Double Track Rout The Infernational Limited -- No . Daily WESTBOUND Kingston . Toronto . Hamilton . a . Detroit . Chicago . The International Limited -- No. 14 Daily EASTBOUND Ww. Kingston Ottawa ,. . Montreal New-York . Portland . Ar. fprinkleld Ar oaton 8m EXCU NS. Trip tickets to points tn West. da via Chicago or Port Arthur, ach Tuesday until October 28th, at low. fares. Rour ern Ua on sale inclusive Return limi{ two months. 1 For full particulars apply J. P. IIAN LEY, Rallroad and) Steamship Agen! cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. TI PAacCiFic FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m daily. Attractive Tours to PACIFIC COAST POINTS. Particulars from F. CONWAY, CPA, City Ticket Ofice, corner | | Princess and Weilington Streets. | | Phone 1197. { | i rr -------- -- CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS Liverpool Montreal) ay-2... ... Metagama dune Particulars from F. CONWAY, C. P.A, City Ticket Office, corner Prin. bit and Wellington Streets. Phone Restful Isles of Summer Loveliness 8. 8. "Bermudian", 1 most luxurious steamer, landing sengers without transfer. . Salls from New York ewery Wednesday, 11 a.m. 2 WEST INDIES, Delightful 35-day erulies to the Antilles. For tickets apply to CANADA STEAMSHIPS LINES LIMITED, MONTREAL, LASER Lassssssssasnassssansssas Time and Experience Wore a Multitude Of Changes What was best a few years ago may to-day be practically worthless. New ideas are cons stantly displacing old and be- fogged ones, This is an age of progressiveness. We want you 10 know that--- Who infuse into our work the latest, most practical thoughts of trained bands and minds. "Phone 335. Residence phone °76. David Hall. 66 Brock Street. IRON BEDS ......$2.50, $5.50 wp BRASS BEDS = $10.50, $13.50, $18 SPRINGS ........$2.50 $3.30, ete. Dinim, $10.50, $12.50, $18.00. . i /GILLETT'S LYE | CLEANS ano DISINFECTS| THIS LYE IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. THEREFORE TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM THE IMPURE AND HIGHLY ADULT- ERATED LYES NOW SOLD. Shot Weather ! Cameras of all kindy we have, from F150 to $100.00 Square Hox or Small Folders, atl perfect machines. We reat and exchange Comeras and take your old one at a good valuation you ha ] ® one to sell let uy have t. We also repair Finisbing--This department fn rushed to full capacity--it iy ne- feanary fo enlarge It to mee modate our many customers. Quick, satisfactory service at lowest prices. Films of all makes we shpply. {party at large. | Rogers, ibut a plain everyday politician - who THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1015, ae poet rd rs SOME OTTAWA GLIMPSES | | ) Special Correspondence by H. F. Gadsby. 5 Otiawa, May general election been abandoned 6 --The idea of a this year. has not The date has prob- ably been shifted from-June to Sep-+ tember. The Government believes, past experiences being, considered, that Sptember is its lucky month. ~ Outside the hunch that the month they came in on is the month they ought to try it again, the party hds several other good reasons for favor- ing September. By that time the war will be over or the end of it will | be in sight and hearts will be caught on the rebound. The sense of relief will be so great that Canada will re- turn the Corfgervative Government t power in spite of its shortcomings | This theory, which leans heavily o the reflex action of public opinion, is being loudly proclaimed by pyschologists in the Cabinet and the The Honorable Bob who is not a psychologist wants an election when he wants it and not three months Says that this is all piffie. He hasn't much use for an outfit of psycholo- gists who can't recognize the psycho- logical moment when they see it. All sorts of arguments have been {employed to persuade the Minister of Public Works that September is the month of destiny but to all such ar- | guments he hag substantially replied, At Best's The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays. ~ KEELEY Jr. M.0..0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 228 Princess Street. 8 doors above the Opera House. Raincoat | between Edmonton and the Pacific coast another train will be put on! after June, giving a tri-weekly ser- wud Bargains 20% DISCOUNT English oa Paramatta BIR, "Why did you make me Minister of Public Works if you didn't trust me to know when to work the public?" { Which is a riddle that takes a lot of reading. The Minister of Public Works, so the Honorable Bob argues, | is. generally put there to keep his ear to the ground, to know when it's time to back up and when it's time to get out and holler. He may { be short on psychology but he is long on human nature. He can always tell when the boys are hungry and when it's hard to hold them longer By virtue of his position as the clearing house of party politics, the | Minister of Public Works faces the facts and faces them first. When Sir the | afterwards, | n line any | The Psychology of Elections 3 | {the Honorable Bob to listen to the tales of woe from Manitoba. The! feet of him who briugeth bad tidings fromthe Roblin-Government with its wobbling majority of three™oF four have worn holes in the carpet in Bob { Roger's inner office and it's Bob { Rogers that knows it. His collea: gues don't seem to. realize how im- portant jt is that the election be broughf on while the Manitoba elec- { tion machinery is in friendly hands. Common sense, as you will ob-! serve, is with the Honorable Bob in | desiring an election before the Bor! {den government gets ome black eye {in Manitoba and another in British { Columbia. Common sense, we re- { peat, ic with Bob but the extraordin- lary circumstances are against him. The extraordinary circumstances are the war and the Governor-General, who is abeve parties and represents honor, decency and a number of! | things like that. It is unconceivablé | that Hig Royal Highness, who is more concerned 'with the dignity of | the British Empire and the fair name {of Canada than he is with the tacti- cal advantage of either party should |sign the warrant for a general elec- {tion before the lisis for the unorgan- 1 ized territories are ready. The Duke does not lend himself to thimble-rig- ging games i In various ways, the Honorable! Bob has tried-to rush his colleagues off their feet. If they listen to the protests of decent people all over Canada against an election in war time, also to the still small voice of conscience, they will temporize. They have not promised anything but they i have not made any bad breaks. They | have not set a date but they have | formed a hope. That hope may spell | September. { It becomes more apparent daily { that the plan to take the votes of the soldiers at the front is neither prac- | ticable nor dignified. Brushing aside | the possible objections of the British government and General Joffre to distractions which might slacken dis- cipline and interfere with the sue- Southwesterly winds; fine and warmer to-day and Priday b. Ste + NO STORE CAN HAVE HIGHER IDEALS OF QUALITY--NO STORE CAN COMBINE THEM SO DESIRABLY WITH MODERATE : PRICES -- THAN THE STEACY STORE. A Grand Clearance Sale of Women's and Misses To-morrow & Saturday > Bargains in the best sense of the word--highest' quality merchandise for less money than you can get it anywhere else. 10 Suits Priced from $13.50 to $18.00 {ernment, he saw Bob Rogers first. | thing abeut. | Then the two Bobs got together, thus | tineers, as Jaid down in the Act, is to {explains why British | {hung up by the seat of the pants un- traordinary risks of capture and de-| || to take it oi Richard MeBride visited Ottawa not { cess of the war, it is absurd to think long ago, he hied him straight as a (that the soldiers would interrupt {homing pigeon to Bob Rogers' of- | their headlong charges on the Ger- fice. Although he had business with | mans to drop a ballot for candidates the other Bob who heads the Gov-|not named, on issues they know no- The duty of the scru- making a pair of Bobs,--and they | get the ballots of the soldiers. It is| told Sir Richard that it was going |not stated anywheré that they are! to be hard sledding and that he had | to bring away German bullets, which better put off his election for another | is liable to happen if they get near year because British Columbia; as it | enough to the firing line to hold al stood, could not do better for the | competent election. Besides, there is Conservatives and would inevitably | always the danger of a shell putting do worse if it started something. This | the ballot" boxes out of business. Columbia is | Moreover, the ballot boxes run ex-| til the Ottawa Government is ready | tention on their way back to Can- | the hook. ada, such risks being hot Bogessarily | done without the intention to kill, Similarly, ¥. has been the fate oi [from the Germans.--H. F. Convicted Of Murder. { Calgary, Alta, May 6.--Richard| Lyons, alias Payne, former Manitoba | militiaman, was this afternoon found.| guilty of the murder of Roy Blair at | Calgary, brakesman, whom he shot! when discovered beating his way on! a freight a year ago. Lyons was sentenced to bé hanged at Leth-| bridge jail on July 20. The jury added a rider recommending mercy on the ground that the shooting was Steep, Gets Five Years. 'Montreal, May 6.--Adolphe Des-! roches, whog while a membe? of the! Montreal po{ice force, a few months ago was-implicated in a robbery and | was dismisseyl from the force in con- | sequence, was sentenced to St. Vin-| cent de Paul Penitentigry for five years for assaulting and robbing a Was attributed by the State Depar'-| {ment as the cause for closing the] BANK AT CAPE VINCENT Syracuse Man to Look After Bank! Closed By State. Watertown, N.Y., May 6.--H. J. Young, Syracuse, state bank examin- er, is now in charge of the Bank of Cape Vincent, which was closed | on Wednesday by the state superin-! 'tendent of insurance. The condition of the cash account | bank. | The bank was organized in 1885. It was capitalized at $25,000 and] the surplus profits, according te loe- al bankers' statistics, are $16,000 | J. W. Corncaire, Cape Vincent, was president of the bank. Sidney W.| Block, who had been cashier for a| number of years and held the con- To-Morrow $6.95 30 Exclusive New York Suits Priced from $32.50 to $45.00. To-Morrow $19.50 | No reserve, everything must go--remember this is a real clearance of ' 2 9 the season's best styles--not a eollection of oddments bought for the ocea- sion! b ALL SALES FOR CASH -- NO APPROBATION. --- Special Prices Coats :" 7 -Jmost marked symptoms. |All This Wee E. P. JENKINS, i | trolling interest ig the bank, died a {at his home in that village on Sun- G. T. R. Traflic Increasing. | day. Edmonton, Alberta, May 6.--To handle increasing passenger traffic woman recently. Plans Not Satisfactory. 4 Brockville, May 6.--Dr. MoCul- lough, chief officer of the Provincial | Board of Health, has written the | council stating that the new intake -------- pipe proposed to be laid by the Board Belleville's Assessment. ad Water Commissioners will be of Belleville, May 6.--A statement is- | a meting Mpg sued by City Assessor Kerr shows the | the provincial board "will not ap- | total assessment from .the city to be prove of the proposal unless a filtra- | $7,122,390.50, an increase of $323. 3:2 913. The population of the city is 12,620, being an increase of 752 over last year. vi R between Edmonton and Prince rt, via Grand Trunk Pacific, | same time, and measures taken to | { divert thé sewage from above the | | pumping station. Blood Thin and Weak 'Here is Another Case in Which Proved Its Great Thin blood and exhausted nerves usually . go 'together. A considerable portion of the blood is constantly.) consumed in keeping up the vitality of the nervous systen, Qnce the 'blood is deficient, eithe 1 quantity or quality, the nerves suffer and pains result. Headache, neu- raigic or sciatic pains :re the indi- cations in some cases, while in others weakness, nervousness, t- ab'lity and sleeplessness are e Influence, Poul medicine." ; 'Dr. Chase's Nerve Food goes get to the formation o ood, and for this .réas : most certain means of increasing the quality as well as the quantity of, iblood in the human system. The, fgeble, wasted nerves are restored, and throu hb the nervous system new Tigo and energy i8 imparted ery organ and member of the body. | Mrs. R. F. Catlin, Elm Spr Sask., writes: "For years rr troubled with . nervousness, and|And could not sleep nights. Also had of color as a result of thei! i being thin: and weak. husband saw Dr. Chase's Nerve { gh and 4 thé" Nerve Food po from 'CLOTHING CO. { Friday and Saturday | STEWING VEAL | tion plant is proceeded with at the |- BEEF 4", Too Nervous to Sleep sure to recommend 'so excellept a: in vented those in jon A -------- + A-------- x =] This Week ON CANADIAN BEAUTY IRON TOASTERS, AND HEATING APP X ES. Call and see our window display. H. W. Newman Electric Co. § Phone 441 8c. 20c a Lb THERE IS A DISTINOTIVE QUALITY 4 APPEARANCE About SUN-KIST packages--just as distinctive as the ity of their contents. : UN-KIST Seeded and Seedless Raisins. G20. ROBERTSON & SON, LD, 3 i N ' 3 § Milk in sealed bottles a ho pu;