___PAGE TWu lw. Reliable Storage FOR YOUR FURS Our receipt protects you against loss. Telephone 489. Our wagon will call. John McKay LIMITED, 149.157 Brock St. INSURANCE § Real Estate Investments J. 0. HUTTON 18 Market St, i fis pry i Wi DAH e------------ ---- M. CUNNINGHAM A VISITOR IN THE CITY. He Has Visited Thirty-Two Coun- tries and Has Been Over the War Zoneé--Came to Canada From New Zealand. W. M. Cunningham, who is stop- ping in the city, has had a very wide experience all over the world and has visited thirty-two countries. Koster Fraser, who scme time ago visited Canada and wrote a book on his impressions visited only a few more, ! Some eight years ago, Mr. Cun- ningham and his uncle, also of New Zealand, wade an extensive tour through Europe and Asia, travelling ing all over the countries now at war In passing through the Dar- danelles, Mr. Cunningham said that he remembered these famous Straits as being only about eight miles long, with forts on each side and the country to be very rocky in places. The forts were to him only concrete beds on the sides of the hills. Via Paris, london, Ireland he went to Iceland and returging trav- |eled from Brussels to Vladivostock. The country in Belgium is dow and flat, avd he said it was similar though more densely populated than from Peterbere to Belleville. Rerlin was a wonderful city and differed greatly from Moscow. The trip through Siberia took thirteen days and fourteen nights. Mr. Cun- ningham told the Whig representa- tive 'that under good government! Siberia would be another Canada. There are tremendous possibilities there with untold mineral wealth, , Royal eon A IRR THE DAILY BRITISH IN MEATARY CIRCLES. Mrs. Kate Douglas Acting Matron of Queen's Stationary Hospital Capt. R, J. Gardiner has received a letter from Lisut.-€ol. F. Ethering- ton, which states that Mrs. Kate Douglas, Peterboro, has been ap- pointed acting matron of No. 5 Stz tionary Hospital (Queen's). About forty of the gentlemen ca- dets at the Royal Military College, who_will try for commissions in the Field Artillery, will take a three weeks' course using Bat- tery R.C.H A. as an instructional bat- tery. The course will commence about July 1st, \ \ ---- A vs Lieut.-Col. G. E. Burns, Corps of Guides, Ottawa, Lieut, A. B. Colville, Cobourg, Hon Lieut. G. A. P. Dillon, 55th Regiment, Montreal, were in the ¢ity on Saturday FHI PP EEE LLB E BEEBE * BLESSED MOTHER. ~All days in home life are mo- ther's days. How many steps she . takes, how many stitches sets in garments for the wee ones, in frills and furbelows for the daughter growing up and renovating, making over the hand-me-downs, that go far im the good management of the in- come, Everywhere in the big cities men and women, who, in the background of their minds, al- ways have a picture of the mo- ther at home, are splendidly forging ahead. They came irom the country equipped for life and service, because she - Letters to theo Rogers and Bland. Kingston, May 7.-- (To the Edi- tor) :--In Thursday's tissue a des- patch states that Hon. "Bob" Rogers called Rev. Dr. Salem Bland a hy - pocrite. In the first place in my op- inion the honorable "Bob" nas no right to call anyone a hypocrite, on the principle that people in glass houses should never throw stones. Ia the old Jolinston street school Dr. Bland and the writer were school mates @&nd I have followed his wen derful career with interest. From personal experience there is not a more honest or earnest man living than Dr. Bland. The late William Tandy who was at one time editor of the Whig stat- ed that Rev. Salem Bland was of a type which any young man would do well to follow.--W. J. CLARKE. ito ENTBRTAINED BATTERYMEN, | Enjoyable Event Held at St. George's Hall. A most enjoyable gathering was held in St. George's hall on Friday night, when the members of "C", R. C.HA., and the 26th Overseas Bat- tery were tendered a reception. The | larger part of the programme was provided by the batterymen. A W. | Wheatley gave a short talk to the men, and. also provided, some fine gramophone selections, The ladies served refreshments. Dean Starr presided. It is the intention to hold | events of this kind once a month, WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY i es -- wg 8, 1915. r------------ |atest Popul PATRIOTIC NUMBERS, 15c per Cony. Johnnie Canuck's the Doy: Knitting Men: Tipg Ate We and Coury; Song National; 1 in the Tuenches ; {OO Canada. 25¢ Per Copy. Trooper Mulloy March; Your -Ring try Want You; Private Tommy Atkins, Daddy's === Ee Downhearted ; "ight With and Coun- ar § Patriotic Music Little Spark House Upon the Down in Ihxicla Want to Go to and Doris; Croc Valse June; \ Socks for The largest stock of late Popular POPULAR MUSIC, 2 for 25c. of Love Still Hill; Safety nd: Chinatown, Tokio: On the my Melody ; Burning: Little First; Night Tum My Chinatown; | Wee Deoch Birds; 5.15; Twitt Valse Elaine; When. Angels Weep, Production Operatic and Teaching Music in Eastern Ontario The College Book Store Princess Street Phone 919 , WOOL PRICES DROP. Owing to Embargo Ordered by Can- adian Government, Kingston ro the prices of ot land it is decidedly mot the bleak, | barren country as generally thought. { Mr. Cunningham came to Canada | from New Zealand last year, leaving the day of the declaration of war. | His ship the Marama, in coming to | Canada 'travelled through count. { never 'before touched by a liner. He lis a very interesting conversationai- sent them forth, brave, homest and daring. : Children do not fully, under. stand their mothers until child- hood is over. In the formative period they simply accept Mo- ther as the central figure in the home, and under her brood- ing care develop their individ- "SALE }_Rioss | We are certainly Headquar- ters for Cameo Rings. JERSEY MILK wool will drop f cents a pound owing to the embarpp placed on that article by the Canadian Government. | At present the prices paid are 22 to! EE Tc Per Quart Delivered anywhere. Phone for a trial quart and test the best quality of milk sold in the city. Kingston Dairy Co. 306 University Ave. || Phone 649. ist, and has countless incidents that happened on his varied trips. He is a thorough Britishér, marfed, "it takes travelling to re- {alige what a wonderful thing it is| to be able to say that Britain rules the waves." BASEBALL RESULTS. International League. Providence, 4; Toronto, 2. Montreal, 10; Jersey City, 5. Buffalo, 8; Richmond, 3. ' National League. Boston, 11; New York, 7. afd re-| uality apd become what she means them to be, ERE EE TT a PEEL PPI FRPP PFE F ERP F TRIPLES BRO E Raa ad at agli IT LTR ENTE Irey "CLEAN-UP" CAMPAIGN, | Arrangements Made For Disposal of | Refuse and Ashes. | In connection with the "clean-up" | | Week, May 10th to 15th inclusive, { Mayor Sutherland has issued a no- | tice drawing the attention of the | carters to the fact that there is but one city dump, situated at the east |end of Bagot street, and that per- | sons depositing ashes or refuse on! | States; {type of wool at all, | Parents | 23 cents a pound for unwashed and 30 to 32 cents for washed... The only | outlet for coarse wool in fhe United Canada does not jtake that MUST ATTEND SCHOOL. Arraigned in the Police Court Saturday. Truancy will not be. tolerated. | Parents who allow their children to | play at the game will have to give | an account at the Police Court. Two | cases came before Magistrate Farrell Saturday morning. One youngster was given a taste of the cat-o'.nine | == a EE Specials Tonight Ladies' Embroidered White White White White Brown and Green and Black and Pink aad Heads and full figure designs wt popular prices. » EE Smith Bros., JEWELLER AND Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Opticlans. Pittsburg, 6; St. Louis, 4. Cincinnati, 9; Chicago, 2. tails well applied, and the other was given a chande to make good on his | promise to keep at his studies, Steambarge Jeska Here. The steambarge Jeska, that ran on a shoal in the Bay of Quinte the latter end of last week and sank, | Federal League. | the by fav governing the proper dis- | a ant 10. Jetnprion on Friday Brooklyn, 4; Kaneas Lity, 1. {Ray of license numbers is observed. | ; Pittsburg, 10; ering 9. {Garbage or animal matter of any &Walting to go into Davis 8ry 'oek | Newark, 5; Chicago, 4 kind must not be deposited at the '0 undergo repairs. n Monday af. "hy ini city dump -ternoon, May 3rd; the boat was rais- ? / {ed by the Donnelly Wrecking and | Monday At The Grand. | " { A programme that promises to Her First Trip, | Sivas Company aud towed a BRUSSELS NET please the patrons of the Grand Op-| The Missisquoi, from Rockport and | charged. Several planks and three | ~ era House has been secured for th« | Gananoque, reached the city on Sat- | frames were staved in. Outside df | first three days of next week. It|urday on her first trip of the season this it is expected that the steam- DUCHESS POINT { will include the famous players pic- | She carried a large complement of | barge will come off very light in the | ture of John Emerson, the popular | passengers, and the owners an- | extent of damage done to its hull, | character actor, in a four-part film|nounce that there is every indica- - IRISH POINT adaptation of Martha Mortan's cele-| tion of a 'busy and prosperous sea- | The Phosphate Trade, brated play, "The Bachelor's Ro-|son. During the winter the popular! The phosphate trade is coming up | T5 white, Ivory, ecru. of & mance." A two-reel Mutual photo-| craft was entirely overhauled, be-| again with the States, and Perth be. tone. Many A 4 » Try play and a one-reel Keystone com-|ing fitted out with a now hull and ing right in the phosphate zone, J. | manufactured especially for ys in | ody Wil alo be shown. Switzerland, Some with heavy lengthened by twelve feet. The im-!H. Adam Co. are shipping five cars, | 2 The vaudeville will consist of th>| provements have increased her speel| says the Courier. They have some | : i rtford siste applique borders, others in dainty, a Sisters In a Snging and lacey effects. and the prices were by about a mile an hour. At pre- good ore taken from Philip White's | | abcing act, entirely different from: [sent the Missisquoi will run {o|farm in Burgess which tests 85 per | anyt t ad never so low, $275, $3, $3.50 s ny g yet seen in this city an pair upwards, vacant lots without the proper au- | thomly will be prosecuted. This ac- { tion is being taken so as to prevent American League, | difficulties which oceurred last year, | Boston, 5; New york, 3. | when many abused privileges extend- Philadelphia, 4; Washington, 1. |ed to them by owners of vacant Detroit, 11; St. Louis, 2. lands. Carters are also notified to see that | Ladies' White Marquiset | Waists . .. | $1.25 Corsets, newest models; sizes 19 to 26. Tonight ............ 85c Corsets, latest model---sizes 19 50c Se rca shane stan | GURTAINS a ey $0 26. To-night eeresiiiiae... YOU Men's Working Shirts--heavy blue or black Denim, To-night 43c Hosiery for all the family. Pictorial Quarterly -- Summer Edition. Only correct styles shown. Es-------- oo [Phone 700 and we will call. | We Offer for Sal Newman & Shaw, | ata Very LowFigure J The Always Busy Store | That desirable Detached Brick Veneercd Dwelling (new), No. {rrr Kingston on Thursday and Satur-| cent. It is expected that the C. P; R. | Prof. Newman, the great comedy |days, and on Friday from Ganan- | will make a special rate on feldspar | magician, in an act that is well{dque to Rockport to Brockville. | and phosphate, and # 1t does it will | worth seeing and promises to please |Capt. J. A. Carnegie is again in | encourage the industry here. { the large audiences that atte-q this | charge with Capt. Roy. P. Carnegie popular treatre the first thr™: days | as purser and mate. of next week. photo-play, ""Thec| The ' famous = y { f Straight Road," will be p ted Handled His Battery. Well. | year an extra fine assortment of | Lieut. J. Macpherson, Ottawa, tweeds, cheviots and serges for his | who was mentioned in despatches order clothing department, His | on Friday as "having handled his ready-made clothing and gents' fur-| section at a oritical time in the! nishing departments are well assort- | battle in such a way that an old | ed with new goods, | gunner could not have improved up-| ih pie i { on." is a graduate of the Royal Mili-| Music! Popular, (latest), Classic- | tary College and is only twenty al, Operatic, from 10e¢. Dutten's, | years old. He loft Valcartier with phone 270. | the amniunition columa and was for! a short time with the Gauanoque;. Battery before being appointed se.- | tion commander in the Sth Battery | under Col. Creelman. Queen's Stationary Hospital. ssigo Ly We |. $3p=~Cobailt public school staff (bed) and $12 for supplies; Lieut.- Col. Walker, Peterboro; Miss Mary 1, Williams, Peterboro. $10---Miss J. R. McRae, Peter- boro; Dr. J. Ross Allen, Olean, N. Now is the time to make your selection of window trimmings while stocks are large and many styles to choose from. R. McFaul, KINGSTON CARPET WARE- | HOUSE. 460 Princess St. containing 11 trooms; furnace and electric light. | This is a most desirable location, SUPPLIESeeeq | and interior is well finished, and would make a desirable home. On Division St., south of Prin- cess St, a new Solid Brick, 8 rooms, furnace, gas, electric light. { Hardwood floors, B. and C. sep- arate; for a short time we offer for $3,500. A number of houses to rent south of Princess St, Fire Insurance, rcs | Beautiful New Stock To Choose. | | Prevost, Brock street, has this| ww for the last time at the Grand this evening. Given Companion Set, On the evening of his departure with Queen's Stationary Hospital, Sergt. F. X. O'Connor, M.D, C.M, was waited on by members of the lo- cal branch of the Knights of Colum- bus and presented with a handsome companion set and pouch of tobacco. He is held in very highest esteem in this city. Stake Buming Next. Commenting wpon the intest Ger. man fiendish act at sea, a Royal Mil itary College professor remarked to the Whig that the Germans have committed everything develish von. ceivable but one thing. They have yet to burn AMied soldiers at the BUILDERS' Hemlock 1 I i CLOSING OF MAILS, British (letters), Thurs- days British post), do. United States, daily Grand Trunk, ging (includ ng Eastern States) Grand west Do. (ircluding Western States) Grand Trunk west of city C.P. R ..10.60 am. and 4.30 pm. RR. We are quoting. some Trunk; » "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" very interesting priecs on Hemlock, and other and all Building Material. All kinds of Real Tstate. | Cor. Jihnsoh and Division Sts. S.ANGLIN&CO. f= od 1% . nT WOOD-WORKING FACTORY, a LUMBER YARDS, stake, ""Wemanliness means only mother-| 3 } All love begins and ends there." 2 ' noon yesterday with guits amount of freight and took \ ASV we store and insure Here you will your Furs for thé sum- ; roomy, economical, elegant rains mo mer, and you dre saved, hts' and trustworthy refrigera- your syed ae : {| all worry and risk. inet "| tor you bave long wanted. ioe Agr 1 at of the interes Phone 238 and our dri- Don't decide "till you see : ; will 4 what we have to offer you. Come in to-day and look {them over. =