer in charge was The Germans have sucdeeded in | half years and not more than fifteen LORD BROOKE 10 HEAD Bombatdment of Smyrna Continues anti-Enver tection - of the Young Oliver equipment. This reoccupying the summit gf the spur years imprisonment, i £ Turks, led by the - hel t [held wat a Syuipment finally persuaded to allow him to go. James PF. Clin- ; ro-<Turkish * Masked 8, led b e ~ heir-apparent. | held waterproof sheet, blankets, can- east of sillaker-Wasen, but else- nin, his confegsed. chief accomplice, at Lohg Range-- sh where the French are declared to be With this movement are associated teen; and knap-sack. The knap-sack 'a Kéa wag given a similar sentence, and the ONTARIO BRIGADE Batteries Have Cost the Allies many Turkish business men and mi-| held a sweater coat, housewite, socks, Queens % Scutionry Hospital niaintaining their gains in the di-| three other accomplices, Robert S in Heavily. nor officials, who have been hard hit | underwear, shaving utensils, and ev-| Queen's University, lower campus rection of Fecht. | Roberts, Benjamin Moore and Thom! | FEp---- (Spedial to the Whig.) by the war. It is no exaggeration |erything that a man needs on active | ¥a8 well filled with interested ppec- All of the reports reaching Paris |. 1. Daily, who followed White's | Aft 4d Second Co ti R ache | Athens, 'May 6.--To-day's advices, to say that barely five per cent, of | service. |tators at 4.30 o'clock on Wednes- Indicate that the French generally |jead a day later and pleaded guilty, | er 0 ingent e S| from: Tenedos say that the Allied| the population of the Empire is en-| After the inspection the companies | 48¥ afterioun when a Telok Sas are taking the offensive on the right | were given terms of not less than twg | E Col Denison Un | fleet fs continuing its bombardment | thusiastic for the. war, while over 50 | Went to their own quartérs, where | held of t . meinhers o Bo -and centre, where Germans are | ngiand-- ud " {of the Straits, the fire being aga'u| per cent, are frankly hostile. | Supper was served. Stationary Hosp Corpé who slowly but surely giving ground. | sted by seaplanes. i : til Then. ; rhe "Attics _ declared to occupy going overseas. : It is rumored that important de- War Tidings. The Mayor Speaks. | The members of the dorps were velopments may shortly be expected 4 | Montreal, May 6.--Col. Lord ! interior peninsula positions of great GERMAN WEAKNESS, + | Brooke, Chief AD.C. to 8ir John |strategic value. The Turks are con ro - . ; , put through their drill and they from Upper Alsace Ee Wousand en he work. | wh addressing the 21st Battalion | made a fine showing. - The nurse: ] 3 IB { Ing on the construetion of two lines' Wednesday after on, Mayor Suther- | i uniform e -- 4 | French, is to: take command of the |stantly returning to the attack and | of fortifications around Czernowits. | land said in pat : E | who Aherel auiary n _r * London, Mity 6.--The British # | Ontario Infantry Brigade with he [are being beaten back with ais | There are said to be.16,000 Austrians "The time has now arrived which | the complimentary remarks heard e 0. Official Eyewitness says: d Canadian expeditionary foreeyyioss. nove voat-CamPl within 'the Walls of the BukowinalWerknow you have all been looking an ARR Aa i "Another sign of weakness is ¢ | 80 Major-General Sam Hughes, -Min- | Krithaonly they left 1,500 dead in Presides Over i changes that were hecessary were or- | Here they were laced aboard the are openly for the Allies, while the dered, but very little of this was| hospital AY These soldiers Were necessary as a very complete and | Col.-Sergt. Holmes, Sergt." Mantel! | about them. eT | capital. forward to with the greatest eager- | After the review a group photo lates of Milita, angouiced ot fhe tenon of the Sh itish Position. aos Additional lists of the killed and | ness--the time when you leave the | graph was taken of the corps by GO |# of fighting, such as spreading + { Windsor Hotel, Mon hon. ie op. heir maske 4 a pies Ave kish | Wounded among the Australasians, | old Limestone City to go to the front | §. Marrisun. : | # poisonous gas. It is a confes- + General Hughes stated i at iy ap. | the Allies. heavi $y the of ait | in the fighting on the Gallipoli Pen- | to meet the enemy of our empire. | Afterwards the corps was enter : | # son by the Germans that they &|P° nimel) as ie pute rol @ | gunners have 4 ya a 88 "| insula show a high percentage of cas- 'I not only express my own feel- | tained at tea in the Red Room ait apan tnet | # have lost thelr former great su- | commun eat ous W th word chenér | of ihe pusitions held x hem, Ls at | ualties among the officers, and indi- ! ings but those of the citizens of ev- | the University by some of the wives py | % periority in artillery, and are at #20 Fo 8 ip JPGRCH, t e bomba o 4 | cate that the Australasian troops are | TY class when I state that Kingston | of the city doctors. | # any cost seeking another tech. 4 _ It 18 understood that Col. Septimus | long range continues. Prisdners | eri 1 | has indeed been greatly honored In | Tokio, May 6.--The deliberations | + ni ¥ dvant ng thei = & | Denison, temporarily in command of | confirm the rumer that the fire from TD ore oc : . | having the 21st Regiment receive its | among the Japanege officials con- | pl tals a Rag Sve: clr en. % | the Ontario Infantry Brigade, will go {ships Las annihilated an entice | wr e London Daily Chronicle says: | training in our midst. By your geatle- cerning the situation between Japan my as a sy te. | with the brigade to England and [Turkish regiment. e understand the question of the manly and solderly conduct you have and China continue, The Emperor | 3 | there hand over the command to" EE advisability of retaliating on the | deared NYO to us all and it will preside to-day at a cabinet coun- | #*#FEEIEEE440440444440088 | | 14 Brooke, who Will be in charge | $444b640tes+60044440e4 Germans: for the use of poisonous | ; cil. No official announcement is | Ry | during the training, as well as when | # fortheoming concerning the situa- PIT 5 BN ERR? | the brigade goes to the front. Col. |% CANADIAN CRUCIFIED ? tion. H OFTHE NEW 3 | Denilon Is not in good health. | : sg A big fleet of warships is takin y | Col. Leopold Guy Francis Ma/nira | 4 Londen, May 6.--The Morn- on supplies at Sasebo, ® | Condensed Items By Telegraph and | Greville, Lord Brooke, M. V. O., the | 4 Post says that a Lieut.-Colonél, The Japanese in the province of | From Exchanges, | eldest son of the Earl of Warwick, | x writing 'under date of April Shantung are concentrating at Tsing- The Renfréew Red Cross Society is | has devoted his life to military work. 1g 20th, says: tao. Those in Manchuria are prepar- | arranging to contribute a motor am | He served several months in 1914 as | 4 .~ Fhe Canadians have done ing to take refuge in the railway [bulance for use in France. {Camp Commandant at Petawawa, ig gplendidly. They are, howev- zone, A Toronto man named Ott wanted | Where many thousands of Canadians |g or mad with rage becanseé The Kokuminu says it learns from | on a theft charge was captured af-| !roOps passed through his hands. He | 4 they say they found one of their an authoritative source that the Un- | tor a chase to South America. |1s of the British Yeomanry. # men crucified. This is not mere ited States is endeavoring to medi- | | % camp gossip, but a general The Toronto City Council fxg |the tax rate for 1915 at 22 mills, | plus one mill for war taxes. He Indecs oo 2 hand | Mrs. Glen Sherman, died fhe gs i ras | )¢ most gratifying to | residence of her father, fusee bun Wis sotsidered a your commanding and other officers Yates, near Washburn's Corners, bh According to the London Times'! to know that they have the honor of | May ard. 1 Petrograd correspondent, Major E.[ onmanding such a five body of: Repolo, the Italian military attache | ; : i é to De Italian Embassy, oe gone to Me Queen's Swiionary Hospital | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG the Russian field headquarters as| "Yours is a eran! mission from | Is on Sale at the Following City Haly's oficial representative. | that of the 2bst Regiment. It is an | Stores: 5 feneva despatch safs: The Tri-| orrany of mercy, and I must con | Bueknell's News Depot +. : bune de Geneve publishes statistics | gratylate you on the personnel of | Clarke J W. & Co. ....358 to the effect that a total of 82.000! your staff, both mrilitary and civil: | Gollegs Book Stor officers and men of the Austro-Hun-|also on the personnel of your unit | Goulter's Grocery | Cullen's Grocery, Cor, garian army have surrendered to the | and the personnel of the Nursing Sis- | Russians and to the Serbians since . { Frontenac Hotel ... THR b * SOILD, + vouches for the fact." | ters who accompany 'you. Gibson's Drug Store that this is one reason why the cabi- | by phe flying of flags, and no speci- TURRET CHIE S04 [op 0 ¥ the beginning of hostilities, without| "That our sons a wounded or | Lowe's Qrocery aioe 93 Pri net deliberations have been LPT | al dinners, reviews or other celebra- | wr ra PEELS E040 2044044943404 804 | firing a single shot. The newspaper | ill will receive that loving care and | McAuley's Book Store + n tracted | Will be Repaired and go to Ocean 3 s Cigar Store, Cor Sin. acted. | tions. | Tra | declares that all of these men were attention which is their due, is as- J «81 Unio oy There is less prospects now of a| Ts | AN $8,000,000 Boot Order. June election, but the question {s,| Detroit, May 6.--A deal has been & : tae { ! ocery, ves en, Bt. Ww, ; Scientists Rewarded fully equipped. | sured, and we know that in 'your | Medler's, Drug Btore, ned niversity Berlin, Ont, May 6.--W. G. Wei- | will there be one in September. +» | closed whereby Adam Mackay, Ham- chel, M.P., held a conference with : A large _ y\of British women |own field a large measure of credit | st 1.312 Frinsass i Paris, May 6.--The French Insui- were on Wednesdhy brought out of | and honor will fall upon the Domin- | Valleau's ery 208 Mon 1 Pte. George Malone severely | 1lton, and associates, purchased from | tute has: announced that the Osiris shoe manufacturers from Brampton, Georgetown, Tillsonburg, Hamilton, : | Belgium, where they had been de-| lon and city whom you represent and ! wounded in the battle near Ypres, is | the Lake Hull Underwriters, the Can- | prize, which amounts" to 183,000 tained since the beginning of hostili- | the college which sends you forth. | a son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ma- | adian steamer Turret Chief; wrecked francs, ($36,000), 8s been award | ties. The A authorities in| "The personnel from your ecom- | . Berlin, Galt, and other points in On- | lone in Almonte, { in the storm of November 9, 1913, on | ed chiefly for disfoveries in med:- Belgium arranged fbr their depart-| manding officer down is ome Which | go See 1op of page 3, right band corner, tari" here yesterday to consider a| Six Ontario liquor licenses were lake Supérior. The Turret Chief, | eines. Doctors fChatemases and ure and accompanied them to the BY country or city may well be | & Prove wi proposed order for two million piirs | cancelled by the Provincial Secretary | Which is now on the bottom at Port | Videl,~ discoveries. of anti-typhoid | frontier, where the were handed | Proud of, and I can assure you the old { DIED. of boots, at au estimated cost of $8,- | and the new License Board members | Arthur, where she was placed after | vaccine, will divide 50,000 frames ' . | s---- 3 His Majesty requests that . his | m-- ate between Japan and China and | birthday be observed this year only | FEEL PLEIE ELS DAILY MEMORANDUM. : Limestone City is more th 000,000 which the British govern- | were sworn in. being rescued, will be repaired, after | ($10,000), while an equil amount Syo g 2 Semper of the British le-| of its Fos] in an proud ment will require during the next Sergt.-Major Freemantle of the Which she will join the "back-to-the: | will go to Dr. Vincent, whose re- | £2 staif. tingent and those who hive gone be- | i 3 three months, .8hoes will have fo be | 10th Royal Grenadiers, Toronto, | ¢0ast" movement so prevalent among ' searches resulted in the finding of fore." . : | Dupuy, manager Bank of Montreal, manufactured at the rate of ten thou- | and a veteran of '85 and South Af- | canal-size steamers of the lakes. The | other vaccina. ; W. F. Nickle, M.P., spoke a few | Dk ise, Dy EE Orne sand pairs per day for a period of | rica, wounded at Langemarck. underwriters paid as a total loss on words, referring to the appreciation | formerly of Kingston, Ont. seven months and will keep a large | Surgeon Ben Jones jeaves for | the steamer about $110,000, and by the citzens of having the battalion | MORAN--At Hotel Dieu H number of shoe facigries employed. | France shortly in charge of gifts of have had h@F on the market ever - tobacco amd - cigarettes, S.. ines, Repairs Hectostry will ren Oanada : | i Queen ~| thousands of dollars. r. Mackay at. Ypres; Punch Cartoon. Drtsanted By. Wo 10. the has chartered her for the first trip London, May 6.--The main car- DUPUY--Killéd in action in France. Private Harry Leonce Dupuy, th Battalion, Canadians, son x Main Attacks tal, in here all winter. It was with regret | Kingston, on May- §th, 1915, men that the notice to leave for overseas bo . ¢ for a ca togm-in yesterday's Punch by Bern- At Sayreville, N.J., August Heck, ard "Partridge 18 simply entitled '"Canada-Ypres," and depicts a Can- adian soldier, wounded, grasping the Dominion colors and the Union Jaek amid the wreckage of the battlefield. aged sixty-nine father of five mar- ried children and a grandfather, married Miss Annie Curek, aged nineteen. x L t-Hon. W. H. Hearst, the Provincial Premier, is confined to his home with a serious attack of thréateiied pheu- monia. His friénds regard his con- dition with some anxiety. \ At Lincoln, Neb. mayoralty ra- -{ Chief was built in England in 1396, of grain from the head of the lakes to Great Britain. The vessel will then ply exclusively in trans-Atlantic trafic. The Turret She Is 268 feet long and 44 feet beam. Prior to coming to the lakes she was operated on the ocean. (Special to the Whig.) Paris, May 6.---~While .the Ger- 'mans to-day continue their main at. tacks on_the British positions in a. effort to také Ypres, the French and Belgian forces are violently attack- ing their right wing and have made gains betwen Pyegaale and Het Sas. oran. Funeral from th am. , d yet it was a pleasure Pittsburg, on faturday | at 8.30 to the believed the re- mark that there wgte two Canadians -at all times ready fo fill the vacancy that a German bullet might make in the Allies' line. The 21st Battalion had very efficient officers and men, and the combination had worked such wonders that at present the 21st is one of the best If not the best bat- Holy Name, 'Cushendall, where a " Solemn requiem mass will be 5 » the happy re] of his Friends a Soqua Intances wre 0 attend. 3 invited t ROBERT J. REID z General Rundle . : Will Command ther of the United States Secreta tA Bei ad py Hse gla A British Arm Students of the Galt Collegiate In- | ¢ If this can be continued they w. P talion to leave the Canadian shores. JAMES Jl. O. H. ROGERS. on the British an it whl thanked the Mayor and Mr. Nickie | S54 and 256 PRINCESS - f talion here all winter, he for one a; about Steenstraate. The new el. 1 Pr © {the sum of $100 for the equipment | A { Just a & pressed | | cy Along the line in France, fn the | (ont SYeryUAng pomivle for their |, aime: sad mategnar, at zette to-day announces the appoint- Base Hospital. The money was oh exchanges were : pny. itios | Pleasant events of their Hy a ! es. in<Chjef at Malta, to the command of ack on failed: : oa front are under Gen. Sir Douglas | cially anuou The. departure of the units was "enabled to his wife in Tor, aid 'matrially in lifting the pressure In reply, Lieut -Col. W. 8, Hughes The Old Firm of for their kind words, and said thar if "Phone 147 for Ambulance force. the Germans to retire fron the bridge heads they are holding Kingston appreciated having the bat- = 4 4 Ha ; Yo Toronto : preciated the people's treatment of An ; (Special to the. Whig.) Ihe sum of $100 for pone 1 thie in EE ry the. men. Every one in Kingston has : bh ues Ie 3 London, May 6--The Official Ga- | Of beds in the ay ot Turodts < e region and between the i layras Sure, that the o ment of General Sir Henry Leslie | T2100 % Hete of a concert and the SUE ANS. Maselle, : stay in Kingston as one of the mast + Rundle, Governor and Commander- ons of Great Britain's six new armies. at o o han failed. ,. An Impressive Departure, Two of the arfiles already at the , TORPEDOED AND SUNK. i Halg and Gen. Smita Dorrien, While | ment has Thies Vessels Aro Reported as Vie.| one Of the most impressive events - ; 8 Ki . ps Aes ingstonians have ever had an op- another is in the Snerations against tions at present. the Dardanelles under . Bir Ian : -------- Hamilton, "Of those armies. not in Incessant land fighting p action, LieutiGen. Sir Archibald |in the Dardanelles, the whole Hunter commands the first "Kitch- | poli peninsula is in fames. ener Army" and Gens. Rundle and | Botha makes protest that Bruce Hamilton the remaining twe. Gen, Sir Arthur Paget has been apy tish pointed commander of the Salisbury training centre. : *e § r portunity of witnessing. pe | ae {Special io ihe Whis.) 1. The nursh g proving Th their natty Ronuk Fioor _ Polish, i pen| . anny - con) | Military unio with cip badges, | Veneer, Cobra Furniture Steamer Vanadis, from Blyth, insignia of r lieutenant's rank | Braseo, Silve, Lux, Wool 'Sa laden, was torpedoed and sunk in the | their shoulders, and everything Bon Dustiess Baltic by auxiliary eruis- complete, boarded their Pullmans at the city Grand Trunk station at 7 LY amid the cheers of hundreds. officers and men of the. hos : Germans V ro oe a the: 3 ' tens nn of and coal from. ' . i A a Me : g Stratton to the outer station with the : Ghent BEATS Bava: rb smbah, of. the Russian Hont | PII0EIE0400404 0400009888 | lar OF the tharine, PIPL : ee g e Johs : 21st Battalion to music furnished by sve SRR ; : % . v 5 :