TR [EIEIO | GOING MAD FROM WORK Double Track Route Dally The International Limited -- No WESTBOUND Lv. Kingston .. ven . Toronto ... . Hamilton . London , , Buffalo .. . Detroit ,. v pysYLY gEpEaEe Bn, BOUND Lv. Kingston . Ottawa .. . Montreal . . New York . . Portland . Bpringfle . Boston . Round Trip tickets to points in West. ern Canada via Ohjeago or Port Arthur, | on sale each Tuesday until October 26th, | inclusive, at low. fares. . | Return limit two months. For full particulars apply J. P. FIAN. | LBY, Railroad and Steamship Agen! | $or. Johnson and Ontario Sts. | CANADIAN 'PACIFIC FOR WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m daily. Attractive Tours to PACIFIO COAST POINTS. Particulars from F. CONWAY, C.P.A,, City Ticket Office, corner Princess and Wellington Streets, Phone 1197, -- CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS Liverpool May 21 Montreal svodJune 3 Particulars from F. CONWAY, C, PA, City Ticket Office, corner Prin. an. and Wellington Streets. Phone OUR FRESH GROUND OOP. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Xp "_wample order and be convinced, NOLAN'S GROCERY $ Princess St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery been, Lo TRON BEDS BRASS BEDS $10.50, $13.50, s15| Ji SPRINGS ........$2.60 $3.50, ete. Ex. Couches, all steel, upholstered in Dinim, $10.50, $12.50, $18.00, imi R. J. Reid, Phone 577 Leading Undertaker ance No other part of wo- JAE dress is mare con- play a very importan part in the style expres- sion of her costume. | 25¢.~or sent Cook's Cotton Root Compound, Furiture | {meets the present need and Spring Needle Com: THE TERRIFIC PAIN { < Prominent Merchaut Thinks His Life Was Saved By "Froit-2-fives", DryspALE, ONT., JUNR 15th, 1913. 'Iam a general storekeeper at the above address, and on accotnt of the great good I have experienced from using * Fruit-a-tives", I' recommend them to my customers. y were a gredt boon 10 me, I can tell you, for about two years ago, 1 was laid up in bed with vomiting and a terrific pain at the base of my skull. The pain nearly drove me mad. Doctors feared it would turn to Inflammation of the | Brain, but I took * Fruit-a-tives" | steadily until I was cured. I have | gained fifteen pounds simee taking "Fruit-a-tives", and I verily believe they saved me from a ill. mess", J. A. CORRIVEAD, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, paid on price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. os is 3s NeS. ke on meeiph THE COOK Ice Cream In Bulk or Bricks Packed | and delivered to any part of J} the city. GEORGE MASOUD, The best in the city at the Unique Grocery and Meat Market. Give us a Trial. C. H Pickering 490 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 530 Over one hundred dif+ ferent views taken on the firing line in post- if card form. One cent At Best's The Sutgtacterr Dr Dros. re Seasonable Underwear Too cold for summer toys, too warm or winter togs. Light weight natural wool assures comfort. binations They make or mar the THE DAILY BEITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1915. SHOULD NOT SUFFER WHILE MEN ARE AT FRONT. | Those At Home Shemld Do Their Part--War Not Due To the Fail- ure of Christianity. "The war is not due to the failure of Christianity, fit is due to the fail-| ure of the world in that it has never! truly accepted Christianity. It is due to its failure to live up to the teaching of the Christ; to its disloyal withdrawal of even that partial hom- age which once it rendered to Him If there we desire peace, wé must seek it from the Prince of Peace, we must become believers in Him, we | 1 juust become followers of Him, we must obey His laws, fulfill His com- mandments, honor His word, follow His example, make Him Lord and| King over our individual" municipal federal and Imperial life. { "Let us in season and out of fea; son warn men of the absolute folly | of attempting to regain and secure! peace in any other way. All scham-| es, plans and devices for universal peace are doomed to absolute failure unless the world submits to Christ and so qualifies itself to receive His blessing and peace." The above are extracts from the ascensiontide Appeal, for Canadian missions issued by the House of Bis- hops, which was read in Anglican churches in Kingston on Sunday. "Every Canadian loves the land of his birth or ef his --adeption," reads another portion of the appeal. "Every Canadian wishes Canada te bécome a truly great empire within a great empire and to enjoy the bles- sings of a restored and abiding peace. But Canada's greatness and, Canadn's welfare depends upon Canada being ready to accept Christ honestly, loy- alty and sincerely, and to beconie a part of his Kingdom. Our natiomal life is mot all that could. be desired, and a very serious drift from God and true religion has been very much in evidence during the past few years. "Thousands of loyal churchmen, mostly young fellows, from these parishes have gone to the front to fight for God and King, for country and for liberty, and we must at least do our part and see that the churches which they have erected and support- ed are not allowed to suffer while they are among fighting for us and for our homes; That would be a poor return in our part for their loyalty and self-sacrifice. The Late Samuel Seaman. Samuel Seaman, an elderly and es- teemed resident of 'Rockport, passed away on Wednesday. Deceased was bern in the township of Front of Bs- cott eighty-four years ago and resid- ed all his life in the locality. His occupation was that of farmer. His wife pre-deceased him by several years and there survive eight ¢hild- ren, four sons and four daughters, namely, Messrs. Walter, Arthur, Sid- ney and Andrew Seaman. Mrs. And- ress, Mrs. Kirkwood. Mrs... Wilbur and Mrs, Washburn. Another daugh- ter, Mrs. Dixon, died some few years ago. The late Mr. Seaman Was'a man respected' throughout the township. Kind and jovial, he had timumerable acquaintances who will cherish his memory a long time. In religion he was a Methodist and politically he was a Staunch Liberal. ' Queen's Stationary Hospital | ' Previously acknowledged, $6,502, 0. $115---Queen's Alumnae Associa tion, Ottawa. $25---North Bay Alumni! Associa- tion, Rev. 8. McL. Fee, Newdale, Man, $5---J. P. GiMersieeve, Horace G. Lockett; Miss Sadie Lee. Neidpath, Sask., John D. MacMillan, Sioux City Iowa. $1---A Friend. Steamer New York Safe. The American line steamer New York docked at Liverpool on Sunday afternoon. This is the vessel on 'which Mrs. G. MH. Giles, and son e#il- od instead of the ill-fated Lusitania, having changed their passage from the forme lo the latter the day they left Kingston. ! oy Bernstorfl Guarded. . New York, May 10.---Count Von Bernstorff, German ambassador te the United States, who reached this city Frilay night, remains in seeln- sion. At the hotel where he was staying it 'was said that he had gdne to Washington. It is understood thst he left ordérs not to be distard- ed. 'of the suite, -usu- a rat Vo Bern. OF THE. CHURCH PENITENTIARY RULES THE NEW REGULATIONS READY | FOR APPROVAL. i Based On Commrission Recommendsa- | tions-- May Banish Stone Pile-- | Will Tend To More Humane, Ma-| nagement. ; ! Ottawa, May 9.--The draft of the| complete revision of Canadian peéni-| tentiary regulations has been prepar- | ed in the Justice Department and is | now ready for consideration by Hen. | C. J. Doherty, Minister of Justice. | The, proposed revision embodies! many chafiges of a more or lets radi-| tal character in the regulations which | govern the confinement of prisoners | in' penal institutes in the Dominion. | They look in the direction of more | modern and perhaps mere humane' management of houses of punish- ment, but it is understood that in ac-| cordance with the expressed opinion | of the Minister of Justice, they will not be such as to transform Canad- ian pénitentiaries into "Summer re-! forts." 'The new regulations are bas- | ed somewhat on the recommenda- | tions made by. the commission which | a year ago investigated conditions in| Portsmouth Penitentiary. These have | all been since submitted to the war-| dens of the different prisons for comment. It is understood they have not met with great approval by these officials. While many of the regulations of the Kingston Commission wiil be in part adopted, some half a dozen of them, it is understood, have been dis- carded as impracticable. One, which will not be adopted, is that recom- mending that the control of the peni- tentiaries be placed in the hands of a commissioh of three members. That system was tried out in Canada many years ago and found unwork- able. Other recommendations which have been taken under consideration include the establishment of refor- matories for young prisoners and first offenders, the institution in pe- nitentiaries of a system of classifica tion based upon the conduct of the prisoners, the abolition of the stone- pile and the substitution of outside labor as far as possible, the abolition of the close cropping of prisoners' hair, of the hosing of convicts and their confinement in dark cells amd dungeons, the establishment of a se- arate institution for the criminal insane, and the amendment of the criminal code, to allow the fixing of indeterminate sentences. UNITED STATES PRESIDENT Farnestly and Calmly Considering Right Course Of Action. Washington, May 10.--After a conference with = President Wilson Secretary Tumulty said the Presid- ent is considering earnestly but very calmly the right: course of action fo pursue. He knows what the people expect, and the rights of American citizens will be protected. Cheese Markets. Cornwall, May 7.--A record price was established on the Cornwall Cheese Board to-day when 18 3-16c. was paid for 208 boxes of white and 420 colored. The sales last year were 235 white at 12¢ and 330 color- ed at 12%c. Seven buyers were pres- ent to-day. Napanee, May 7.--Two hundred and fifteen white and 280 colored were boarded. The white sold at 18%c. and the colored at 18 1-16¢c. Picton, May 7.--At our Cheese Board to-day thirteen factories boar- ded 425 colored 'and 256 white. All sold at 18%c: Canadian Casualties. (Special to the Whig.) Ottawa' May Sp A casualty list of about three hundred names was issued yesterday, Lieuts. Gerald Green and 'Capt. Robert Corey, Tor-| onto, and Lieut. H. Atkinsom, Bar- wick, are prisoners of war. Second Battalion--Wounded, Pri- vate James Lord, Brockville,; Pri- vate H. Windover, Norham: Bugler Eric Worsley, (formerly 9th Battal- ion) Bdmonton, Alta. Lost Hand In Planer. © 'Belleville, May 10.--Henry L. Mullett, Crokston, lost his hand in an accident. He was operating a planer, and in some way his left hand went into the machine and was terribly mangled, being eaten off by: the machine Back to the centre of the palin before it could be extrieated. i Mrs. Osrman Acquitted. Mineola, N. J., May 10.-- Mrs, Car- man was acquitted on Saturday on charge of murder. 3 | Fresh westerly winds; fine to-day and on Tuesday. The most remarkable showing we have ever reproduced. SUMMER MLLINERY OPENING TO-MORROW and FOLLOWING DAYS Scores of exclusive styles that are the last word from Paris and New York. Every late style as shown in the most ex¢lusive shops of New York will be on display to-morrow. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO ATTEND! Steacy's Annual Silk Sale Oné of the most important of all Spring Sales takes place Wednes. day. See to-morrow's papers for details. DAVIES Friday and Saturday STEWING VEAL win 180 1 BEEF ya" 20¢ alb . The Wn. Davies' Co. Limited, Phone. 897. THE CAUSE OF CANCER and drinking. It. can be treated by eliminating meat, coffee and tea from the diet and probably 'would disap- pear as a @isease in a generation or #0 if a vegetarian diet and the simple life were the rule among civilized people. Surgery can only remove the results of the disease and does not touch the cause." This was the striking announce ment made to-day by: Dr. L. Duscan Bulkley, head of the New York Skin and Cancer 'which has open- ed a new clinic for the treatment of tancer. ; the hope in changing of 40 years' h Special Prices This Week ON CANADIAN BEAUTY IRONS, TOASTERS, AND HEATING APPLIANCES. Call and see our window display. Newman Electric Co., - 79 Princess Street. All Kinds of Fresh Meats and Pickled Meats at Parker Bros. 217 Princess St. Phone 1683