__PAGE TWU LIVE SUNDAY SEHoOL THE DAILY BRifISd WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1915, a alia z " " Ri BB J A JON NG ESB, I NOMI 1:7. READY T0 ESTABLISH Whe Return. 13 : Tm i KINGSTON TO PROVIDE 3 A Hospital Here For the Wounded e QUEEN STREET METHODIST AN- NUAL MEETING Considers Question of Holding the Annual Picnic or Giving the Pro- Arrangements for faking care of! the -soldiers - invalided home from the front are now complete. If nec- essary a hospital of 100 beds will be established either in a building cedds To the Delgian Relief Fund. | or, if the weather is suitable, in tents. The equipment for a hospii-| FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN OF SOLDIERS KILLED Or Completely Disabled In the War --Ald. Nickle's Resolution Adoptee: By the City Council. a os 3 A A picture already framed is pop- ular with many who do not want to framed? Framed Pictures Picture Framing Have vou any pictures to be If so, we are prepared to tlo the very finest kind of picture framing. By arrangement with tho Reliance Moulding Company, of this city, we are prepared to offer excep- tionally Jow prices, finest workman- ship and latest patterns in mould- ings, Their practical knowledge on ables them to fit a picture with just the frame it needs spend the time selecting a subject and a frame for it.- We have a splendid new line of framed pictures, showing a large and pleasing variety of subjects. We are confident that you will find just what will please vou: They have been specially fram- ed to fit the subject in the most artis- tie style. al has been received and is now in| Fhe (ity Council will provide for the stores waiting to bewissued as the-education of all children of Kings $00N AS necessary. " | ton sdldiers killed or completely dis There are only onear two men in| abled dn the war. This was decided Kingston who were really. at. the upon Monday night when the follow front and were! inxalided home. ing resolubion, moved by Akl. Nickle, These men are being attended to] was adopted : when necessary by the medical offi-| "That the Mayor be imstoucted to cers. Generally dL is the case that | appoint a committee to consider and | invalided soldiers :do. nat require leport upon .q..secheme for Providing much medical attention; and: so: far{ free éducation through the Collegiate none-have arrived that weeded hos-| Institute for children of soldiers kill- pital attentign. If there should he! ed or completely disabled while on] 'several sent home who are really in! active: serv the soldiers to have) ETT . { Reliable | The annual meeting of the Queen in the chair. There was a large at- The year was a good one. The against loss Telephone 489 {side of the home department... and need: of it the 100-bed hospital will been reNidents of Kingston when thay] ER -- some wl unfit 1 Whi are fob ive money to the families of soldiers serv- | ing overseas, he had noted this; That the mothers had on their mind the education of their children should the | fathers be killed or permanently dis- | abled, Widows of soldiers would re-| ceive less than half what they were | now getting, « #8 the pension fund! Wonld give them $22 a month for themselves and 85 for each child. Ald. Nickle said that it was the duty of a municipality to look after the chil- dren and see that they. were properly educated 8 WE STOCK EYE PRO- TECTORS AND GOGGLES. We stock the "best lines right prices. The new (Night and Day) Goggle, is an insurance against RECEIVED TO-DAY, | | Street. Methodist Sundav School g | tendance of representatives The school has all the departments or- '| Cradle. mil, is" 462 "and with the Our wagon will call. { i J | added, 513. depart. | be establisheu. Ald; Nickle said that as one of the| T Coll B : St he ege Book Store, Was necessary to make of them a suc- ther servise. Theee! 4 be | were not only developing a large in- sending them to Canada, but.as soan | number of outside events which were that they can recuperaie.at Or near At present there iia Ald. Wright For Saying Steam In J. 0. HUTTON | ing voted a considerable sum for a| g ; : : 18 Markes St. The resolution was carried unani- Couneil. 4 through the able addresses of Dr.| Wright, chairman of the committee * | Education. Other addresses were| Ald. Wright od as 10NS | made by representative citizens, and | oa > / i EY MILK all bad a tendancy to make the| NOW Souk dino ull anugh hit Big Celebration, | meetings very attractive and inter-|l® DOt'what I meant, " . *j1 | hee on Wednesday evening. The dif- | for benevolent purposes, and [ter work than 1 have done Joell y : | morning." and show what arrangements are be- to contribute to the Belgian Relief | "But that's not what I want to |® ¥ery extensive programme. Last Phone for a trial quart - - Kingston Dairy Co. : RR Board was held gn Monday evening! FOR YOUR FURS "=x of the evening was pre- ganized Tor modern and efficient ser- {cradle roll and home department! ' sii { The reports from i ' horities have been . FE . + { John McKay These show-| The military ant on Canadian Patriotic Fund Committee | J he' base hospitals or.in . J : cess. The organized classes submit- | treated in t . 160 Princess Street Open Nights Phone 919 | terest in the school itself, but that|®® they are ready forthe trip they INSURANCE | very worthy of their support. j their own homes. Hane | are about 1,50, volumes in the very| stead Of Dollars. { further replenishment of this depart-} | ment. » | cussing . the garbage . intinerator| mously, and a report will likely be Rm-- { The meetings of the Young Men's Question on Monday night, Al. Sita i: nse | Coleman, Dean of the Faculty of| | What.are you going to make?" FOR THE KING'S BIRTHDAY | esting. [1 have served twelve years in this| There will be a meeting of the = Tc Per Quart tel | question of devoting to the Belgian | | answered your gueéstion," said| ing made for the celebration. The and test the best quality 306 University Ave, ey { | with the pastor, Rev. G. I. Campbell, ! ceeded by a supper. -- Our receipt protects you, vice. The enrollment of pupils, out- | ments were inspiring. allowing to come {ed that the beads of them were put- NerY considerate in. allowing haviog charge of the payment of | | ting into the work the energy whicl? home all men ve I { LIMITED, z 3 eaper: 149-157 Brock St i ted reports which showed that they England as cheap orah tiathyy | they were devoting their time to a|2T® ranted their transportation so The library has undergone a com-| ;RAHAM REPRIMANDED: : | plete revision. ALD. GBA Fo s . wt % Real Estate Investments . : | best condition. The annual meet-| o ji 7 When the City. Connell was ' dis- 1 | Oo on presented at the next meeting of 7 {Club were decidedly attraetive| ham put . this Ald. "Steam," was the innocent y rr---- Committees Are Arranging For A A - | King's Birthday Celebration Commit Various contributions were made Cour-il and if.you expect. io de bet { " ean! ferent committees will make reports | school 'has under consideration the | have 10-501 'Up pretty rin am | Relief Fund the cost of a picnic, or! aid Wright. horse-racing committee is planning Delivered anywhere. of milk sold in the city. Phone 649. BRUSSELS NET |} DUCHESS POINT IRISH POINT In white, ivory, ecru, or two tone. Many exquisite designs, manufactured especially for us in Switzerland. sy with heavy applique borders, others in dainty, y effects: and the prices were never so low, $275, $3, $3.50 a pair upwards. Now is the time to make your selection of window trimmings while stocks are large and many styles to choose from. R. McFaul, KINGSTON CARPET WARE- ~ HOUSE. | Fund and continue the picnic. | look forward, hopefully te another |. Capt. Demers, Govermment Wreck The holding §f a picnic, to some children {is practically the event of the sum- mer season, and their interests are | worthy of consideration. The report of the secretary closes as follows: "The school has been fortunate in having its leadership in strong and capable hands, and it can year of successful service. Every department has been made efficient. The first step towards new accommo- dation have been taken, and we look forward with confidence to the eccu- pation of the new premises in the near future. The equipment of the school has also been improved in var-| fous ways. The library staff has been reorganized, and there is no doubt that Queen Street Sunday School will maintain its record with stoady and agggressive service." The officers of the school were re- elected. WILL BE GIVEN LATER. Decision In Regards to Grounding of Glenmount. . Commissioner, who was in the city on Friday last making an inquiry in- to the grounding of the steamer Glenmount, will not give his decis- ion for.some few days yet. He an- nounced when here that he would have his finding ready for Thursday of this week, but on Tuesday morn- ing Francis King received a letter from him stating that she question of the work of river pilots had to be given special consideration and that this would necessitate a longer time in giving a decision. Big Maconic Event. » At 330 pan: Tuesday about 160 members of the Alexandria Bay Lodge AF. and AM. arrived in jus city as guests of Minden e. the Automobiles met the party at boat and the hosts took the visitors around the city, returning for a six o'clock supper. | know. How much money are you! ¥ear the horses made some excellent | going to make out cf this incinerat- records and even better time is ex- or. pected this year. An extra large | "We expect to make $1,400. That purse is being offered and this will |is the amount the Utilities Commis-| act as an inducement for the best {ston proposes to pay us for the | horses to be brought here. i stew," "was the reply of the chair-| The sports committee is also plan- man of the Garbage Committee, | ning an excellent programme. There will be motor-boat races, athletic POLICE GAVE HIM SHELTER {events and baseball matches all | morning. The afternoon events And He Was Afterwards Arrested will be, of course, at the Fair grounds For Drunkenness. | and here will be motorcycle races, Although Robert MeGwicn, al horse races, a wrestling match, base {stranger in the city had no money | ball games and other attractions. {to pay for & night's lodging, he had| If "C" Battery and the 26th Bat |enough small change to get drunk, " tery can be secured, several import- Sunday night he struck Kingston | ant military events will be arranged. with a pal, and the the two called] It is to be hoped that the citizens at the Police Station, told a hard-| will do well as formally = towards luck stogy and were given a room on | making the celebration a success hy the first" floor for the night. When | decorating their stores and houses they started out on Monday morning { for the occasion. The huge military from the Police Station thoy stated | camps at Barriefield will add to the Mat they | would 0h for in | attraction and thousands of wisitors heir worl was emptying | wil e. "gchooners"ct the hotels. MsGwinn | © T° oT @ot locked up but his pal managed | to escape. The Magistrate fined Mc- Gwinn $1. and costs or ten days. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. MRS. HAMMOND DOING WELL. | She Will Be Removed From Cork To London, James McParland received a cable Monday night saying 'his daughter, liam Cassidy. | Mrs. F. 8, Hammons was in a nurs- A pk even , t t | ing home at Cork with slight injuries, the Plensan Re ra lie | that she would be taken to London Cassidy, 55 John streets on Monday | this week, and that future plans evening, in honor of the tenth anni- | Would 'be cabled to him from there. versary of their marriage. About thir- | This cable is from a friend of hi liv- si , joy- | ing in London and mow at Cork, and iis Dein wu 8 prameent and enjof. | 1 aviutely reliable. He received ® dancing. Piano and gramaphone se- | Wire Tuesday morning saying Mrs. lections were movided | by xan Hammond was sleeping and now do- John street. At midnight taivesh- | ing well. ' ments were served. . and Mes. | Se tt Stes Cassidy received many fino gifts. The| Another Graduate Wounded. afiair was brought to a bappy close! The official list of wounded in the! at an early hour. | Mediterranean includes Major G. W. | Kenny, Inniskilling Fusiliers, a gra- Queen's Stationary Hospital. | duate of the Royal Military College. Fine Gathering At the Home Of Wil. | Pictorial Magazine for June last ideas Centres. Containing the from up-to-date Per Copy Pictorial Quarterly for Sum: mer Containing hundreds of the latest ideas for summer wearables -- new, stylish and decidedly attractive. The book and pA any pattern, both for". .... ou. cubase C Headquarters for Beautiful Linens For Beautiful Brides om TERRY Newnian & Shaw The Always Busy Store very Fashion 0 ously AtkuoYladsed 30580 |. ou. Wednerlap at Belleville, Clar- $5001 lence Ramsay, private in the 39t Bh Satin [Geilege, Ona | Battalion ,and Miss Florence Cook, wh eight olSheck ihe City Hall will e scede of the forma The third degree will be reraplified After which a banquet will be sery- ed. The City Hall is being used as the lodge rooms are not larg» enough for the number who will be present. t 'ithe Empire, Campbellford, (bed); of Lieut. Doxsee, (bed). ! $5--Dr. J. Hugh Laidlaw, Otta-! wa; R.A. Cok oe 1 Farmers Want Help. Picture Of Kingston Colors. Citizen of Campbeliford in memory | tuner 396 $25--Imperial Order Daughters of | mete quietly married. oseph H , certificated pigno Pose street. Phone 868. "I¢e' Cream Bricks," Gibson's. hh / | "THE HAT STORE." | Finlayson, Terra Bella, |) So ommmmmmmmmmm---------- do First-class farm help in scarce at present. could place thirty g very Hunter men on have made help "SeATCe, who violated his parole and wilt have to serve out the balance of his farms if he could secure men to do! 8 the work. Men leaving for the war of Chief Atkins. pent. | tion | toning Racpek thins at oct on Monday afternoon with a cenviet| Sergt.-Major Peppiatt, R.C.H.A. J has received from his son, Driver W.| | iatt with the 22nd Battery now | | London | § To do this, get about four ounces ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retirt the scal | | dandruff will be gone, and | em | four more applications ' will | dissolve and entirely destroy every sins | gl 1 | digging of the scalp will stop, and your . ar wil look and feel a hundred t'mes | Ne drug store. ounces is all you will need Girls :--1f you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you | If "you are planning to build a new home, or intend to purchase any interior finish, we would I'ke to show you some of the homes in this city finished in bur Woodwork. n't. Le It doesn't do much. good to try. 10 brush or wash it .out.. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- solve it, then you destroy it entirely; ° ; use enough to moisten rub it in gently with the accident at night, Have the Jhauffeur use a pair, H TEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Jssuers of Mavwriage. Licenses. Gourdier's Phone 700 and we will call. We Offer for Sale at a Very LowFigure That desirable Detached Brick Veneered Dwelling (new), No. 460 Princess St., comtaining 11 rooms, furnace and electric light, This is a most desirable location, and interior is well finished, and | would make a desirable home. On Division. St., south of Prin- cess St, a new Solid Brick, 8 rooms, furnace, gas, electric light, Hardwood floors, B. and C. sep- arate; for a short time we offer for $3,500. A number of houses to rent south of Princess St. Fire Insurance, EM. Malln and Son morning, most if not all, of your rer | SANGLIN&CO. MT and We Streets. Bay ellington le sign and trace of it. You wil find, too, that all ftching and You can get liguid arvon 'at any It is. inexpensive and four , no t dandeuff you have. . This fails. neha ada wi > sue SHO PIM 0. ius BOO D.M. 1pm. | el All kinds of Real Estate.